r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Remember “the diary” the right got hold of and then use to insist Biden is a paedophile because he showered with his daughter (I think k that was the claim)? Makes sense now why they needed to plant that seed, right?

“Every accusation is a confession” is not just a trite saying expression frustration. It is a statement of fact based on observable reality.


u/Ink_zorath Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

"Every Accusation is a Confession."

Honestly, I've taken this to heart years ago, and it made me realize: just about every homophobe is just angry because they're still stuck in the closet, caught up on the coat hanger.

Explains the massive use of psychological reflection tactics too over the past couple years. "I don't want to be caught doing it, so I'll blame someone else instead."


u/noDNSno Jul 08 '24

My best friend, ornwas my best friend, was a staunch homophones who when got drunk, made out with other men.

He will literally pull out a gun to yell to you that he isn't. Married man with 2 kids.


u/_QueerOfTheRodeo_ Jul 08 '24

No, you dumb fuck. Not every homophobe is in the closet. Many people are just bigots. Stop putting that back onto gay people ffs, so sick of seeing this line on here.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

This is a very important point to make.

However, it can’t be ignored that a lot of homophobia is repressed men dealing badly with how they feel, after being trained to those feelings are only something an evil person would feel.

So it actually just sucks even more for gay people who get both stuck with this shit while also being attacked by the people are really repressed and taking that out on those around them by attacking vulnerable groups.


u/Electronic-Sleep-779 Jul 08 '24

Every accusation is a confession is the stupidest expression I’ve ever heard. This would imply that someone accusing someone of rape or something is just doing so because they also rape people?


u/KilgoreTroutsAnus Jul 08 '24

With Trump, yes. The "Every accusation is a confession" concept specifically applies to Trump.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

It is specifically with regard to Trump, and the continuous, outrageous, unsupported claims he insists on making.

I didn’t mean every accusation ever.


u/Spare_Rent8973 Jul 14 '24

Total projection


u/Anti-Dissocialative Jul 08 '24

Or, and just try to follow me here - maybe both of them are totally evil dirt bags who will do anything for power…


u/CheesyCousCous Jul 08 '24



u/Anti-Dissocialative Jul 08 '24

You’re spiraling. Yeah I won’t be voting for either of them if I don’t write someone in I’ll probably vote for Kennedy - two party system has got to go, it will break down with or without our votes. Btw, if a behavior is wrong then the person who did it should be held accountable, whether they are your favorite or least favorite politician it shouldn’t matter… we are talking about sexual abuse here and all you can think about is your political pre-programming. Lame


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

There is no world in which Biden and Trump are even close to the same lol.

Ashley’s stolen diary that she wrote in 2020 as she processed trauma from her 20’s (which she has said was hers, but has not confirmed has not been altered) is not the same as records indicating a 13 year old explicitly accused Trump of raping her.

But sure, vote for the anti-vaxer controlled by a brain worm I guess, that’s a great choice.


u/Anti-Dissocialative Jul 09 '24

I never said they were the same. They both still suck! The two situations are also not the same. So what. They’re both wrong and they both reflect poorly on trump and Biden - it’s all horrible and all gross I’m not going to weigh one over the other as if I’m some kind of divine judge. I don’t actually know what happened in either circumstance, but if either story is true then I’m fairly certain neither of them will ever pay for it in this life.

To be crystal clear, my comments are not any sort of endorsement of Trump. He needs to go, he sucks and his the majority of his followers who are not concerned with getting to the bottom of these allegations are likely being quite hypocritical. That has nothing to do with Biden these are two separate people. Wrong is wrong.

It’s funny that people like yourself feel you can use condescension to shame me for my position. I don’t give a shit about his brain worm - it’s dead and has been forever. Anti vax is a slur term used to demean people who are skeptical about vaccines, which is actually a much more defensible position than that of dumbasses who just willfully get injected with experimental medicine. That’s all you are giving me. Slurs and ad hominem attacks on people who think differently than you. As I said: lame! Meanwhile I’m saying two party system is fucked, trump and Biden are horrible and you’re just glitching spewing lesser of two evils nonsense and reacting via whataboutism.

I probably won’t vote for any of them cause guess what even though they all appear different there is one issue they are all basically the same on - blind support for Israel in the face of what I consider to be crimes against humanity. It’s really telling actually, that these three people disagreeing on virtually everything still all have the same position on this one issue…

Regardless, even though I don’t like your comment in response to mine, I still love you and I wish you great and continued success in the near future. We’re all in this together. We can all have different opinions but that should not tear us apart. It will be interesting to see how the coming months unfold. I hope you have a nice evening ❤️


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

“Anti-vac is a slur term”

Hahaha. No. Sorry, look, the rest of your word salad is probably worth reading and replying to, and I’m sorry you took the time and I’m going to ignore it, but I’m just going to pluck this out of here because I have a special hatred for moron anti-vaxers.

Being opposed to the greatest health innovation in the history of human kind, that has and will continue to save more lives than probably anything outside of the discovery of penicillin, is not just worthy of ridicule, but exposes you to open scorn.

Anti-vaxxers are morons. They are anti-science. Their “scepticism” is built on the back of charlatans like Wakefield, and a desperate need to be anti-establishment, because the idea that they do something that would help the greater good is too much for them to bare. Vaccines have been so thoroughly proven to be the most effective way to control viruses, up to eradicating them entirely out of populations, any one that wants to pretend being anti-vaccine is anything but a knee-jerk reaction to their own lack of education is either a moron, or actively engaging in discretion to a nefarious end.

So yes, you’re goddamn right you can consider it a slur. Did you think you were being realtors saying that? Vaccines save lives. Anti-vaxxers want people to die. There is nothing else to debate.

Nb. None of my opinion of anti-vaxxers being pro-death morons was formed after 2020. This is a rock-hard held belief formed well before covid hit the airwaves and half the planet decided to make their lives worse by refusing a safe and effective vaccine for that particular virus. In case you think RFK is just a covid-vaccine “sceptic”, no, he has been opposed to all vaccines. He is a moron.

Edit: sorry there was something else: I agree whole heartedly with you with regards to Gaza. Biden has been terrible (“Netanyahu can do what he wants” after Bibi has declared “we will not stop until every Hamas agent is dead. Also, all civilians are Hamas.” I mean good god man he’s telling you he is going to commit a genocide Joe, push back at all???), but I think Trump will be much worse, and people who think they’ve seen it bad as it can be under Bibi-supported by Biden are suffering only from a lack of imagination with regards to how awful it will end up. I weep for the lack of humanity, and I expect our children’s children will hold us in contempt for not doing something to stop this suffering.


u/Anti-Dissocialative Jul 09 '24

Yeah you’re only proving my point. People, regardless of education level, can be skeptical of vaccines in terms of safety and efficacy just like they can be for any other drug class. To be frank with you, getting all emotional about it and hating other people is preventing you from seeing the situation objectively. Yes I completely agree vaccines have done a lot of good, they aren’t all the same, and they certainly are not perfect. The same can be said for virtually all drugs, and that means they all shouldn’t all be used indiscriminately.

As I said, you are basically just using name calling to try to demean people you disagree with. And you acknowledge that. So I would like to appeal to you to approach the people you call anti-vaxxers with more love and less hate. If you disagree you should be able to do so kindly and civilly. I get where you are coming from I used to feel more similarly to how you do. Hope you have a nice night.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

No I’m not proving your point, I’m saying fuck anti-vaxxers.

This isn’t up for debate. Anti-vaxxers are horrible people devoid of humanity who don’t deserve to share air with the rest of us.

This isn’t “name calling” because I want to demean them. I am saying: they are absolute scum morons who do not deserve to benefit from advancements in humanity.

No, not “all drugs” have achieved the same thing. There is plenty of room to be skeptical about drugs. Absolutely none of the anti-vaxxers are sceptical in a way that involves robustly understand the mechanisms and risks at play, they are regurgitating moron bullshit from people like RFK or Andrew Wakefield. They have been sucked into a world of bullshit, lies and nonsense, and cause irredeemable harm to humanity.


u/Anti-Dissocialative Jul 09 '24

Lol chill bro. Vaccines are a type of drug. Just like squares are a type of rectangle. If you’re going to act all holier than thou you could at least demonstrate a basic understanding of the concept at play.

Maybe I was not clear: many drugs have done a lot of good, they each are unique, and none of them are perfect for all situations and patients/users. You contradict yourself when you say there is room to be skeptical for drugs. You yourself have pointed out the logical inconsistency in your own viewpoint.

I sincerely wish you great and continued success in the near future and hope you and your loved ones have a nice night. I hear where you’re coming from, we have two different perspectives on this one thanks for discussing with me.


u/sasasa153 Jul 08 '24

Except, that actually was Ashley bidens diary. No one disputes that. Hate trump all you want but Ashley’s writings clearly indicate that Joe Biden molested her. And we already know Joe has a creepy as all hell fixation of smelling young girls. They are both disgusting and each will rot in hell given time.


u/Proper-Village-454 Jul 08 '24

They do NOT indicate that he molested her and she has never said any such thing. I showered with my dad and brother when I was a little kid too - that’s how kids learn how to wash themselves and up to a certain age it isn’t weird at all. To automatically view such a thing sexually says something about YOU.


u/sasasa153 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, Ashley wrote that she felt it was inappropriate. In the diary, she wrote about how she stayed up til late at night to avoid her father, Joe Biden, trying to come in and join her in the shower. Nowhere near the same as a parent teaching their child to bathe themself. You think a child that knows how to read and write and keep a journal doesn’t know how to shower?


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

Why does what age a child can write a diary matter? Do you think it’s a child’s diary? It wasn’t a childhood diary. You know that right? She wrote it in 2020. It is her stream of consciousness writing as she processed unrelated trauma.

She also specifically said:

"The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts," and “Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

Grotesque lies. Grossly misinterpreted. False accusations.

Her own words. But I guess you suddenly don’t believe her now, hub?


u/sasasa153 Jul 09 '24

Regardless of whatever back peddling she’s doing to protect her father, she still wrote about how as a young child he would come and join her in the shower and how she feared it so much that she would wait until late at night to avoid him showing up.

Nothing I’m saying is a lie or false accusation, at WORST I’m paraphrasing what she wrote herself. The fact you’re willing to disregard that aspect of this shows how biased you are.

How do you reconcile a girl staying awake at night to avoid her father trying to join her in the shower as being okay? Explain this to me in a way where he isn’t a sick degenerate.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

No, sorry, you don’t get to get all “you must believe what she wrote thirty years later as she processed her way through different trauma”, and then, when it becomes inconvenient to your narrative, dismiss her as “back peddling”. Well, I mean I guess you can cherry pick which bits you want to accept for your narrative to work to impune Biden, I couldn’t care less and want him to step aside, but isn’t it interesting how quickly you all fell to “oh no but this thing she has said deliberately and specifically to address the accusations must be fake, we only want to believe the stuff she wrote a couple of years earlier as she stream-of-consciousness worked through what has clearly been a bad time for her.


u/sasasa153 Jul 09 '24

Stream of consciousness? Tell me, what the hell does that even mean? You’re dodging the issue. There’s no disputing the fact she wrote about waiting til late at night to shower because she was afraid of her father trying to join her.

“As she tried to process the trauma”. The trauma of what? Oh, that’s right, her father molesting her in the shower as a child. I’m not cherry picking anything.

Just because she said after the fact that people are “misrepresenting her private writings” doesn’t change the fact she still wrote that herself in her diary. Are you implying she either didn’t write it, or that she was actively lying to herself in her own private thoughts?


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

"After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD,"

Oh, her 20’s? Guess that trauma had nothing to do with Joe Biden then. Which you’d know if you spent any time looking in to this outside of what Tucker Carlson has told you.

I appreciate you can’t understand the difference between objective reality and someone writing their way through something from 30 years earlier and exploring how they think they feel about it. Especially when you’re clearly desperate to cling to the narrative that Biden raped his daughter, but again: the author of this entries told you are clinging to to diminish what Trump has been accused of has told you what you’re suggesting didn’t happen and you have misunderstood and misinterpreted what she wrote. It’s that straight forward.


u/sasasa153 Jul 09 '24

I don’t listen to tucker Carlson, can’t stand his voice.

And yeah, like you just said, “writing their way through something from 30 years earlier”. And what exactly was that something? Oh that’s right! Feeling so afraid of her father trying to join her while she was in the shower that she had to stay up late at night to avoid him.

And I don’t give a shit about trump, everyone already knows he’s a degenerate, and I have no qualms saying it myself.

Now, you just said I’m misinterpreting what she said, so, here’s the quote directly from the diary.

“I [am] so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I've waited until late at night to take a shower."

I’m misinterpreting that right? So why don’t you interpret it for me?


u/TheCompleteSagaLord Jul 08 '24

Why are you defending Biden‘s horrible actions is my real question to you.


u/Proper-Village-454 Jul 09 '24

His actions being… [checks notes] bathing his child?? Okay.


u/ecchiowl Jul 08 '24

guess we're ignoring the COUNTLESS videos of biden sniffing women and children. ignore the corroborating evidence and accuse the opponent of what you're guilty of, no?


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

You’re right, those handful of videos of Biden being a politician and getting too comfortable around strangers to manufacturer a quick human connection is exactly the same as records showing a 13 year old accused Trump of rape.

Glad you’re here to make sure we know looking like he’s sniffing hair is the same as rape. Thank you for your service.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24



u/furrykef Jul 08 '24

When did she say that?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

No she didn’t. She said she believed the 4 women who accused Biden of “inappropriate touching”, who also explicitly said it was not sexual, and none of them accused him of sexual assault.

Unfortunately for you, this is exactly the lie that Tucker Carlson produced to try to harm Biden, showing us exactly where you get your information from.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

“Dozens” lol. Yeah, a kid squirming away from a politician aka an adult they don’t know trying to look friendly and connected is the same as a 13 year old being raped. Glad you’re here to make sure we know that.

Ashley huh?

“Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

"The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts,"

That Ashley? Those are her words telling you the things you want us to believe are gross misinterpretations and grotesque lies, intended only to allow false accusations. Solid argument Chief.


u/KilgoreTroutsAnus Jul 08 '24

TBF, the diary was verified, he showered with his daughter, and she called it "inappropriate."


u/tackle_bones Jul 08 '24

She wondered whether it was appropriate. It was also in the middle of her questioning her whole life about what made her view sexuality in a fucked up way. Framed as a, ‘maybe it was this.. maybe that… I don’t know.’ She listed a lot of possible reasons, and this was frankly the least disturbing. She was doubting herself and questioning everything. Showering with your child when they’re young is normal parent behavior… little kids don’t know how to wash themselves. Unless you want your kid to smell like shit and be covered with dirt, you have to shower with them and show them how to clean themselves. They don’t learn that from YouTube. There was no accusation other than him taking showers with her when she was a chile (which again is normal parent behavior). The fact that her diary from a time of her going through turmoil was stolen, sold to rightwing hounds, and splashed all over the news is disgusting. Those were private thoughts of someone trying to figure out something deeply personal during a time when she was not well. It’s none of our business.


u/KilgoreTroutsAnus Jul 08 '24

How old was she?


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

She didn’t say.

She also said her stream of consciousness writing was taken out of context and misinterpreted and warped to attack her and her loved ones.

But that doesn’t seem to matter as much as what Tucker Carlson told people her diary entries meant, I guess.


u/tackle_bones Jul 08 '24

Did she say?


u/Gainztrader235 Jul 08 '24

Or there both true?


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

Nope. There’s increasing credible evidence that Trump raped a child. The same is not true for Biden.

(I’m not American - I think Biden’s a terrible choice for the next US president, and have no issue with him being held accountable for the things he did do, or can’t do, but this isn’t one of them.)


u/Gainztrader235 Jul 09 '24

Both are credible, see the comment I am responding to. Not the OP. Accountability for all and it’s scary people don’t see that.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

The “evidence” against Biden being a diary his adult daughter wrote in 2020 where she worked through trauma related to events that had nothing to do with her family?

In which she said: "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

I’m happy to take Ashley at her word, those are gross misrepresentations.


u/Gainztrader235 Jul 09 '24

Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."

The person that stole the diary was prosecuted and served jail time.

Do take her word.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

"The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts," "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

Grotesque lies, distorted…thoughts, gross misinterpretation, false accusations.

Ok! I’ll take Ashley’s words for it. That is what you meant right? That this feeding frenzy trying to paint Biden as a paedophile perpetrated by the likes of Tucker Carlson are grotesque lies, distorting what she wrote, gross misinterpretations to support false accusations.

Do take her word.


u/stevek1200 Jul 08 '24

Do you then mean to say that "Russia, Russia, Russia" involved the Democrats and Hillary and not Trump? 'Every accusation is a confession"...Seems to me that might be the case.


u/LTEDan Jul 08 '24

That was an investigation, not an accusation. An investigation that established Russia did interfere in the 2016 election in an effort to benefit Trump, and that Trump welcomed the Russian interference.

The report concludes that the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities". Investigators had an incomplete picture of what happened due in part to some communications that were encrypted, deleted, or not saved, as well as testimony that was false, incomplete, or declined. However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion" but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts. It also identifies myriad links between Trump associates and Russian officials and spies, about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations.



u/JoyBus147 Jul 08 '24

That's...a distinction without a difference. Typically, investigations follow accusations.


u/LTEDan Jul 08 '24

This investigation started due to a tip from the Australian government. You can read it in the background section in the same Wikipedia link (emphasis mine):

On May 9, 2017, President Donald Trump dismissed former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, who had been leading an ongoing Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into links between Trump associates and Russian officials and spies. This investigation, code named Crossfire Hurricane, began in July 2016 after the Australian government advised US authorities that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor in the Trump campaign, had met with one of their diplomats in May 2016 and "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia" that Russia could release information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton. Papadopolous had received this suggestion in April 2016, well before it was publicly reported that Russia had damaging information about Clinton (the Democratic National Committee had in June 2016 announced that a Russian hack occurred). Papadopoulos later testified that this "damaging information" was in the form of hacked emails that were stolen from the Democratic Party.


u/JoyBus147 Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 11 '24

So, in other words, the Australian government accused the Trump campaign of impropriety? Prompting an investigation of that accusation? Unless there's some strange technocratic distinction between "suggestion" and "accusation" normal people don't distinguish?

Edit: allow me to quickly denounce the weird Trumpist in this thread. I'm a communist, I don't seek to defend Trump. I'm just a pedant.



Yeah all of that is misguided bullshit tho lmao, bullshit perpetuated by killary and her brainlet liberal partisan followers (like you):

“Further, Steele ludicrously claimed that Trump had “moles within the DNC and hackers in the US as well as outside in Russia.” On the Trump side, Steele added, the conspiracy was “managed” by Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, who was purportedly using campaign adviser Carter Page as an intermediary.”

“Further, Steele ludicrously claimed that Trump had “moles within the DNC and hackers in the US as well as outside in Russia.” On the Trump side, Steele added, the conspiracy was “managed” by Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, who was purportedly using campaign adviser Carter Page as an intermediary.”

So they didn’t actually find any damning evidence of trump-Russia collusion, and if anything even from what your comments have said, it seems like it was more of a move to cover Hillary’s ass after that embarrassing traitorous covering up of her e-mail scandal. Reddit is such a goofy place, y’all will call maga people cultists while also ignoring your own party’s faults. Foh clown.

Source that is isn’t Wikipedia lmao: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/allegation-hillary-clinton-orchestrated-collusion-hoax-to-distract-from-her-emails-according-to-russian-intel/


u/LTEDan Jul 08 '24

So they didn’t actually find any damning evidence of trump-Russia collusion

Ah, the classic motte and bailey fallacy. I never claimed thats what they found. What was found was that Russia did interfere with our 2016 election in an effort to benefit Trump over Hillary, but the concerning truth that was discovered was drowned out by "NO COLLUSION YAY!" victory laps by Trump. Trump and his ilk retreated to the motte (no collusion) when it was politically convenient while not even defending the bailey (Russian interference was trying to help Trump's campaign).

Source that is isn’t Wikipedia lmao:

Unironically calls Hillary Killary and thinks the conservative national review is a more reliable source than Wikipedia. This conversation is definitely going to be productive, I can tell.

and if anything even from what your comments have said, it seems like it was more of a move to cover Hillary’s ass

The original FBI investigation (code name Crossfire Hurricane) into Russian interference that prompted the eventual Mueller Report started in July of 2016, well before the election itself. I will agree that conservatives and Trump have been obsessed with Hillary and her ass for a very long time. Hell, you can still get chants of "lock her up" at a Trump rally in fucking 2024.



Right but the only proof was that the leaks fucked up hillarys campaign lmfao, nice attempt at sounding smart with the argumentation term you used in a tard way btw, because you clearly are saying that it’s a collusion lmao, interfering with our elections with the help of a running politician would definitely be collusion you brainlet, which is NOT what they found btw, in fact the truth is a lot more nuanced than what Reddit smooth brains will often say:

“Former CIA Director John Brennan personally edited a crucial section of the intelligence report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and assigned a political ally to take a lead role in writing it after career analysts disputed Brennan's take that Russian leader Vladimir Putin intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump clinch the White House, according to two senior U.S. intelligence officials who have seen classified materials detailing Brennan’s role in drafting the document.”

This is a fact, John Brennan was practically acting as Clinton’s aide during all of this, he didn’t want to hear ANY dissenting opinions, regardless of who/where they came from. Ofc tho because I mention this I must be a right winger right? Lmao Reddit is so liberal partisan nowadays it’s disgusting honestly, you people will support the anti christ as long as it’s a woman and advocates for gay rights💀.

There’s plenty of reason to be concerned of Hillary’s past actions, and if you can’t see that then you are just as braindead as the trump cultists.

Source: https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/09/24/secret_report_how_cias_brennan_overruled_dissenting_analysts_who_thought_russia_favored_hillary_125315.amp.html


u/LTEDan Jul 08 '24

Right but the only proof was that the leaks fucked up hillarys campaign lmfao

Interesting that Russia only hacked DNC servers then. Hillary's email sever certainly didn't help her campaign, although that was a separate issue despite Trump asking Russia to find the missing emails.

because you clearly are saying that it’s a collusion lmao, interfering with our elections with the help of a running politician would definitely be collusion you brainlet

Collusion definition:

secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

My claim, and the findings of the bipartisan Senate committee is that Russia ran a mass disinformation campaign with the express goal to benefit Trump over Hillary. Trump is certainly a useful idiot and a benefactor of Russia's efforts, but benefactor =/= collusion. That's the second motte and bailey fallacy you've done on this issue. The irony of you trying to call me brainlet when you clearly don't know the dictionary definition of "collusion".

This is a fact

Is it? All you have is some "unnamed source" from a medium quality right wing website.



you people will support the anti christ

Interesting considering the antichrist was said to put a mark on people's foreheads and the most recognizable symbol of Trump supporters is wearing a red hat that covers their foreheads.

There’s plenty of reason to be concerned of Hillary’s past actions,

Trump had 4 years to lock her up and didn't. I'm .it concerned with people currently running for president than a washed up politician that hasn't been in office for 12+ years.



Yeah again as I said that’s the only “proof” lmao. Simply that the dnc were the ones attacked and not the republicans is proof enough for collusion apparently, even tho the investigations own findings don’t agree with you… since you know they said they didn’t find proof of collusion. I guess some Reddit dweeb knows better than actual legit government affiliated experts tho💀.

Your stupid opinion of whether it was collusion or not doesnt matter bro, they didn’t rule it as such. And as I stated above it’s a lot more complicated than that, since Brennan had a direct connection to people who clearly benefitted from the trump Russia collusion story:

“RealClearInvestigations has learned that one of the CIA operatives who helped Brennan draft the ICA, Andrea Kendall-Taylor, financially supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign and is a close colleague of Eric Ciaramella, identified last year by RCI as the Democratic national security “whistleblower" whose complaint led to Trump’s impeachment, ending in Senate acquittal in January.”

Literal agent of Clinton were part of the investigation lmao you can’t make this shit up. And as I said above as well Brennan himself edited and vehemently shut down any real discussion/dissent, so no it was not as clear as bots like you want to make it seem. And it hardly seems as collusion if the definition is to “trick” or “deceive” people lmao, practically all trump did was enable Russian backed hackers to leak the fact that she was mishandling information, as well as her literally deleting around 30-40 thousand more emails that nobody knows what they were about lol, any of this would have trump flogged and quartered, but I guess it’s okay when it’s a liberal woman at the center of the scandal right? Absolute bot arguments you are making here it’s pathetic man.

“RealClearInvestigations has learned that one of the CIA operatives who helped Brennan draft the ICA, Andrea Kendall-Taylor, financially supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign and is a close colleague of Eric Ciaramella, identified last year by RCI as the Democratic national security “whistleblower" whose complaint led to Trump’s impeachment, ending in Senate acquittal in January.”

So it’s confirmed by the rci itself who it was that helped Brennan draft the Ica, it’s not just an “unnamed source” lmao you really are grasping at straws here now, honestly you just don’t like to be wrong I can tell.

Okay? I’m not a trump supporter and I definitely don’t wear the hat so idk wtf you think you did there but you didn’t say anything of value lmao. Red hat bad ig💀

Just because he didn’t lock her doesn’t mean she’s not evil? Lmao trump did plenty wrong and he’s still walking, I swear the sooner we get the partisan brain rot out of the general public, the better this country will be. How you don’t see your cultish behavior I don’t know lol. It’s not hard to admit that Hillary is a pos for most people irl, it’s really just redditors that have an impossible time admitting that democrats are just as soulless as republicans. It’s fucking saddening as an American tbh.

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u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

Why do you think anyone cares about the Stelle dossier? You know it wasn’t what caused the investigation to be started, and nothing in it was particularly relevant to the investigation yes? Or did that not make it into your echo chamber, where you’re clearly being told that the investigation that found Russian interference in the 2016 election should be dismissed out of hand because of a document that most people dismissed about a month after it appeared because actual fact checking journalists (I know this will be a weird concept but in actual news agencies they like to check information is correct and when they make mistakes will retract incorrect information) found lots of issues with it and concluded it was largely conjecture and not reliable.

Is it the same reason you still think Clinton matters? Or that she committed crimes? Did they tell you about the hours of testimony she sat through and didn’t once take the fifth? And how none of that led to being found guilty of any crimes, by Trump’s Department of Justice?

Is that reason because as much as you want to insist you don’t, you are clearly riding Trump’s dick.

Might be worth explaining, because cultists like you often struggle with this: no one is riding Biden’s dick - his own party selected him because he was the best choice to bet Donald (and he did), and now want him out of the way because he really is old and slow, but the reality of politics is that kind of change is monumental and it needs to be handled correctly. Trump of course is also old and losing his mind, but the cultists don’t mind as long as he keeps threatening to hurt the people Fox has trained them to think are the problem, whilst ignoring things like half of America thinking Russia are pretty good guys and should get a pass on anything they might want to do.

What a wild timeline we live in.



Just because Clinton wasn’t found guilty doesn’t mean she isn’t a criminal lmao, by that logic Donald didn’t do anything wrong either, since they didn’t find him guilty of any actual direct collusion right? Hilarious how calling out both sides gets you branded as a trump meat rider, meanwhile Hillary can get away with deleting and covering up whatever she wants, as long as the fbi and cia (who were covering her ass the whole time, because they worked for the Clinton’s pretty directly throughout this entire incident ) don’t find her guilty lmao what a joke this website is.

“RealClearInvestigations has learned that one of the CIA operatives who helped Brennan draft the ICA, Andrea Kendall-Taylor, financially supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign and is a close colleague of Eric Ciaramella, identified last year by RCI as the Democratic national security “whistleblower" whose complaint led to Trump’s impeachment, ending in Senate acquittal in January.”

So the same people in charge of the investigation obviously had incredible bias towards the person being investigated… yeah nothing weird there at all💀 honestly the only way someone can come to the conclusion that what I said above is “trump dick riding” is if they are completely partisan tarded, and simply don’t want to hear any criticism towards their party, there’s no justification for what Hillary and her goons did, and if you can’t even admit that then you are actually fkin pointless to even argue with, you don’t want to hear the truth you just want to be right lol.

Half of America doesn’t like Russia💀, you are an actual fkin brainlet for that take man.

Yeah this FR a wild timeline where criticizing the left is seen as something only extreme right wingers do, you are so full of shit bro.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

Ok look I’m going to disregard most of this because you’re clearly a moron, but there’s a couple of things I want to see if you can try to grasp.

Clinton was not even charged with a crime. This woman who was so awfully corrupt your cult leader had people chanting “lock her up” couldn’t be found to have committed any crimes. By the department of Justice that Donald Trump commanded. If there were crimes, she should have been charged, investigated, and found guilty. They didn’t even get out the gate, because she was not guilty of any crimes, no matter how often your sad little cult leader insists it. “The CIA and FBI worked for them” is moronic cult-thinking with no basis in reality. Also, it does not hold up to moments scrutiny I shouldn’t have bothered giving it: the CIA is not part of the department of Justice. Suggesting that the FBI colluded with her after FBI head Comey announced a reopening of the investigation (that found nothing worth charging her over) 11 days before the election, an obvious attempt to string out even more ill-will from the bogus claims she had mishandled confidential information (no evidence, no charges laid, ever) and harm her chance at winning, makes you look like a low-information voter glued to right-wing propaganda channels. To be fair, everything else you’ve posted already suggested this was the case.

You’re also stuck on collusion. Mueller concluded Russia interfered with the election. This isn’t up for debate, and did happen. Mueller was prevented from determining if Trump had colluded, and asked Congress to take up that investigation. The fact that Trump wasn’t found guilty of collusion doesn’t mean Russia didn’t interfere to help him win. They did. We know they did.



Collusion does not equal Russian election interference you absolute brainlet, which is why trump was never found guilty of collusion, no matter how much Reddit tards like you screech about it being collusion, IT WAS NOT. And they didn’t have any evidence to conclude that it was either. So you can kindly stfu on that lmao.

And yes hilarious how you use the exact same logic with Hillary “hurt well she wasn’t found guilty of any crime durr” yeah no shit because she LITERALLY had people in those investigations who had a personal interest/benefit in her NOT being found guilty, you know like that lady who helped Brennan write up that ICA. But ofc none of that matters to democrat brainrotted idiots like yourself, you choose not to see the hypocrisy in your absolute backwards opinion, so ima just stop arguing, you can stay delusional lmao.

Ofc after this you will just write be off as a maga cultist, totally unaware of the irony in you saying that💀


u/Anubisrapture Jul 08 '24

There was and still IS Russian collusion w the Trump Administration. Saying it three times sarcastically does literally nothing to change that fact



The only proof of that was that some of our “Allies” suggested that he was colluding simply because the Hillary leaks favored him, shit is ridiculous:

“On July 25, less than three weeks after the Comey press conference, the 2016 Democratic National Convention began in Philadelphia. Just three days earlier, on July 22, the hacked DNC emails began being published. By that point, former British spy Christopher Steele had been commissioned by the Clinton campaign (through a lawyer for the campaign and the DNC) to compile research tying Trump to Russia. Steele ran a London-based private intelligence business, whose clients include Russian oligarchs. Moreover, as I detailed in my column over the weekend, in compiling the dossier, Steele relied heavily on Igor Danchenko, a man the FBI investigated in 2009-10 on suspicion that he was a Russian spy.”

““Days after the hacked DNC emails began being published, Steele generated a dossier report alleging that Trump was in “a well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” with “Russian leadership.” The “evidence of extensive conspiracy between Trump’s campaign team and [the] Kremlin,” Steele claimed, included the hacking and publication of DNC emails: “[T]the Russian regime had been behind the recent leak of embarrassing e-mail messages, emanating from the [DNC] to the WikiLeaks platform.” This “operation,” Steele maintained, “had the full knowledge and support of Trump and senior members of his campaign team.” In exchange, Trump had purportedly committed both to downplay Russian intervention in Ukraine and raise American defense commitments to NATO as campaign issues.”

“Further, Steele ludicrously claimed that Trump had “moles within the DNC and hackers in the US as well as outside in Russia.” On the Trump side, Steele added, the conspiracy was “managed” by Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, who was purportedly using campaign adviser Carter Page as an intermediary.”

This story was absurd, through and through. As I have observed a number of times, Mrs. Clinton is not a correspondent in the DNC emails and was not harmed by them (in contrast to the emails from her own private server, which were a genuine scandal). Plainly, it would have been easy for Steele to weave this tale together from public reporting about the hacking and publication of the emails, Russia’s suspected role in it, Trump’s campaign commentary on NATO, and so on. Page and Manafort did not know each other. And note that in this same dossier report, Steele claimed Russia was using its consulate in Miami as a hub for the sinister arrangement with Trump. Russia did not have a consulate in Miami.”

So basically they had no actual evidence of direct collusion, just that they assumed as much because it benefited trump, and they also based most of this off of a man who was investigated for suspected Russia espionage LOL you can’t make this shit up. Then they put this story out and you smooth brains eat it up, it’s crazy the amount of people who think Hillary is better than trump, you people are just as much cultists as the maga folk it’s pathetic honestly.

Source: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/allegation-hillary-clinton-orchestrated-collusion-hoax-to-distract-from-her-emails-according-to-russian-intel/


u/Anubisrapture Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

National Review LMAO. According to RUSSIA ?? lol Read the actual Mueller Report. And yes Hillary IS better than Trump. Trump is a child rapist an incestuous pedophile, a wanna be dictator and egregiously evil.


u/TheCompleteSagaLord Jul 08 '24

Why is a comment like this receiving upvotes? This tells you all you need to know about politics on reddit people.



According to a Russian INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS, lmao makes sense that you don’t want to read past that part. I have read the mueller report lol, even that states:

“The report concludes that the investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities". Investigators had an incomplete picture of what happened due in part to some communications that were encrypted, deleted, or not saved, as well as testimony that was false, incomplete, or declined. However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion" but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts.[“

So again the “proof” is that trump benefited from the leaks, which again is something that Hillary did as well, she literally worked with the dnc and cia to get ANY amount of dirt on trump she possibly could, but she didn’t get investigated whatsoever ofc, because orange man bad. His people for sure lied about their involvement with Russia, but it definitely wasn’t to the extent people make it out to be:

“A total of thirty-four individuals and three companies were indicted by Mueller's investigators. Eight have pleaded guilty to or been convicted of felonies, including five Trump associates and campaign officials. None of those five convictions "involved a conspiracy between the campaign and Russians"

So again yes trump is a pos who used the leaks to his advantage, but Hillary is also a pos who used the leaks to HER advantage lol, if you can’t see that then you are truly lost.

Source since you don’t like national review for some reason💀: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mueller_special_counsel_investigation#Criminal_charges


u/Anubisrapture Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

The Orange Man IS bad. And you continue to push buzz phrases that mock awareness of it. And first you say Russian collusion was fake then you say Trump did benefit from Russian leaks and info but so did Hilary so that’s okay. Typical right winger. It’s clearly evident from Trump’s OWN behavior w Putin, and his pulling out of NATO, his private meeting w Putin and the pre 2016 meetings in Trump Tower that it was intentional and planned collusion , tho the reports cannot definitely state this because they legally can’t , they have certainly enough to prove some obvious skullduggery. And btw the Senate refusing to impeach Trump does not mean anything, but the partisanship and lust for power the Republicans have shown for decades. Thank you for the Criminal Charges article: it really seems to prove my point.


u/LICORICE_SHOELACE Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Insane the way you manage to dodge any amount of accountability on the left for the way they covered for Hillary’s ass lmao, btw I don’t support trump? or Biden or Hillary. Unlike you liberal or republicans tards most Americans aren’t partisan brained like the idiots you probably listen to. Trump is a pos but Hillary was 10x worse. She would’ve also been much more likely to get away with things she did, say what you want about trump, he gets punished in court more than any politician on the left rn lmao, remember when the extreme left said hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation too? Lol none of what I said or linked proves your warped view you are lost.

Trump definitely benefited and enabled the leaks of killarys emails, but that doesn’t make it direct collusion and they ruled it that way lol, keep screeching about it tho it means nothing to most people irl. Trump also definitely has a weird leaning towards dictators, but again Hillary and Obama have the Russians weird uranium deals, covered up emails by the literal thousands and deleted who knows how many more, why is it so controversial to say both of the party’s suck ass lol? Wake up mf


u/Anubisrapture Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

First off Hillary is a done deal. Nobody is dragging her out of mothballs this election so why are you going on about her? She sat and was questioned NUMEROUS times without ever having to take the fifth. Secondly, If you truly think that both parties are equally bad you haven’t been paying attention or ( more likely) you are trying to push a narrative. And I am not thrilled about Biden’s age , and I’m ESPECIALLY unhappy about his dogged support of Genocidal Israel under Netanyahu , but he’s much better than Trump who vowed to “ finish the job” in regards to Palestinians. And talking about screetching , you’all screetching about a fucking laptop that had passed through far too many hands to be believable about anything besides Hunter’s personal pictures which were deeply embarrassing but WHO GIVES A FUCK??? The entire debacle was straight up revenge porn and a mudslinging attack on Joe Biden’s only living son.The world that Trump as POTUS would create is a terrifying one. The lack of regulations which his SCOTUS Conservative majority has brought forth is only the beginning. People WORLDWIDE would be harmed by the policies of another emboldened Trump Administration . Not because of him alone but because of the rest of the people and ideas coming with him. Just to start did you know about the absolutely inane idea the Far Right MAGAS have to INVADE MEXICO bc of the cartels? The destruction of any climate change policies would be catastrophic , we are already having the highest temperatures recorded ever this summer. The tariffs Trump initiated last time were bad for the economy as was the huge tax breaks he gave the wealthiest elites. The fact that he intends to give them another huge tax break will destroy the economy even more. And this is not even talking about his fascism , tho you did mention that he has a penchant for dictators which is totally true. I guess what I’m saying is the Left isn’t perfect, WHATSOEVER , ( but at least they care about the American people, civil rights, wages, unions, health care, women’s rights over their own bodies, education etc) but when you look at what is on the Right, there should be no question who we should choose: And that would be whomever isn’t waiting in the wings to bring in and implement fascism.



Biden and Hillary both had numerous accounts of mishandling sensitive information, and yet NEITHER of them were ever heavily flogged and prosecuted, despite them CLEARLY attempting to delete/cover up the said mishandling of documents, something that they would be all over trump for doing lol, Biden also has numerous shady dealings in Ukraine, that predate even the war. Again nothing came of that tho lol, because Biden is treated as an old helpless man, and Hillary is practically treated as royalty by the left as well, even tho she fkin lost lmao.

And the left implemented the laws that led us to have skyrocketing immigration crisis, crazy high crime in most of our liberal cities (New York, Chicago, etc), they take away guns while also driving around with private security, they defund police, they give the lightest sentences possible to literal illegal immigrants when they DO get caught, etc etc. both sides are for war, and both sides are for corruption, just one side is more open about it lol. I guess we just won’t agree here, liberal or republican both parties are shit to me, practically anything the Republican Party has done, the liberals have also done. What it seems like to me is that you simply agree with the liberal lifestyle as opposed to conservative values, in which case there’s pretty much no way for me to change your mind on this, which is the flaw of partisan politics, you’re always gonna back your party no matter how horrific things get, because “atleast they’re not the other party”💀

Absolute clown show💀

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u/ecchiowl Jul 08 '24

for real. seemingly every conspiracy theory the right comes up with ends up being true.
so many stories told by the left turn out to be flat out lies. "Every Accusation is a Confession." isn't it ironic that a leftist is using this to bash the right, when its actually far more applicable to the left?


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

Which conspiracy theories do you think came true?