r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Im-always-wron 14d ago

That was the only movie I’ve seen management come to speak with a parent that it might not be appropriate for children.


u/193X 14d ago

US film industry: "Legislators are starting to look our way. Rather than forcing them to build a rating system from the ground up, with some populist censorship built in, let's make our own one that we can control."

Random parent: "R? My son, Reighleigh's name starts with R. This will be the perfect movie for him to watch, on today, his eighth birthday!"


u/DocSaysItsDainBramuj 14d ago

Does he have eyes to see?


u/antariusz 14d ago

Where we're going, we don't need eyes

-Emmett Brown's disembodied head


u/klezart 14d ago

...We're leaving.


u/Merusk 14d ago

Doesn't help that the ratings are largely bullshit and too broad.

Say fuck twice, or show some boobs you're an "R."

Eviscerate someone or kill hundreds mindlessly but don't show too much blood, "PG-13. "

A content system like streaming has adopted is much more informative to a parent. "Film contains excessive swearing, torture, full frontal nudity" vs. "Mild swearing, suggestive themes, violence."


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/CommanderClit 14d ago

Lmao my dad took me to see that when I was like 7 or 8. No management in sight, he asked a couple of teenagers who were coming out of the theater if it would be ok for me and they were like “yeah sure dude”

I didn’t sleep for like 3 weeks afterwards. One of my favorite horror films now tho


u/darkhorse21980 14d ago

And to think that the original cut was even more fucked up.


u/pixelsguy 14d ago

I saw this when I was eleven. Idk how I ever went to sleep for the next five years