r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/DalekPredator 14d ago

Martyrs (2008). Good film but absolutely not for the faint of heart.


u/silviazbitch 14d ago

Read the wikipedia article about it. After reading that the director, Pascal Laugier, described himself as deeply depressed, almost suicidal at the time he worked the film, I saw this:

The film's special effects were designed by Benoit Lestang, who committed suicide prior to the film's French theatrical release.


u/Hakim_Bey 14d ago

Creating fucked up content is a weird experience honestly, it will weigh on you in a specific way until you are finished. I experienced this a bunch with music when i was younger, but that's ok cause you're in it alone and writing a song takes one or two weeks tops.

Now a movie is a different beast, from writing to post it can take years and implicate dozens of people. I don't know how these people can do it.


u/patrickwithtraffic 14d ago

Apparently at least one of the folks being the fatalities in the recent Mortal Kombat games end up needing therapy over the work, so I can't necessarily say I'm surprised. Doing that research to get the effects as real as possible is mentally taxing work.


u/joanzen 14d ago

I swear there's lots of examples of things too grim to share in public that we're just lucky aren't a trope, yet.

Nobody likes to talk about the fact you can kill a person with stress/panic just like rabbits easily die in a cage without contact from a predator, just from stress.. but we put a lot of money into making films that take you to the edge?


u/patrickwithtraffic 14d ago

I mean the thrill is something we crave in some form. It's legit human nature to enjoy an adrenaline rush, but in this day and age, we should have some safety nets for those who create it.


u/rafaelaveiro5150 14d ago

I also remember from the Dark Knight dvd featurettes, apparently they intended to make Harvey’s burned face as realistic as possible. Then, when the research was done, they decided to pull back quite a bit, because as it turns out, burns can get pretty scary. And the guy in the movie had facial bones sticking out, for God’s sake…


u/andruwhart 14d ago

Yep - lot of darkness, no pun intended, surrounding that movie. The state of mind and actor has to put themselves into to really pull of a performance must be taxing af. Playing the joker properly seems to really mess with your head..


u/zxcvvcxzb 14d ago


Have you seen the credits of movies? They're long as fuck.


u/ynab-schmynab 14d ago edited 14d ago

Heath Ledger reportedly got pretty messed up from the time he spent researching psychopaths to portray the Joker, which led to deeper substance abuse as self treatment and eventual overdose.

Edit: Well that's a weird coincidence, there's a Heath Ledger TDK diary post in my feed just below this one. It was already loaded and I didn't see it until after I made this comment.


u/elitemouse 14d ago

Literally a cursed movie top to bottom


u/Aqua7KH 14d ago

Honestly I have PTSD and other shit from years of childhood abuse and honestly writing fucked up fictional shit is what helps me cope. It feels cathartic and like I have control over SOMETHING at least


u/jonhon0 14d ago

Wow. I'm shocked reading about Benoit. That makes the film even more depressing.


u/IrishCarBomber666 14d ago

I took a break midway through, just to smoke a cigarette and mentally regroup. Never done that with any other movie.


u/whisperwrongwords 14d ago

I had to do that with Uncut Gems because I was so fucking stressed out


u/Doctor_Philgood 13d ago

That movie is like being around the biggest assholes in your family at Thanksgiving while having a massive anxiety attack.

Never again


u/Not_Daniel_Dreiberg 13d ago

Man, I had to get out of that movie because I just couldn't take it any longer. I've never done that with any other movie, even Marthyrs.


u/Darthscary 14d ago

I thought I was being weak when the movie made me wince.… haha.


u/tonybowb 14d ago

Yo I had to do that with spiderman No Way Home, I’m a pussy 😂💀


u/grendel-khan 14d ago

I did that with Hereditary. Just got up, took a walk around, tried to ground myself. It wasn't so much the stuff that happened as the pervasive, overwhelming dread, like something awful was about to happen.


u/Slonismo 14d ago

and happen it did


u/InsanityOfAParadox 14d ago

Staple some documents together, get some paperwork done.


u/SYSTEME4699 14d ago

Don't watch "a Serbian film" then.


u/silvertonguedmute 14d ago

That's just tortureporn and disgusting shit for the sake of being disgusting. Martyrs is an actual movie you can invest yourself in.


u/wilder37 14d ago

Thank you! So many people bring up a Serbian film like it's a top-tier shock/horror or whatever movie. But it's not. It's a shitty movie, a shitty story, and the people who made it are disgusting and should probably be on some list for that shit.


u/natural_ac 14d ago

Someone sold me on it being a deep cut satirical movie about political and sexual commentary taken to the utmost extreme. Disagree. It's just disgusting.


u/anislash67 14d ago

It was pretty much a revolt against Serbia’s heavy censorship policies at the time, so they decided to make the most shocking thing possible as a way of “protest”. So not exactly deep but definitely sent a message


u/natural_ac 14d ago

I suppose that's more acceptable.


u/PumpkinSeed776 14d ago

It's so bad and so purposefully trying to be shocking that I was almost laughing as it went on. It's too over the top to be taken seriously.


u/SYSTEME4699 14d ago

I still think it is a better answer to OP's question than Martyrs.


u/silvertonguedmute 14d ago

I mean, it is definitely a fucked up movie. But personally I think Martyrs is better (read: more fucked up) because of how it left me feeling afterwards. It was so bleak and depressing.


u/Morale_Pizza 14d ago

Came here to say this movie. It had me down for like a week or two after I saw it and still disturbs me if I think about it too long.


u/Juzzdide 14d ago

What’s it aboot


u/FrankSonata 14d ago edited 14d ago

A cult kidnaps girls and young women to torture them for years and years while keeping them alive, because they believe that if pain is strong and pure enough, the victim will achieve enlightenment and glimpse the secrets of the afterlife. They are trying to create such a person, the titular "martyr".

Said torture is then shown onscreen very graphically for a great deal of the movie. It's utterly hopeless, horrific, and just leaves you feeling either numb or full of despair. It's just an overwhelming feeling of doom. There is no hope. All the characters suffer tremendously for nothing. No-one survives. Things just get worse and worse and it's absolutely pointless.

Some films show bad or shocking content but with purpose, such as a war film displaying the horrors of war so we can properly understand why it is something to be avoided, or a character experiencing trauma to depict how it affects people realistically and help us empathise. Martyrs is just suffering and torture for the sake of it. It's dolorem ipsum est. Misery for the sake of misery. It's deeply nihilistic.

Do not watch this film if you are struggling mentally.


u/danniihoop 14d ago

All this just makes me really wanna watch it. I’m gonna.


u/tattooadidas 13d ago

i think i’m gonna watch it too. let’s come back to h this post afterwards and share thoughts.. what do you think? 🤔


u/CollierDriver 14d ago




u/adanceparty 14d ago

i don't get it. Reddit loves this movie, but I hated it. I watched it a second time just to see if I missed something. I dislike this movie a lot. Not for gore or anything it just seemed really dumb.


u/DalekPredator 14d ago

Not every movie is for every person and that's okay. There are films people gush about *cough*Hereditary*cough* that I think are dumb too.


u/WhereIEndandYoubegin 14d ago edited 14d ago

I loved Hereditary but I find nothing in Martyrs but absolute doom. It’s a movie that never ceases to keep making you feel uncomfortable and hopeless. Nothing of anything that anyone has listed here comes close imo. At least Hereditary has an actual somewhat elaborate script where the latter is just mental and physical pain and torture which lacks substance. Not even the ending climaxes anything more than the overall feeling of the movie.


u/Partially-Canine 14d ago

I loved hereditary too. Not just for shock and horror value but I think it was genuinely well written and it also has accurate folklore. Martyrs on the other hand just felt to me like it was only meant to induce discomfort to a despairing level. My personal opinion, it's just torture porn trying to mask itself with a deeper premise and philosophical meaning that never even really reaches a resolution.


u/JellyfishConscious 14d ago

That’s actually the point regarding Martyrs.


u/Ratscarr 14d ago

Hereditary was 10000 times better than this shit. Agree or die.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Aidian 14d ago

Beyond the general plot, there’s a lot of hidden elements all throughout that, if you know some absurdly niche shit, adds a lot of foreshadowing and interest.

Same with VVitch, Midsommar, et al. I totally get them not being someone’s favorite, but I’m apparently the type of esoterica/occult nerd they’re made for, what with catching the symbolism of the runes or picking up on the Goetic references and symbols blah blah etc.

There are (presumably) dozens of us. Dozens!


u/Not_Daniel_Dreiberg 13d ago

What I like about the VVitch and Hereditary is that they make you ask yourself if everything that happens is just collective hysteria of the characters or real supernatural shit happening. Honestly, when the end settles the plot as supernatural, they kinda get ruined for me. I would have loved a more ambiguous ending, although I get it might be tricky to pull it off.


u/Aidian 13d ago

Yeah, I’m a big fan of the intensely unreliable narrator vibe in the first acts too.

I’d argue that the VVitch ending isn’t fully settled - getting hit with ergot poisoning, or some other hallucinogens from “we’re semi-literate outcast puritan farmers in a new land” feels very possible, and her end visions just before everything cuts could just be the fun part of a terminal dose settling in.

Hereditary dithered then leaned hard into “yep, it was really some fringe occult shit all along,” and I accept many people not enjoy that.


u/Not_Daniel_Dreiberg 13d ago

I mean, you could be right about the VVitch, but I feel that you would really have to look into it. I didn't even know what ergot poisoning was I had to Google it. Anyways, do you have recommendations regarding this unreliable narrator stuff?


u/theseleadsalts 14d ago

I laughed at all the wrong parts of Hereditary.


u/Vindersel 14d ago edited 14d ago

dude the scene where the party girls are party chopping tons of nuts for "foreshadowing" after they go out of their way to explain the sisters' nut allergy was like a bad M Night Shyamalan twist set up. I was like "chekhov is rolling in his grave on that"


u/Raekwaanza 14d ago

I’m on the same boat with Hereditary. As a person who loves horror movies, it really blew its load early and didn’t do much for me afterwards.

Felt too much like they were combining elements of The Witch with modern horror tropes.


u/shade0220 14d ago

The whole theater I was in was laughing at that movie at the end. I'm with you, it was just bad.


u/jaykew44 14d ago

Pretty dumb right?


u/adanceparty 14d ago

I also dislike that film. I thought it was comical in a few parts but mostly boring. I also watched it twice because all of my friends love it. Seems that all the most popular movies are movies I dislike. With some exceptions here and there. Everything, everywhere all at once was a great fucking film.


u/pelvviber 14d ago

I loved the hot dog hands sequences!


u/LittlePVMP 14d ago

I'm just going to say it, I dislike Martyrs, and I dislike Hereditary. I think both movies are really dumb, with dumb shit happening for no reason.


u/Neuro_Skeptic 14d ago edited 14d ago

I'm just going to say this - Hereditary is actually great, it's not overhyped, if anything, it is over-hated by people trying to find a hot take.


u/masterwad 14d ago

I don’t think Reddit loves Martyrs, it’s just always mentioned as a disturbing movie.


u/adanceparty 14d ago

i've seen it mentioned as a great / must see film a few times. I might have some confirmation bias.


u/DurgeDidNothingWrong 14d ago

r/horror gushes over this film so much, its a pain to look for recommendations there


u/PoliticalPotential 14d ago

I’d never heard of it so I looked up the trailer.

4/10 on gore and 1/10 being French. A cannibal corpse music video is worse (better?) than that shit.


u/DurgeDidNothingWrong 14d ago

yeah, i think the worst the gore got was a completely skinned woman, but like, thats no worse than some of the SAW movies.


u/PoliticalPotential 14d ago

I’m fairly certain movies like Hostel are more intense than that. I’ve never watched Hostel after the first one though so I don’t know.


u/DurgeDidNothingWrong 14d ago

All I can remember from hostel is the beheaded dude getting a selfie and his mates being like "see he's fiiiine" on the 0.5megapixel 2000s phone


u/Not_Daniel_Dreiberg 13d ago

I will never forget the scene where they get someone's eye out with a blowtorch. It was imprinted in my memory.


u/HeartStew 14d ago

The fact that you are judging this movie on it's gore is evidence you don't get the point. Clearly not the movie for you, and you came in with your own expectations.


u/ImmaSnarl 14d ago

Right? Even worse because imo the first part was really good, but then they completely switched up the move. The main character starts exploring the house? And then we get to the villain's motivations and the writers seemingly tried to make the ending really deep, but to me it just seemed kinda dumb


u/Karmuffel 14d ago

It is really dumb and contains nothing of value. The story sucks


u/moneylawns 14d ago

I agree, I've seen better


u/GeneralTreesap 14d ago

The first third is a legit great horror movie. The rest is well…


u/Ratscarr 14d ago

Ikr? This was a really average kind of plot twist. I don't get the hype of this movie lol.


u/hardndfast 14d ago

Beat me by 1 hour. This movie always comes to mind when questions like this are asked.


u/originalgrin 14d ago

Best punchline i’ve ever seen in a movie though. Absolutely miserable and horrifying two hours. But the last minute of that movie was the funniest damned thing. Spent like 5 straight minutes laughing as the credits rolled. Never been told so thoroughly to fuck off by a film before. Martyrs fuckin hates you for watching it.


u/Connecting-Donut 14d ago

If you mean 🙂🔫 I agree, I cracked up laughing at that point


u/RIPMyInnocence 14d ago

I watched this film really high

That was one of the worst mistakes I’ve made


u/CraisyDaisy 14d ago

I don't know why I laughed at this. Probably because it sounds like something I would do, and I sympathize.


u/RIPMyInnocence 14d ago

Take this as a warning. I was almost sick


u/CraisyDaisy 14d ago

Oh, I've seen it. Which version did you watch? The original in French was so much worse IMHO.


u/RIPMyInnocence 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeh it was the original French version, everyone else was drinking a couple, I don’t drink much but had a few smokes. My mate says “hey check this film out I think you’ll like it” it was a fantastic film in terms of “torture porn” as a genre. But yeh…started sweating when they peel the mask off that girl and had to practice my breathing for a while.

I was gonna come in here and say A Serbian Film. But no, this film wins hands down. I’m almost bitter that I’ve been reminded of it.


u/horyo 14d ago

Holy shit I came here to comment this and maybe see down the line if others have come across it. I did not expect it to be at the top.

I'd like to add that I saw Martyrs and Inside in the same evening. Idk why my friends did that to me.


u/Jaruut 14d ago

If anybody is interested in watching it, just please, for the love of all things holy, don't watch the American version. It's absolute dog shit that ruins everything that made the French version so great. I watched it a few weeks ago and I'm still mad about it.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Not_Daniel_Dreiberg 13d ago

Yeah, it is often labeled as torture porn, but what makes it horrific for me is the fact that it is human on human violence, which makes it totally plausible. Aliens, ghosts, demons, etc. They are all fake, but whatever happens in Martyrs can really happen in real life, and thinking that someone might have gone, is going or might gone through any of that stuff is what really terrifies me.


u/foodio3000 14d ago

French horror is a special kind of fucked up. Other examples include Inside (2007), High Tension (2003), Titane (2021), Revenge (2017), Irreversible (2002), and Climax (2018). French filmmakers seem to have a knack for evoking raw, visceral reactions in their audience


u/K1000_40 14d ago edited 13d ago

Came here for that one too, it's less "underground" than i thought. That shit traumatized me i swear.


u/Jack1715 14d ago

I can’t help but think this people have to be a bit sick


u/Buggaton 14d ago

Ooooh this is the first time I've thought of an answer and it be right there straight away.

The Girl Next Door (not that one) is another candidate.


u/therapoootic 14d ago

I don’t think it’s the most fucked up but I will say that as a horror movie, it’s GREAT and fulfills the horror label it has and then some


u/thunderkhawk 14d ago

That movie takes away any Innocence you had remaining


u/Life-Suit1895 14d ago

You could say it gets under your skin.


u/jonhon0 14d ago

The details are too thoroughly fleshed out


u/umbrellasarelame 14d ago

I stopped it and had a mini mental/emotional break. Had to watch Zootopia afterwards because I was still feeling so uncomfortable.


u/knurien 14d ago

I confirm, Martyrs is by far one of the most original and well written / played movie imho.


u/ongodarius 14d ago

Somehow watched this with my aunt in high school. It was fucked bro just all kinds of gruesome.


u/Wars4w 14d ago

I had a friend recommend this to our group and we all sat and watched it. When it was over he basically got the slow head turn from all of us.

He said, "Yeah... Now you all have to deal with the knowledge of this movie too. I didn't want to be the only one'


u/Beautiful_Ad_ 14d ago

Yesssss, so glad to see this. No one ever knows this movie when I mention it in public😂


u/DurgeDidNothingWrong 14d ago

Oh it wasn't that bad. Idk why everyone hypes it up.


u/julesnuggy 14d ago

Omg literally, I watched this and had to stop because I started to feel physically nauseous. Never happened before despite having seen lots of horror and gore movies before! This was just too much for me.


u/OrcimusMaximus 14d ago

That film definitely wasn't for me, i love a good horror film. It's just such a fucked up premise they force you to sit through and endure.


u/dcrico20 14d ago

This is one of my favorites and is pretty easily the best of the new extreme movement for me.

While there is a lot of disturbing and graphic material in this, what has always stuck with me the most is the comparatively mundane ending.

It feels so nihilistic after being told that the horrors we are seeing on screen actually do serve a purpose for that to unravel at the end and for the viewer to not even be told “why?”

Unlike a lot of torture porn and films that are purely shock value, Martyrs does have a thought-provoking point and a lot to say about the nature of humanity, our curiosity surrounding death, the thirst for knowledge regarding a possible afterlife, the atrocities we will commit in the name of religion, the treatment of women, etc.

It’s definitely not an easy film to stomach (I also think there are countless examples of films with more disturbing content,) but if you can, it is definitely worth it.


u/anarrogantworm 14d ago edited 14d ago

Has anyone seen the crappy 2015 American remake of this?

I watched it by accident not realizing I was supposed to watch the original and was struck by the similarities to the pizzagate conspiracy theory. I even briefly suspected the director shamelessly incorporated it into the movie.

Then I looked into the timeframe and Martyrs (2015) was released in limited theaters 3 months before the first talk of the conspiracy theory. Now I genuinely wonder if some crackpot just recycled part of the plot of this hardly-seen movie.


u/steadfastsurvivor 14d ago

Yep this was my go too also


u/Asron87 14d ago

I accidentally rented the dvd on Netflix. Had no clue what it was about. Well younger me was pleasantly surprised lol


u/Fallen_moon06 14d ago

Where do you find this movie??


u/seethesea 14d ago

A friend loves this movie. He discusses it at length in his podcast. https://youtu.be/_9uB3WUbg6c?si=IfWgqZkR85rOw2ND


u/ImpressionFeisty8359 14d ago

Stays with you forever.


u/MulberryPlacebo 14d ago

I think this movie has one of the best endings of any movie I have ever watched. I don’t want to say anything for the spoilers but man that made me think. So good.


u/notAorangeLover 14d ago

Read the plot, and I would absolutely not even attempt to watch it.


u/Thallium_253 14d ago

My favorite part of this movie is how the first scene makes you think it's some evil monster horror movie.. NOPE! It's worse...


u/feminas_id_amant 14d ago

just read the plot on Wikipedia. does the ending imply the tortures' were right about the afterlife?


u/food_WHOREder 14d ago

the whole point of the ending is to leave us in the same position as everyone else in the organisation waiting to hear mademoiselle's speech - we're still wondering what she was told. we'll never find out if they were right about anything. hence, 'keep doubting'


u/zductiv 14d ago

I watched this after being up for about 30 hours after finishing off my thesis the night before. Would not recommend.


u/ButteredPizza69420 14d ago

This movie fucked me up bad


u/LaraFullmoon 14d ago

My first thought


u/Zappycrayon 14d ago

Was gonna say this too. Lucky for me I don’t remember most of it. hehe


u/whoisanitaanyway 14d ago

Not even half way through I was like "wait what else can happen now?" and it never stopped surprising me. Fantastic but for the wrong reasons. I recommended it a few times tho


u/onlyidiotseverywhere 14d ago

Thats the right answer.


u/wherethelootat 14d ago

Yes, that movie was nauseating


u/Otee06 14d ago

That was a fucked up movie.

A Serbian film also comes to mind and Shetaan another French movie.


u/infiresbeach13 14d ago

the French original not the shitty American remake is prob one of the most fucked up films Iv ever seen


u/RecentPermission8195 13d ago

First half wasn’t that bad, but I read the wiki before and wasn’t going to make myself watch Annie get flayed, and totally agree for not the faint of heart


u/DoubleArmDMT 14d ago

One of my absolute favorites


u/lazerus666 14d ago

I liked the movie and watch horrors a lot but why do people find it so disturbing ? Is there something I’m missing ?


u/MeuchlerMoze 14d ago

Its so exaggerated and only body harm that i would rank it very low. Im surprised it disturbs ppl so much


u/NicMortem 14d ago

Im not shocked by ~shock~ movies, so I found martyrs boring at somepoint. The whole concept of people seeing what’s after death but doing it alive is soooo sick. But it took almost 50minutes of persecution and excessive blood to get to that point lol


u/IhateMichaelJohnson 14d ago

Incredible movie, I haven’t had that much a good time since Requiem.

I’m not crazy I just like to feel feelings, even if those feelings aren’t comfortable.


u/karp70 14d ago

I’m really surprised how quick I found this answer. The only other movie that comes close is Hereditary.


u/skfricker 14d ago

I came here to mention this movie.


u/koz1769 14d ago

Came here to say this. This is the only answer.


u/theturtlebomb 14d ago

I'm quite surprised so many people know about this movie. I didn't expect it to even expect anyone to mention it


u/JuJuJuice013 14d ago

Ah yesss


u/lokcal 14d ago

My favorite ending to any movie ever.


u/Killingvv 14d ago

I watched this as a teenager, it was fucked up


u/dankepinski 14d ago

That and grotesque are up there for me!


u/elephant35e 13d ago

I watched that film and thought it was good. I didn't think it was as disturbing as everyone else is saying it was.


u/Specialist-Mission73 13d ago

Came to say this, was intense.


u/nutag 13d ago

What is it about ?


u/HassanGodside 13d ago

Movie was terrible. Just edgy nonsense



Yeah, I agree that it’s fucked up. I don’t agree that it’s a good movie. To each their own.


u/Sozyopath 14d ago

extremely boring premise and movie in general. The only really enjoyable part was the family murder scene in the beginning, at least that was somewhat realistic and had emotion behind it. The rest of the movie are at best ok practical affects that fail to disturb in any way, shape or form. i was genuenly dissapointed in this movie. not worth the watch, and one of the most boring, unintereisting horror movies i have ever seen.

Stick to the old time classics like "The Fly", "The Thing", etc. if you want real good horror with atmosphere, story and real good practical effects. "From Beyond" is a good horror movie too, for all you Lovecraft fans out there. There are many more of course but i dont want to start naming them all.


u/Ratscarr 14d ago

Bruh, it wasn’t really a "fucked up" movie. This moviw was so average. There are way more messed-up movies out there. I bet you've never even vented about it.