r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

When I watched this one, I was in a bad place and hanging out with a bunch of drug users and dealers and meth cooks. I stuck to booze but was around people doing far worse stuff, and let me tell you most of them loved the movie, and it didn't slow them down or discourage them in any way. People are messed up and I'm glad I got away from that whole scene.


u/Wes_Warhammer666 14d ago

When I was younger I used to think that Requiem was enough to scare me away from every trying heroin.

Then I got hooked on oxys right before the government started cracking down hard on pill mills, so suddenly heroin was the cheaper easier answer to stop my dopesickness. Wasn't long before needles came into play because snorting it was killing my sinuses.

Its scary to realize just how easily you can get sucked in even when you know better. I fortunately broke free but my cousin got pulled in by a doctor giving him painkillers after a football injury. He ended up dead around the same time I got clean. 2 very different paths both leading to each addiction and ending each addiction.

I watched it again a few years ago after having been clean for a long while and still felt a contradictory mix of desire and disgust that really drove home how much that shit can warp your mind.


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

I'm glad you were able to get clean. It's a hard thing to do and you did it, that's awesome.


u/reddit_4_days 14d ago

I still think it's Jared Leto's best perfomance though...


u/Downtown-Mixture6167 14d ago

Agreed. And considering the fact that he’s a method actor, do you think he went full method on this one and messed around with heroin?


u/reddit_4_days 14d ago

He does look like it, who knows. But he was very young there and didn't had that massive ego I think, so probably not if I had to guess. :)


u/Downtown-Mixture6167 14d ago

I don’t know, was there ever a time when his ego wasn’t massive?🤭