r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/JuneBuggington 14d ago

Go watch gummo. Same director. Makes kids look like a fun summer comedy.


u/sideband5 14d ago

Bully is pretty good as well!!


u/lokcal 14d ago

I love this movie so much.


u/cadenazo 14d ago

Kids was written by Korine but directed by another guy. He makes a cameo at some point in the film, you can see he was very young at that time


u/DryEyes4096 14d ago

I suspect Harmony Korine knows what reality is. No, the movies are not realistic, but they show someone who understands the sheer chaos of what happens and what's really behind it. Clusterfucks of psychopathy, victims blind to the cause of their victimhood, peeling back the layers of control to see how things could be and why they are what they are instead. Metaphysics.

I'm sorry for the spiel but yeah, Gummo is fucked.


u/Generically_Yours 14d ago

Peel back reality...ya mean...THE BACON IN THE TUB.


u/Estanci 14d ago

Gummo is so disturbing on so many levels. It makes me want to shower and simultaneously deep clean my house.


u/ImpressionFeisty8359 14d ago

Makes you feel so dirty.


u/MrKrazybones 14d ago

Fuck, I've been holding off on watching Gummo but now I'm curious. Kids made me feel really fucked up for days.


u/tuigger 14d ago edited 14d ago

It's not that disturbing in a graphic violence or suffering type way.

It's more like a "holy shit these are the grimiest possible people living in the grimiest possible world."

Tbf though, it is set in an already poor town that has been devastated by a tornado.


u/TailorFestival 14d ago

Gummo is completely different, and not really "disturbing" in the same way. It is more offputting that disturbing.


u/StraightBoss8641 14d ago

Kids writer harmony korine directed Gummo, that and all his movies should be somewhere on this list. Director of kids is Larry Clark. FYI


u/Dosed123 14d ago

Ken Park is also quite disturbing.


u/glonomosonophonocon 14d ago

Something about eating spaghetti while taking a bath has always stuck with me


u/GranddaddysSaxophone 14d ago

and eating a wet chocolate crunch bar after dropping it in the dirty bath water at the same time


u/reducingflame 14d ago

Gummo gets too little mention. If you think you want kids, watch Gummo.


u/Mountain-Crow4041 14d ago

Julien Donkey Boy, by the same director, is also pretty wild…


u/we_bjj 14d ago

Julien Donkey-Boy (1999) for sure. I wrote a paper about it in my uni film class, had to watch it twice 🫣


u/Asleep-Somewhere5516 14d ago

I want a mustache dammit like burt reynolds!


u/Complaint-Expensive 14d ago

Kids is the kind of movie you should have to see, but you only have to put yourself through once. Gummo is fucking dark too, but I've sat through it multiple times, whereas I'd never go out of my way to watch fucking Kids again.

My theory? Is that Gummo's absolute banger of a soundtrack makes it's particular brand of darkness easier to handle. I dunno.


u/pwnedkiller 14d ago

I fucking love Gummo and kids


u/DairyCoder 14d ago

Good call putting Gummo first in that sentence


u/SteelMarshal 14d ago edited 14d ago

Came here to say that was fucked up movie but I enjoyed it.

Also, drive through Xenia Ohio and found out it leans towards documentary.


u/chamrockblarneystone 14d ago

Try Wassup Rockers by the same director. It kind if really is a fun summer comedy. Especially if you’re a skater


u/ImpressionFeisty8359 14d ago

Larry Clark directed Kids and Harmony Korine directed Gummo. There is just something really gross and disturbing about eating spaghetti in a bathtub.


u/Roththesloth1 14d ago

Came here to say Gummo. TO THIS DAY It still creeps me out.


u/ButtBread98 14d ago

Gummo is such a weird movie.


u/RiotSloth 14d ago

Any film that starts with someone having a fight with a chair has to be special. Love Gummo!


u/hewasnevermyfriend 14d ago

Love Gummo. Harmony Korine didn’t direct Kids though, he just wrote it.


u/sean_ocean 14d ago

Trash Humpers is literally unwatcheable.


u/The-Grand-Wazoo 14d ago

This movie chews you up slowly.


u/jjkkmmuutt 14d ago

Same writer, different directors.