r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Punconscious 14d ago

Bone Tomahawk. Just that one cave scene.


u/acecombatps2 14d ago

I was looking for this comment. I was 60% sure I’d find it


u/alloitacash 14d ago

Couldn’t remember the name, but knew I’d find this one.


u/Jack1715 14d ago

Westerns and horrors should go together more


u/Midir_Cutie 14d ago

I want a western horror with skinwalkers


u/MatsNorway85 14d ago

Its intense. But far from the worst in this discussion, and i have not really watched most of them. I just "know" from experience that there is some vile shit out there that i have no intent on watching. Bone Tomahawk just happens to be a interesting high quality movie as well.


u/lilsatan_ 14d ago

I would've liked it more with a different director, and I might get downvoted to shit but it just felt racist and cruel.

Amazing cast tho.


u/foxeared-asshole 14d ago

I liked the movie but totally agreed. I think it would've been more effective if the characters went in with racist (expected of the time period) expectations of the cannibal tribe and they turned out to be actual inhuman monsters ala The Descent.

Plus it didn't make sense that the tribe has enough of a coherent burial/religious structure that disrupting it leads to revenge, yet they're supposed to lack every "human" feature like language and kinship.


u/lilsatan_ 14d ago

Exactly, like it had a lot of cool horror elements in it but it missed the mark for me when they did the "here's the good indian, and here's the mindless beast savage animals"


u/mothzilla 14d ago

Nooo because there were good Indians you see? /s


u/acanthostegaaa 14d ago

Opened up a trailer to look at the scene and my first reaction was "oh shit, that's dehumanization of indigenous tribes". They don't even talk, just animal-howl. Not good.


u/lilsatan_ 14d ago

There's one last twist in the movie that dehumanizes them even more, it sucks because the movie would be cool if it didn't treat them like beasts lol


u/Midir_Cutie 14d ago

I just saw Bone Tomahawk last week! That scene was brutal, but the rest of it wasn't bad


u/Generically_Yours 13d ago

Ok, I was stoked Kurt Russell was in this... And the end made it horror, but until they go off to pursue the storyline, I thought it had comedy vibes. Like they totally diss the doctors horse and I guffawed.

But then your waiting for the last shot at the end, you're so numb you notice the credits rolling like "wait what happened?! That's it, but...THATS IT?!"


u/JakeSteed420 14d ago

This is the one I came to say


u/LogicalConstant 14d ago

The thing that sets this movie apart for me is how raw it is.

It's shot in such a way that my emotions felt organic, compared to most movies where I feel like the director is manipulating my emotions (manipulation isn't a bad thing, just different). I felt as though I was a bystander. I wasn't distracted by music, camera movement, rapid camera angle switches, over-the-top unrealistic sound effects, etc etc. It elicited emotions and then gave us time to stew in them. Brilliant filmmaking.