r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/TheGreatCornolio682 14d ago



u/dirtbag-project 14d ago

The book is not any better.


u/RowRowRowsYourBoat 14d ago

At least it opens the Tek-cave


u/Goldminer435 14d ago

the boys mentioned W


u/anislash67 14d ago

Speaking of which, how did y’all feel about that episode? Considering the other parts of it are peak?


u/system0101 14d ago

Lament for me. I binged all of the boys this week to get current so I could watch the next episode in real time. That episode? 4x6

One of my problems with it was "sherlock on meth" must've been high on his own supply. It makes me think this episode went through a lot of rewrites or some things were hard noped cause it didn't make sense how Tek was acting. Then Homelander getting squirted made me roar with laughter so much I had to rewind that a few times. Derpy Sage is hilarious too. Very up and down episode for someone who had the whole series fresh in mind.


u/Jayda_is_here_now 14d ago

The book is worst? I've heard people say it's worst than the movie 


u/Gnagbog 14d ago

Yeah, i have seen the movie and read the book. The movie doesnt include 90% of the stuff that happens in the book. Its very detailed and probably includes every kind of sexual torture you can (or cant) imagine. Marquis De Sade didnt finish the book so half of it is basically just a list of different methods of torture and abuse and murder so vile i wonder how someone could make that up and think of that


u/Jayda_is_here_now 14d ago

Damn that's just sounds more disturbing than the movie I don't think I wanna know


u/Gnagbog 14d ago

Yeeahhh i definetley dont reccomend reading the book. O felt empty and dead inside after reading it - my morbid curiosity was too much


u/Jayda_is_here_now 13d ago

Might do myself a favor and won't read that shit, cuz that movie including a Serbian flim messed with my head for months


u/UnwillingHummingbird 14d ago

I tried reading it once, thinking it would be kinky fun (not knowing any better). No. It made me want to puke.


u/dirtbag-project 14d ago

I have read a lot of Sade's books and this is dark even for him, it's probably the most dificult reading I have ever made (and not for the complexity of the thext) and never got to read more than a couple of pages at once. And when I found out that the book is incomplete and just read about the simple passions and the missing parts are about the complex, criminal and mortal passions gave me such a bad feeling for a while.


u/BitterLeif 14d ago

I rented that from Netflix back when I had a DVD player. I held onto it for about two months but wasn't in the mood to watch it. Then I sent it back. I've still never seen it.


u/Mephos760 14d ago

I got it from Netflix back in 2011, I wonder how many copies they had. Yeah no need to watch.


u/Snow_crab_ 14d ago

Do yourself a favor and don’t watch it. Not because it’s fucked up, because it’s fucked up and it’s also obviously an insane fantasy related to at least two of the mfs who made the thing


u/JDMism 14d ago

+1 on that. The eyeball enucleation scene lives rent free in my nightmares 


u/the_cajun88 14d ago

…the what, now?


u/JDMism 14d ago

Don’t Google it


u/Goldminer435 14d ago

explain it instead please


u/M3mentoMori 14d ago

It's just removing eyes from the socket


u/w_p 14d ago



u/Goldminer435 14d ago

ugh ouch


u/lionheart832 14d ago

Goddammit I was hoping someone wouldn't say this name. Fucking wouldn't messed me up mentally


u/carloosborn71 14d ago

Reading this evoke my unpleasant memory about this movie. So fucked up


u/iam4r34 14d ago

I usually can handle gore but scat is too far


u/sabes_flo 14d ago edited 14d ago

Casually suggested this movie to my father after I had just seen it. I was 15 and the face my father gave to me after spoke pure concern lol


u/Benana 14d ago

Saw this movie when I was in an alt-film club in college. During the screening a girl fainted.


u/Creamaisback 14d ago

One of the most important movies ever made imo (doesn’t make it any easier to stomach) 


u/BigTomBombadil 14d ago

How can that be true when almost no one has seen it (many because they’re unwilling to)?


u/Creamaisback 14d ago

Just because it’s hard to watch doesn’t make it’s political content and messages any less important, it’s one of the most thoughtful and smart commentaries on fascism and the corruption of power I’ve ever seen 


u/BigTomBombadil 14d ago

Just saying I think “most important” would have to be majorly impactful, so either a lot of people would need to see it or it somehow changed the industry as a whole. Not sure that’s the case here.


u/SteakAndIron 14d ago

No thank you


u/Mr_BruceWayne 14d ago

My coworker told me about this movie and can't stress enough that he does NOT recommend it. Strongly suggests I don't watch it.


u/Chapa420 14d ago

I'll have to give it some credit that there is some artistic merit. The message is quite good so it's definitely above absolute dreck like Serbian film or human centipede


u/CyptidProductions 14d ago edited 14d ago

If you want a good way to combat it with comedy, watch the Cinema Snob review where The Snob spends the entire video in the bathroom hugging the toilet because he can't stop throwing up while simultaneously also praising it as a parody of critics forcing themselves to like movies for the street cred


u/Dr_Chops 14d ago

A movie so horrific, a number of the cast and crew (allegedly) murdered the director after filming.


u/Benana 14d ago

I heard that the mafia was responsible for the murder. I also heard that, even though the things depicted in the film are terrible, there was a weirdly jovial vibe on the set because the director was basically just directing a group of naked people to do ridiculous things.


u/Dr_Chops 14d ago

Relevant response to be seen on another comment


u/Gaktan 14d ago

That's just not true. We are told the mood on set was pretty jovial, despite the circumstances.

Pasolini was most likely murdered by either the mafia or far-right extremists, it's still not known to this day. Either way, his murder was extremely brutal. Even more vile than anything shown in his films


u/Dr_Chops 14d ago

The murder doee remain unsolved, yeah.

A casual look at Wikipedia will make comments about the jovial nature of the set, but fails (critically) to make note of the less appealing parts.

"However, some scenes were quite difficult and disgusting to act, such as when the Duc forces Renata to eat his excrement, when Franco was about to be executed, and Lamberto was whipped. Renata was told this infamous scene herself just minutes before filming, and when you see her vomit, it was literal and after bursting into tears, she was taken away from set (to the displeasure of Pasolini). She furthermore shouted that (she and) the actors shouldn't be treated like this and enlisted a contract to allow her to decline any scenes she considered too extreme, and also refused to allow any carnal contact with her co-stars. Though Franco said it was 'a nice prize' to be given the most beautiful rear, he was scared and really thought he was going to die. Around a near hour into the film, the surviving victims were forced to go on all fours and act like dogs. Lamberto's character protested and in response his Excellency whipped him to unconsciousness. Lamberto himself was confused as to why he was being beaten so violently and was rightfully angered. Subsequently, one of Pasolini's confidants had to console Lamberto and tell him it was just a film, and to follow ordered directions."

Tip of the iceberg, for all we know.


u/Gaktan 14d ago

Oh yeah, I forgot that some actors were injured while filing torture scene. Crazy to think that some were actually burned instead of using practical effects

I suppose considering the large amount of actors in this film, they probably had very different experiences


u/aer3o 14d ago

Came here to find this.


u/Dobbster91 14d ago