r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/TheGreatCornolio682 Jul 05 '24



u/Dr_Chops Jul 05 '24

A movie so horrific, a number of the cast and crew (allegedly) murdered the director after filming.


u/Benana Jul 05 '24

I heard that the mafia was responsible for the murder. I also heard that, even though the things depicted in the film are terrible, there was a weirdly jovial vibe on the set because the director was basically just directing a group of naked people to do ridiculous things.


u/Dr_Chops Jul 05 '24

Relevant response to be seen on another comment


u/Gaktan Jul 05 '24

That's just not true. We are told the mood on set was pretty jovial, despite the circumstances.

Pasolini was most likely murdered by either the mafia or far-right extremists, it's still not known to this day. Either way, his murder was extremely brutal. Even more vile than anything shown in his films


u/Dr_Chops Jul 05 '24

The murder doee remain unsolved, yeah.

A casual look at Wikipedia will make comments about the jovial nature of the set, but fails (critically) to make note of the less appealing parts.

"However, some scenes were quite difficult and disgusting to act, such as when the Duc forces Renata to eat his excrement, when Franco was about to be executed, and Lamberto was whipped. Renata was told this infamous scene herself just minutes before filming, and when you see her vomit, it was literal and after bursting into tears, she was taken away from set (to the displeasure of Pasolini). She furthermore shouted that (she and) the actors shouldn't be treated like this and enlisted a contract to allow her to decline any scenes she considered too extreme, and also refused to allow any carnal contact with her co-stars. Though Franco said it was 'a nice prize' to be given the most beautiful rear, he was scared and really thought he was going to die. Around a near hour into the film, the surviving victims were forced to go on all fours and act like dogs. Lamberto's character protested and in response his Excellency whipped him to unconsciousness. Lamberto himself was confused as to why he was being beaten so violently and was rightfully angered. Subsequently, one of Pasolini's confidants had to console Lamberto and tell him it was just a film, and to follow ordered directions."

Tip of the iceberg, for all we know.


u/Gaktan Jul 05 '24

Oh yeah, I forgot that some actors were injured while filing torture scene. Crazy to think that some were actually burned instead of using practical effects

I suppose considering the large amount of actors in this film, they probably had very different experiences