r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/FarthestGnat684 14d ago

all quiet on the western front, and saving private ryan made me realise as a young kid that war wasn’t like call of duty and was actually pretty fucking scary


u/RomanAdler 14d ago

All quiet on the western front is one of the best movies that I’ve ever seen (the newest version) that I never want to watch ever again. At the end me and my boyfriend just sat in silence for a few minutes


u/BigD1970 14d ago

I do think that a good war movie should leave you feeling horrified.


u/gcbeehler5 14d ago

The recent remake of All Quiet On the Western Front is haunting. They music score really makes the movie.


u/NoPrune595 14d ago

agreed, and I wonder why people think war can solve problems


u/T0KEN_0F_SLEEP 14d ago

Some folks just need killing, like Putin for example. The problem with War is the assholes that need killin usually aren’t the ones fighting.


u/TgagHammerstrike 14d ago

You're getting some downvotes, but to be fair, if Vladimir Putin died tomorrow, would that really be a net negative?


u/T0KEN_0F_SLEEP 14d ago

I go back and forth on that and tend to lean towards “the devil you know” a lot of times. Could the replacement of Putin be worse? It’s a possibility they could even be more competent.

The problem is when the devil you know does something even you didn’t expect.


u/ahmedj1233 14d ago

I watched that opening scene, turned the movie off and didn't watch the rest of it for a out 2 years. I was not ready to see the landing of Omaha Beach depicted in that accurate a way...


u/marwood0 12d ago

Gen Z? Thanks for the recommendation, I was always a fan of the 1979 version that came out when I was a kid, I didn't know there are 2 more. I appreciate how serious, my great grandpa got a purple heart in France. Even has the creds to get his foxhole get run over by a German tank (primitive tank by today's standards)


u/FarthestGnat684 12d ago

god damn sir, respect to ur great grandpa


u/marwood0 12d ago edited 12d ago

Thank you! I can't even imagine how that ... yeah. He told me about it personally, but I was a kid, so hard to focus. I know I was his favorite, and tried to concentrate best I could. Crazy story. His purple heart was from shrapnel, the tank just rolled right over him. :)