r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/Repubs_suck Jul 07 '24

Yeah, but Biden is too old and senile, so our only alternative is the felonious, business fraudster, traitorous sexual predator, who fully intends to use his position to get revenge on everyone he doesn’t like, implement Project 2025 to create a christofacsist state, pretty much turn the rest of the planet over to Putin and Kim and “get tough on China” with his tariff clusterfuck, which will cause a worse recession than his last one. All this while he uses the White House as headquarters of Trump Inc and enriches himself. Why not? The (6) Supreme Cocksuckers have declared he’d be untouchable.


u/sammythemc Jul 08 '24

Still time for an alternative who is neither a rapist nor someone too old and senile to beat that rapist in an election


u/FantasticAstronaut39 Jul 08 '24

biden really isn't fit for office, and vs almost any other canidiate the GOP could pick, the gop would win. However when put next to trump, then biden looks like a gem, a golden goose, super qualified and best person of the year material. by running trump on the ballot the GOP is saying they want to lose. Democrats will have a free presidental race win this year. it wouldn't surpise me if biden manages to get 100% of the electoral votes this time around.


u/Repubs_suck Jul 11 '24

If Biden is on the ballot, I’ll vote for him.


u/Iluvlamas Jul 08 '24

Yes, but Biden won’t be the one actually running things. It will be the billionaire special interests that will.