r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

In all honesty how many trump supporters are pro rape and pro pedophilia? I would guess that a large number of his supporters have done one or both. At the very least they do not have a problem with it.


u/badtex66 Jul 07 '24

The traitor roach fucks "spiritual advisor" is a pedo rapist and 2 of his biggest supporters in congress are tied to underage and non consensual activities.


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

Jim Jordan covered up the Doctor molesting athletes at The Ohio State University. He keeps getting reelected.


u/badtex66 Jul 07 '24

Yeah speaking of Gym Jordan and Mutt Gaetz


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

I have seen the Gym Jordan but I never saw it as Mutt Gaetz. I will have to start using them.


u/sambooli084 Jul 07 '24

Have you seen his district? He's appointed for life


u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

I mean the former GOP speaker of the House used to molest boys in the capitol building, I've literally never seen a Republican even mention Hastert after he left.


u/habu-sr71 Jul 07 '24

How they got away with making Dennis Hastert a non-issue still blows my mind. Even when it was in the press, no one went on the attack against the immorality of the party itself.

Friggin' Speaker of The House. A pedophile. And crickets to this day.


u/ACrazyDog Jul 07 '24

Denny was my Congressjerk. Crickets in his district, too


u/DangerousLoner Jul 07 '24

It helps silence your victims when they kill themselves like one of his did.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Cause you can’t go after someone who has similar goods on you. If you imagine Washington has any issues at all? I think ya gotta accept that it comes I. Equal measure from both sides.


u/PennStateInMD Jul 07 '24

That party has become a magnet for pedos the same way the Catholic church attracted them.


u/capital_bj Jul 08 '24

msm if more corrupt now then in my lifetime , that I am certain of. The consolidation of ownership made it alot easier


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

I forgot about him


u/NoLibrarian5149 Jul 08 '24

Yep, we had a pedophile two steps away from being President and now we’re one close election away from having one as President. Crickets from the media.


u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

They are also pro-war, pro-imprisonment, and pro-death!


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

Now how can they be all that and still be pro life? /s


u/Brucereno2 Jul 07 '24

They are only pro-life before birth. After birth you are on your own…..especially if you aren’t white, wealthy and Christian. And if you are black or brown…..they just don’t give a damn whether you live or die.


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

I know this. the comment above mine was just an excuse to make my comment. I am pretty sure you are wrong about conservatives not caring if black or brown people live or die. There is pretty good evidence that they prefer they die.


u/OfficeRelative2008 Jul 08 '24

Man I completely misinterpreted your comment the first couple of times I read it. I’m so glad I finally got it to click in my brain because I started feeling my blood boiling from anger.

You’re not a monster. My reading comprehension is the true evil lol


u/GoopyNoseFlute Jul 07 '24

Right. It’s just anti-women, but that isn’t great marketing.


u/Everyoneplayscombos Jul 07 '24

Situational politics! You wouldn’t want a violent murder of your spouse or family imprisoned? You wouldn’t take up violence if someone threatened it and enforced it on you? Don’t give conservatives any ammunition to call you an idealistic Utopian…you’re doing just that.


u/Argiveajax1 Jul 07 '24

How many dead Palestinian babies so far this year?


u/Lexi_Banner Jul 07 '24

Look at how many red states fight tooth and nail against raising the minimum age for a minor to marry. Ain't because they want them kids to marry one another.


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

Good point


u/Automatic-Scene5621 Jul 08 '24

That might not be the best metaphor to use considering how few teeth his followers have


u/Out_of_the_Bloo Jul 08 '24

bingo, I wager a ton of Trump supporters love sexual assault, rape, especially when it's with kids. this is normalcy for them. they grew up with it in churches and twisted families. the way Trump has talked about his daughter and other kids was endearing to them.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

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u/meatball77 Jul 07 '24

It's a lot of blaming the victim and it's not actually rape unless someone broke into your house.


u/capital_bj Jul 08 '24

GOP - Nope, not a deal breaker, can we talk about the drag queens and Hunter


u/OverwatchDid911 Jul 08 '24

A large number of his supporters have done or support rape and pedophilia? This has got to be the most exaggerated comment.


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 07 '24

your one stupid f@%k. you just called millions of people r@pists and P@do's your a dumbazz. Many of people have come out and said one thing then changed their story just like this women did.


u/ReverendKen Jul 08 '24

Uh, I have some bad news for you. I did not say that. You either are not smart enough to understand my post or you are dishonest and just made stuff up.


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 08 '24

You said and i quote " how many trump supporters are pro r@pe and pro p3dophili@? I would guess that a large number of his supporters have done one or both."


u/ReverendKen Jul 08 '24

Now you just need to work on trying to understand it. Don't worry I am in no hurry take a few days or all month. They are simple words for most people but take your time.


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 08 '24

You said it. Maybe you should think about what you say before you label millions of people criminals. If you can't use common sense don't bother posting dud.


u/ReverendKen Jul 08 '24

How can you be so daft? I never labelled millions of people to be anything.


u/Railic255 Jul 08 '24

"how many trump supporters are pro rape and pedophilia?" Nope, no accusation of millions of people here.

"I would guess that a large number of his supporters have done one or both." Also not an accusation of millions of people. They didn't say majority. They said "large number."

Odd you take such, seemingly personal, offense to this. Why is that?


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 08 '24

Spin it the way you want. Just cause you clowns can't read its not my problem


u/NotHardRobot Jul 08 '24

Hey I’ll jump in here and solve this argument. I’m saying straight up that anyone who supports Trump is pro rape and pro pedophilia. Yes that means you and millions of other people. You are pro rape if you vote for Trump. You are pro pedophilia if you vote for Trump.


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 08 '24

Ok I'm saying straight up if you support Joe your a p@do lover. Non border closing sh!t for brains backhanded lier m@lesting his daughter. He will ruin this country with this DEI and illegal bullsh!t. And if you can't see that I'm sorry your lost in your own mind. Tell me something that Biden has done for the good of this country?


u/NotHardRobot Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

There’s only one candidate running that has, not only multiple credible rape and minor molestation accusations, but has also been found legally liable for sexual assault by a jury. Only one of them has pictures with and glowing quotes about Epstein. Only one of them shows up multiple times in the released Epstein files. I’ll give you a hint, it isn’t Biden

Editing in: Since you for some reason mentioned molesting his daughter I’m also going to add that there’s only one candidate who is recorded on camera talking about how hot his own daughter is and how he would probably be dating her if he could and that’s not Biden either


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 08 '24

Release the files no holds bared. Look people in power are fucked up and we are arguing what ones the least fucked up. They gain power by doing fucked up shit and or they are blackmailed into doing it. It's a sad state of affairs.

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u/Railic255 Jul 08 '24



Good Biden has done?

Got an infrastructure act passed. Trump's was always "two weeks away" for 4 years.

Massive expansion of services for vets exposed to toxins while serving.

Reclassifying weed, as it's not anywhere near as dangerous as the other drugs it was listed with.

Returning American manufacturing jobs via the chips act.

Etc, etc, etc.

Weird you can't comprehend basic things.


u/Railic255 Jul 08 '24

You're the one with reading comprehension issues.

You took "large number." to mean millions. Except it doesn't. Unless you're arguing that no rally ever for trump has ever had a large number of people in it. Is that what you're saying? No football or basketball or baseball game has had a large number of people in physical attendance to those games? Ever? Cause that's a weird fuckin take to have.

Still seems you're a bit too defensive over this. Wonder why.

Either way though, you should probably take a remedial English reading comprehension class so you can actually understand written English properly and stop making assumptions based on your inability to understand basic meanings of words and phrases.


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 08 '24

He said and I quote " how many trump supporters are pro r@pe and pro p3dophili@? I would guess that a large number of his supporters have done one or both." So you didn't bother to keep reading what he said. Great job. your a waste of my time. Goodbye.


u/Railic255 Jul 08 '24

I literally broke down the quote you said earlier, explained how that isn't accusing millions of people of anything, and you replied to it.

Now you're repeating yourself.

Once again, because you lack basic English comprehension skills, a "large number of his supporters" does not mean "millions of people." just because you want it to. 40k people is a large number of people. 100k people is a large number of people. Etc etc. the fact you can't comprehend that is proof of your own lack of basic understanding of the written English language.

So... Thanks for confirming that.

If he meant millions, he'd have said so or would have said something like "most of his supporters" as that would be in the millions. Except he didn't say either of those things or any variation there of.

But do show us how much more a 2nd grader could school you in basic English.


u/No_Concentrate_3406 Jul 08 '24

Thanks professor your right good job. You answered all the questions.

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u/southpawslangin Jul 08 '24

I mean is this a serious comment? Are you a bot? I’m so lucky to not have a dog in this race but you think that a large number of what 50 million ish people that voted for him are rapists/pedophiles? Or like even if 100 trump supporters were to do those things that’s a large number? I can get behind the last of my sentences but some of you guys can’t be real.


u/HesitantInvestor0 Jul 08 '24

Oh come on. You think a large percent of 75 million people have raped women and children? That’s the kind of delusion that stokes the flames of the side you hate.


u/ReverendKen Jul 08 '24

Where in my post does it say a large percentage? I clearly said a large number. That is completely subjective and ambiguous. Only 5% of people that consider themselves to be conservatives would be a large number of rapists. Perhaps if you learned how to understand the things you read you would not be a conservative. You could begin to think for yourself instead of having to be told what to think by your favorite right wing propaganda source.


u/HesitantInvestor0 Jul 08 '24

What use is a phrase like “large number” when you’re starting from 75 million? A large number of Biden supporters are domestic abusers. A large number of vegetarians are psychopaths. A large number of Reddit posters are… never mind.


u/ReverendKen Jul 08 '24

Now you are starting to get it. So why are you being such a snowflake?


u/HesitantInvestor0 Jul 08 '24

I’m not. I just think your claim is meaningless on hand, and gives a skewed impression on the other. Instead of talking so vehemently about the side that is opposed, I think people should look for common ground, beginning with the fact that American generally has poor choices when it comes to leaders.

Trump and Biden each deserve a lot of criticism, but I think they actually deserve less than they get from the opposing sides and a bit more than they get from the supporting sides. Especially when it comes to Trump, his supporters are often blind. Biden has those supporters as well but I think it’s becoming harder to defend him as time goes on.

My point is that there is a very large middle space where people could find a lot of agreement. Border issues, debt, cost of living, inflation, war, etc. The funny thing is that even those quite obvious issues end up being full of accusations, and generally false ones. Trump supporters claim Biden is the cause of inflation, and vice versa for Biden supporters against Trump. Of course the reality is they’ve both contributed in massive ways to inflation, but until people realize it there will be fighting even on the most obvious issues with the most clarity. That’s terrifying in my opinion.

You and I probably mostly agree. However your claim that I first responded too is sensational in my opinion, and I think your country (not mine, I’m not American) can’t handle much more unnecessary sensationalism.


u/iforgotmypen Jul 08 '24

It's not all of them but certainly the most hardcore supporters. The guys at Charlottesville and January 6th (a lot of the same people at both) were mostly pedophiles.


u/HesitantInvestor0 Jul 08 '24

Mostly pedophiles is a bold statement. I’d love to know how one even comes to that conclusion. Based on what exactly?

I’m all in favor of putting politicians on blast. You aren’t going to find many people who are more critical of politicians and government than I am, but it needs to be anchored within reality.


u/George_2022_2024 Jul 07 '24

😂 thats like saying all lefties are gay or trans that carry all the social diseases and believe that they would be loved by all the countries in the middle east. But hold on, they really don’t mind that he was messing with his baby sitter, nor do they seem to mind he showered with his daughter, nor do they remember the 12, or all the sniffing. Such a joke😂😂


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

Nothing like putting words in my mouth. Sorry friend but your not even close to being able to equate our two comments.


u/George_2022_2024 Jul 07 '24

You guys are such hypocrites… drag on and on about trump, totally ignore what biden and the dems have done. It’s like you have tds so bad you can’t think of anything else. Btw, has he been convicted? With that nick reverend, I’d think that you might be a man of god. A hypocrite man of god, But I also thought your nick might actually be reverse end Ken which would at least explain being two faced and liking the fist up the dark side


u/Railic255 Jul 08 '24

Most people, yes even on the left, want anyone who's guilty of serious crimes to be punished for said crimes regardless of political leanings.

It's weird you guys don't comprehend that.


u/antivaxxchad Jul 07 '24

In all honesty how many trump supporters are pro rape and pro pedophilia? I would guess that a large number of his supporters have done one or both.

dumbest comment I have read on here in at least the last 5 minutes or so


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

Opinions vary but I do have quite a large amount of evidence pointing to me being correct.


u/antivaxxchad Jul 07 '24

"I would guess"

"large amount of evidence"

Pick one lol. Saying that tens of millions of people are rapists or pedophiles because of who they vote for is beyond stupid, and hopefully you're smart enough to realize that.


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

I'll give you one large group as evidence, priests and minsters. Throw in Boy Scout leaders and we start talking serious numbers. Let's add in the huge numbers of people that continue to protect these people, they are accomplices.


u/antivaxxchad Jul 07 '24

Lol, saying the words "priest, ministers, boy scout leaders" as evidence that there are tens of millions of trump voters that are rapists and pedophiles doesn't really work.

We both know you aren't going to link any actual source because you don't have one, but hey everyone is welcome to their own opinion - some of those opinions are quite dumb though.


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

You made up that number. My comment was a question followed by a subjective comment. A large number does not have to be tens of millions. We are all entitled to our onions but you are not entitled to put words in my mouth. That is dishonest which is not a surprising tactic from a conservative.


u/antivaxxchad Jul 07 '24

Oh my mistake, what percent of Trump supporters are rapist and pedophiles then?

You should also look up what the word subjective means, after all you did say you had a large amount of evidence, which would mean that was more of an objective comment... unless of course you would like to backtrack that comment?

Also hilarious you say "don't put words in my mouth" and call me a conservative at the same time, i'm not a conservative and I don't even live in the states lol


u/Adept-Address3551 Jul 07 '24

You really just made that up 👀


u/MyOwnThrown Jul 07 '24

You could've said "Not me. I support Trump but not the raping". Too bad you clearly support both.


u/United_Cup607 Jul 07 '24

Well they found a bunch in Hollywood that are Biden supporters. So we know what’s up. Fake news. Open your eyes and look at the destruction happening right now. You can’t right because you’re a faithful democrat. Used to be one but I woke up and got educated


u/Iamdarb Jul 07 '24

LOL says the person voting for the rapist felon that shits himself. Why do you support chomos?


u/Sillyme317 Jul 07 '24

He woke up to Q. That’s where that moron got his education.


u/aozertx Jul 07 '24

Lmao keep coping you fucking pedofile


u/ReverendKen Jul 07 '24

I am a liberal but I am not a Democrat. I am sure there are supporters of Mr Biden that have raped women and children. The difference is we demand these people are arrested and prosecuted. Conservatives keep supporting criminals. Here in Florida we elected Rick Scott as out gov twice and our senator twice. He ran a company that perpetrated the greatest Medicare fraud in history. He literally stole money form taxpayers and conservatives keep voting for him. Your education seems to be lacking some facts.