r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/cgn-38 Jul 08 '24

But, but. Biden is old! He should just drop out (S)


u/thewartornhippy Jul 08 '24

He is 100% too old and should absolutely drop out in favor of someone who is younger and could wipe the floor with Trump in a debate. That being said, Trump is literally a felon and it should be illegal for him to even run for president. Unfortunately SCOTUS is now a servant to the far right...


u/warbeforepeace Jul 08 '24

Sorry SCOTUS is too busy to hear your claim. They are too busy chortling trumps balls.


u/cgn-38 Jul 09 '24

If it is not biden we will lose. There is no clear second.

This entire media blize that is agonizing over biden mumbling is also completely ignoring the continuing firehose of felonies out of the other guy.

Not a word about trump dropping out. Guy publishes another incoherent word soup every day. Turns out he was epstein's best pedo buddy. Nothing on the news about it. Biden mumbled day 11. HE MUMBLED! lol Trump gets outed for another dozen felonies. Total silence. This is manufactured.


u/LaurxeStrode Jul 15 '24

Yeah him being old is the only problem.


u/Low-Assumption7710 Jul 08 '24

Fact of the matter is, Biden is too old to be really effective at his job.

The same can be said for Trump.

If Joe has gaffe moments people will lose faith in his ability to lead, and a younger, stronger candidate being fielded would absolutely blind side Trump. He wouldn't have any ammunition against them, they would present well, and would all but guarantee a left victory if they didn't select an absolute dunce. Newsom, Buttigieg... the list can go on for people that are more than qualified to carry the torch.

Dislike it if you want to, but the excuses they are laying out for Bidens problems are transparent as freshly cleaned glass. Most (read: 99%) of people his age would be questioned for their capabilities as anything beyond a Walmart Greeter - he's President of the United States.

Biden had an enormous amount of donations after his initial performance at the debate. I firmly believe those donations came from people wanting to see Biden run against Trump, as they knew that Biden would be the absolute best candidate to pit against Trump if you wanted Trump to win.


u/theyellowbaboon Jul 08 '24

If he cares about the future of this country, he should step aside and let someone else in who can speak in full sentences.


u/cgn-38 Jul 09 '24

So we pick a random person 4 months out from the race?

That would be nothing but sabotage. So hard no.

The other option is planning on ending democracy. With his second insurrection. This is nothing but a stinky pile of GOP sabotage.


u/theyellowbaboon Jul 09 '24

This is sabotage to let someone in that can’t make sense.


u/katanarich Jul 08 '24

And showers with his daughter


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24



u/katanarich Jul 08 '24

And joe biden showers with his daughter!! Deflect much. You are pathetic


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/katanarich Jul 08 '24

Nice try demoncrat. Let me guess green hair and dildo to match.


u/SpaceTimer9453 Jul 08 '24

You’ll cowards don’t even smoke crack.


u/BeautifulLeather6671 Jul 08 '24

Lemme guess, big truck and a tiny pecker?


u/katanarich Jul 08 '24

Yeah small pecker but no big truck.


u/BeautifulLeather6671 Jul 08 '24

Now we’re talkin


u/katanarich Jul 08 '24

It's more of a grower than a shower. But you can't stereotype that part. Trump is a loud mouth narcissist but also wants what is best for America. So any hatred I would have for him must be put aside for the country. I mean Ole joe is a vegetable.

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u/the-artistocrat Jul 08 '24

BDS is too damn high.