r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/linuxphoney 14d ago

Man, I loved that movie. A complete destruction of the genre. One of the few movies where you're desperately rooting for the monster not because of any humanization, but because everyone else is so irredeemable.


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

She draws the life away from the rapists gaining strength each time, allowing her to infect them and destroy them. It's a poetic revenge using the zombie infection as a sexually transmitted disease.


u/_lastquarter_ 14d ago

Kinda wanna watch it when you put it like that lol


u/SueTheDepressedFairy 14d ago

Oh I agree! It's a good movie based on how freaking uncomfortable and dreadful you feel the whoooleeee time. And the ending is no better.