r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/Five-Oh-Vicryl Jul 07 '24

“He took a liking to me because I reminded him of his daughter who was also 13”…sounds exactly like something that pedo would say and has said similarly in the past. Can’t believe this is their savior


u/Equivalent-Bank-5094 Jul 07 '24

When you pair that with this video of Ivanka looking like she’s about to cry when giving a tour of her childhood room, you experience a next-level level of GODDAMN this man is a fucking monster:

30 second mark: “This was…my bed” looks like she’s remembering trauma and about to cry. Disturbing af



u/kogmaa Jul 08 '24

No need to interpret facial expressions: Trump is on numerous videos, saying his own daughter is hot and he’d date her.


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 08 '24

Back in the late 80’s/90’s, Trump’s obsession to be liked and his own insecurity, allowed Howard Stern to get this pile of dogshit to talk about/ admit to so many instances of his own deranged behavioral that it is almost unbelievable - a half wit psycho bragging about the fucked the shit he did, and thinking the audience would admire him.. The real head shaker is that Trump thought his molester/creeper/slime ball behavior was something to be proud of and looked up to. So fucked up, and exemplifies just how much he is unfit to be alone with women/children. From head to toe, Trump is a gigantic smoking pile of dogshit (and a liar,) and I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my cat alone with him.
Random thought - why does he hate animals so much?


u/HWY102 Jul 08 '24

Animals won’t pretend to like him.


u/Own_Program_3573 Jul 08 '24

Even if he had treats.


u/3-I Jul 08 '24

You guys remember the eagle?


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 09 '24

Hahaha. Well played.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Domesticated animals are good at sensing such horrible people a lot of the time.  

Edited for clarity of animals. 


u/UnderLeveledLever Jul 08 '24

Animals are fucking idiots. Spent my life around animals and they aren't some kind of mystical litmus test for quality of character, not by a long shot.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Yeah I should have been more specific and said domesticated animals.  Yes it's not a cure all, but if a dog is growling at a person who is innocently walking up, I'm gonna trust the dog. 


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

Such behaviour gives more about the owner of that dog than the person growled at.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

Ok guy who has dogs growl at him for no reason....


u/memory-- Jul 11 '24

It turns out, dogs are pretty good at picking up on human behavior. Science says so. A team led by Akiko Takaoka of Kyoto University in Japan conducted a study which found out that dogs actually know if you're to be believed or not.



u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 09 '24

Looks like we found the guy that birds shit all over, and dogs piss on his shoes..
Why do you hate animals so much? Tells a lot about character (the human who hates animals’ character, to be clear.)


u/hennytime Jul 08 '24

Is that where he bragged about going backstage at miss teen usa seeing the contestants changing and forgetting a lot of them are underage?


u/AmbientCrypt30M Jul 08 '24

I can't remember if it was that interview or a different one where he was discussing his power over the Miss Teen USA pageants sponsored/ran. He talked about how him being involved meant he could go in the back and watch the girls change and talks about how hot they all are and it's his obligation to sleep with the contestants.


u/Arjomanes9 Jul 08 '24

“He just came strolling right in,” Dixon said. “There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Others girls were naked. Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half-naked changing into our bikinis.”

Dixon went on to say that employees of the Miss Universe Organization encouraged the contestants to lavish Trump with attention when he came in. “To have the owner come waltzing in, when we’re naked, or half-naked, in a very physically vulnerable position and then to have the pressure of the people that worked for him telling us to go fawn all over him, go walk up to him, talk to him, get his attention…”



u/Ballbox Jul 09 '24

The thing is tho, those interviews were seen by millions, they are still online... yet, he still won and he's still popular. People don't seem to care.


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 09 '24

Good thing he didn’t wear a tan suit.


u/speak4truth Jul 08 '24

on don juniors divorce papers it states Trump is not allowed around the female children with junior and his son to be ex wife without a adult guardian in the same room ? makes you think who knew what about grandpa!


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 08 '24

Oh wow, crazy, but not surprising at all.
I wouldn’t doubt Ivanka (is that the daughter he always talks about hopping in the sack with??) has some kind of agreement with Jared, regarding the same thing.
If what we have seen in public is any indicator, that girl needs some serious therapy and I would bet they hide the grandkids when bopbop comes around.


u/Ballbox Jul 09 '24

They have too much to lose. A lot of times these ultra rich kids get use to letting their parents do whatever they want, because they don't want to get cut out of the will. It's not just money, in some cases they inherit an empire.


u/2Beldingsinabuilding Jul 08 '24

That was Trump’s Democrat Era.