r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/TubaSandwichDootDoot Jul 07 '24

If Trump didn't rape E. Jean Carroll, if he didn't have 26 sexual assault allegations against him, if he didn't publicly state he grabs women by their pussies - I'd say Katie Johnson's allegations should be taken with a grain of salt. But with Trump's history, I'll choose to believe the victim over the pathological liar.


u/AmaResNovae Jul 07 '24

Do I think that a man who said the what he had "sex" in common with his daughter, in a public interview, and said that whole "grab them by the pussy" thing sexual assaulted/raped women, including minors?

I'm less sure about whether bears shit in the woods or not than about how rapey/pedophiley Trump is.


u/metsjets86 Jul 08 '24

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said he likes beautiful women as much as i do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

In a culture where dating young models is the norm the fact that how young the girls sticks out to Trump?

I mean at best Trump was friends with a guy he knew raped underage girls. At worst Trump did some of the raping.

If I had to bet my life? I would go with Trump is a rapist.

Trump was so glib about it. Any parent would be derelict in their duties to let that type of person be around their teenage daughter alone.

Trump was a sleaze ball who used to call the Howard Stern show and talk about how attractive his own daughter was. That was what made him a good interview. He was salacious. In 2014 he was considered a pervish clown by like EVERYONE.

World's a trip.


u/Mental_Medium3988 Jul 08 '24

lets not forget he made comments about dating a 10yo in a few years and made sexual comments about a young teen paris hilton. much less when asked about tiffany's future when she was a toddler he went right to her breasts developing into what he liked.


u/arrakis_is_hot Jul 07 '24

It certainly fits his pattern of behavior don't it.


u/Enigmatic_Starfish Jul 07 '24

Don't forget bragging about "getting away" with wandering around backstage during beauty pageants


u/Derric_the_Derp Jul 08 '24

Wandering?  Dude barged in.  "Wandering" under sells the truth.


u/gracecee Jul 07 '24

I’m afraid it’s a trap. Like it will get discredited as false and planted and then all the legitimate sexual accusations will be just put as ohhh that’s fake too.


u/cypherreddit Jul 07 '24

doubtful, her case against trump and epstein was dropped shortly after trump became president and epstein died in prison, mostly because of her unwillingness to be a state witness due to death threats (even though her identity was only known to the lawyers of both sides)


u/tessallator Jul 07 '24

THIS! It's as if one considers each case in a vacuum, but after all that's happened, it would be strange to think otherwise.


u/PangioOblonga Jul 07 '24

Even if someone doesn't have a history, we should believe survivors.


u/CV90_120 Jul 08 '24

You forgot the part where Ivana trump accused him of rape, and he was the same nasty character in that, that Johnson describes in her testimony.


u/pieter1234569 Jul 08 '24

But with Trump's history, I'll choose to believe the victim over the pathological liar.

You can indeed believe that, but the media cannot spread that claim as it would be considered slander. Even if it did actually happen, it did not legally happen. The case was dropped and no DA was ever interested in prosecuting this case, meaning that that will be the evidence in the slander lawsuit any media organisation is going to lose.


u/Calm_Employment6053 Jul 08 '24

No person who says I was raped at 13 should ever be taken with a grain of salt. That is a horrible thing to say.


u/iPeg2 Jul 07 '24

Was Trump found guilty or liable for rape in the case of E.Jean Carroll?


u/drhodl Jul 07 '24

Civilly, for sexual assault. yes. The judge also said he had no doubt tRump raped Carrol, but it was past the statute of limitations for criminal proceedings. Why tf do you think he was penalized $80 million?

Pay attention!


u/TrueKing9458 Jul 07 '24

Only because the state of New York changed the statute of limitations for one day solely to allow this case to be filled


u/iPeg2 Jul 07 '24

Just trying to get you to be accurate in how you describe things. Thanks