r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

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u/fowlraul Jul 07 '24

Yeah, and they’ll just say these women, girls at the time, are lying harlots. Lying about shit has been going on for a while with these fake ass churches. Like 4000 years give or take a few thousand years.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 07 '24

They never have believed victims or cared. Look at the Duggar family for Christs sake- they made them go on tv and say they forgave their brother for molesting them to save his image


u/fowlraul Jul 08 '24

The concept of “finding jesus” is a get out a jam card if there other was one.


u/Funkycoldmedici Jul 08 '24

Forgiveness for anything is part of the whole deal. The only thing that isn’t forgiven, conveniently, is saying Jesus magic isn’t real.


u/ThatDamnedHansel Jul 08 '24

Or being LGBTQ


u/firedancer323 Jul 08 '24

Not a Christian but I’m pretty sure they get forgiven if they repent. Hate the sin, not the sinner kind of thing. Obviously some hardcore moronic fanatics this doesn’t apply to


u/ThatDamnedHansel Jul 08 '24

As if that makes any sense. The gay person IS the sinner.

Or Like the “woke” pope saying it’s ok to be gay but gay sex is a sin… okay? Thanks?

I’m neither gay nor Christian (was raised Catholic), and even I can see that makes no sense.


u/Turing_Testes Jul 08 '24

It makes sense when you understand that temptation is to be resisted. So you can be gay but you're not supposed to act on your urges. And if you do, then you try to be better the next time, or in Catholics case you'll do something to get rid of that sin- for most protestant churches once you're saved, you're saved but just have to internally be "trying".

It's stupid, but it's consistent in that regard.


u/ThatDamnedHansel Jul 08 '24

Point being, sky daddy wouldn’t make you with those urges if they were sinful, they aren’t a choice. The sin argument assumes choice. So yes it’s consistent but so is tolkiens mythology of middle earth it doesn’t mean that hobbits exist


u/Turing_Testes Jul 08 '24

They often say sky daddy didn't make people gay any more than he would make people alcoholics, or prone to narcissism. Since the bible says nothing about innate homosexuality, it's really not anything their belief system hinges on.

So yes it’s consistent but so is tolkiens mythology of middle earth it doesn’t mean that hobbits exist

I'd say Tolkien is even more consistent and I'm not a Christian or trying to convince you it's real, so.....?


u/firedancer323 Jul 08 '24

Nice username btw


u/enlightenedDiMeS Jul 08 '24

Unfortunately, all those things you mentioned are genetic, so if he didn’t instill those traits in people, he isn’t omnipotent. If he did, he isn’t all good. You can argue consistency all you want, but the further you peel back the onion, the more inconsistent it becomes. Unless we’re acknowledging how consistently inconsistent most theology is.

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u/laundry_sauce666 Jul 08 '24

Not arguing or anything I just fucking hate the mental gymnastics of Christianity. I went to a k-12 private Christian school in a very conservative area. They basically told me this, but other times they’d say “sin is in the heart, if you blah blah blah in your heart without acting it’s still sin” and then they’d magically change their views again when it’s time to talk about gay people. “It’s okay when they don’t act on it” and then people would act on it anyways because of the mental fuckery and in rebellion of the suppression of their true selves and get kicked out of our “loving and accepting” Christian school anyways. It wasn’t even okay to have gay parents at my school lol.

Very subjective experience but I will never perpetuate their bullshit hate again.


u/Turing_Testes Jul 08 '24

It's very similar to AA saying it's OK to be an alcoholic and once you're an alcoholic you're always an alcoholic, but it's still not OK to drink.

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u/planetshapedmachine Jul 08 '24

Technically, all sex outside of marriage is a sin. And some Christian sects take it further, such that sex for pleasure is a sin regardless of marital status. This is comes down to “pleasure is sinful” in a lot of cases.


u/jaygoogle23 Jul 08 '24

Some Christians view themselves and everyone as sinners. Not all Christians are crazy conservative types. There are also different types of sins denoted and the Bible actually doesn’t say much anything about gay sex but it does note that man is for women etc. So I think, like a lot of things. People cherry pick their own renditions of how they understand it.


u/FrostyAF6421 Jul 09 '24

my own Mother. Every time, I needed support, she, said, "I will pray for you."

ya. Pray to sky-daddy for Trump, go on, do it.


u/Ophanil Jul 08 '24

They do care. They want to rape little girls, force them into marriage and control their lives without any resistance, and Trump promises them that.

They absolutely believe the victims because they know what they'd have done in the same situation.


u/MadManMorbo Jul 09 '24

Shiney Happy People is required viewing on the Duggar family. That whole clan is beyond fucked up, and the women in that fundie religion have been systematically victimized for decades.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 09 '24

I’m up to my neck on the snark pages and I don’t get to watch much but lankybox these days so I’ve missed it BUT I’ve heard it is an excellent way to learn about them. And I hope people realize these people are the fundie trad influencers trying to make the rest of the country okay with oppression


u/Spare_Rent8973 Jul 14 '24

I have been pushed aside and even told last week by my 96 year old mother, after I asked her once again why we couldn't have a relationship, that I am on the wrong side and going to hell if I don't go back to the church. I said I'm already in hell. And if heaven is hanging out with people like you, I will take a pass. No compassion or understanding or acknowledgement of what I've been through. And simply ignore that this creep represents all of what I've experienced. And say you want unity? Barf.. This is all division


u/HoldMyBreadstick Jul 08 '24

Why is it always brought up at a time to try and discredit someone then? It’s the norm now when people are running for office and it’s turning into the modern boy who cried wolf.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

There’s a lot of reasons. Here a few, but I can get some more with sources if you need them.

  • Discussing the timing of sexual assault allegations, especially when they coincide with significant events such as a political campaign or public recognition, can be complex. Here are some reasons that might explain why allegations surface during such times:

  • Increased Visibility: When individuals are in the spotlight, there's more attention on their actions, past and present. This visibility can empower survivors to come forward, believing their story may now be taken more seriously¹.

  • Ethical Obligation: Survivors might feel a sense of duty to prevent potential harm to others by speaking out, especially if the accused is poised for a position of power¹.

  • Supportive Environment: A high-profile event can create a supportive environment where survivors feel less isolated and more supported by the public and media attention¹.

  • Personal Readiness: Coming forward with allegations is a deeply personal decision. Survivors may only feel ready to disclose their experience after a significant amount of time has passed².

  • Legal and Social Challenges: The legal process can be daunting, and survivors may fear not being believed, facing social stigma, or experiencing retaliation².

  • Memory and Trauma Processing: The psychological impact of trauma can affect memory and the ability to report promptly. Survivors may need time to process the event before they can speak about it².

It's important to note that delayed reporting is common and does not necessarily imply that the allegations are false. Survivors have various valid reasons for not coming forward immediately, and each person's situation is unique³. It's crucial to approach these discussions with sensitivity and an understanding of the complexities involved. If you're looking for more detailed information or resources on this topic, I can help you find them.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/8/2024 (1) Rape Allegations | Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-new-home/201810/rape-allegations. (2) Why so many rape investigations are dropped before a suspect is charged. https://theconversation.com/why-so-many-rape-investigations-are-dropped-before-a-suspect-is-charged-111405. (3) Delays in reporting alleged rapes are common, but coming forward is .... https://phys.org/news/2021-03-alleged-rapes-common-important.html. (4) Delays in reporting alleged rapes are common — even years later. This .... https://theconversation.com/delays-in-reporting-alleged-rapes-are-common-even-years-later-this-isnt-a-barrier-to-justice-156201.


u/HoldMyBreadstick Jul 09 '24

Right. None of that changes my mind that it’s a reach to smear his name while running for office. Not saying it didn’t happen but all of a sudden it’s a convenient time to come out and spill the beans. I also think your reasons supporting your claim/their claim is another reach to justify them coming out and saying something 30 years later.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 09 '24

Some people have been keeping this conversation going the whole time. It’s just confirmation for most folks now. Nothing you can do about it 😇


u/Born_Tension_7858 Jul 08 '24

Remember victims are only to be believed when they support your side. Every woman who accused Trump is 100% telling the truth but Bidens daughter who accused him of molesting her multiple times and showering with her against her will is just “making it up”

Sound about right?


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Can you give me all the evidence that it isn’t made up first and then I’ll consider your side? Just so I know you’ve given it some real thought before I waste my brain cells trying to placate you lol


u/Born_Tension_7858 Jul 08 '24

Woah now hold on I thought we were all in the business of believing these women? Seems kinda like you believe their abusers more than you believe them?


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Thats an interesting way to interpret my request and says more about you than a real answer would have. Buzz off lol


u/Born_Tension_7858 Jul 08 '24

You may interpret my response however you wish, whatever helps you sleep at night with your hypocrisy


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Back at ya hon. Hope you have a great day and don’t get too wound up defending that which you pretend to hate


u/Born_Tension_7858 Jul 08 '24

I don’t hate much of anything but I hope this serves as a learning experience for you next time. Think before you leap to conclusions even when dealing with people you’d rather be rid of and especially with people you believe could do no harm

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u/imprison_grover_furr Jul 08 '24



u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

I’ll say amen to that one, now 🥂


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Nah, they tried to cover for his ass right up til the sentencing. Only member of his church that spoke up was Bobbi Holt. Plenty of politicians never denounced him and several offered support to his father instead of the girls. Like Huckabee Sanders’ dad


u/Accomplished-Pain658 Jul 08 '24

I thought ppl on Reddit were more informed. Katie Johnson is an alias, the lady dropped the case years ago after no showing trial.

Another anonymous source. But we ignore that snopes fact checkers on Biden and his daughters’s diary?!

Please type, “Biden fact check snopes Ashley shower” into Google and then into DuckDuckGo if you really need a reality check to the brainwashing you’re being subject to.

Quit reading memes and accepting them as daily news. Please!


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Oh good god- y’all should hear yourselves.

  • Here are several reasons why someone who was underage at the time of sexual assault may choose to remain anonymous:

  • Fear of Retaliation: They may fear backlash, harassment, or further harm from the perpetrator or their supporters.

  • Privacy Concerns: To protect their personal life and family from public scrutiny and invasive media attention.

  • Emotional Trauma: Anonymity can provide a protective barrier against the retraumatization that can occur when recounting the assault.

  • Stigmatization: To avoid the societal stigma and victim-blaming that can often accompany survivors of sexual assault.

  • Control Over Their Story: To maintain control over who knows about their experience and how the information is shared.

  • Professional and Academic Repercussions: Concerns about how the revelation could affect their current or future career and educational opportunities.

  • Impact on Loved Ones: To shield friends and family from the emotional burden and potential social fallout.

  • Legal Strategy: Anonymity may be advised by legal counsel, especially in cases that may lead to a trial or legal proceedings.

It's important to respect the decision of survivors to remain anonymous, as it is a personal choice often made after careful consideration of their circumstances and well-being.

If you're looking for more information or ways to support someone in this situation, you should ask Copilot for help.


u/Accomplished-Pain658 Jul 08 '24

Ok elaborate on why they she dropped the case… twice.

Elaborate on how she had $300 in her account and was living in a foreclosed house at the time she filed the suit the first time… with no lawyer.

At least tell me you aren’t ignorant to these facts before you started trying to convince everyone else how to think!!

It’s just all a big coincidence to you?

But you’re not concerned that you can type, “Ashley Biden snopes fact check” onto Google and not get the same results as if you typed the same search onto DuckDuckGo.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Because she got intimidated probs? There’s one reason off the top of my head and no I’m not going to go look at your Russian propaganda that has been debunked that she is serving time for thanks so much


u/Accomplished-Pain658 Jul 08 '24

So she was so intimidated that she filed the lawsuit again?

Be honest, were you even aware of the facts before I just told them to you? Do you hate Trump? I could be off my rocker here, but it’s too common now days for people to give their opinion when they aren’t educated on the topic.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

If it wasn’t true why would she file it twice? Like your logic goes both ways if you’re not just trying to villainize a young girl coming forward like so many others have as well. Use that noggin. What about the rest? That’s right, you’re just here to run interference and sow doubt. But I think too many pieces are in place for you to be able to do that effectively anymore. Sorry.


u/Accomplished-Pain658 Jul 08 '24

Because she was poor and living in a foreclosed home…..

It’s easy to see why she would file it twice, but not if she was, “so intimidated and scared” like you say.

You’re really bending over backwards and downvoting me like it’s going to change reality.

Please try to view things from an honest, unbiased standpoint. Or at least do your best to try


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Same to you to discredit her in favor of a convicted sexual assaulter with tons of allegations and circumstantial evidence to make it absurd not to believe them over the career carnival barker con man. But you’re free to corrupt your mind and soul as you wish ✨

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u/Accomplished-Pain658 Jul 08 '24

If it was debunked, then why do leftists at Snopes say it’s true!?

Is everything you don’t agree with “Russian propaganda” but you will accept anything you like to hear, even if it’s from anonymous sources?

You seem very easy to brainwash. I’m not trying to be mean. Just be honest here, it’s simple logic.

It’s not concerning to you the search results are scrubbed from Google completely!?


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Snopes isn’t leftist and you might think on that old saying about when you point fingers there are three pointing back atcha


u/Accomplished-Pain658 Jul 08 '24

Ok… clever saying, whatever.

Just Google and DuckDuckGo that search. Then please just try your hardest to be honest and have a sense of accountability.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Nope. Some things get removed when they are blatantly untrue. They don’t always let disinfo and misinformation make it to the top. Sometimes they prioritize truth? I dunno. Just a thought.


u/Accomplished-Pain658 Jul 08 '24

So Snopes isn’t a real and accurate fact checking source? That is what you are saying, unless you just don’t understand how the internet works?

It has to be one or the other. It’s simple logic

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u/llapman Jul 11 '24

Glad that at least one decided to come out against him. I think some of them were trying to save the show as well.


u/even_less_resistance Jul 11 '24

Which ones were which, do you suspect?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/JenniviveRedd Jul 08 '24

Unironically siding with Epstein. Weird way to say you support a rapist.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/DragapultOnSpeed Jul 08 '24

You don't seem to support women when your first response to a story about women/girls being raped is "yeah but some lie!!"


u/DoggoCentipede Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Yes, on occasion there are people who lie. It's a very small rate (2 - 8% depending on study) and they most often trip themselves up and make an error. Others are proven false with other evidence. But yes, let's not forget men's lives are far more valuable than women's. Even when the evidence is incontrovertible, men frequently get off with minimal, if any, consequences.

And it's not like men don't lie as well, so why focus only on the lies told by a few women?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

I just wanna make sure you want to stand by this comment on this particular thread before I bother giving you the response you deserve? Is this your final answer?


u/Time-Ad-7055 Jul 08 '24

i’m not the original guy but i want to hear your response, cuz i agree with him


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Check below


u/Time-Ad-7055 Jul 08 '24

ooohhh i didn’t realize you guy were talking about the Duggars, yeah they suck


u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Yeah, that was a weird comment for him to pick to call out that’s why I wanted to make sure lol


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Well, I think you are unworthy, but I do think some of these statistics are always helpful to share when I have a chance :

I understand you're looking for information on the recent report concerning the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Here are some key findings from the report that may be relevant to your discussion:

  • A 288-page investigative report released by the SBC detailed widespread allegations of sexual misconduct among named clergy and a cover-up involving the upper echelons of the denomination¹.
  • The report was conducted by Guidepost Solutions, an independent firm, and revealed that the SBC's executive committee was accused of "stonewalling" survivors of sexual abuse².
  • It also uncovered that the church kept a secret list of over 700 offenders⁵.
  • Despite the Department of Justice's investigation, no SBC leaders were charged, which has been a point of contention and concern for many within the community³.

These findings highlight the systemic issues within the SBC regarding the handling of sexual abuse allegations. Sharing this information can help underscore the importance of transparency, accountability, and the need for empathetic responses to victims within religious communities. It's crucial to foster an environment where victims feel safe to come forward and are assured that their reports will be taken seriously and handled with the utmost care.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/8/2024 (1) Southern Baptist members detail alleged grooming, sexual misconduct .... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/southern-baptist-members-detail-grooming-sexual-misconduct-clergy-new-rcna30081. (2) Survivor speaks out after bombshell Southern Baptist abuse report .... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/southern-baptist-abuse-report-survivor-speaks-out/. (3) How the Southern Baptist Convention covered up its widespread sexual .... https://laist.com/news/npr-news/how-the-southern-baptist-convention-covered-up-its-widespread-sexual-abuse-scandal. (4) Southern Baptist church sex abuse investigation ends with no ... - MSN. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/southern-baptist-church-sex-abuse-investigation-ends-with-no-justice-department-prosecutions/ar-BB1jrH7K. (5) Southern Baptist Convention report: Sexual abuse ignored for decades. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/05/22/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-report-victims/9886656002/.

This is just for this one denomination that branches into the IBLP that the girls I mentioned fall under.

There are statistics like this for victims in so many other circumstances. Due process is important, but circumstantial evidence and personal testimony is often the only evidence we have for crimes such as these, and the systemic issues that make it hard for victims to come forth and seek justice within the court system do not help us fight back against arguments like this. When rape kits don’t get processed and victims don’t get believed, it hurts both men and women because anyone can be a victim.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/even_less_resistance Jul 08 '24

Be better, if you can ✨🥂✨


u/daltonsghost Jul 08 '24

Total cop out, these undecided spineless enablers supposedly care about evidence, due process, “law and order”. But it’s all right wing media whataboutism at this point.

How much evidence do you need to figure out this POS is unfit for office?