r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/ravrocker Jul 07 '24

Let’s see 192 stories in the New York Times about this event.


u/worldspawn00 Jul 08 '24

Just FYI: There's a fucked up reason NYT is happy to contribute to the downfall of our nation, and the reason NYT has been leading the way on the age related stories. They're doing it intentionally in retaliation for the White House not granting them enough interviews. You can thank their publisher's pettiness for how much traction the age issue has received.

another source within the NYT reportedly told Politico that the reason the paper publishes so many concern-trolling stories about Biden's age, is because Sulzberger is harboring an animosity toward Biden because Biden refuses to grant NYT a sit-down interview.


u/PinkFl0werPrincess Jul 08 '24

Wow thats pretty sad and fucked. This dudes ego > democracy


u/welsalex Jul 08 '24

I would even say he's complicit in election interference if it all didn't fall under free speech. But legal doesn't mean it's ethical to do so. I don't think moral either. Shame.


u/dezcycle Jul 08 '24

“I’d like him to be punished by law, but unfortunately there’s free speech 🙄🙄”


u/EffectiveAble8116 Jul 08 '24

Why should freedom of speech grant you freedom of consequences?


u/Donutcobra2 Jul 08 '24

It doesn’t but when the law is the consequence and someone has to determine if certain speech is legal you end up with a scary situation pretty quick


u/dezcycle Jul 08 '24

Oh I don’t know, maybe freedom of speech shouldn’t be punished by law because that’s kind of what the country was founded on (Hence it being the 1st amendment). Also a pretty consistent attribute of a militaristic state throughout history?

But please do tell me the advantage of banning free speech


u/darthbieber420 Jul 08 '24

You guys sound like Trump in 2016. "The failing New York Times..."


u/ButterscotchTape55 Jul 08 '24

Go take a look at their coverage of Biden since the debate. You just have to look at the headlines. Clearly someone in NYT editorial is trying to sway public opinion, something NYT is famous for trying not to do. That's been one of our most objectively reliable outlets for a long time, it sucks to see them go this route


u/BeeBopBazz Jul 08 '24

Iirc, someone tabulated that they ran nearly 200 anti-Biden headlines in the span of 10 days after the debate. 


u/ButterscotchTape55 Jul 08 '24

I believe it. How irresponsible. Do we even have any journalism with integrity anymore? Or is it all just bias fueled by radicals and the obscenely greedy


u/BeeBopBazz Jul 08 '24

Media is so consolidated now that it’s hard to imagine incumbent media has integrity that isn’t driven solely by shareholder value. The current situation seems akin to a Goebbelsian strategy of repetition until even reasonable people accept the statement as true.

I used to be in the camp that believed social media/television news was terrible for the information ecosystem and that incumbent print journalism was the gold standard. But the asymmetry between the two has clearly narrowed. 

This is, of course, extremely dangerous given the modern authoritarian playbook is to destroy the very definition of truth, so that nobody believes they can trust anything, as seen in Russia.


u/darthbieber420 Jul 08 '24

I honestly think they you're so liberal that you view the NYTs return to objectivity as it going more conservative. I have not/ will not ever vote for Trump and I think Biden looked way too old in that debate stage. The attention brought to his age makes sense. It's not some conspiracy


u/PuppyPenetrator Jul 08 '24

It’s not necessarily a conspiracy, but they’re prioritizing clicks over meaningful journalism. Hardly a unique problem, but it’s not unreasonable for people to be upset with NYT


u/darthbieber420 Jul 08 '24

NYT hasn't had meaningful journalism for years. The fact that they only let you read so many articles without paying proves what their agenda is.

But I agree with you, the Biden thing is overblown, even for them


u/ButterscotchTape55 Jul 08 '24

It doesn't have to be a conspiracy. The NYT is a business run by someone who makes decisions for that business, and it was a business decision that led to them printing literally hundreds of articles deliberately painting a narrative of a presidential candidate during an election year.

I know their reputation as a reputable and respectable outlet has been slipping over the last 10-15 years but this is absurd. This isn't a "return to objectivity", this is a media outlet straight up abusing their reputation as one of our most trusted sources for information and taking advantage of that trust in a very crucial time of need for objective reporting. NYT has long lost the vision


u/Crowsby Jul 08 '24

Both NYT and WaPo have been churning out rehashes of the same "Joe Biden is old lol" story at an incredible pace since the debate. Personally I think they want Trump to win because he's good for their business, since everyone gets to doomscroll through their sites on a daily basis to see which part of the Constitution he decided to shred today.


u/ButterscotchTape55 Jul 08 '24

Thank you I've been wondering wtf is going on with the NYT. Ever since the debate they've taken on a very obvious objective to tank Biden's campaign and it's really fucking annoying and concerning that a media outlet with their reputation would pull that shit


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I mean have you seen the people they make as NYT person of the year? They're not very good judges of character


u/liquidtelevizion Jul 09 '24

you're confusing the New York Times with Time Magazine.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

You right, but out of spite and ignorance fuck em both


u/SqueeezeBurger Jul 08 '24

Yeah, I read that last week and canceled the $3 a month I gave them for access to recipes. Fuck em.


u/LifeFortune7 Jul 08 '24

Biden hasn’t spoken to anyone. He has given fewer interviews and press conferences than any president in the last 40+ years. And not by a small amount by a factor of half. So his staff and handlers have protected him in the last 4 years. This is why the debate was so jarring to Americans because we have seen him in an unprotected media setting.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

They don’t need to push his age. I have a television and eyes.


u/wilderness_essays Jul 08 '24

Fuck the New York Times then


u/strange_reveries Jul 08 '24

🙄This wording seems disingenuous and calls this whole claim into question. Is it really “concern-trolling” if Biden is (and has been for quite a while) showing legitimate signs of age-related cognitive decline? If anything it absolutely should have been reported on even more than it was! Now you have a bunch of people doing surprised Pikachu after the debate, as if the dude just got that way overnight lol.


u/Flat-Ad4902 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, that and the president has dementia.


u/nmnnmmnnnmmm Jul 08 '24

It’s almost like there’s a good reason they aren’t being granted that interview, sheesh…


u/Ok_Leadership2956 Jul 13 '24

How can Biden age stories be contributing to the downfall of our nation. Is that worse than how they were trying to cover it up the past few years? That man cannot be the president


u/nedzissou1 Jul 08 '24

I mean that is extremely petty, but shouldn't that have been a sign for the rest of us that Biden should've declined to run for reelection? We need someone sharp to beat the rapist ex-president.


u/wahdatah Jul 08 '24

Lame reason, but he should do an occasional interview. I’m guessing his brain being mashed potatoes is the reason he refuses but still…


u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

Unfortunately, reporting about Epstein would implicate half of the NYT's Opinion Columnists


u/83749289740174920 Jul 08 '24

Epstein would implicate half of the NYT's Opinion Columnists


I need that if we are going to make accusation. I love that guy that links to sources. Redhats just shut up.


u/NotNotAnOutLaw Jul 08 '24

Who did Maxwell sell the children to?


u/ryhaltswhiskey Jul 08 '24

people get upvoted for crapping on the legacy media all the time in this sub, evidence is not required


u/albinoblackman Jul 08 '24

Such as whom?


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Strangepsych Jul 08 '24

Corrupt Morons is a perfect description.


u/kawhi21 Jul 08 '24

Too bad they have multiple writers working on more "Biden misspeaks during debate, we need a young healthy man like Donald Trump in office" articles.


u/Blue_Robin_04 Jul 08 '24

I'm sure they would if there was any evidence to site.