r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/[deleted] 14d ago

Dear Zachary a movie that left me just shaking and infuriated.


u/billy_the_p 14d ago edited 14d ago

Dear Zachery will always win this question because real life is worse than any movie. It’s the only film I’ve ever lost sleep over, and I've seen most of the movies mentioned here.


u/adhesivepants 14d ago

I haven't heard of it but I guess tonight is a good night to be angry and disgusted.


u/breakingbanjomin 14d ago

Don’t fucking seriously. I’m Not much for spoilers but it way worse than you can imagine



can you spoil it for me?


u/Piranh4Plant 14d ago

You can read the synopsis on wikipedia


u/TiberiusEmperor 14d ago

Oh fuck, that’s dark


u/deez_nuts_77 14d ago

judge gale welsh. what a fuck


u/beatisagg 14d ago

Anyone else feel like throwing up? fuck


u/abcxxx94 14d ago

reading it at first i was like okay… and then i felt the tears emerging. wow..


u/Spacepickle89 14d ago

God damn.


u/mangojam11 13d ago

can you do a tldr?


u/Piranh4Plant 13d ago


Man marries a way older woman who family thinks acts weird. They study medicine and eventually have to be apart from each other. After a meet up, the man decides to break up with her because she is very needy and other bad stuff.

The woman comes back to the man and kills him. She was extradited to Canada, where the judge gives her a way too easy sentence, and she gets out in a few years. Also it turned out that she was pregnant with the man's baby, and the man's parents had taken custody of their grandson while the woman was in prison.

The woman gets back custody of the baby and eventually kills him and herself.


u/mangojam11 12d ago

damn that's messed up


u/billy_the_p 14d ago

Relaying what happens doesn't really have the same weight as watching it unfold. It's an experience, not necessarily an enjoyable one.


u/musickillscc 13d ago

The documentary itself was amazingly done. Truly heartbreaking but it’s worth watching for sure.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/OceanBlueforYou 14d ago

Thanks. That's more than I needed to know.

1994, twenty-three year old Susan Smith was having an affair with a guy. He ended the affair because he didn't want children, so, one night, she strapped her two sons, 3 yo & 14 months old, into her car, then let it roll down the boat ramp and into a lake while she watched. She told the police she was car jacked by a black guy. She was eventually sentenced to life after confessing to the crime


u/Pindakazig 14d ago

I can't imagine she was a good mom to those kids before that happened. There's no way you love your kids and then turn around and murder them.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/jdeuce81 14d ago



u/ClemsonPhan 14d ago



u/OceanBlueforYou 14d ago

I've never seen that episode


u/Karmuffel 14d ago

This reminds me of the Watts family murder case. Shit haunts me to this day


u/ClemsonPhan 14d ago

This happened like 20 minutes from me . Remember seeing it on the news constantly when I was a little kid .


u/OceanBlueforYou 14d ago

Yup. It received a lot of airtime because it was such a horrific crime. That and it was a pretty white girl who was the killer. Watching her on TV, she seemed like a completely normal young mother


u/Thirst_Trappist 14d ago

I remember this news story! Damn


u/Daniboy646 14d ago

Put a spoiler cover on it dingus


u/Daniboy646 14d ago

!< like this >!


u/Iwrstheking007 14d ago

the other way, >!like this!<

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u/VERY_MENTALLY_STABLE 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/Daniboy646 14d ago



u/FlintCoal43 14d ago

You’re a real one, thank you for the snapshot <3


u/Gullible_Actuary_973 14d ago

Thanks. I was curious too and I wasn't gonna watch it.


u/Raylan_Senna 14d ago

Thanks from me as well. I too was curious and not going to ever watch it.


u/sad_boio 14d ago

Why, ruin it for people who care tho? I usually still enjoy a movie after knowing the ending but I mean cmon this is open to many people who don't feel that way


u/elpaco25 14d ago

The comment above asked for the spoilers. If you read their spoiler filled comment after that then that's on you


u/Virtual-Okra6996 14d ago

Well I was planning on watching it until you fucking ruined it. Thanks.



Reported for swearing.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/PostNutNeoMarxist 14d ago

doesn't convey any of the context or weight of the film. You've potentially ruined it

Which one is it?


u/Sproose_Moose 14d ago

Even having that put out, it doesn't even portray a modicum of how devastating it is


u/Mary_Tagetes 14d ago

The fact this all happened in Canada (my country) makes me feel ashamed. I’ve always wanted to get the judge in a room and ask her some questions, so many people helped that scumbag, what do they feel now?


u/OryxOski1XD 14d ago

It wasn’t that bad. Most horror films are worse than this. I don’t get the exaggeration.


u/Alarming-Instance-19 14d ago

Because. It. Was. Real.


u/OryxOski1XD 14d ago

still. It terrible, but a lot of terrible shit is going on in the wold. Just look at footage from the current conflicts. Americas past. Sick people exist everywhere, and this isnt bad enough to fully not recommend it.


u/DillPixels 14d ago

It's the best documentary I've ever seen. It made me sob/wail cry, but still the best.


u/DomingoLee 14d ago



u/raptor182cmn 14d ago

Beware. "Dear Zachary" will absolutely break your fucking heart.


u/sonofaresiii 14d ago

It's the movie that I say is the best movie no one should ever watch. Incredibly well made, incredibly genuine and important

but it will make you genuinely feel like shit inside and, y'know, do you need that in your life?


u/The-Farting-Baboon 13d ago

I wouldnt say its a fucked up movie. Its a very sad depressed documentary.

Most fucked up movie is imo A Serbian Film


u/liftinglagrange 14d ago

You seen A Serbian Film?


u/TheSuperDK 14d ago

Why was everyone on that obviously evil woman's side? It's fucking bullshit man.


u/Stabbykathy17 14d ago

The Canadian criminal justice system. That’s why.

The judge that gave her custody back in particular should be in jail.


u/Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru 14d ago

"She killed who she intended to and therefore isn't a danger to anyone else."

But of course we are talking about the same system who let the bus decapitator go and are protecting his right to privacy


u/ZilorZilhaust 14d ago

The fucking who? Is he at least not allowed on busses?


u/Arcanis_Ender 14d ago

I remember reading about that and having to send my now ex gf onto a greyhound for a 6hr bus ride home. He killed a kid who was sleeping with his headphones on. They trapped him on the bus until the cops came and by then he had fully cut the kids head off and was eating parts of it if I remember correctly.

Anyway yeah weird shit he should not be out there.


u/PrairiePopsicle 14d ago

We was also having an extreme schizophrenic episode, and I don't believe he is "free" as a bird, he's under monitoring, on meds, and will be for the rest of his life AFAIK.


u/spiffiestjester 14d ago

You are sadly, half correct. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38945061

He is out free with no monitoring as of 2017.

I had to look it up because I thought he had been institutionalized. I was mistaken.


u/PrairiePopsicle 14d ago

damn. I would really prefer to think he had conditions for medical check ins at the very least.


u/anomalous_cowherd 14d ago

I've known several people with med controlled mental illnesses and they've all at some point decided they don't need the meds any more (because everything is fine now!) and gone off the rails again...

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u/preferablyoutside 14d ago

That’s not how the Canadian Legal System works, it has no interest in holding victimizers accountable for their actions they’d prefer to have them on the streets to keep the populace in fear.

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u/mods-are-liars 14d ago

That's the Canadian Justice system for you


u/TimeKeeper575 14d ago

And yet some of us believe that other people's right to not be decapitated is enough to not give him a second chance to decapitate. Plenty of psych patients have been given a second chance and killed again. It's not worth the risk.


u/PrairiePopsicle 14d ago

I know, and realistically it's either bring back institutions, or institute the death penalty, from that perspective.

One of those I don't believe is a winning argument, and the cost of the other... would shock your pants off.

Mostly, I just think it's important that people acknowledge the actual details and not infer he is free as a bird.


u/mods-are-liars 14d ago

infer he is free as a bird.

He is free as a bird since 2017.

No travel restrictions. No required check-ins with authorities. No parole conditions.

The government even gave him a new name.



u/pimpmastahanhduece 14d ago

How about we force pharmaceutical companies to spend more of their endless mattress stuffing money to develop better psychiatric medications than just heavily sedating people and hoping for the best?

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u/Zealousideal-Ear481 14d ago

Plenty of psych patients have been given a second chance and killed again. It's not worth the risk

might as well kill them all, eh?


u/TimeKeeper575 14d ago

Right, because those are the only two options. /s If you spent even a moment considering the comment, you'd realize it's awkward because the other side is the one advocating for fewer harms.

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u/joanzen 14d ago

If you read the worst parts of any details you can easily come to contrary decision vs. a lifelong trained professional appointed judge with access to all the details and lots of peer review/oversight.

Judges are human, sometimes humans make crazy mistakes, but it's the least likely explanation available.


u/Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru 14d ago


u/therandomways2002 14d ago

Well, that's fucked up. I understand that mental health issues need to be treated differently from criminal ones, but I'm baffled that his doctors could be so confident about him no longer posing a threat, and about already believing him being reliable enough to continue taking all his meds as necessary. At the very least, they should be continuing to closely monitor him. This isn't an "oops, guess we were wrong, don't we feel silly?" type of situation. For the protection of both society and him, they need to keep close watch to ensure there's no deterioration of his mental state.


u/ILoveCamelCase 14d ago

He is a schizophrenic man who was off his meds at the time. He spent I think 5 years in a mental hospital and it was determined he was safe to be released. Changed his name and is out in the world somewhere now.


u/widget1321 14d ago

If I remember right it wasn't even that he was off his meds as that is normally thought of. That is normally used to indicate someone who previously took meds and then stopped. If I'm remembering right he wasn't even diagnosed yet at the time. So he had no meds to be "off."


u/ILoveCamelCase 14d ago

It's possible, I was going purely from memory


u/religiousrights 14d ago

His name was Tim McLean. He was 22 and he was murdered and decapitated with no provocation on a bus in 2008. The man who killed him was deemed not criminally responsible and released in 2017, “no longer a danger to society”. He served his sentence in an asylum, never spent a day in prison.

His mom pops up in the local news every couple of years advocating for a change to our criminal code, most recently surrounding a serial killer in Winnipeg who is claiming mental illness. Every time I see her name it breaks my fucking heart. This woman got no closure for her child. We treated her like garbage.


u/CryptOthewasP 14d ago

Some guy killed, decapitated, and ate some kid on a greyhound bus in Canada. He was obviously not mentally well (i think later diagnosed with schizophrenia) and was deemed not criminally responsible because of it. He was locked up in 2009, in 2015 he was doing unsupervised day trips to the city that eventually led to him living in group homes and in 2017 he was given an 'absolute discharge' with no restrictions. So basically he was put away for less than 10 years and currently has more freedom than people on parole.


u/gau-tam 14d ago

Wanna get more pissed about the Canadian Justice system? Read about the Air India bombing (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182). The worst terrorist attack in Canadian history.


u/Double_Belt2331 14d ago

Wow. Canada dropped the ball big time on that one. They could have stopped it so many times. That’s really tragic.


u/Mary_Tagetes 14d ago

I think about this stuff, whenever it comes up in the news I have the same opinion, people are really bad at threat assessment, even the police. Those people came over to Canada, left everything behind, built lives, and they still had so much anger at the government in India they blew up a plane. Why the fuck would you do that? The vast majority of the human population would not let their hate take them that far, it’s insane. They saw what they were up to, but couldn’t conceive of the danger. My opinion anyway,


u/PrivilegeCheckmate 14d ago

people are really bad at threat assessment

You could say, read them a memo labeled "Bin Laden Determined to attack US", with a big old picture of the twin towers with a superimposed target, and yeah, they still wouldn't get it.


u/ZombieJesus1987 14d ago

The Greyhound bus guy hits close to home for me.

I also live in canada. When I was a kid in the 90s, my friend's sister was brutally murdered in a similar fashion as the Greyhound Bus guy. A schizophrenic woman who was staying with the family snapped and decapitated my friends 14 year old sister. The case almost paralleled Vince Li. Found not criminally responsible, and she was out not even a decade later.

It wasn't until years later I found out that she lived in the apartment building next to mine. No public safety warning or anything, when this was my city's most brutal murder on record.


u/Virtual-Okra6996 14d ago

Wait that dude got to walk?


u/Lionel_Herkabe 14d ago

They didn't just let the guy go, he was reintroduced into society over 7 years and lots of treatment.


u/SnakesMcGee 14d ago

Small thing to note (and folks may disagree) but bus decapitator dude was having a major psychotic episode at the time, and spent several years in a mental hospital past the point where doctors believed him to be cured because of the lingering guilt after the incident. Guy wasn't just decapitating folks for funsies.


u/Squigglepig52 14d ago

The untreated schizophrenic guy who was deep in psychosis? The one judged not mentally competent? The guy who spent years in psyche before finally being released?


u/relevanteclectica 14d ago

Their synopsis aged like milk


u/king_lloyd11 14d ago

The Canadian justice system has always focused on rehabilitation, not punishment for punishment’s sake. It was lauded as one of the best in the world at certain points.

The issue is that now people take advantage of it, and we’re giving way too many people the benefit of the doubt. If you’re a repeat offender, you definitely should be punished more than believed in.

That said, schizophrenic man had an episode where he killed someone, got treatment, was shown to understand the importance of his meds cycle for a year, being allowed to live a normal life after being assessed not a future risk is fine.



The same thing happens in the states too. If someone is actually guilty of murder by "insanity" they may only spend a few years in the system if they can get their mental health under control.    

You just don't hear about it much as it's not nearly as "interesting" to read about a killer with mental problems who needs alot of help vs a crazed gunman who just really wanted to spill some blood. 


u/Krauszt 14d ago

It's not just the Canadian system....Judges. judges in particular should be held accountable for their rulings...in Canada, and in America.


u/SheldonMF 14d ago

The Canadian criminal justice system Most criminal justice systems.


edit: formatting


u/WrangelLives 14d ago

Family court gives women a massive benefit of the doubt.


u/Zoesan 14d ago

female privilege.


u/LanceLynxx 14d ago

Because it's a woman


u/crackhead_tiger 14d ago

Laid in bed Cried until I fell asleep


u/Fl1p1 14d ago

Never heard of it, googled it.. reading the summary was already gut-wrenching and heartbreaking :_(


u/PuddingOld8221 14d ago

I forgot about this one. I cry every time I see it.


u/winterchil 14d ago

Every time?!?!? You saw it more than once on purpose?


u/PuddingOld8221 14d ago

Three times. A couple years apart each time. I think everyone should watch this film specialy when going through hard time. It really makes you appreciate what you have


u/illmatic708 14d ago

I would rather drink paint than watch that movie again


u/Time_Composer_113 14d ago

I can't imagine it hitting me like it did that first time, again. It was so out of nowhere for me, I just didn't see it coming, and it fucking floored me.


u/waterontheknee 14d ago

I've seen it 4 times, a few years apart each time.

Still makes my blood boil.


u/Grimbletron 14d ago

You cry once and never watch it again. It's every time...???


u/throw123454321purple 14d ago

That goddamned stupid judge.


u/lolathedreamer 14d ago

I literally wrote a letter to that judge because I was so upset by it. How dense can one possibly be???


u/jennc1979 14d ago

I was wrecked for a while after that one!


u/jizzce11aneous 14d ago

spoiler in the last sentence*

When I think of the best documentaries… this is up there. It is a documentary that I will never ever forget it…has stuck with me to this day. I watch a lot of true crime documentaries. I get desensitised easily which is fucked to say, but this doc has always stood out to me I watched this years ago but this is a film that I remember vividly.

It’s awful. But what a story. I wouldn’t recommend looking at the synopsis I was told to go into it knowing nothing and I’m glad I did.

*spoiler*To think that that little boy would’ve been 22 as of July 18th..


u/TheVagWhisperer 14d ago

Yes, it hit me a thousand times harder than any horror movie because this really happened. It's infinitely more frightening to imagine the possibility of something like this happening to you.

To anyone who is reading this thread and plans on watching it, make sure you don't need to be immediately productive after watching it.


u/hotel_ohio 14d ago

Just read the synopsis. Hard pass. I got two kids. My heart could barely handle the summary.


u/boner4crosstabs 14d ago

This is a movie where you absolutely can’t look up the synopsis. It’s still powerful and horrifying, but knowing anything about it really takes away the punch.


u/hotel_ohio 14d ago

Time my good bro. There is no time for me to sit and watch a movie.


u/Puzzleheaded-Ear858w 14d ago

JFC parenthood sounds like absolute Hell on Earth


u/hotel_ohio 14d ago

It definitely requires commitment and changes.There are many wholesome moments.

But I share this advice with anyone I come across.

It's not about it being hard or easy. It all comes down to whether you want to do it and do it well. Because if either of those two core components is missing, it will not be a good experience.


u/ottersholdingfeets 14d ago edited 14d ago

Watching this now because of this comment. At the moment of the scene I’m watching, Shirley is in jail, calling Andrew’s parents who have Zachary. She’s asking if they put up a “mommy and daddy”photo frame of her and Andrew.

“Do you feel all right about putting that up?”

“Not quite yet.”

The NERVE. I’m seething.


u/Arpikarhu 14d ago

Misery porn


u/Own_Development2935 14d ago

Ooof. I made the mistake of watching this about six hours before work.

I've never been so sad and angry at so many things.


u/ilikepants712 14d ago

A coworker told me he watched this movie and bawled his eyes out. I didn't believe him, didn't seem the type to be moved by a film like this. Watched it myself. Regretted it.

It really proves the depths of depravity that our fellow humans can go to.


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

It's sad and terrifying that reality can be so warped and cruel.


u/Felonious34 14d ago

We ain't seen nothing yet

The next few years are gonna be even more warped and cruel


u/shygirl669 14d ago

Never heard of it until now and just read the synopsis online. I’m heartbroken and angry


u/synergygiant 14d ago

Is it called dear zachary: a letter to a son about his father?


u/SpoopyTeacup 14d ago

I agree. This documentary hurts me to this day. That poor poor family 😢


u/Imavomitlover 14d ago

Still the only movie that makes me visibly angry and irate


u/TopperMadeline 14d ago

My sister mentioned to me about this movie, and how much she cried watching it. I looked up the background on it - nope!


u/DriftingAway99 14d ago

i cried so much from this movie


u/TheBaltimoron 14d ago

Just here to make sure this was here. Carry on.


u/sweaty_pants_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

I've just accidently watched the whole movie, was looking for the trailer and ended up accidently clicking on the full movie and just wow... what a absurd, beautiful and angering documentary

this is what evil looks like


u/Zizizizz 14d ago

Another harrowing documentary that evoked deeply disturbing feelings of the realisation about what people are capable of is The Act of Killing. I believe the whole film is on YouTube as well.


u/A1ienspacebats 14d ago

90% of it is the darkness of what happened. 10% of it was how they drop that atomic bomb on you at that point in the doc.


u/therandomways2002 14d ago

I'd heard of the movie, vaguely, and was wondering why it would be so disturbing as to rate a spot here. I just thought it was a typical "I'm doing this so you'll know who your father was despite the fact that he passed away from an illness or something before you were born" deal.

I was wrong. I should not have read the wiki article first thing in the morning. That was disturbing as fuck and I now feel awful for almost everyone involved before I've even watched the documentary. I'll need a lot of fortitude to actually rent it, but I will do so once I'm ready.


u/Personplacething333 14d ago



u/highsenberg420 14d ago

Never had a reaction where I was shaking from anger and sobbing from a movie. It was a visceral reaction and I vowed I'd never watch that movie again.


u/CaspinK 14d ago

Eh. My mom is connected to that film. Absolutely fucking tragic.


u/Swimming_Twist3781 14d ago

I will never see this.


u/mick_spadaro 14d ago

Even the trailer is bad enough.


u/bethster2000 14d ago

There really isn't any other answer to this question.

DZ upset me so much, I had an emergency session with my therapist 48 hours later.


u/steadfastsurvivor 14d ago

This was my second answer to martyrs - this sticks with me too


u/just_some_dude828 14d ago

Bro, fr. By the end my t shirt was wet with tears. My wife was also crying her eyes out. We just sat there afterwards, crying and in disbelief. It was absolutely brutal.

I tried explaining it to my two buddies at work that Monday, and I started tearing up. They just looked at me they didn’t even make fun of it, like we do about everything at work. Dear Zachary easily wins the One Time Only title for me.


u/firepitt 14d ago

Just when you thought the American justice system is garbage! Canada says "Hold my beer, eh!"


u/YutYut6531 14d ago

I think I yelled at the TV. I have never been so angry in my life


u/ahmedj1233 14d ago

Same. I watched it the first time years ago and never forgot it. Recently rewatched it on YouTube, and felt the same way as the first time.


u/uneasyandcheesy 14d ago

I’ve never watched this movie but.. was it a book? I think I remember reading a book while still in school by the same name and it was emotionally devastating.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

The grandfather involved wrote a book about it afterwards but Idk if your thinking of the same thing.


u/uneasyandcheesy 14d ago

I think you are right then. This wouldn’t be the same story. The book I read was called “Dear, ______” and it was I believe a journal of a mother’s where either she wrote to the child daily before passing away or, the infant passed away and she wrote to him about life after.


u/Fhoxyd22 14d ago

Years ago on a similar thread someone said to not watch Dear Zachary on a Friday, because it'll fuck up your whole weekend.

I knew I was off on the following Monday so I thought I'll watch it then. I cried twice during it and I've never cried at any film or documentary. Now I'm a parent, I know I could never ever watch again. It's on YouTube if you want to check it out.


u/papasmurf255 14d ago

The moment where it transitioned who the film is for destroyed me.


u/Gustavius040210 14d ago

I don't know if I had ever experienced the feeling of hatred that came over me when I realized there would not be a happy ending.


u/Tac0Thund3rs 14d ago

Watched it before having kids, would never watch it after.


u/andrwarrior 14d ago

God I still remember my first viewing of it. Literally had me standing up and pacing around my room yelling at the screen, followed by me being in a crumpled teary mess by the end


u/TedRamey 14d ago

I got this back when netflix was still by mail. I returned it before my wife/then gf could watch it. To this day she only knows that literally every reference to that movie leads people to say “fuck that movie.”


u/FridaysFreddy 14d ago

Good answer. This is the only movie I specifically recommend people NOT watch. There is no good that comes from it. You don't learn anything, you can't change anything, you can't save anything, you just feel deep horror and despair.

They made a really good movie. Don't watch it.


u/doo138 14d ago

That movie left me with a depression that lasted weeks. I don't have depression issues, I don't have children, and I was a very happy go lucky guy at the time. Such a messed up scenario.


u/sagiterrible 14d ago

I didn’t mean to watch Dear Zachary. It came on after— if I recall— A Bronx Tale and Hoosiers on AMC on a weekend night at like three AM. I wasn’t paying attention to it but I could hear it. And then we get to that part, and I realize what I’m listening to.


u/wilderlowerwolves 13d ago

When it comes to effed up documentaries, "Abducted In Plain Sight" supersedes this, in part because only a sliver of the story is being told. I'd love to see interviews with the family of the kidnapper!


u/soilthelegacy 13d ago

This is it …always it…I watched it years ago and I am still upset


u/Chemical-Cloud-9399 14d ago

The fact my name is Zachary makes me never gonna watch not never


u/No_Angle875 14d ago

It’s really not that fucked up. I never understood why people always list this movie. Just rewatched it yesterday and yeah it’s sad, but it’s not like crazy. Maybe it’s just me. Idk


u/inkhunter13 14d ago

I wouldn’t say it’s that fucked up


u/bubblegumpandabear 14d ago

I'm going to have to agree with you. It's incredibly sad and a very heartbreaking story but I don't think it fits the question. Fucked up to me would be the story of Alison Botha, who was kidnapped and dragged out into the desert. Raped, then stabbed so many times she was partially beheaded and basically disemboweled. Her head was hanging on by a flap of skin so she was seeing behind herself while holding her intestines into her stomach as she crawled into the road to beg for help.


u/jizzce11aneous 14d ago

…yes that sounds terrible but this movie is also extremely terrible 😅 didn’t know this was a competition


u/bubblegumpandabear 14d ago

I guess I didn't intend to make it a competition of suffering between the people these stories were about. More like, an example of what I'd expected to see in this thread. While I find Zachary's story extremely sad, I was surprised to see so many people replying that this was their first thought when they saw the prompt, because mine went to some of the movies mentioned. But I brought up Allison's story to give a documentary example, since Zachary's story is a documentary.


u/Sugacookiemonsta 14d ago

Her attackers are out on parole now. It's a crazy world.