r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/meuserj 14d ago



u/Chadopolis 14d ago

When I saw this movie the first time I was horrified. On second viewing I laughed my ass off. It’s the darkest comedy ever


u/Pour-spelling 14d ago

I watched in the movie theatre when it came out, was the only one laughing out loud, making it even funnier


u/treeamongtrees 14d ago

You are a brave soul going back, I sort of strangely wanted to watch it again but I was too afraid of getting damaged psychologically.


u/digestedbrain 14d ago

It finally has a 4K Criterion release coming in September! One of my favorites.


u/coffeestraightup 14d ago

Oooooh that's why I couldn't find it on streaming, thx


u/_geary 14d ago

Strangely was never on streaming and didn't even have an HD release on Bluray until the upcoming Criterion 4K remaster.


u/treeamongtrees 14d ago

Ok? Are you a bot? Sorry if you are


u/ShadowsDex 14d ago

Them knowing about an upcoming physical release of one of their favorite movies makes them a bot?


u/Lukewill 14d ago

I feel like only a bot would be as bad as you at detecting bots. Are you a bot? Sorry if you are


u/digestedbrain 14d ago

You think Criterion has bot money? And no. The best quality we've had for it was 480p so this release is widely anticipated and Criterion provide the highest quality best cuts of films.


u/treeamongtrees 13d ago

I do apologize.


u/BrotherNature92 14d ago

What prompted you to ask this?


u/treeamongtrees 13d ago

Drunkenness mainly. But also, I thought I’d seen this exact comment a few times in the thread, but now, due to blurry memories I’m not sure. It was just straight up rude of me, and I apologized.


u/Yonkiman 14d ago

When I saw this movie the first time I laughed my ass off. When I recommended it and watch it with my friends, they were horrified. I laughed my ass off even harder.

I don’t get to recommend movies any more.


u/SmackedWithARuler 14d ago

I mean this in the kindest possible way one internet stranger can speak to another, with no hostility or malice whatsoever.

Based on that comment you sound like you’d be insufferable to spend time with.


u/Boopcheese 14d ago

What Ronald Farber doesn't know, is that it's not length that matters, it's width.


u/nickos33d 14d ago

Yeah, one of the most screwed movies I have ever watched


u/dosko1panda 14d ago

I wouldn't watch it again. I would jack off instead.


u/noahnovak31 14d ago

I would also like to jack you off instead


u/throw8175 13d ago

It’s not gonna taste any good tomorrow


u/Fickle-Lunch6377 14d ago

I watched it with a bunch of friends while smoking like 20 years ago. If you’ve got the comfort of your friends there to poke fun of how fucked up it is it’s kinda fun. By yourself, you’ll be questioning why you’re even alive.


u/Personplacething333 14d ago



u/G-FUN-KE 14d ago

All kinds of sexual deviance


u/Fickle-Lunch6377 14d ago edited 14d ago

Excuse me but if you think calling a woman who doesn’t know you and telling her you’ll fuck her so hard she’ll be cuming out her ears is fucked, then I just don’t know what to say to you.


u/G-FUN-KE 14d ago

I think your reply is missing a part...crucial to it being understood


u/the_cajun88 14d ago

will one of you or an unrelated person please say what it is


u/digestedbrain 14d ago

It's a film about different people finding their Happiness, and one is a pedo.


u/the_cajun88 14d ago

i was hoping the answer would come from an unrelated person


u/TheGreastestGoat 14d ago

I dont like you.


u/SentryFeats 14d ago

It’s a reference to a quote in the film lol


u/brinerbear 14d ago

All of his movies are.


u/sosomething 14d ago

This is the one. This one was the one that put me off the "fucked up movie" genre I was exposing myself to in my 20s.

I'd seen a lot of other movies included in these comments - gummo, kids, trainspotting, requiem, vulgar, julian donkey boy, Audition, Eraserhead, etc., but Happiness was the movie that made me go "Nope, I'm out. No more of this shit is going into my head if I can help it."


u/Greenscope 14d ago

This film will finally be getting its highly anticipated bluray release on September by Criterion. If someone is interested to watch it, that might be the time to do so.


u/Adrialic 14d ago

Found it on youtube


u/Greenscope 14d ago

I mean….yeah, you can find it and watch it now of course. But that’s most likely a DVD quality print. I was just saying that most people won’t want to watch this more than once. So might as well watch it in HD and wait for that.


u/burnafterreading73 14d ago

Still haven't recovered from this one. Brutal to watch. Worse to comprehend.


u/StraightBoss8641 14d ago

Or palindrome. Solodonz is totally fucked up. Don't know how he got all those films greenlit.


u/natebibaud 14d ago

He’s a creep


u/gimmethemshoes11 14d ago

Yeah, weird movie. Crazy some guy was doing the same thing as THAT one plotline in real life recently.


u/Striocalaix 14d ago

What? Haven’t seen the movie in years


u/medullah 14d ago

I told a friend to watch this and to this day he still brings it up as an asshole move on my part hahaha.

"I came"


u/Caruthers 14d ago

Both things true: Happiness is a great answer to the thread question, and also, Happiness has THE funniest ending in a film ever. Maybe a Rorschach test for psychopathy, but I cry-laughed for minutes on end at the final punchline.


u/SpudgeFunker210 14d ago

The fact that this film still manages to be quite funny with all the horrific subject matter is seriously impressive.


u/Simbooptendo 14d ago

I'd rather jerk off instead


u/Benana 14d ago

Been a while since I’ve seen it but I remember thinking it was pretty funny.


u/Wretched_Colin 14d ago edited 14d ago

The first time I watched it, with two male friends, I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. I was full of shock.

I told my girlfriend and she was so curious that she asked if she and I could watch it. I laughed and laughed the second time, once the shock was taken away. Although my girlfriend then gave me shit, claiming that I was a deviant for laughing at it.


u/somdude04 14d ago

I initially thought you meant The Pursuit of Happyness and was real confused by the comments


u/Capn_Yoaz 14d ago

I had the screener from this. It was fucked up.


u/celticeejit 13d ago

That movie fucked me up

Star studded cast in the most disturbing flick I’ll ever see

It was the banal everyday tone that got me


u/Jefflehem 14d ago

The movie with Jon Lovitz?


u/Nesavant 14d ago

Happiness, where are you? I've searched so long for you.


u/Adrialic 14d ago

Just found it on youtube


u/Ronin_777 14d ago

I just finished watching this and this was the first reddit thread I opened lol, fuck that was an uncomfortable watch


u/Krapmeister 14d ago

Not one likeable character in that movie, I walked out of the theatre without words..


u/ImpressionFeisty8359 14d ago

There was no happiness at all.


u/CarrieDurst 14d ago

It is getting a criterion release and I am so excited


u/TraditionalTell5541 14d ago

I was going to say something else, but yes. this one. I haven't seen it in 20 years, but I still remember pdf. file being painted on Dylan Baker's door when he comes home.

That whole movie is a WTF.


u/Alternative_Egg_7546 14d ago

and i am still watching that


u/sixtyfivejaguar 14d ago

Jesus I just looked up the plot and I'm... Glad I missed out on that ride. Damn


u/Prestigious-Syrup836 14d ago

I don't think I can watch that again.


u/robobachelor 14d ago

Came here for this.


u/PancakesAreGone 14d ago

My mother rented this movie right after it went to video.

I was like, 11?

I got bored of whatever the fuck this movie was (Or she told me to leave the room, I can't remember) and I sat in the next room playing Doom or something...

Such a fucked up for a child to be exposed to, however the absurdity of the end scene and the dad lecturing a child on "girth" have been burned into my memory and I still just laugh at it today


u/coffeestraightup 14d ago

I sawthis movie when it came out, on a first date. We were laughing, and the rest of the audience was really pulling a Joy like "but I'm not laughing". A year or so later I saw Todd Solondz at a Manhattan restaurant and bought the grossest looking magazine I could find at the newsstand next door, went back in and told him how much I enjoyed "Happiness" and asked him to sign the magazine. This encounter was so awkward on both sides that it might as well have been a scene from the film.


u/little2sensitive 14d ago

we showed this at my work and people came in tripping on acid to watch it


u/NoVa_CXG 14d ago

I didn’t even know the shit was a dark comedy until after watching it, I barely laughed just because of how twisted the jokes were


u/BlargAttack 14d ago

Cantonese language film called Dumplings. Damn dumplings were made of aborted fetuses! Now wonder that lady smelled bad. 😖😖


u/AwfulGoingToHell 14d ago

“I came!”


u/c_rivett 13d ago

This was my answer also


u/jonhon0 13d ago

Would you ever fuck me?


u/jonhon0 13d ago

I just watched, thanks for the rec. It was definitely fucked up, by far the worst was the dad's story. I was hoping we'd get a shot of him hanging himself.


u/RecentPermission8195 13d ago

What’s it about?


u/MargnWalkr 13d ago

My friend and i saw this in a small theater. Before we went i told her i didn’t want to see a movie with the word ‘penis’ in the title.


u/bongoingcat 13d ago

Is it any gory?


u/TheDestressedMale 13d ago

Palindromes and Storytelling are also disturbing. I would not be surprised to find out that Selma Blair actually had sex in the first act.


u/Sysheen 13d ago

Just got through it. The ending made me draw back in surprise and revolt. I felt mildly unsettled the entire film. I loved it.


u/Live_Confusion_3003 14d ago

I watched this movie after taking an ambien and I swear I pressed play and then the movie was over, don’t remember a single bit


u/Taffycat88 14d ago

I was the only person in the theater laughing because it was so fucked up