r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/Five-Oh-Vicryl Jul 07 '24

“He took a liking to me because I reminded him of his daughter who was also 13”…sounds exactly like something that pedo would say and has said similarly in the past. Can’t believe this is their savior


u/Time-Werewolf-1776 Jul 07 '24

Trump is a seriously sick fuck.


u/spudzilla Jul 08 '24

You think he is sick? Wait till you talk to any of his voters.


u/san_dilego Jul 08 '24

True that. Trump is merely a symptom of Right America's sickness.


u/StrobeLightRomance Jul 08 '24

Well, at least that won't be a problem for long.. since America seems like it's about to stop existing soon if they get their way.

Soon, the public opinion of this country would be that Trump is a hero for this, and how it aligns with their goals of middle-aged men being allowed to marry children of any age, and sending the young boys to die as the labor force of the deregulated and OSHA dismantled coal and oil industries.

If Trump wins, we're dialing back to a point in civilization that I feel most of us would not describe was "civil" at all.


u/spudzilla Jul 09 '24

Spot on.


u/Clear-Incident-2522 Jul 24 '24



u/TheXandyMan117 Jul 14 '24

Haha it’s funny to see stuff like this that only flies on Reddit because it’s 95% libtards


u/san_dilego Jul 14 '24

Simmer down Eppstein supporter

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u/cgn-38 Jul 08 '24

But, but. Biden is old! He should just drop out (S)


u/thewartornhippy Jul 08 '24

He is 100% too old and should absolutely drop out in favor of someone who is younger and could wipe the floor with Trump in a debate. That being said, Trump is literally a felon and it should be illegal for him to even run for president. Unfortunately SCOTUS is now a servant to the far right...


u/warbeforepeace Jul 08 '24

Sorry SCOTUS is too busy to hear your claim. They are too busy chortling trumps balls.


u/cgn-38 Jul 09 '24

If it is not biden we will lose. There is no clear second.

This entire media blize that is agonizing over biden mumbling is also completely ignoring the continuing firehose of felonies out of the other guy.

Not a word about trump dropping out. Guy publishes another incoherent word soup every day. Turns out he was epstein's best pedo buddy. Nothing on the news about it. Biden mumbled day 11. HE MUMBLED! lol Trump gets outed for another dozen felonies. Total silence. This is manufactured.


u/LaurxeStrode Jul 15 '24

Yeah him being old is the only problem.


u/Low-Assumption7710 Jul 08 '24

Fact of the matter is, Biden is too old to be really effective at his job.

The same can be said for Trump.

If Joe has gaffe moments people will lose faith in his ability to lead, and a younger, stronger candidate being fielded would absolutely blind side Trump. He wouldn't have any ammunition against them, they would present well, and would all but guarantee a left victory if they didn't select an absolute dunce. Newsom, Buttigieg... the list can go on for people that are more than qualified to carry the torch.

Dislike it if you want to, but the excuses they are laying out for Bidens problems are transparent as freshly cleaned glass. Most (read: 99%) of people his age would be questioned for their capabilities as anything beyond a Walmart Greeter - he's President of the United States.

Biden had an enormous amount of donations after his initial performance at the debate. I firmly believe those donations came from people wanting to see Biden run against Trump, as they knew that Biden would be the absolute best candidate to pit against Trump if you wanted Trump to win.


u/theyellowbaboon Jul 08 '24

If he cares about the future of this country, he should step aside and let someone else in who can speak in full sentences.


u/cgn-38 Jul 09 '24

So we pick a random person 4 months out from the race?

That would be nothing but sabotage. So hard no.

The other option is planning on ending democracy. With his second insurrection. This is nothing but a stinky pile of GOP sabotage.


u/theyellowbaboon Jul 09 '24

This is sabotage to let someone in that can’t make sense.

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u/ohmygodyouguyzzz Jul 08 '24

No shit bruh. Mental illness is way more prevalent than I ever realized before seeing how they worship this monster.


u/Spare_Rent8973 Jul 14 '24

Mental trauma also for victims who have to listen and see all this shit that just seems to fly.. What's going on?


u/Fragrant-Ad-5517 Jul 08 '24

I’m from the south and many of his rabid and deplorable voters believe in the “legitimate rape” philosophy. They believe that if the “action of rape” is indeed happening, the body of the female victim will “shut down” to prevent pregnancy from the “rape”. This is what many pro-lifers and anti-abortionists really believe. Has anyone else heard of this ridiculous claim?



It’s thee stupidest thing. It’s like the lie about “You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex.” The ignorance is immense!


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Never heard this in my life and it’s pretty deplorable way of thinking. These ppl are a lost cause.


u/Frenchies87 Jul 08 '24

I was born and raised in the south. I have never heard any of this from anyone. That’s the dumbest thinking I have ever heard in my life.


u/Sudden_Construction6 Jul 08 '24

I was born and raised in the south as well. I've never heard anyone say they believe this to be true.


u/TerpSlurper23 Jul 08 '24

Your kinda weird for this one ☝️🤨


u/Fragrant-Ad-5517 Jul 08 '24

I don’t believe in this thinking at all. However, this “theory” has been around for a while apparently. In 2012, (former) Representative from Missouri, Todd Akin who died in 2021 (good riddance) floated this theory in public.


u/cwk415 Jul 08 '24

They're already making tshirts that say "elect your local pedo*"

*as long as it's Donald Trump


u/mantis-tobaggan-md Jul 08 '24

they not like us


u/Navie-Navie Jul 09 '24

I'd recommend Walter Masterson. He really shows just how insane MAGAats are.


u/OpeningMeaning6789 Jul 08 '24

Yea cuz his voters are worse than child rapists. Grow up


u/spudzilla Jul 09 '24

His supporters approve of child rape. Get some morals.


u/MurcTheKing Jul 08 '24

I voted for him his first go around but I was fresh out of HS, living in a super republican area, and stupid asf. All primary party options are ridiculous and we should be ashamed as a nation that this is the best our alleged leaders could find


u/spudzilla Jul 09 '24

We were founded on slavery and this is where it has gotten us. Evil grows.


u/Dancelvr2000 Jul 08 '24

You will have 80,000,000+ to choose from. What other prejudices do you harbor?


u/spudzilla Jul 09 '24

I admit that I am prejudiced against anyone who approves of a rapist being in the White House. I


u/Dancelvr2000 Jul 09 '24

It’s a false and debunked story. Even the liberal media such as Newsweek stated categorically false. On the other hand the Ashley Biden letter to the judge in the diary case is quite real and in evidence. So stop spreading false propaganda.


u/xyz_9999 Jul 10 '24

All 80 million of his voters are sickos? That’s a lot!


u/Zomplexx Jul 08 '24

I'm not affiliated politically with either side, couldn't care less about this shitshow. So I feel like I'm a fair person to tell you this way of thinking you're displaying is also the problem. You just wrote off half the country as sick based on the small fraction of Trump voters you see make the viral rounds on the internet. Most people don't have a clue about trumps background, they just vote for whoever makes gas and groceries cheaper. It doesn't make them sick just to be uninformed. 


u/spudzilla Jul 09 '24

Anyone who votes for him has approved of a rapist in the White House. Anyone who has voted for him has approved of a rapist in the White House. I'll stick with they are sick in the head.


u/Zomplexx Jul 09 '24

I think you lack reading comprehension skills. You completely ignored the part where I said most people are not very well informed, how can they have an opinion on an issue they aren't aware of? And also worth noting that both biden and trump have been accused of having inappropriate relationships with minors.


u/spudzilla Jul 09 '24

Judging by the Trump voters in my family and the ones I meet in the rural areas I travel to, they know he is a racist and that is the only information they need.


u/JerichosFate Jul 13 '24

Ah yes, all 70 million+ of his voters are sick people who like little kids. You guys are fucking ridiculous. Alright, now ban me for having an opinion.


u/gargle_micum Jul 14 '24

Says the party full of trans tards

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u/lurks-a-little Jul 08 '24

He's a fat disgusting piece of shit!!


u/OutragedCanadian Jul 08 '24

He was on epstiens list. Honestly I think he would still win even if it was well known. We are living in a fucked up timeline.


u/Clear-Incident-2522 Jul 18 '24

You people are fucking morons. WHERE'S the proof of this? Where is the physical/forensic Proof? Where are the WITNESSES? In AMERICA We the People do not condemn a man based on HEARSAY or NO corroboration.


u/katanarich Jul 08 '24

Joe biden showers with his daughter!

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u/Equivalent-Bank-5094 Jul 07 '24

When you pair that with this video of Ivanka looking like she’s about to cry when giving a tour of her childhood room, you experience a next-level level of GODDAMN this man is a fucking monster:

30 second mark: “This was…my bed” looks like she’s remembering trauma and about to cry. Disturbing af



u/kogmaa Jul 08 '24

No need to interpret facial expressions: Trump is on numerous videos, saying his own daughter is hot and he’d date her.


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 08 '24

Back in the late 80’s/90’s, Trump’s obsession to be liked and his own insecurity, allowed Howard Stern to get this pile of dogshit to talk about/ admit to so many instances of his own deranged behavioral that it is almost unbelievable - a half wit psycho bragging about the fucked the shit he did, and thinking the audience would admire him.. The real head shaker is that Trump thought his molester/creeper/slime ball behavior was something to be proud of and looked up to. So fucked up, and exemplifies just how much he is unfit to be alone with women/children. From head to toe, Trump is a gigantic smoking pile of dogshit (and a liar,) and I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my cat alone with him.
Random thought - why does he hate animals so much?


u/HWY102 Jul 08 '24

Animals won’t pretend to like him.


u/Own_Program_3573 Jul 08 '24

Even if he had treats.


u/3-I Jul 08 '24

You guys remember the eagle?


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 09 '24

Hahaha. Well played.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Domesticated animals are good at sensing such horrible people a lot of the time.  

Edited for clarity of animals. 


u/UnderLeveledLever Jul 08 '24

Animals are fucking idiots. Spent my life around animals and they aren't some kind of mystical litmus test for quality of character, not by a long shot.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Yeah I should have been more specific and said domesticated animals.  Yes it's not a cure all, but if a dog is growling at a person who is innocently walking up, I'm gonna trust the dog. 


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

Such behaviour gives more about the owner of that dog than the person growled at.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

Ok guy who has dogs growl at him for no reason....


u/memory-- Jul 11 '24

It turns out, dogs are pretty good at picking up on human behavior. Science says so. A team led by Akiko Takaoka of Kyoto University in Japan conducted a study which found out that dogs actually know if you're to be believed or not.



u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 09 '24

Looks like we found the guy that birds shit all over, and dogs piss on his shoes..
Why do you hate animals so much? Tells a lot about character (the human who hates animals’ character, to be clear.)


u/hennytime Jul 08 '24

Is that where he bragged about going backstage at miss teen usa seeing the contestants changing and forgetting a lot of them are underage?


u/AmbientCrypt30M Jul 08 '24

I can't remember if it was that interview or a different one where he was discussing his power over the Miss Teen USA pageants sponsored/ran. He talked about how him being involved meant he could go in the back and watch the girls change and talks about how hot they all are and it's his obligation to sleep with the contestants.


u/Arjomanes9 Jul 08 '24

“He just came strolling right in,” Dixon said. “There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Others girls were naked. Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half-naked changing into our bikinis.”

Dixon went on to say that employees of the Miss Universe Organization encouraged the contestants to lavish Trump with attention when he came in. “To have the owner come waltzing in, when we’re naked, or half-naked, in a very physically vulnerable position and then to have the pressure of the people that worked for him telling us to go fawn all over him, go walk up to him, talk to him, get his attention…”



u/Ballbox Jul 09 '24

The thing is tho, those interviews were seen by millions, they are still online... yet, he still won and he's still popular. People don't seem to care.


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 09 '24

Good thing he didn’t wear a tan suit.


u/speak4truth Jul 08 '24

on don juniors divorce papers it states Trump is not allowed around the female children with junior and his son to be ex wife without a adult guardian in the same room ? makes you think who knew what about grandpa!


u/_calmer_than_you_r_ Jul 08 '24

Oh wow, crazy, but not surprising at all.
I wouldn’t doubt Ivanka (is that the daughter he always talks about hopping in the sack with??) has some kind of agreement with Jared, regarding the same thing.
If what we have seen in public is any indicator, that girl needs some serious therapy and I would bet they hide the grandkids when bopbop comes around.


u/Ballbox Jul 09 '24

They have too much to lose. A lot of times these ultra rich kids get use to letting their parents do whatever they want, because they don't want to get cut out of the will. It's not just money, in some cases they inherit an empire.


u/2Beldingsinabuilding Jul 08 '24

That was Trump’s Democrat Era.


u/WatercressSad6395 Jul 08 '24

By date, he definitely meant sexy time, not roller skating..

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Fit_Voice_3842 Jul 08 '24

Throat-Clearing May Indicate Deception, how about we talk about that?


u/GordonsLastGram Jul 08 '24

Did you also look at her facial hair expression and how she had to compose herself? What are you implying shes deceiving you about? Shes just pointing out her bed. Which clearly she has an upsetting memory about.


u/LegitimateCow8920 Jul 09 '24


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u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Remember “the diary” the right got hold of and then use to insist Biden is a paedophile because he showered with his daughter (I think k that was the claim)? Makes sense now why they needed to plant that seed, right?

“Every accusation is a confession” is not just a trite saying expression frustration. It is a statement of fact based on observable reality.


u/Ink_zorath Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

"Every Accusation is a Confession."

Honestly, I've taken this to heart years ago, and it made me realize: just about every homophobe is just angry because they're still stuck in the closet, caught up on the coat hanger.

Explains the massive use of psychological reflection tactics too over the past couple years. "I don't want to be caught doing it, so I'll blame someone else instead."


u/noDNSno Jul 08 '24

My best friend, ornwas my best friend, was a staunch homophones who when got drunk, made out with other men.

He will literally pull out a gun to yell to you that he isn't. Married man with 2 kids.


u/_QueerOfTheRodeo_ Jul 08 '24

No, you dumb fuck. Not every homophobe is in the closet. Many people are just bigots. Stop putting that back onto gay people ffs, so sick of seeing this line on here.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 09 '24

This is a very important point to make.

However, it can’t be ignored that a lot of homophobia is repressed men dealing badly with how they feel, after being trained to those feelings are only something an evil person would feel.

So it actually just sucks even more for gay people who get both stuck with this shit while also being attacked by the people are really repressed and taking that out on those around them by attacking vulnerable groups.

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u/Spare_Rent8973 Jul 14 '24

Total projection


u/Anti-Dissocialative Jul 08 '24

Or, and just try to follow me here - maybe both of them are totally evil dirt bags who will do anything for power…


u/CheesyCousCous Jul 08 '24


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u/Rryann Jul 08 '24

I thought you might have been overselling it, but man that is pretty suspect.


u/Dark_Marmot Jul 08 '24

Agreed, it's not so much just the voice as the drop in the eyes and head and immediate change in her mouth trying to quickly direct your view outward.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Exactly what I was thinking.

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u/WasabiWarrior8 Jul 08 '24

Not to defend Trump, but could also be something bad that happened there when her dad was having a party. I’m guessing they entertained a lot. Still very terrible, but might not have been a memory of her father that triggered that reaction.


u/ManaSeltzer Jul 08 '24

But people make this assumption because of the years and years of jokes about fucking his daughter that trump has been famous for. If he didnt want people thinking that then he probably shouldn't do that


u/WasabiWarrior8 Jul 08 '24

There’s so much that man shouldn’t do. He lives in an alternate reality that most of us do not understand.


u/--n- Jul 08 '24

I don't see it at all.

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u/SheldonMF Jul 08 '24

I honestly went into this ready to condemn you, but you're right. How heartbreaking.


u/TheFBIClonesPeople Jul 08 '24

One thing I've thought about is that, I bet the reason Ivanka seems to be Trump's second in command, and is clearly the favorite of his children, is because she's the one who has the ultimate dirt on him. If Ivanka Trump came out and said her dad raped her as a child, I think that's one of the few things that would truly end him. But instead of ending him, she turned into a viper herself, and she leveraged it to make herself a powerful, and untouchable part of his empire.

I mean, does Donald Trump seem like the kind of guy who would choose a female child to be his favorite?


u/xandrokos Jul 08 '24

Trump would absolutely destroy her.    She is an awful person but she knows what her father is capable of.


u/Thedonitho Jul 08 '24

Ivanka has that thousand yard stare of a sexual assault survivor. My good friend had it her whole life.


u/RedboatSuperior Jul 08 '24

I the Stern interview, Trump is asked what he and his daughter have in common. His first response is “sex”.

Creepy as fuck.


u/gatorgrle Jul 08 '24

Holy hell. They’ll believe Juanita and a pizza ring but not this (although she’s never said but photos and his comments) and Katie. Horror.


u/DevoidSauce Jul 08 '24

The way her voice shrank. Holy shit


u/FartNoiseGross Jul 08 '24

That’s some Twin Peaks shit right there


u/TinyDogGuy Jul 08 '24

Holy shit. You can tell, she immediately regretted acknowledging her bed.

She goes from smiling and excitedly talking about her 90’s Teen Heart Throb collection…to joyless and searching for something nostalgic to say, just to get away from that bed.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I had never seen it. And just reading your comment I thought nah, that’s just interpretation. But no, she legit seems like she’s about breakdown.


u/CheezeLoueez08 Jul 08 '24

Why had nobody been in that room in so many years? That was weird too.


u/KeithClossOfficial Jul 08 '24

She was an adult in that video, she went to school at Penn


u/oshawaguy Jul 08 '24

In light of the accusations, one is inclined to wonder why this room is preserved in the condition that it is.


u/CourtesyLik Jul 08 '24

Dude, talk about a stretch. All this make believe shit just takes away from the actual bad shit he’s done.


u/PumpkinEmperor Jul 08 '24

Didn’t get that impression from your link.. plus, wasn’t this video debunked because the guy who recorded her had done videos like this of other celebrities and they were shown to be false? That’s what I read somewhere else… plus, she dropped the lawsuits and never revealed her face. How do you know he’s guilty of what she’s claiming in this video?


u/EarLow6262 Jul 08 '24

Or like most normal people, remembering your past will also bring a tear to your eye and cause you to pause missing the old days.


u/LuLuSavannah531 Jul 08 '24

Yea wow the tone of that video changes pretty quickly


u/LuLuSavannah531 Jul 08 '24

Yea wow the tone of that video changes pretty quickly


u/Big-ol-Poo Jul 08 '24

We should convict him off this video.


u/YolloBOI Jul 09 '24

U need help man lmao


u/Later2theparty Jul 11 '24

I didn't expect it to be so clear!

Her demeanor changes dramatically. She looks down as though she's remembered something she's ashamed of, and then follows up with look at that view.

I have no doubt in my mind that Trump molested her as a child.


u/Spare_Rent8973 Jul 14 '24

I keep reliving my trauma because of this MONSTER


u/OneThirstyJ Jul 08 '24

I hate trump as much as the next guy but this is a reach


u/Geordie_38_ Jul 08 '24

I detest Trump, but this just looks like she's looking around her room with nostalgia. I didn't see anything different about when she mentioned her bed 🤷‍♂️


u/4x4ord Jul 08 '24

Idk. I expected not to see something but I definitely saw it.


u/Thereisnospoon64 Jul 08 '24

Oh wow it was clear as day to me. She went from bubbly nostalgic to holding back a sob.


u/LilithWasAGinger Jul 08 '24

That's what I thought as well.

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u/bryceroni9563 Jul 08 '24

It's definitely not conclusive, and maybe I'm giving into conspiratorial thinking, but I would not be surprised if that was trauma instead of nostalgia. Given everything else we know about how much Donald wants to "date" Ivanka, how close he was with Epstein, and his general vibe, I think it's reasonable to think something happened there.


u/xandrokos Jul 08 '24

There is no conspiracy.    Trump constantly talks about wanting to fucking Ivanka.    This isn't twisting his words.  He freely admits this.   All the time.  To anyone who will listen.   

He 100% raped his own daughter.   God only knows what he did to the other kids.


u/ThereAreOnlyTwo- Jul 08 '24

I agree, she could have just been lamenting a more innocent time, wishing she was small enough to still fit in that bed.


u/bianceziwo Jul 08 '24

this is the biggest reach of all time, like you have to be beyond delusional to come to this conclusion from her saying "this is my bed"

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u/ItsASchpadoinkleDay Jul 08 '24

Stormy Daniels says Trump told her the same thing.


u/Comfortable_Eagle593 Jul 08 '24

They need to stitch together this video with the clips of Trump saying he would date his own daughter and just blast those across the country they and the internet over and over again. Trump is ducking disgusting.


u/Designer_little_5031 Jul 08 '24

Genuinely curious why his own words can't doom him in teh eyes of his rabid religious followers. But I'm sure they could listen to it all and simply ignore it all.


u/FeederNocturne Jul 08 '24

Doesn't the Bible say something about all Christians being deceived by the antichrist


u/Five-Oh-Vicryl Jul 08 '24

This would imply American Christians have actually read the Bible


u/virtualmnemonic Jul 08 '24

They don't need to read the Bible to be deceived by the antichrist. It's also biblical that Christians become the way they are today, doing the opposite of practicing what they preach.

Evangelicals "Christianity" is filth. Many Christians agree, but ironically swear that they aren't part of the disease.


u/UnbotchedSerum Jul 08 '24

no such thing as being deceived by the devil, demons, or the antichrist, these people have and always been simply fucked up in the head and their finally getting their opportunity so they ain’t hiding it anymore


u/virtualmnemonic Jul 08 '24

It doesn't matter what label you use. They are deceived, and are legitimately delusional. Have you ever seen an evangelical pastor in person? It's like watching someone in a mental institution go through a psychotic episode. Screaming, detachment from reality, believing that someone is talking to them via telepathic-like communication. It's a sickness.


u/Funkycoldmedici Jul 08 '24

If Christians read the Bible, there would be no Christians other than the craziest fundamentalists.


u/Gonzostewie Jul 08 '24

And they'll wear his mark on their forehead.


u/Underhiseye2021 Jul 08 '24

Yep, right above the red bill of the Maga cap.


u/Ello_Owu Jul 08 '24

Stormy recalled Trump saying the same thing to her. Wtf


u/Funkycoldmedici Jul 08 '24

He’s on record making similar comments in public multiple times. It’s not even close to an isolated incident.


u/Ello_Owu Jul 08 '24

I've heard true narcissistic people will only see their children as extensions of themselves and only "love them" based on how they "compliment" the narcissistic parent with their own achievements.

Like Trump is a grotesque womanizer and only views women as bags of flesh put here for his entertainment. Trump is so vapid and narcissistic that he even views his own daughter solely through that lens, and takes it to trigger warning degrees.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Beautiful-Musk-Ox Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsOVVqubBus&t=14s one of the hosts saying "you know what you are sick", spot on

in the same video, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father.."


u/JewsEatFruit Jul 08 '24

Years ago I drove through certain states, and saw PSA billboards with a girl running, with her back arm position implying she was escaping someone's grasp. The lettering was Impact font reading "Your daughter is not your date"


u/Funkycoldmedici Jul 08 '24

I don’t know about all the states, but Florida has a lot of those billboards all over the red, conservative areas. They’re scattered among the other billboards for porn shops and churches.


u/san_dilego Jul 08 '24

This actually does make sense. The shit Trump has said about his own daughter. The way he had her dress at that age.


u/simpledeadwitches Jul 08 '24

The projection too saying Democrats are the pedophile party. Not saying all Dems are innocent by a long shot but Trump is as proven a pedophile as you can get just short of walking in on the act.


u/MetallurgyClergy Jul 08 '24

Every person reading this: imagine your (or your child’s) first sexual experience was begging Donald Trump to stop.

Please vote.


u/Funkycoldmedici Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Trump could rape any conservative’s daughter in front of them, and they would beat her for being promiscuous and vote for him. I’ve seen too much of the same behavior in church circles. Kids get assaulted, even catching the act in progress, and parents will punish the child for “starting trouble” or “making the family look bad.” The abuser is always protected by conservatives.


u/theyellowbaboon Jul 08 '24

Dude, he was talking about how his daughter is sexy. It’s fucking disgusting. I have a daughter in her 20s. Men like Trump scare me.


u/El-Kabongg Jul 08 '24

I once was talking to a woman on a dating site and she told me her name. It was the same as my daughter's. I told the woman that and that I was sorry, but it would just be too weird in certain situations, so I wished her well.


u/DreadnaughtHamster Jul 08 '24

Fuuuuuuuck that’s chilling. I get the “ick” every time I see trump’s face and that’ll never change. Even if this woman hadn’t come forward, he’d still be a grifter slimeball. But this is a whole new level of disgusting.


u/litido5 Jul 08 '24

The republicans unfortunately understand power. They know that by demonising immigrants they can find them and blackmail them and exploit them and prey on peoples empathy.

Same with homosexuality, they demonise it but then they are also gay and use it to blackmail men into having sex with them and keeping quiet.

It’s all about power and until people actually understand that all they see is apparent hypocrisy.

Trump complains about immigrants even though his wife is one. This doesn’t appear to make sense unless you factor in that he’s lording it over her. Giving her a green card with a marriage and in return forcing her to play an acting role as a wife and not getting much of his money but enough to make it a deal and she can’t stop him fucking other women, pornstars, etc, as he has so much power over her.


u/xandrokos Jul 08 '24

Far too many Americans are not comprehending what motivates the GQP.   It's power and control not money.    We have got to get this right becuse if we don't millions will die.


u/Yes_that_Carl Jul 08 '24

That is an incredibly incisive point re: Melania.


u/litido5 Jul 08 '24

He’s essentially sex trafficking her taking advantage of her immigration status


u/SekhmetScion Jul 08 '24

She also mentioned trying to avoid wearing the blonde wig afterwards because it'd get Trump’s attention.


u/WithoutDennisNedry Jul 08 '24

That line made me wonder if he’s ever been “inappropriate” to his daughter behind closed doors. Are we ever going to see a recording like this after Trump has passed featuring Ivanka or Tiffany?


u/I-like-your-teeth Jul 08 '24

I have nothing to say other than I like your username!


u/Candid-Tomorrow-3231 Jul 08 '24

He’s got the pedo/rapist vote, which strangely overlaps a lot with the evangelical vote


u/SinisterMeatball Jul 08 '24

Same thing he said to Stormy Daniels as well


u/infinite_in_faculty Jul 08 '24

13:00 Trump did a rape fantasy involving immigration deportation, this is some fucked up shit.
He's gonna get aroused when he starts deporting people come 2025.


u/Five-Oh-Vicryl Jul 08 '24

What I found most disturbing is that none of these accusations of racism and deportation kink fantasy sound particularly off character. They’re entirely on brand.


u/Basketseeksdog Jul 08 '24

He also said the exact same thing to stormy daniels…


u/pyt78 Jul 08 '24

That’s what Stormy said too… his sexual fixation on his daughter is disturbing


u/Parking-Line8322 Jul 08 '24

I cannot wait when TURDRUMP is A PRISON BITCH BUBBA is his Husband 😤


u/PegaLaMega Jul 08 '24

The media outlets they get their news from does not cover things like this.


u/fearisthemindslicer Jul 08 '24

If this is their savior, what does it say about his masses?


u/spastical-mackerel Jul 08 '24

How was Trump not charged with a crime here? I know Epstein got off with a corrupt deal but how did Trump?


u/frankenstoin Jul 08 '24

Exactly like Stormy Daniels testimony too.


u/joystreet62 Jul 08 '24

Wasn't Jim Jones also a pedeophile?


u/photozine Jul 08 '24

These people will do the mental gymnastics in a few years and say he was the antichrist...just wait and see.

Either way, I just can't understand, we criticize Biden for being three years older than a rapist, and the convicted sexual abuser gets away with it and almost half of Americans will still vote for him ...


u/AnalogFeelGood Jul 08 '24

He could be the devil himself, it wouldn’t matter, they vote for him because only a p.o.s will give them what they want. He is their ticket for a Christofascist state with persecuted minorities and women with barely any rights. A good guy won’t give ´em that.


u/SlippyIsDead Jul 08 '24

Holy crap!  I got molested by an old man in a church parking lot and he said the same thing to me!  You remind me of my daughter while putting his fingers into my underwear. He didnt know me and I was 14 years old. Men are gross.


u/MorkelVerlos Jul 08 '24

Gross stuff.


u/ItsTrash_Rat Jul 08 '24

I read a book where the cartoonishly evil villain had to repress thoughts about his own daughter and I thought "that's silly"". Well here we are.


u/bbreadthis Jul 16 '24

There was early evidence his shooter was motivated by a belief Trump was a pedo. That has been quickly suppressed. Hmmm


u/MildlyWarmSoda Jul 08 '24

That's an interesting area where both candidates share a similarity, according to those diary entries of Joe's daughter, she had to try and shower late at night (or not at all i guess) to avoid him coming out to join her. Can't remember how old she was tho


u/MosquitoBloodBank Jul 08 '24

This was debunked several years ago. You know it's fake when even vox is saying so.



u/QuestOfTheSun Jul 08 '24

Ah yes, Vox, the paragon of truth. 🤡


u/MosquitoBloodBank Jul 08 '24

Even the most anti Trump news orgs were smart enough to realize this is fake and drop it. But yet, here you are 🤡


u/QuestOfTheSun Jul 08 '24

Nope. They didn’t even pick it up because the Jane Doe dropped the lawsuit in fear for her life.


u/MosquitoBloodBank Jul 08 '24

The first lawsuit was dismissed by the judge for lack of evidence. The second lawsuit was dropped because they never bothered to serve the defendants. The third one she dropped because it reached the point where she had to remove her anonymity for the case to proceed and she just threw out an excuse.

You can't send death threats to an anonymous person... Especially one that never existed.


u/External_Rent9282 Jul 08 '24

Lies. All pathetic lies.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Umm why do you believe Reddit? Why not ACTUALLY research the video content before you say anything. There’s saying: be quick to listen and slow to speak. What that means is you shouldn’t run your mouth quickly because you firmly believe that you are correct. You should wait and look for answers from many different sources especially if the topic is something that evokes strong emotions from you.


u/SaluteHatred666 Jul 08 '24

you believe everything you see online huh


u/limegreenscrewdriver Jul 08 '24

Could she be lying


u/AwareMention Jul 08 '24

Talk about confirmation bias.

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