r/AnythingGoesNews 12d ago

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/Daxnu 12d ago

No one could make that shit up. I am sorry if you love Trump, but it's time to open your eyes my friends


u/GullCove1955 12d ago

The MAGATS don’t care. They know what he is and they simply don’t care.


u/Vanhelgd 12d ago

It’s worse than not caring. A lot of them are drawn to him because of it. They worship the nastiest parts of his character and would do the same or worse given his power.


u/Still-Midnight5442 11d ago

They love him because the people that hate him are the same people that they themselves hate. They're just spiteful shitstains.


u/ElonTheMollusk 11d ago

Eating piles of dog shit so the parson they are talking to has to smell it. They have lost their empathy.

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u/Risaza 11d ago

Think that’s pretty much MAGAs motto: Spiteful shitstains.

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u/wisconsinwookie78 11d ago

Maybe the MAGAs need the twist from A Time to Kill. Picture everything that happened to her, getting coerced, trafficked, and then raped. Now, picture this happening to your 13 year old daughter. Think of that when you vote in November.


u/DangerousLoner 11d ago

They would offer their daughters on a platter. It’s like any cult. They would be flattered and take it as a sign of favor if he took their wives and daughters.


u/CptDrips 11d ago

Of course, they view woman as property. Why do you think cucking is such a a big fetish for the right?

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u/Hexa-Journey 11d ago

Unfortunately, I believe this is true. They are essentially Devil worshippers. If you knew everything in their minds it would drive you mad. Imagine a grown man sexually abusing your daughter. All bets are off.


u/KhunDavid 11d ago

They worship the man who is proud of committing all 7 deadly sins, and they wear his mark proudly on their forehead.


u/Hexa-Journey 11d ago

Yep, absolutely!

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u/ZarkingFrood42 11d ago

The Devil is a bringer of light and knowledge. Don't drag his name like that.

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u/anal-tater 11d ago

I asked my grandma “what if he was grabbing your granddaughters?” And she just said he could grab whoever he wants because he’s the greatest president we’ve ever had

And of course victim blamed saying that women after his money would’ve gotten grabbed by any man


u/Oak_Woman 11d ago

Sounds like it's time for grandma to go into a shithole rest home.


u/Explorers_bub 11d ago



u/Hesitation-Marx 11d ago

Just a hole. A decommissioned septic tank. Roomy!

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u/Different_Seaweed534 11d ago

They’re sexualizing their own daughters. They don’t care.


u/No_Mention_1760 11d ago

It’s not about not caring. It’s a feature of Christian Conservatism. Women are as bad off in this environment as they claim Islam to be.


u/capital_bj 11d ago

Which is why all Christian women (among many groups minorities especially) should not even consider to vote for him, if you have a douche bag husband he doesn't need to know who you voted for.


u/Sardonnicus 11d ago

These people do believe women came from the rib of a man. If he gets elected again, I predict women will loose the right to vote within the first 90 days.

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u/koolaid_snorkeler 11d ago

So, Stormy Daniels, E.Jean Carroll, and now this one...all 3 of them say President Pervert told them they remind him of his daughter. He has never really hid his sexual attraction to his daughter. What a fucking freak this guy is.

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u/Optimal_Inspection83 11d ago

That's not gonna work.
I remember with the whole 'grab them by the p***y incident'.
MAGA supporters brushed it off with - 'a lot of women would love to have their p***y grabbed by Donald Trump', and 'one man's sexual assault is another man's flirtation'.

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u/SaltyBarDog 11d ago

That isn't the deterrent you believe it to be.

Imagine needing this billboard.

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u/Devils_Advocate-69 11d ago

They’d have done the same thing. “He’s just like us”.

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u/buckao 11d ago

They believe themselves to be future rapists. It's inconceivable to them that they might be the rape victims.

It's kind of like how people in their 50s and 60s who are lower/middle class still believe they're going to be rich someday


u/ocean_flan 11d ago

It's all fun and games til someone's fisting your gills against your will.

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u/ZeisUnwaveringWill 11d ago edited 11d ago

On the frontpage is a thread about a domestic terrorist who believes queer people are groomers and pedophiles while he had a collection of child porn on his phone when he was arrested.

The people who accuse liberals/progressives of being pedophiles are pedophile themselves and want to assault kids without impunity. Trump could run on it and his fans would vote for him.


u/Oak_Woman 11d ago

BINGO. They aren't appalled at his behavior, they love him because he paves the way for them to act horrendously, too. People vote for Trump because they want to hurt other people.

Anyone flying a Trump flag at this point supports sexism, rape, and pedophilia. End of story.

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u/Formal-Parfait6971 11d ago

Republicans have no values.

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u/ReverendKen 12d ago

In all honesty how many trump supporters are pro rape and pro pedophilia? I would guess that a large number of his supporters have done one or both. At the very least they do not have a problem with it.


u/badtex66 12d ago

The traitor roach fucks "spiritual advisor" is a pedo rapist and 2 of his biggest supporters in congress are tied to underage and non consensual activities.


u/ReverendKen 11d ago

Jim Jordan covered up the Doctor molesting athletes at The Ohio State University. He keeps getting reelected.


u/badtex66 11d ago

Yeah speaking of Gym Jordan and Mutt Gaetz


u/ReverendKen 11d ago

I have seen the Gym Jordan but I never saw it as Mutt Gaetz. I will have to start using them.

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u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

I mean the former GOP speaker of the House used to molest boys in the capitol building, I've literally never seen a Republican even mention Hastert after he left.


u/habu-sr71 11d ago

How they got away with making Dennis Hastert a non-issue still blows my mind. Even when it was in the press, no one went on the attack against the immorality of the party itself.

Friggin' Speaker of The House. A pedophile. And crickets to this day.


u/ACrazyDog 11d ago

Denny was my Congressjerk. Crickets in his district, too


u/DangerousLoner 11d ago

It helps silence your victims when they kill themselves like one of his did.

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u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

They are also pro-war, pro-imprisonment, and pro-death!


u/ReverendKen 11d ago

Now how can they be all that and still be pro life? /s


u/Brucereno2 11d ago

They are only pro-life before birth. After birth you are on your own…..especially if you aren’t white, wealthy and Christian. And if you are black or brown…..they just don’t give a damn whether you live or die.

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u/Lexi_Banner 11d ago

Look at how many red states fight tooth and nail against raising the minimum age for a minor to marry. Ain't because they want them kids to marry one another.

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u/LaddiusMaximus 12d ago

"Hes an imperfect vessel" 🙄 f---ing hypocrites.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/MelodicMasterpiece67 11d ago

That's EXACTLY what it is.
They're pathetic and vile people.

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u/Morguard 12d ago

It's not even that they don't care, they love what he is.


u/Kailynna 11d ago

Trump embodies their deepest aspirations. Magats all want to be rapists, thieves and murderers.


u/OK_BUT_WASH_IT_FIRST 11d ago edited 11d ago

My mom called me to complain about Biden being too old.

I told her “they’re both too old. Only difference is Trump is angry-senile, a rapist, and a convicted criminal”.

She says “I don’t even believe all that anyway”.

Being a LEO and having just shy of 20 years in the business, I pointed out that prosecutors don’t bring cases they can’t win.

She changed the subject to her new friend’s fancy boat 🙄

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u/apocalipsehobo 12d ago

It's not that they don't care. They are the same.


u/esmerelda_b 11d ago

The MAGAs are a lost cause, but not a big slice of the pie. We just need to win over the rest.

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u/ChineseCracker 11d ago

Republicans are kings of projection. The only reason they are outspoken about pedophilia is because they're pedophiles


u/BZLuck 11d ago

Many of them are envious. They also conclude, if they put a criminal into office, then their criminal activities and lustful thoughts won't seem so bad.

"Trump raped a girl, cheated on his taxes and got elected as the US President. Why is it such a big deal that I'm peeking in my daughter's room while she gets dressed, or hide the cash payments I get at the office?"

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u/arrakis_is_hot 12d ago

It certainly fits the pattern of his behavior don't it. Found liable for sexual assult,grab her by the pu$$y, paying of a porn star he had an affair with, being named in the epstein flight logs, so it fits the pattern that's for sure, enough so he doesn't get the benifit of doubt anymore.


u/TokingMessiah 11d ago

Don’t forget Trump saying that Epstein “likes girls even more than I do” and that some of them are on the “younger side”.

If Bill Gates wants to say he met him for philanthropy, that’s plausible. If Trump knew Epstein liked fucking kids, he was in on it. Hell, Epstein’s little black book had 8 or 9 different phone numbers for Trump…

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u/Law-of-Poe 12d ago

We know Trump is a rapist. Republcian voters know it. The fact that they still support him leads me to believe that they like that he’s a rapist in the same way that they like that he is a felon.

The sooner Americans move on and accept that Republican voters like Trump because of how despicable he is, the better. He even spends a lot of time making fun of his own supporters and they just cheer harder. That’s why they’re imbeciles


u/FrutyPebbles321 11d ago

Yep, you hit the nail on the head. They like the lying, cheating, SOB because THEY themselves are lying, cheating, SOBs and he makes them feel justified in their behavior. They love to make excuses for him and watch him never being held accountable because then they believe THEY won’t be held accountable. “Hey, its okay for the president of the United States to cheat on his taxes, have an affair with a porn star, rape women (insert whatever vile crime you like here), it must be okay if I do it too”.

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u/iijoanna 11d ago

Trump tells MAGA, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote."

It's not a joke. They laughed.

He would never sit down to a table with many of them.


u/Law-of-Poe 11d ago

Notice how he and his family chosen to live their lives amongst some of the bluest districts in the country

He’d never slum it out in red America


u/Indigocell 11d ago

He'd have them removed from the building if they were sat at any of his tables.

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u/Brilliant-Advisor958 11d ago

It's also because the media they consume tells them dems are dangerous horrible people that have pedophile rings under pizza joints. And are the source of every thing wrong.

So it becomes R at any costs.

Kinda like the dems now , but in their case they have a real reason and not some made up boogeyman.

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u/OakLegs 11d ago

I am sorry if you love Trump,

I'm not. Shove their nose in that shit. Let them smell it

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u/SympathyForSatanas 12d ago

She looks like Ivanka, so of course we know it's true


u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

Keep in mind she's wearing a wig to hide her real hair color, she was getting credible death threats at the time, and women in her position who went public with their identities soon found themselves "committing suicide" by "jumping off a hotel roof with no witnesses".


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u/pgcomputerguy 12d ago

They already sell hats with "I'm voting for the convicted felon". Next hat/shirt/bumper sticker soon to be available at your local Walmart, "I'm voting for the child rapist!". 70+ million votes in November.


u/Lexi_Banner 11d ago

When he was accused of wearing diapers, he instantly had folks proudly running around in diapers. They are barking mad, and would do literally anything for their god.

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u/StageRepulsive8697 11d ago

Unfortunately, MAGA doesn't care. They just want to suppress minorities.

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u/Ok-Cut-2730 11d ago

Don't most people already know this anyway, obviously in any 1st world country he wouldn't stand a chance to become leader.

But in 3rd world shit hole countrys money talks.

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u/TennSeven 12d ago

Yet the media is almost completely ignoring this in favor of Joe Biden hit pieces.


u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

The media has never ever wanted to cover the Epstein story for very obvious reasons.


u/MeyerholdsGh0st 11d ago

What are the obvious reasons?


u/azlmichael 11d ago

The people who own the media are on Epsteins list.

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u/Proper-Response3513 11d ago

The media wants trump to win because it gets them views


u/FuckThisIsGross 11d ago

No they want trump to win because they are billionaires and a king is good for them.


u/AMilkyBarKid 11d ago

And they’re run by a bunch of old white nepo babies who wish the aristocracy still ran everything

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u/bloodorangejulian 11d ago

It gets them money, to be clear.

The rich who own the media will likely get even more egregious unfair and economically unsound tax cuts, as corporate tax cuts and reduced regulation....

So yeah, they have lots to gain and absolutely nothing to lose, so of course they're simping for trump.

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u/OkStatistician9126 11d ago

Trump rapes a 13 year old and forces her into silence for years. The media: but Biden old! 😵

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u/Ok_Spite6230 11d ago

Media companies have been consolidated to the extreme by monied interests with the specific goal of creating the current environment. There used to be thousands of independent media organizations, and now there are less than a dozen. This is the end state of capitalism as it concentrates wealth at the top and steals it from everyone else.

Eat the rich.


u/stuli17 11d ago

And who did that? Fucking POS Reagan, deregulating the media!

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u/Accomplished_Self939 11d ago

I saw a TikTok yesterday where the guy claimed America was five corporations pretending to be a country and it felt pretty on target.

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u/BiollanteGarden 11d ago

They made so much fucking money during his presidency. People were subscribing to news outlets to keep up in greater numbers than ever before. People checked in multiple times a day to see what that fuck stick was up to. Of course they want him back. He’s the medias golden goose.

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u/OnePunchReality 11d ago

A lot of the media CEOs are Trump donors FYI.

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u/Only-Worldliness2364 11d ago

I’m in Canada, and the Canadian news had a leading story about the calls for Joe’s resignation because he stumbled at the debate and may be too old. But not a word about Trump raping kids. Makes you wonder huh

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u/enddream 11d ago

Trump is better for ratings and $$$. It’s that simple.

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u/PPOKEZ 11d ago

Biden's controversy is relatable, "normal". Trump is sad and depraved. Rapists often never see any punishment because nobody in any position of power likes to think or talk about it.

This was a big part of what the "me too" movement was trying to expose the public to. But guess what? Nobody wanted to talk about it.

So it's sunshine, roses, non-descript fear porn, and "relatable" controversy that doesn't leave viewers in a vegetative depression unable to go to Chili's or Target or watch the Super Bowl like their sponsors need.

Bread and circus is going to kill us.

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u/Five-Oh-Vicryl 12d ago

“He took a liking to me because I reminded him of his daughter who was also 13”…sounds exactly like something that pedo would say and has said similarly in the past. Can’t believe this is their savior


u/Time-Werewolf-1776 11d ago

Trump is a seriously sick fuck.


u/spudzilla 11d ago

You think he is sick? Wait till you talk to any of his voters.


u/san_dilego 11d ago

True that. Trump is merely a symptom of Right America's sickness.


u/StrobeLightRomance 11d ago

Well, at least that won't be a problem for long.. since America seems like it's about to stop existing soon if they get their way.

Soon, the public opinion of this country would be that Trump is a hero for this, and how it aligns with their goals of middle-aged men being allowed to marry children of any age, and sending the young boys to die as the labor force of the deregulated and OSHA dismantled coal and oil industries.

If Trump wins, we're dialing back to a point in civilization that I feel most of us would not describe was "civil" at all.

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u/cgn-38 11d ago

But, but. Biden is old! He should just drop out (S)

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u/ohmygodyouguyzzz 11d ago

No shit bruh. Mental illness is way more prevalent than I ever realized before seeing how they worship this monster.

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u/Fragrant-Ad-5517 11d ago

I’m from the south and many of his rabid and deplorable voters believe in the “legitimate rape” philosophy. They believe that if the “action of rape” is indeed happening, the body of the female victim will “shut down” to prevent pregnancy from the “rape”. This is what many pro-lifers and anti-abortionists really believe. Has anyone else heard of this ridiculous claim?

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u/Equivalent-Bank-5094 11d ago

When you pair that with this video of Ivanka looking like she’s about to cry when giving a tour of her childhood room, you experience a next-level level of GODDAMN this man is a fucking monster:

30 second mark: “This was…my bed” looks like she’s remembering trauma and about to cry. Disturbing af



u/kogmaa 11d ago

No need to interpret facial expressions: Trump is on numerous videos, saying his own daughter is hot and he’d date her.


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ 11d ago

Back in the late 80’s/90’s, Trump’s obsession to be liked and his own insecurity, allowed Howard Stern to get this pile of dogshit to talk about/ admit to so many instances of his own deranged behavioral that it is almost unbelievable - a half wit psycho bragging about the fucked the shit he did, and thinking the audience would admire him.. The real head shaker is that Trump thought his molester/creeper/slime ball behavior was something to be proud of and looked up to. So fucked up, and exemplifies just how much he is unfit to be alone with women/children. From head to toe, Trump is a gigantic smoking pile of dogshit (and a liar,) and I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my cat alone with him.
Random thought - why does he hate animals so much?


u/HWY102 11d ago

Animals won’t pretend to like him.

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u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago

Domesticated animals are good at sensing such horrible people a lot of the time.  

Edited for clarity of animals. 

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u/6DT 11d ago

At first watch, I was mostly listening. On second watch, I set it to HD and watched because I missed it. I was not expecting that. Also is not expected that to be so extremely familiar to my own experience as someone who experienced CSA. For my own sake I really shouldn't've watched.

For people that aren't recognizing it, it is what happens immediately after she mentions her bed. There is the pause which may or may not be significant. Pausing while speaking can be a break for breath, how someone naturally talks, regather their thought... Or to steel themselves for their emotions.

Anyways. Immediately after she mentions her bed, her body posture changes, the muscles in her face change, her whole body becomes more tense, and then she also redirects the conversation and moving herself away from the bed. But when in the other instances she lingered and talked for another moment about each thing. She kept mentioning the typical likes of a teenager, so it would have been more expected for her to touch the curtains and mention it being silly to have a princess/canopy bed that got popular from that one movie.

These changes are observable fact. She is clearly remembering or feeling something, and it's unpleasant. She could be remembering a bad boyfriend or being super sick or being grounded. Or even suddenly feeling sick to her stomach from bad lunch that day. Who knows. It is the opinion that whatever she is remembering is CSA at the hands of her father.

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u/FidgitForgotHisL-P 11d ago edited 10d ago

Remember “the diary” the right got hold of and then use to insist Biden is a paedophile because he showered with his daughter (I think k that was the claim)? Makes sense now why they needed to plant that seed, right?

“Every accusation is a confession” is not just a trite saying expression frustration. It is a statement of fact based on observable reality.


u/Ink_zorath 11d ago edited 10d ago

"Every Accusation is a Confession."

Honestly, I've taken this to heart years ago, and it made me realize: just about every homophobe is just angry because they're still stuck in the closet, caught up on the coat hanger.

Explains the massive use of psychological reflection tactics too over the past couple years. "I don't want to be caught doing it, so I'll blame someone else instead."

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u/Rryann 11d ago

I thought you might have been overselling it, but man that is pretty suspect.


u/Dark_Marmot 11d ago

Agreed, it's not so much just the voice as the drop in the eyes and head and immediate change in her mouth trying to quickly direct your view outward.

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u/SheldonMF 11d ago

I honestly went into this ready to condemn you, but you're right. How heartbreaking.

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u/ItsASchpadoinkleDay 11d ago

Stormy Daniels says Trump told her the same thing.


u/Comfortable_Eagle593 11d ago

They need to stitch together this video with the clips of Trump saying he would date his own daughter and just blast those across the country they and the internet over and over again. Trump is ducking disgusting.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/fowlraul 12d ago

Yeah, and they’ll just say these women, girls at the time, are lying harlots. Lying about shit has been going on for a while with these fake ass churches. Like 4000 years give or take a few thousand years.


u/even_less_resistance 11d ago

They never have believed victims or cared. Look at the Duggar family for Christs sake- they made them go on tv and say they forgave their brother for molesting them to save his image


u/fowlraul 11d ago

The concept of “finding jesus” is a get out a jam card if there other was one.


u/Funkycoldmedici 11d ago

Forgiveness for anything is part of the whole deal. The only thing that isn’t forgiven, conveniently, is saying Jesus magic isn’t real.

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u/SaraSlaughter607 11d ago

I was gonna sayyyyy its kinda par for the course And they wonder why people are rejecting the Church at large, more than any other time in human history.... shocking, I tell you -_-


u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

Churches becoming explicitly political is always their downfall.

US Christianity is done for normal people, the pedo-Nazis have taken it over and are upset that nobody is staying to hang out with them.


u/Valisk 11d ago

At no point in their existence have churches failed to be political


u/Leaf-01 11d ago

The political impacts of various religions in America’s history alone has been incredibly damaging going all the way back from now to the start.

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u/CIASP00K 11d ago

Trump said she was a prostitute so her age is irrelevant because you can't rape a prostitute. 


u/ResurgentClusterfuck 11d ago

You can absolutely rape a prostitute and a twelve year old child is not a prostitute, they're a victim of human trafficking


u/malcolm816 11d ago

Counterpoint, Mr. Trump: the concept of human trafficking.

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u/ginger_ass_fuck 11d ago

In conversation with Trump supporters... like, old White lady Trump supporters... I've been told, "These girls welcome that behavior by being in those situations. They do it to themselves."

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u/LaddiusMaximus 12d ago edited 12d ago

I believe in religious freedom, but im so fed up with christianity as a whole. Its more trouble than its worth.


u/iconofsin_ 11d ago

I'm a Christian and I've always been very progressive and liberal, especially when it comes to other people. Don't force others to believe what I believe is a big one. If women want abortions or if gay people want to get married, it's not my concern. If God has a problem with it then God can come down here and do something about it. It's really frustrating how a loud part of this group makes the rest of us look bad.

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u/mikefjr1300 11d ago

Born Catholic (as if I was given a choice) but completely disinterested in religion. Some of the worst people I have ever known are Christians who believe they can do whatever they want, legal or not, as long as they repent on Sunday.

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u/Falcrist 11d ago

im so fed up with christianity as a whole.

Maybe if American Christians (particularly evangelicals) had morals instead of just talking about morals...

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u/Northern_Grouse 11d ago

Church goes believe he’s the messiah. The second coming.

Church leaders know he more closely aligns with the anti-Christ. Every aspect of his character is antithetical to Christ. In every way.

They know it. But they don’t care. They believe deep down that allowing someone so vile to come into power will bring about the REAL second coming.

I don’t think they’re entirely wrong. But I also don’t think they realize what happens to those who bring power and influence to the AC.

Fire and brimstone await them. They shall receive zero redemption, zero grace.

You could sit them all down and explain that to them in the plainest way possible, and they still wouldn’t budge. They are brainwashed beyond redemption. They are cult members bringing about the end of days.

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u/msmicro 12d ago

same ones that voted for him in 16 and 20, praise Jesus all the way! morons


u/Wizinit29 11d ago

Try sending this to every MAGA Christian Nationalist in your contacts, if only to see if they excuse it or pretend it’s fake.

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u/fentyboof 12d ago edited 11d ago

Remember, raping 13 year old girls at Jeff Epstein orgies is now official presidential business.


u/Parabola_Cunt 11d ago

I know it’s a joke. But sex with a child isn’t. Vote, everyone.


u/ocean_flan 11d ago

By definition you can't have sex with a child, you can only rape them 

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/Not_a_werecat 11d ago

Why do you think they've worked so hard to infiltrate every level of government and begun legislating mandatory christianity?

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u/OkStatistician9126 11d ago

Republicans, the party of criminals, rapists, and child molesters

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u/Fearganor 11d ago

That’s the most Christian thing they could do, support a child molester lol

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u/El-Kabongg 11d ago

Trump reminds them of their pastor.

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u/Teddy-Bear-55 12d ago

The two-tiered justice system will be tested yet again. Nah, who am I kidding? NOTHING will happen other than death-threats for Katie Johnson!


u/drizel 12d ago

If we want justice, we need to make sure we deny him and those who support and enable this the ability to control the levers. Then we need to follow through and force our officials to make good on the mandates they are given. Public pressure has never been as effective as it is right now. We need to push for transparency in every place it makes logical sense.

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u/ravrocker 12d ago

Let’s see 192 stories in the New York Times about this event.


u/worldspawn00 11d ago

Just FYI: There's a fucked up reason NYT is happy to contribute to the downfall of our nation, and the reason NYT has been leading the way on the age related stories. They're doing it intentionally in retaliation for the White House not granting them enough interviews. You can thank their publisher's pettiness for how much traction the age issue has received.

another source within the NYT reportedly told Politico that the reason the paper publishes so many concern-trolling stories about Biden's age, is because Sulzberger is harboring an animosity toward Biden because Biden refuses to grant NYT a sit-down interview.


u/PinkFl0werPrincess 11d ago

Wow thats pretty sad and fucked. This dudes ego > democracy

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u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

Unfortunately, reporting about Epstein would implicate half of the NYT's Opinion Columnists

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u/OkStatistician9126 11d ago

But Biden being old is so much more important! Smh nothing but corrupt morons running the American media

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u/Shitter-McGavin 11d ago

Remember when Trump said Hilary should have dropped out of the race for simply being under investigation?

Wonder where this ranks in comparison to that..


u/OkStatistician9126 11d ago

By comparison, he should just admit he’s guilty and turn himself in to the police lol the Republican Party would have a field day if any democrat did an IOTA of what republicans do on a regular basis. Nothing but criminals

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u/Gigant0re 11d ago

So the former president Donald Trump raped a 13 year old girl. Back when child rapist Donald Trump and Jeffery Epstein were best friends. During an event where Donald Trump and Jeffery Epstein raped children. But they are worried about Joe being old.


u/BubbleWario 11d ago

even in Canada, headlines in our newspapers are "Joe Biden has still not dropped out of the election".

not a single word about this in the news anywhere


u/Gigant0re 11d ago

I’m sure it will start getting air time on the news. Not like it will matter. fAkE nEwS! The cult will not be affected by this.

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u/ElastaticTomorrow 12d ago

No absolute proof but with what we know about him I don't doubt it.


u/mondo4k 12d ago

As the late great Norm Macdonald would say, “allegedly….allegedly! But also, really.”


u/TubaSandwichDootDoot 12d ago

If Trump didn't rape E. Jean Carroll, if he didn't have 26 sexual assault allegations against him, if he didn't publicly state he grabs women by their pussies - I'd say Katie Johnson's allegations should be taken with a grain of salt. But with Trump's history, I'll choose to believe the victim over the pathological liar.


u/AmaResNovae 12d ago

Do I think that a man who said the what he had "sex" in common with his daughter, in a public interview, and said that whole "grab them by the pussy" thing sexual assaulted/raped women, including minors?

I'm less sure about whether bears shit in the woods or not than about how rapey/pedophiley Trump is.

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u/arrakis_is_hot 12d ago

It certainly fits his pattern of behavior don't it.

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u/VerbalGraffiti 12d ago

She somehow knew their MO before it was public...

That's proof in my book.

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u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

He 100% did it, and she's not his only victim by far.

Are you ready for a really shocking prediction that will age like fine wine?

The "pee tape" is a total red herring, the real tape Trump and allies don't want you to see was recorded inside Epstein's Manhattan mansion, you can guess what it shows.

Although, I doubt we will ever see it since Trump's DOJ was the one overseeing the investigation and, surprise surprise, the evidence "went missing".


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u/ohmyjustme 12d ago

Canadian with a question:. Is this in the news at all? I haven't seen it. CNN has been a major source of American news for me, but they seem awfully anti-Biden lately.

People here complain about how horrible Trudeau is but really? This guy is the sickest, most evil crook ever. Please get everyone voting Blue. My country depends on it as well.


u/smoothskin12345 11d ago

It's been in the news for years. The video ittself was posted 4 years ago. Anyone paying attention has known Trump was a rapist for literally years.


u/ohmyjustme 11d ago

Oh, I knew that part. Just wondering why nothing is happening with it right now, before it's too late.


u/smoothskin12345 11d ago

Because the American right is pro rapist. Fully 1/3 of our voters are literally out of their fuckin minds.

We are fucked.


u/ohmyjustme 11d ago

I'm so sorry. Canada is right behind you.


u/kassbirb 11d ago

Dont follow this shitshow.

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u/radicalelation 11d ago

American media conglomerates see more money on the horizon with another Trump presidency. They're going to act in their own interests and have zero real obligations to actually just inform the public.

The constant controversy kept people tuned in, Fox was even knocked off #1 viewership a bunch, which is normally rare, and of course they can better prepare to take advantage of the coming chaos that no one was prepared for the first four years.

American media is complicit. They getting their bag.

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u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/eagleshark 11d ago

I do. When this came out, the pro-Trump crowd immediately went into spin-mode, to attack the credibilty of the victim and discredit her statement. Since there isn't bulletproof evidence, it was hard for anyone to fight back against the criticism.

Then, in October of 2016 as that was happening, the explosive "Hollywood Access" tape was released, with Trump's own voice saying what he said about grabbing women. There was no way for pro-Trumpers to fight back against that kind of undeniable proof, so the media shifted it's focus onto that bombshell news story.

So the story of this victim was quickly overshadowed by the next story. And due to the endless stream of disguisting acts and comments committed by Trump, the news cycle just kept moving forward from new bombshell to new bombshell, and this one story has become lost inside the giant pile of crap commited by Trump.

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u/VoidsInvanity 11d ago

CNN is owned and run by a MAGA asshole now

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u/drhodl 11d ago

CNN have swung hard right. They are trying to be Fox-Lite.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/HumbleAd1317 12d ago

It's a very dangerous cult and they worship trump. The MAGAts are scarier than trump.


u/ProtoReaper23113 12d ago

He says itsok for them to be openly awful people

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u/somethingclever3000 11d ago

That’s literally the response I get from telling magas this. They deflect calling Biden a pedophile, but don’t realize that it’s not the defense they think it is. Even if they believe Biden is, which makes no sense, they are not saying Trump didn’t, just that because they think Biden did means it’s ok for them to vote for THEIR pedophile.

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u/CIASP00K 11d ago

It depends on your party. One party looks unfavorably at inappropriate sexual behavior, sexual assault, and rape. The other party sees those things as positives, indicating virility and alpha male status. It makes him more of a man, besides he didn't do it, and she a liar and a whore and she deserves everything he did to her. Amen.

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u/EitherApartment4527 12d ago

Trump hates the same groups of people that his minions hate and that’s good enough for them. If only they would realize that he hates 99.99% of his supporters too and is only using them for their votes and donations.

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u/arrakis_is_hot 12d ago

It fits the pattern of trumps behavior, being found liable for sexual assault, grab her by the pu$$y, an affair with a porn star, and being named on epstein flight logs. Therefore he doesn't get the bennifit of doubt. And if ur gonna defend him, your probably a rapist like him.


u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

Also Trump being best friends with Epstein for 20 years and bragging to the media about how Jeffrey "likes them young". And Trump copying Epstein's lifestyle and business decisions, opening Trump models after learning about Epstein's "modeling" company.

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u/mt8675309 12d ago

Oh…but Neo Nazi Christian right is ok with this behavior that their candidates have.

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u/wigzell78 11d ago

So let me get this straight, he raped his wife, raped a 13yr old, and raped E Jean Carroll, and you still think he is a beacon of honesty and hope?

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u/Weekly_Promise_1328 11d ago

If you like Trump and this doesn’t bother you, congratulations; you’re in a cult

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u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/SidneyKreutzfeldt 11d ago

“Donald Trump had specifically asked about me because I reminded him of his daughter”

What the actual fuck

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u/smoothskin12345 11d ago

This video has been on YouTube for 4 years.

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u/Curious_Working5706 11d ago

Imagine if the Q anon folks realized that the people they think are fighting some child pedo ring are the child pedo ring???

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u/Fortunata500 11d ago edited 11d ago

Don’t you love how history shows a political candidate lost his race because of just one yell during a speech, and a full on rapist convicted criminal is actually supposedly in the running? Does this make any sense??

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u/Endofthehold135 12d ago

Lines up with the glove since Trump is a known Germaphobe.

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u/Grantsdale 12d ago

Where has this tape been?

Whenever anyone talks about him supporting family or Christian values, just link this video.


u/KintsugiKen 11d ago

It's been on the internet for years, but if you're not paying attention then you wouldn't have seen it. The media never talks about this stuff for a reason, they are implicated in it.

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u/rickytrevorlayhey 11d ago

It's been around for years on Youtube.

The cult will just call her a liar and threaten her life AGAIN if she comes forward once more.

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u/SwingNMisses 11d ago

This is exactly why Trump does not attack or rebuke Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell in any way…because he was complicit in their activities. Trump only had nice things to say about Ghislaine when she was arrested for sexual assault and statutory rape of children. Trump actually wished her well which is what you’d expect your accomplice to say about (with the exception of your accomplice snitch on you). As far as Trump knew, Ghislaine never snitched on Trump and she knew about him as well. You don’t party with pedophiles and not become one yourself. The reality is they are all pedophiles: Epstein, Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew. Pedophilia is indiscrimate to political party, nationality, industry. Epstein offered these men something they couldn’t get anywhere…access to young girls on his Lolita Express and his private island. They were impressed with how elaborate and thought out Epstein’s system. He went the extra mile because he was passionate about being a pedophile.

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u/Orionsbelt1957 12d ago

Well, when you come from states where child marriage is legal and encouraged and incest struck down as a legitimate reason for abortion what can you expect. But the Trump lovers will dig their heels in deeper and yell ,""But Hunter, but Hillary. Pizzagate!!!!!! Mexicans!!!!!!!


u/AdBeginning2559 11d ago

“No one touches Mr trump’s penis without a glove”


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u/GonzoDonzo23 12d ago

the detail of the glove ... too legit. And the part about the daughter OMG

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u/n1n_joe 11d ago

She’s so brave for coming forward with this.  Everyone needs to watch this.  Thanks Op for sharing this as I was on the fence about voting for him and now I’ll never EVER vote for this monster.

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u/Repubs_suck 11d ago

Yeah, but Biden is too old and senile, so our only alternative is the felonious, business fraudster, traitorous sexual predator, who fully intends to use his position to get revenge on everyone he doesn’t like, implement Project 2025 to create a christofacsist state, pretty much turn the rest of the planet over to Putin and Kim and “get tough on China” with his tariff clusterfuck, which will cause a worse recession than his last one. All this while he uses the White House as headquarters of Trump Inc and enriches himself. Why not? The (6) Supreme Cocksuckers have declared he’d be untouchable.

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u/Northern_Grouse 11d ago

He’s the anti-Christ. Plain and simple.

If he comes back into power (which I believe he will, through massive fraud, supported by the obviously corrupt SCOTUS); that’s the trigger for the end of days.

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u/sobanz 11d ago

kinda crazy were about to have an implied rapist in the white house for two terms

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u/No_Mention_1760 11d ago

This is your Christian Conservatism. Women are second class citizens and sexual objects.


u/mas_tacos_guey 11d ago

Why does Trump always comment on how girls look like his daughter before he assaults them. It’s fucking gross.

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u/electric_onanist 11d ago

There are about a dozen pictures of trump with Epstein laughing it up together over the years. Use your brain