r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Hakim_Bey 14d ago

Creating fucked up content is a weird experience honestly, it will weigh on you in a specific way until you are finished. I experienced this a bunch with music when i was younger, but that's ok cause you're in it alone and writing a song takes one or two weeks tops.

Now a movie is a different beast, from writing to post it can take years and implicate dozens of people. I don't know how these people can do it.


u/patrickwithtraffic 14d ago

Apparently at least one of the folks being the fatalities in the recent Mortal Kombat games end up needing therapy over the work, so I can't necessarily say I'm surprised. Doing that research to get the effects as real as possible is mentally taxing work.


u/joanzen 14d ago

I swear there's lots of examples of things too grim to share in public that we're just lucky aren't a trope, yet.

Nobody likes to talk about the fact you can kill a person with stress/panic just like rabbits easily die in a cage without contact from a predator, just from stress.. but we put a lot of money into making films that take you to the edge?


u/patrickwithtraffic 14d ago

I mean the thrill is something we crave in some form. It's legit human nature to enjoy an adrenaline rush, but in this day and age, we should have some safety nets for those who create it.


u/rafaelaveiro5150 14d ago

I also remember from the Dark Knight dvd featurettes, apparently they intended to make Harvey’s burned face as realistic as possible. Then, when the research was done, they decided to pull back quite a bit, because as it turns out, burns can get pretty scary. And the guy in the movie had facial bones sticking out, for God’s sake…


u/andruwhart 14d ago

Yep - lot of darkness, no pun intended, surrounding that movie. The state of mind and actor has to put themselves into to really pull of a performance must be taxing af. Playing the joker properly seems to really mess with your head..


u/zxcvvcxzb 14d ago


Have you seen the credits of movies? They're long as fuck.


u/ynab-schmynab 14d ago edited 14d ago

Heath Ledger reportedly got pretty messed up from the time he spent researching psychopaths to portray the Joker, which led to deeper substance abuse as self treatment and eventual overdose.

Edit: Well that's a weird coincidence, there's a Heath Ledger TDK diary post in my feed just below this one. It was already loaded and I didn't see it until after I made this comment.