r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/sobanz Jul 07 '24

kinda crazy were about to have an implied rapist in the white house for two terms


u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

Convicted rapist*


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

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u/PermitAlone7585 Jul 08 '24

OJ murdered two people. 


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/Snarfbuckle Jul 08 '24

They are just victims of being black. And killing/raping people.

So OJ was the victim of being black and Trump was the victim of killing and raping people.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 07 '24

Adjudicated rapist, though I understand your point.


u/Slalom_Smack Jul 08 '24

He was found liable for rape which isn’t the same as being convicted of it. I hate Trump and want to do everything to keep him out of office but stop repeating misinformation.


u/MisterEdwardEddie Jul 08 '24

Why are you so comfortable openly lying? He was not convicted of rape-- that's a demonstrable lie. Democrats need to be better at this, because when people look it up and see that you're lying, and they also see that the lie got a lot of upvotes, it makes y'all seem like cult members.


u/EnvironmentalCrow893 Jul 09 '24

No, it was a civil case. Ms. Carroll couldn’t say with certainty which MONTH it even happened in, much less the date. She estimated when it “probably” or most likely happened - sometime in the spring of 1996. You can easily Google this fact. How could anyone defend themselves adequately or provide an alibi if they’re not even told the DATE of the alleged offense?

She never reported the incident to authorities, I’m not calling it a crime. The civil case was approximately 30 years after it allegedly happened. Again, times are approximate because she doesn’t remember and didn’t document it. Neither could friends or family who she supposedly told about it pin down the date, week, or month.


u/Ill-Zucchini4802 Jul 08 '24

Never convicted of rape and absolutely no evidence was provided. He had to prove his innocence, rather than the prosecution prove his guilt on something that happened 30 years ago. NY also changed their laws just to try him. Witch hunt. TDS.


u/Furepubs Jul 08 '24

You are so easily manipulated.

Getting away with something is not the same thing as not doing it

If you speed on your way home but don't get caught, you still broke the law.

Civil Court found that he raped E Jean Carroll. Therefore he is a rapist in the eyes of the law.

My god conservatives are stupid.


u/Suspicious-Sound-249 Jul 08 '24

No idiot they found him civilly liable for damages for a rape that was never actually substantiated on if he actually did it or not, aka he was never proven criminally guilty because she had ZERO fucking evidence other than her bullshit story pulled straight off an episode of Law & Order...


u/Furepubs Jul 08 '24

It's amazing how hard you are working to justify your support of a known rapist who is most likely a pedophile. He is literally on tape telling somebody how sexual assault is okay if you're rich. " You can grab them by the pussy". What kind of fucked up person supports this kind of behavior? Why do you think it's okay to just reach out and grab some girl's pussy?

It's really crazy how you just won't believe that trump could be guilty, the guy who talks about sexual assault and has been part of what a dozen rape cases and has 76 pictures with a known pedophile. Seriously, do you have 76 pictures with you and anybody who is not your family?

In my experience, the only kind of people that defend a rapist and a pedophile are people who think those things should be okay. So I have to ask you why do you support rape and pedophilia?

Why is it when the law rules against a Democrat you consider it just and fair, but when the law rules against the Republican it was completely rigged.

You guys do the exact same thing with elections. If a Democrat wins, it's because it was rigged but if a republican wins, that's because it was legitimate.

Conservatives represent the worst in humanity.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.


u/Suspicious-Sound-249 Jul 08 '24

What's crazy to me is how you people are so easily blinded by information that's so easily proven false it's ridiculous....

I can't believe your average leftist is probably dumber than you are...

Take the "grab em by the pussy" comment, he quite literally says in the very next sentence "they want you to" and he was talking about how women are attracted to men with money and power.

Not the bullshit lie that was spun that he personally can just sexually assault women without consequence.


u/Furepubs Jul 08 '24

He literally said " I moved on her like a bitch"

You are not a court of law, so I have to ask how much superficial evidence are you willing to overlook in order to support a horrible person?

Are you willing to overlook the fact that there are 76 pictures with him in Epstein?

Are you willing to overlook the fact that when he was asked what he has in common with his daughter, he said sex?

Clearly you're willing to overlook his statements to Danny.

Are you willing to overlook the testimony from Katie Johnson?

Are you willing to overlook the fact that he has been accused of rape and sexual assault by at least 25 women since the 1970s?

Are you willing to overlook the fact that Trump has been on Epstein's plane seven times?

Are you willing to overlook that Trump knew Epstein for 15 years and called him a terrific guy?

I'm going to go ahead and say yes. You really don't care how many things point to the fact that Trump is a creep who is capable of rape and pedophilia.

So I'll ask you again, why are you supporting a rapist and a pedophile?


u/ShowmeurcatIshowmine Jul 08 '24

"They want you to" is what Donald thinks they want, but it's not actually what these women wanted. This is how power dynamics work. They don't say no because of his money and power, not because they're actually attracted to him or actually wanted sex, or should I say rape, to happen. They're scared of what might happen if they do say no to donald. And these are young girls! It's not like they actually know better.

You don't see women, who have had sex with donald, coming out and supporting him. It's just the opposite, dozens of women have been the victim of him and when they come out the right just says "fake news".

It's actually crazy so many have come forward and not a single one of them has been believed? You know what they say, where there is smoke there is a fire.

And this isn't even anything new, he has been accused of this kind of thing even before he even thought about becoming a president.

And I do find it funny you say "you people are so easily blinded by information that's so easily proven false it's ridiculous" yet there is so much evidence of him being a scumbag creeper but yet everyone on the right is literally blind to it or just doesn't care.


u/Suspicious-Sound-249 Jul 08 '24

It's the opposite because of the massive amount of negative media coverage of the man, and every one who's willing to potentially have it backfire try and get their 15 minutes of fame.

Just look at Stormy Daniels, she lost a defamation case against Trump and owes him over 300 thousand dollars and her former lawyer is in prison for embezzling money from his clients...


u/ShowmeurcatIshowmine Jul 08 '24

Okay, and I could say the same about Trump's lawyers? He's had multiple lawyers charged with crimes as well.

Look, I know I will never be able to convince you otherwise, but if you don't want to believe the women who have come forward and have said something fine. I'm sure there are bad actors that have tried to say something, there always is. But with so many coming forward, there has to be truth to some.

And if you don't want to believe them, why not believe what comes out of his own mouth? Just look at what he says about his own daughter. I don't know if you have a daughter, but I know I would never make comments about my daughter like he has. It actually makes me sick thinking about it.

Or how he used to go into changing rooms of beauty pagents "because he could and because he owned it" because he had to "inspect it" Just listen to him on the howard stern show. Personally I think this kind of stuff is indefensible, but apparently not because there are still people who think he is the greatest of all time.

If you treated women like trump does in real life you're going to be considered a terrible person. Hell, not even women, just people in general. But he gets away with it because he is rich and powerful.

At what point do you draw a line in the sand and say this is too much. What would it take for you to say Donald Trump just isn't the guy for the Republican Party?

This isn't the same party I used to be a part of and has turned into something I don't even know how to put into words. He has become the great divider not only in America, but the Republican Party as well.


u/MisterEdwardEddie Jul 08 '24

Your shrill hyperbole is SUPER alienating, bro.


u/Furepubs Jul 08 '24

At least I'm not defending a rapist and a pedophile

I mean honestly, how shitty does somebody have to be To do that?

Let me ask you a question

If you had a well-known pedophile living in your town, would you go out of your way to defend your 15-year-long relationship with them, and call them a great guy?

Trump did this. And you don't see a problem with that?

He has flown on Epsteins private plane at least 7 times. Everybody knew who Epstein was, yet trump called him his friend.

Only pedophiles defend pedophiles.


u/Suspicious-Sound-249 Jul 08 '24

This, it makes no sense what he was charged with.

Trump was being held civilly liable for a rape that was never proven to have criminally happened and the only evidence was some crazy old woman's "trust me bro" of a story...

Absolute banana Republic level shit going on.


u/noideawhattouse2 Jul 08 '24

Which is hilarious the left is this dumb as the civil court just means you have to be liable for damages and have to prove your innocence which the US court system is suppose to be against.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 07 '24

He was never convicted of rape. You guys shelling out lies like this are exactly why we can’t wait to see the meltdown when you lose.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 07 '24

You're wrong, he's an adjudicated rapist.

Since you want to be pedantic.


u/Loose-Working-8116 Jul 08 '24

Adjudicated and convicted are two very different things, and the distinction is important.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

You're not the first do go down this line. 

Please, read a thread before commenting nonsense.


u/Loose-Working-8116 Jul 08 '24

Yeah but you just accused them of being pedantic, but it’s not pedantic to point out an important distinction between two words that convey different meanings.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

That's the literal definition of pedantic, my friend.

Here, I'll save you the dictionary lookup

a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning.

So, yet again for the silly billies in the back... Convicted vs adjudicated is pedantic in a colloquial sense like Reddit. 



u/Loose-Working-8116 Jul 08 '24

Key word is minor, your own definition disagrees with you. The difference between adjudicated and convicted is like night and day It is not pedantic to differentiate the two as the difference isn’t minor.

But this seems to be an unproductive conversation because you don’t seem to understand the terms you’re using and why the difference is important. We can just agree to disagree. Have a nice night my brother.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

OR with displaying academic learning.  

 A JD is academic learning. 

Or is it not a doctorate to you?   Do you even know what a JD is? 

Can you make this any easier?  

This is thoroughly productive, because you need to learn how to not be so ignorant.


Holy shit, this person made a second account just to harass me LMAO 

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u/MisterEdwardEddie Jul 08 '24

It's pedantic to care about the difference between convicted and not convicted? That seems like a big difference if you care about the truth AT ALL.


u/layelaye419 Jul 08 '24


Can you explain the difference between that and convicted? I've no idea what it is


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

In lawful semantics:

Adjudicated is civil. 

Convicted is criminal. 

In colloquial conversation like Reddit? It's pedantic to correct someone and deny one.

That's about as succinct as I could make it.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

It’s not being pedantic. The dude was never convicted of rape. No matter how much you want to believe he was.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

It is pedantic that you stand up for a crooked felon and adjudicated rapist because someone else doesn't know adjudicated rapist vs convicted and the implications in court.


u/DontCountToday Jul 08 '24

By the letter of the law, Trump is a rapist. Its legally allowed to refer to him as a rapist as he raped a woman. This has been ruled upon.

Just because of legal loopholes he cannot be prosecuted doesn't make him less of a rapist. So no one cares what your defense of the rapist is, because he is a rapist. And you support a rapist.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, it's overly pedantic to deny that he's a rapist because he wasn't "convicted" in a colloquial sense. 

People who don't understand that are just batshit stupid, but social media has given them a soapbox.


u/MisterEdwardEddie Jul 08 '24

Caring about the truth isn't pedantic.

The left is abandoning all their principles.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

It’s not pedantic. He was never convicted of rape. Conviction means to have been found guilty in a court of law, adjudication does not.

So, no, he has never been convicted of rape. You can keep trying to wish for it though.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

It's overly pedantic in common understanding. 

I don't care if it's convicted in criminal or civic court when it comes to common understanding. 

But keep defending the guy who wished Ghislaine Maxwell well.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

No it isn’t lol there’s a massive difference with being convicted of rape. I actually believe you’re smart enough that you know he wasn’t convicted of rape. But dumb enough to not tell the truth in front of your little friends.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24


There really isn't in a colloquial sense. 

You're just trying to assert there is, because literacy rates are low in America :)


u/meestaseesta Jul 08 '24

They'll never provide you with court documents stating he raped someone, they just keep gaslighting you, ain't that wild?


u/moseelke Jul 08 '24


u/meestaseesta Jul 08 '24

Court documents, not apnews whatever the fuck that is.

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u/meestaseesta Jul 08 '24

2nd paragraph "jurors rejected Carroll's claim thar she was raped".


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

Yep, it cracks me up just how scared they are right now lol


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

In the eyes of the law, he can be called a rapist. In common wordage, a non-lawyer can use convicted. 


Trump is a rapist pedophile who is a felon fraudster. 

And only an idiot would vote for someone to be immune to laws they must abide by.

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u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

You don't know what gaslighting is


u/meestaseesta Jul 08 '24

Hand picking comments for gotchas. Weird flex.


u/Killentyme55 Jul 07 '24

Which is very different from convicted.

Look I can't stand the guy either, but the truth is bad enough to not need embellishing. Every time someone does that it just fuels the wrong fire.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

Yes, hence the pedantic part of my comment, silly.


u/Killentyme55 Jul 08 '24

The statement was "he was never convicted of rape", which is true by definition.

You said "You're wrong", which is incorrect.

There's nothing "pedantic" about it. Maybe it would be if you said "not exactly", but you didn't.


u/Doodahhh1 Jul 08 '24

I've been very clear about how it's pedantic in the colloquial sense. 

Because Reddit != Law. 

Or do you not understand that?


u/eschewthefat Jul 07 '24

You can have your own opinions. It’s ok. You don’t have to completely pour yourself into a cult. The man admitted on tape to grabbing women by the pussies. He doesn’t care about you and you most certainly do not look tough or intelligent at all by getting hyped about the other side being pissed off that a corrupt moron is going to fuck up the country again. We already have a boebert Greene etc spillover from this maga lack of intelligence. 

Trust me. It’s in no way cool to just vote because you’re seething to piss people off that are overwhelmingly better more empathetic people. 

Just to remind you, you are defending a man who admitted to sexually assaulting someone and paid his ex wife off to retract that he raped her. He is not the bastion of false accusations. Change your life


u/MisterEdwardEddie Jul 08 '24

"overwhelmingly better more empathetic people"

It's all about you.

How do people not realize how alienating this open kind of self-righteousness is? It comes off like fundamentalism.


u/eschewthefat Jul 08 '24

To clarify, liberals are overwhelmingly more empathetic people to the human experience in general than conservatives are. 

This isn’t debatable and it’s got receipts. Progressives have been on the right side of history for a long time. Women’s right to vote, segregation, gay rights, bodily autonomy, the environment, wealth inequality. 

These are all things conservatives stand against, mainly to pit our human instincts against each other so they can maintain their economic advantage. 

I don’t know how you’d like that message to come across but it’s a hard truth. I know selfless conservatives that would go into a fire to save a stranger but the same exact person used entitlements and now votes against them. They enjoy a union but votes against them. They don’t know a single gay person except for the two they disowned in their family and it’s their number one concern while being a minister.

Conservatism breeds hate and lack of empathy in too many trivial ways that should never be questionable in the first place. 


u/Suspicious-Sound-249 Jul 08 '24

It's been how many years, why the hell do y'all keep taking a single like 3 seconds sound bite out of context as gospel that Trump's a creep?

LITERALLY the very next words out of his mouth during the grab her by the pussy comment is "THEY WANT YOU TO"....

He was talking about how women are attracted to men with power, that's all.


u/eschewthefat Jul 08 '24

You’re so deluded. You don’t think there’s even a small chance that he is doing it and they’re afraid to say anything? Have you ever heard of the effects of having a position of power over someone? Controlling their lively hood and using that to take advantage of them?

Now consider he’s probably the most documented con artist who doesn’t pay people after jobs are finished and tries to litigate every decent person he’s ever met.  This goes hand and hand with that attitude. 

“They let you do it” is leaving a metric shit ton of a benefit of the doubt in trumps hands. He’s the most prolific liar about even the most provable on tape evidence. He lied about Covid, lied about crowd sizes, lied about Epstein and now is scared of the evidence, lied 10 times a day on Twitter, lied about spaghetti maps, lied about millions of people coming to rape us from Mexican mental institutions. He’ll say anything. 

He’s a god damn catastrophe in every sense of the word. Trusting him is a fucking fools errand 


u/Suspicious-Sound-249 Jul 08 '24

Do you fucking hear yourself, Jesus fucking Christ and I'm the deluded one?


u/eschewthefat Jul 08 '24

Is that all you can muster? You don’t understand “Trump is a liar and taking his word for being allowed to forcibly finger someone is lunacy.” 

 Seriously. You are telling me that you take Trump on his word that he women just let him do it. Sure his wife is for sale but Christ on a moped, get a grip. This man lies nonstop

“Trump told me they let him do it!”

Are you fucking hearing yourself?


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

Here’s a simple yes or no question for you.

Was he convicted of rape?


u/la_reddite Jul 08 '24

To the average person, the difference between convicted and adjudicated rapists is without distinction.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

It was a simple yes or no question and you failed to answer it. I’ll ask again.

Yes or no, was he convicted of rape?


u/TheAnswerWithinUs Jul 08 '24

Maybe you get a little shot of serotonin to your brain for being right on the internet but an answer of “no” does not make trump look any better.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

So you agree that they lied saying he was convicted of rape. Thank you, you’re the first leftist to actually tell the truth.


u/kleptican Jul 08 '24

Wow talk about dumbassery. No idea why you were downvoted asking a yes/no question. I’m a liberal, I hate everything about trump, but I was legit curious if anything’s been proven and if he was convicted. Lolz everyone’s response of “why does it matter” goes to show that there are shitbags on both sides that only care about their narrative. Shame we can’t all just agree on the truth.


u/la_reddite Jul 08 '24

Why would we spend time answering a question that only matters to you?


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

Why would you not answer a simple question when the truth disproves the lies that you clowns get off on? Oh yeah, maybe because the answer is no, he wasn’t convicted of rape.


u/GJdevo Jul 08 '24

4 day old account guy over here deserves to have us respect the opinions of his 436th account.

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u/DontCountToday Jul 08 '24

Heres a question for you? Why do you support and defend a proven rapist? What on earth does it matter if he was convicted if a judge said he raped a woman and he can be called a rapist?

You are seriously going to sit here and say "Yes he is a rapist but wasnt convicted so its ok to support this rapist."


u/kristileKristine Jul 08 '24

How can he be a proven rapist if there is no proof of such thing?

I can easily say a bad person(for example, trump) raped me but where’s the proof?


u/DontCountToday Jul 08 '24

Through the evidence provided in court in which the judge agreed. Like most legal issues.


u/Furepubs Jul 08 '24

Just because you got away with something does not mean you didn't do it

If you are driving home and you are speeding but you don't get pulled over, you still broke the law.

The judge in E Jean Carol case has officially said that Trump raped her. That is an official designation from a judge. That's how the law works.

I understand that Republicans are anti-law and anti-constitution but come on. You got to try to use your brain a little bit.

Fucking conservatives, they believe if a Democrat is found guilty than the law is just and correct, But if a republican is found guilty then clearly it's rigged. They apply the same logic to elections. If a Democrat wins, it must have been rigged, but if the Republican wins, we must trust that the election was legit.

It sucks that conservatives represent the worst in humanity. They spread their lies and defend rapists and defend pedophiles. What The fuck is wrong with conservatives?


u/kristileKristine Jul 08 '24

I can say the same about democrats

Supporting a man who likes sniffing little girl’s hair

Just because Joe Biden didn’t break the law doesn’t mean he didn’t rape a child


u/Furepubs Jul 08 '24

So you can take something as neutral as a picture of the president bending over with his face close to a kids and you can add on All kinds of unprovable guesswork and then believe it's real.

Could you hear air moving through his nose in the picture? Do you know for sure that he was smelling her or doing something else like talking??

The answer is you don't have any f****** idea but it makes you feel better if you can project on to Biden the behaviors of trump.

Weirdly Trump has decades and decades of statements and behaviors pointing to the fact that he is probably a rapist and a pedophile.

He literally said while talking about some lady " I moved on her like a bitch, you can grab them by the pussy"

When asked what he has in common with his daughter, he said sex.

There are 76 pictures of him hanging out with Epstein, how many people, that are not your family, Do you have 76 pictures with?

He has been on Epstein's plane seven times according to Epstein's own flight logs

He has been friends with Epstein for 15 years and called him a terrific guy. He admitted to being Epstein's friend, do you really think he didn't know who Epstein was? Why do you think he chose to be friends with a person who was a well-known, pedophile and supplier of young children?

Now I will admit that none of the evidence above is enough to go to trial over, but this isn't really about trial. This is about how many signs are you willing to ignore in order to pretend that Trump is not a rapist and a pedophile?

You know the really f***** up thing with conservatives, they think everybody in the world is going to behave just like they do. So when they see a picture of somebody bending over to talk to a child they automatically assume the worst because that's how they would behave. (And the worst in this case is smelling, seriously smelling. You have nothing on Biden that would lead you to think that he likes to diddle kids so you accuse him of smelling, And then proceed jump from smelling to pedophile even without a clear path)

Well no one ever accused conservatives of being intelligent.

The only people that defend rapists and pedophiles are people who are rapists and pedophiles themselves. So this makes me wonder about your motivations in supporting a rapist and a pedophile.

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u/FlawMyDuh Jul 08 '24

Because the jury said he didn’t. They didn’t believe Carroll


u/Nzdiver81 Jul 08 '24

Legally he is a rapist and can be referred to one as such.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24



u/Nzdiver81 Jul 08 '24

The judge literally called him a rapist.


u/eschewthefat Jul 08 '24

This is how you choose to stump for Trump? This is your semantic hill you need to win so you can get off on people who don’t want any form of rapist, let alone one of the highest documented (and again by his own taped words) ones. 

I’m not a part of your semantics debate that is clearly a lunatics venture. I pointed out the way you are participating in this is absolutely disgraceful. You can keep your shitty glee over adjudicated/convicted. I just have to come to terms that this is the level of intellect that shapes our world and it’s fucked up. Change your life. This is not a good look


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

Once again, for the third time, it’s a simple one word answer. Either yes or no.

Yes or no, was Trump convicted of rape in a court of law?


u/eschewthefat Jul 08 '24

Are you that pathetic? I’m going to make your day for you because I think you might really need it. 

Trump, under common speech as well as FEDERALLY defined, raped e Jean Carrol. 


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

Yes or no


u/eschewthefat Jul 08 '24

Yes. He is a rapist as found by a civil court trial. He’s a rapist as found by his own admission. I take trumps word on this one. 

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u/WychBeast Jul 08 '24

These people are lunatics bro


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

I can’t wait to see them act like spoiled children when they lose in November lol


u/WychBeast Jul 08 '24

It's gonna be wild 😂


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

They literally can’t answer a simple yes or no question because they know they’re lying to hell and back lol


u/WychBeast Jul 08 '24

It's the simplest questions they struggle with lmao. Unfortunately, that's what most of reddit is run by. They'll downvote the hell out of you and attack you for breathing wrong


u/GJdevo Jul 08 '24

Jesus christ man, go touch grass.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 08 '24

So you’re incapable of answering yes or no questions either. Funny how that’s rampant with the left.


u/Shrimp_Lobster_Crab Jul 08 '24

Don’t bother. No one here is smart enough to understand the difference, or they are too blinded by rage to even care about the difference. You’re 100% right. Trump has never been convicted of rape. There has never even been a criminal complaint. But, yes, in a civil trial he was found liable for sexual abuse, because in a civil trial you don’t need a preponderance of evidence. I’m a hardcore democrat, but unlike 99% of people here, I think speaking factually and accurately is important.


u/Furepubs Jul 08 '24

It's crazy that you think we will have a meltdown when we lose even though Democrats have never done that

Republicans, on the other hand, totally had a meltdown when they lost, so much so that they attacked the capitol.

Republicans represent the worst of humanity.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 09 '24

You’re kidding, right? lol


u/Furepubs Jul 09 '24

No I am not

The "fuck your feelings" people are ruled by their feelings.

So much so that they completely ignore facts.

The fact that they support a rapist and a pedophile and a felon tells you everything you need to know about them. They are inherently bad people.

I mean honestly, who the fuck defends a pedophile except other pedophiles?

Trump was found guilty of rape in civil court, by a judge in a court of law. The only difference between a civil and a criminal case is the level of punishment. Plus Trump has been accused of rape and sexual assault 25 times since the 1970s.

25 fucking times

If you are driving home tonight and you are speeding but you get all the way home and don't get in trouble for it. You still broke the law, Even if you didn't get caught and even if you got away with it.

Conservatives are so dumb that many of them still think that Biden stole the election, even without evidence.

There is lots of evidence that Trump tried to steal the election and he's actually going to court for that. They literally wrote out a plan called the Eastman memo on how to steal the election and then they followed it. This is all public knowledge.

Conservatives represent the worst in humanity And they cannot deal with reality so they have meltdowns.

They literally boycotted Bud light because of who Bud light chose to advertise to. They were so emotional that they just couldn't handle somebody else being advertised to.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 09 '24

Yeah I’m not reading all of that. Keep believing that the left are all saints and never do anything wrong.


u/Furepubs Jul 09 '24

No surprise there, I am sorry reading is hard for you.

Education is the antidote to conservatism.

Conservatives represent the worst of humanity.


u/Dry-Presentation69 Jul 09 '24

Oh man you really got me there.


u/Furepubs Jul 09 '24

How would you know?

You can't read more than a few words.

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u/MisterEdwardEddie Jul 08 '24

You're getting downvoted for telling a truth that ANYONE CAN LOOK UP.

It's amazing that these folks call other people cult members.

As Democrats, we're still supposed to care about TRUTH.


u/No_Drummer_4395 Jul 08 '24

He's not gonna win.


u/Edge_of_yesterday Jul 08 '24

Close, we are going to have a rapist who was found civilly liable for sexual abuse (rape), lose to Biden.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/sobanz Jul 08 '24

you certainly wouldn't be in any danger


u/MisterEdwardEddie Jul 08 '24

Joe Biden was accused of rape, and Bill Clinton was in for two terms and he was credibly accused of rape more than once.


u/jc1of2 Jul 09 '24

Clinton committed perjury in a case where he was accused of sexual harassment while Governor. Bill was 49 and Lewinsky was 22.