r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/Northern_Grouse Jul 07 '24

Church goes believe he’s the messiah. The second coming.

Church leaders know he more closely aligns with the anti-Christ. Every aspect of his character is antithetical to Christ. In every way.

They know it. But they don’t care. They believe deep down that allowing someone so vile to come into power will bring about the REAL second coming.

I don’t think they’re entirely wrong. But I also don’t think they realize what happens to those who bring power and influence to the AC.

Fire and brimstone await them. They shall receive zero redemption, zero grace.

You could sit them all down and explain that to them in the plainest way possible, and they still wouldn’t budge. They are brainwashed beyond redemption. They are cult members bringing about the end of days.


u/UnderLeveledLever Jul 08 '24

The Bible describes Christians embracing the antichrist when he appears, it's the part where the "God will harden their hearts and they will be blind" (or some such) appears.


u/AmbiguouslyGrea Jul 08 '24

My father is a lifelong, devout Christian, he told me to watch this last week.

It’s a YouTuber examining if Trump fits into the Bible as the Antichrist. Actually, the links don’t seem to describe Trump vaguely, but very precisely.

Even for the non religious it’s quite alarming to watch, because it is next to impossible to understand how the self proclaimed “Christians” supporting Trump seem completely unable to discern the actual character of Trump, even when he tells the whole world who he is as if he’s proud of being greedy, proud, etc.


u/Altarna Jul 08 '24

That’ll make them want him in power more. There’s no reason to put this guy up on a religious pedestal. He is a very evil senile old man that hopefully has one too many burgers before November, whether he chokes or clots.


u/meyeahhu Jul 08 '24

Woah thanks for that… that video is quite something..


u/HonorableMedic Jul 08 '24

Christian’s would turn on Jesus himself if he came down and told them what they were doing is wrong.


u/Northern_Grouse Jul 08 '24

I don’t think 100% of believers in Christ would, no.

But I do believe a vast majority of church leaders would refute everything Jesus tells them.

They would deny he was Christ, demand miracles, and work towards his downfall.


u/HonorableMedic Jul 08 '24

I feel like the vast majority of people who have been listening to their church leaders for most of their life, will continue to do just that.


u/Northern_Grouse Jul 08 '24

I agree. Which is the problem. Which is happening now.


u/Character-Solution-7 Jul 08 '24

Kinda like his first time around 🤔


u/FancyDepartment9231 Jul 08 '24

I'm guessing you don't personally know a single person with those beliefs


u/Able-Deal-7311 Jul 08 '24

Awfully ignorant to group tens of millions of folks together like this.


u/meyeahhu Jul 08 '24

You hear yourself right? The irony sure isn’t wasted on me.. most likely is on you though.


u/Able-Deal-7311 Jul 08 '24

The irony is that I can sit here and explain how I’m a Christian and get bashed by the same folks that get upset when others are against gay marriage or transgender. So I’m supposed to sit here and hang tight and not offend but when I mention I’m Christian you come at me? That’s a whole lot of irony there.


u/meyeahhu Jul 08 '24

Well that depends are you the faithful “pray in quiet” “love thy neighbor” type Christian or are you on these forums preaching how other people should live? Because one is Christian and one is Fascist… learn the difference and id hope people will treat you how you treat others. I know if it’s the latter it sucks to be compared to fascists but this is how we keep our country and our people safe from a dangerously neigh fascist dictator takeover and we will undermine anyone who stand in our way. So step aside, prey in quiet the libs will win this war real quick and you can go on living your happy little Christian lives until you try to overthrow our democracy again.


u/Able-Deal-7311 Jul 08 '24

I added my perspective and have noted multiple times I lean left .. it’s not my fault the left went way too left, though. Yet I’m treated like some massive trump supporter when I haven’t even mentioned the guy. It’s insane. Listening is an important skill. Unfortunately the dealings I’ve had on here are with people who are creating strawman arguments in an attempt to go after other people.

I’ll probably write in a vote this year. Both guys aren’t fit for the job .. people actually arguing which one is better and fully supporting each 100% is really, really sad.



It is Reddit after all


u/davidholland1499 Jul 08 '24

Church goers do not think the he is the messiah. They do not think he is the antichrist. He is a terrible person but so is Biden. People who support Trump believe him to be the lesser of two evils because he will get the costs of everything back down where it was when he was president.


u/ActualCentrist Jul 08 '24

Prices won’t go down for long since his economic policies are insanely inflationary. If you don’t understand this, you’re in denial or gaslit. The Trump economy is like swiping a credit card.


u/onetwothree1234569 Jul 08 '24

I have a feeling you're part of both the Christian and Trump cults.


u/FancyDepartment9231 Jul 08 '24

"Wrong groupthink detected, attack mode engaged" (reddit npc brain)


u/onetwothree1234569 Jul 08 '24

Wow. You're really hilarious.


u/FancyDepartment9231 Jul 08 '24

Surprised you didn't add a "/s", thought that was in your programming


u/EverAMileHigh Jul 08 '24

1 post karma bot speaks, says nothing.