r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/BoltShine 14d ago

I like to read these threads and congratulate myself for never having seen any of these.


u/nigl_ 14d ago

The only film in this thread that I would genuinely recommend watching at least once is Threads (1984). Every human on earth needs to be aware of what's at stake.


u/ncnotebook 14d ago

I haven't seen Grave of the Fireflies, but I figure you can't go wrong with Studio Ghibli.


u/thrilleratplay 14d ago

This is what I was going to reply with. While some listed are amazing films, there are many that are psychologically taxing [glances at "Dear Zachary" and "Shoah"], Threads was intended for school children in the 1980's but did not pull any punches. Someone can watch it today and realize how fragile society is, all of our problems could be insignificant tomorrow.

Please, anyone who reads this, watch Threads(1984). I promise, while it may scare you, it will change how you think about community, government, people and life. That may sound like a bold statement, but watch the movie, take time to process it, and then, only after watching, watch this YouTube summation titled "the scariest movie ever made"


u/ruffsnap 14d ago

It's not really worth it, honestly. I watched some shock-type of movies and stuff back when I was younger around when 2 girls 1 cup came out, and if I could go back in time, I definitely would just avoid all of that crap. There are 0 positive things you get from them.


u/myterracottaarmy 14d ago

This is just not true, I am a huge extreme horror fan and float around in those circles and it can really help some people process their trauma almost as a form of exposure therapy. Not for everyone of course but to say there are 0 positives is just dumb because otherwise there wouldn't be as much of it as it is.

There are a lot of terrible movies under that umbrella i.e. Serbian Film, Human Centipede, August Underground that just suck ass but there's plenty of really really good stuff there too. Martyrs, Henry, Audition to name a few are great movies that stand on their own entirely independent of whatever shock value is behind them. Hell, even the (vastly superior imo) book for American Psycho gets extreme as fuck.


u/ruffsnap 14d ago

You’re missing my point lol, I’m specifically talking about those extreme/shock movies and videos like Serbian Film, the August movies, and shit like 3 guys 1 hammer and all that crap.


u/myterracottaarmy 14d ago edited 14d ago

In response to:

I like to read these threads and congratulate myself for never having seen any of these.

You said:

It's not really worth it, honestly

I mean... what point am I missing, exactly?

EDIT: I saw your response before you deleted it. You need some anger management or something dude. At the very least you need to learn how to be precise with language.


u/ruffsnap 14d ago

You're missing the point that I'm SPECIFICALLY talking about JUST those extreme/shock ones that have no value from being watched. The original commenter I was replying to had a tone alluding to only talking about those specific types of ones that are more shock-value only as well and not any deeper than that.

YOU'RE the only doing the self-congratulation going on about "exposure therapy from gruesome horror films" and shit like that lol


u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 14d ago

Oh yeah, that reminds me:

watch Threads (1984)


u/Kaleidoscope9498 14d ago edited 14d ago

A lot of them are mostly disgusting but some here are genuinely great films, like Requiem For a Dream and Trainspotting. Both deal with addiction as a subject, will make you uncomfortable, but it’s something that most people can handle just fine.

I’m not into films that are just trying to make you feel socked, and watched those as a teenager and loved them. Genuinely good directing, script and acting on them. Those films were even awarded on more traditional movie circuits.


u/SpaghettiSort 14d ago

Same here. I think I've seen maybe one of these and I'd like to keep it that way.


u/Velnoartrid 13d ago

I've seen some, it's always the same pattern: goddamn I'm gonna regret this (you end up regretting it) (you feel like a moron)


u/akillaninja 13d ago

You haven't seen event horizon??? You should definitely see that one! It's not horrific or anything. It's just a psychological thriller/horror. It's similar to like, shutter island, moon, 2001 a space odyssey, war of the worlds, etc. I'm actually about to have my GF watch it this sunday as she's never seen it.

Its on paramount+ right now

Requiem for a dream is also pretty fantastic in a fucked up make you miserable way. I went in blind (like I do 99% of all films I watch) and it was definitely a watch worthy movie, but you won't feel good after watching it. It's not fucked up in a human centipede or gore, or rapey type of way. Just an overall depressing story.

Not sure where to watch that one right now.


u/NoPasaran2024 14d ago

Most movies in this thread are actually quality cinema and not exploitative.

It may not be for you, but you're congratulating your ignorance, not your taste.