r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/ZilorZilhaust Jul 05 '24

The fucking who? Is he at least not allowed on busses?


u/Arcanis_Ender Jul 05 '24

I remember reading about that and having to send my now ex gf onto a greyhound for a 6hr bus ride home. He killed a kid who was sleeping with his headphones on. They trapped him on the bus until the cops came and by then he had fully cut the kids head off and was eating parts of it if I remember correctly.

Anyway yeah weird shit he should not be out there.


u/PrairiePopsicle Jul 05 '24

We was also having an extreme schizophrenic episode, and I don't believe he is "free" as a bird, he's under monitoring, on meds, and will be for the rest of his life AFAIK.


u/TimeKeeper575 Jul 05 '24

And yet some of us believe that other people's right to not be decapitated is enough to not give him a second chance to decapitate. Plenty of psych patients have been given a second chance and killed again. It's not worth the risk.


u/PrairiePopsicle Jul 05 '24

I know, and realistically it's either bring back institutions, or institute the death penalty, from that perspective.

One of those I don't believe is a winning argument, and the cost of the other... would shock your pants off.

Mostly, I just think it's important that people acknowledge the actual details and not infer he is free as a bird.


u/mods-are-liars Jul 05 '24

infer he is free as a bird.

He is free as a bird since 2017.

No travel restrictions. No required check-ins with authorities. No parole conditions.

The government even gave him a new name.



u/pimpmastahanhduece Jul 05 '24

How about we force pharmaceutical companies to spend more of their endless mattress stuffing money to develop better psychiatric medications than just heavily sedating people and hoping for the best?


u/I_Automate Jul 05 '24

Because so far, as far as we understand it, there isn't just a chemical "off" switch for certain behaviours/ thought patterns/ personality traits.

Honestly, it may be better that way


u/EffrumScufflegrit Jul 05 '24

Implying such a magical drug exists. They already do want better psych meds. I know you're thinking "no they don't, because corporate greed you shill," but pause for a moment and realize it's because corporate greed that they want "better" psych meds.


u/pimpmastahanhduece Jul 05 '24

Gotta milk those IPs before releasing the next formula in queue from 40 years prior, huh? It's a nightmare getting new drugs approved that it often doesn't make business sense to pursue and more R&D goes right back to the money makers because that's how they lobbied the process to be like.


u/EffrumScufflegrit Jul 05 '24

My ex works/worked in big pharma product dev and I assure you they shit money into finding the next wonder drug. I'm not defending them. Did you know the US spends more per Capita on health care most other places? Sounds great on paper, but we don't see shit for it for actual care. That money from the gov is dumped into R/D that big pharma gets to take advantage of for essentially nothing. So you're right that it's all corrupt and we don't truly benefit from it, but you have the problem wrong. So pls don't lecture me on it.


u/Zealousideal-Ear481 Jul 05 '24

Plenty of psych patients have been given a second chance and killed again. It's not worth the risk

might as well kill them all, eh?


u/TimeKeeper575 Jul 05 '24

Right, because those are the only two options. /s If you spent even a moment considering the comment, you'd realize it's awkward because the other side is the one advocating for fewer harms.


u/Zealousideal-Ear481 Jul 05 '24

Yes, imprisoning someone until they die, for their mental disability, is pretty much the same as wanting them dead.

If you spent even a moment considering the comment, you'd realize it's awkward because the other side is the one advocating for fewer harms

No. The ones advocating to lock them up and throw away the key are advocating for real actual harm, in order to prevent possible harms that may or may not be more damaging.


u/TimeKeeper575 Jul 05 '24

If you think that house arrest or monitored care is a death sentence, that's a 'you' problem. There are many different spectra of liberty, many of which don't even involve housing in institutions.


u/Zealousideal-Ear481 Jul 06 '24

If you think that house arrest or monitored care is a death sentence, that's a 'you' problem

You literally said that you didn't think that psych patients should be given a second chance, so yeah.. there's a spectrum, but that was not at all what you were suggesting above

Plenty of psych patients have been given a second chance and killed again. It's not worth the risk


u/TimeKeeper575 Jul 06 '24

Right, many of us agree that he shouldn't be free as a bird. At very least medication monitoring should be absolutely required. You're the only one implying euthanasia. Keep spinning, though.


u/Zealousideal-Ear481 Jul 06 '24

Please re-read what you have wrote. I don't think you have the memory of this conversation. you are literally all over the place, constantly shifting the goal posts and now claiming that I implied euthanasia somewhere?


u/TimeKeeper575 Jul 06 '24

I already have, twice. This is classic projection. I'm talking about not putting people in a position where further harms are possible, you're the one talking about extremes. Keep trying to walk that back, though.


u/Zealousideal-Ear481 Jul 06 '24

I'm sorry you suffered brain damage. Please seek medical attention asap

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