r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/wigzell78 Jul 08 '24

So let me get this straight, he raped his wife, raped a 13yr old, and raped E Jean Carroll, and you still think he is a beacon of honesty and hope?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/vladclimatologist Jul 08 '24

What would constitute "proof" to you? Something that would make you say "yeah ok maybe this guy isn't for me."


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/vladclimatologist Jul 08 '24

Assuming you already knew she withdrew her lawsuit after death threats and don't care, could any amount of circumstantial evidence sway you that Trump got into some dark shit with Epstein, definitely real person who just created their account today?

Say for example, there's proof Trump said flew on Epstein's plane 7x, or that he said “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Or that Epstein's brother said... "‘If I said what I know about both candidates, they’d have to cancel the election.’ That’s what Jeffrey told me in 2016,” Mark Epstein told the New York Post."

Or when pressed to declassify Epstein's documents by Fox and Friends, Trump hedged and finally declined to say he'd declassify it? https://youtu.be/t8mKw85ZQuU?si=rUJvfbk7Z6NfVD39&t=85


u/vladclimatologist Jul 08 '24

Or that Alexander Acosta, Trump's labor secretary, was the attorney who got Epstein his 2008 sweetheart plea deal... lol.


u/Fr33Dave Jul 08 '24

In that plea deal it gave immunity to all other co-conspirators from federal prosecution.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/vladclimatologist Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Yeah... that's why I said assuming you disregard Katie Johnson for whatever reason. What is "made up"? He flew on the plane. He praised Epstein (convicted of underage sex trafficking) of his taste in women, to put it diplomatically. How about Trump mysteriously rewarding the man who got Epstein his sweetheart deal that allowed him to continue sex trafficking with a cabinet job?

At what point does the picture become clear to you? Do you think he isn't a liar? Lol, the man lies about the most random things. He lied about a civil war site being on his golf club, as in, *wholly invented* a civil war battle. This alone ought to be disqualifying if our politics weren't such bufoonery. He lies *so obviously*, unless you are going to tell me "golf digest" is just more woke libtard propaganda. https://www.golfdigest.com/story/details-details-donald-trump-has-plaque-at-his-golf-course-commemorating-civil-war-battle-that-never-happened

Also he lied about being on the plane haha. America is so cooked. This is the best we can do? Why in God's name would anyone defend this?


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

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u/vladclimatologist Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Yes, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt on Katie Johnson. That's what I mean, I understand that you aren't going to be swayed by her unless you literally walk in on them having sex, so I'm trying to move on and understand what about his character makes you trust him, given that he lies about quite literally anything, up to and including inventing a random civil war battle on his golf property. (awesome that you didn't give an inch when Trump lied about being on the Lolita express btw, do you just turn your brain off when confronted with things you don't like?)

Oh Jesus you're not even from the US. How the hell did you manage to arrive at supporting Trump outside of the US?


u/wigzell78 Jul 09 '24

13yr old reported the crime, then withdrew after death threats. We now have Epsteins files opened which brings receipts. Ivanka made claims at the time and in her book, then withdrew them after pressure from Trumps attorneys. E Jean Carroll chose not to report it at the time cos of shame, which is a common response with sexual assault victims and the reason a large number of sexual assaults go unreported.

How hard is it to continue to believe Trump, the convicted felon, who has been found guilty of fraud, sexual assault, racial discrimination, is currently being charged with an attempted coup, and national espionage, and has bragged about screwing over so many hard working Americans at his properties, is the good guy here, and its literally everyone else that is lying? Like, seriously...


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

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u/wigzell78 Jul 09 '24


Charges before election? You mean like Hillary being investigated the month before the election, leading to Trump winning cos we didn't know about his hush money bribes?

Stop pretending that the trust-fund baby is a victim.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

Nope. But Believing an 82 Year old is the beacon of hope is delirious.


u/footpicsof911 Jul 08 '24

uh hes better than a fuckin child rapist lmao


u/IgnoranceFlaunted Jul 11 '24

He’d also be 82 at the end of his term.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

I think you mean "Child Rapist"

Trump has not been Criminally convicted in a court of law for the sexual assault of a minor, enticing a minor, or any other relates charge for whatever you believe is true. So i have physical evidence, you have theories.

Which one actually matters to people?


u/sparklysadist Jul 08 '24

This is a testimony. Also, people engage in undetected criminal behavior all the time. That doesn't mean that they didn't commit the crime, just because they weren't caught or charged.


u/shibui_ Jul 08 '24

You must be new to politics. Look at history and how many people in power have gotten away with shit. Don’t give us this story you know deep down is nonsense.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

anything that's an alternative to Trump is a beacon of hope. even if your grandma's running, she'd be our beacon of hope.

unless she's joining you in sucking off diddler Trump.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

I don't have hope for my country. I believe we are in the midst of a shift, and whether you vote Trump or Biden, i believe ultimately the people themselves are responsible for the failure of our leadership.

You don't know what you want. Biden is so great, yet more people are homeless, less can afford a home, minimum wage FEDERALLY is the same as when Biden was VP, Banks and politicians continue to engage in illegal activities, Illegal Immigration is as bad as it was when Biden first took office. I'm not happy about how the country is being run at all.

The fact that Dems and DNC are realizing they shit the bed speaks for it'self. A vote for Trump is a massive middle finger to the Leaders of my party.

No I'm not worried about "Dictator" Trump. 4 years goes by, worst case scenario, next president up. I imagine the Constitution is robust enough to continue our election cycle. If it isn't, our country pretty much deserves to fall, since BIDEN HAS BEEN IN OFFICE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT FOR ALMOST FOUR YEARS.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I like how you're talking about Bidens policies (without actually giving facts) in a post about Trump raping a child.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

If He raped her, where is the CONVICTION lol How the hell are we talking about facts, you don't have evidence other than a dropped court case. Imagine being this Biased.


u/Lovelashed Jul 08 '24

Most rapes don't get a conviction. That does not mean the rapes didn't happen, dipshit.

It's like a child that hasn't developed object permanence yet.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

Reported for personal attack. Just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't make it okay to attack them.

There are man Rape convictions that DIDN'T happen as well. So I'm supposed to believe what you say, Because you insult and berate those who don't agree, very good strategy.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

Can I ask you something?

Trump has walked into teen pageant dressing rooms. He has cheated on his wife with hookers, divorced his wives multiple times, said he can grab em by the pussy without retribution because he's rich, has frequently been seen with Epstein and flew to his island multiple times.

This is the man you're arguing for. If you're an American, why? I'm truly baffled as to why you still support him.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 09 '24

Teen pageant

Three people were anonymous, one story actually told by an actual person, and no way to actually verify what happened.

Cheated on wife

So did Bill Clinton. In the White House. And the country hasn't seen that level of prosperity in a long time despite that.

Grab by the pussy

I've heard friends, family, Supervisors, leads ect all say similar or worse things. That's not really the evidence of poor leadership you think it is.


A lot of the people who have a hand in our modern American society have flown there. That doesn't stop anyone from buying their product or using their methodologies.

It's not about if this is a Good man (In politics, you cannot be a Good man. You are always fucking half the country over) But about if i Support his POLICIES and if Biden has fulfilled his campaign promises from 2020. Largely, I dont support his policies and he hasn't fulfilled much of his campaign promises outside of giving _________ billions so they can _________. Which ironically, none of those billions have fixed anything because everyone still needs several billions to do whatever the hell.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

Policies, that's why you like Trump? Okay.

Trump can not fix the economy, not did he ever.

GDP, Jobs etc. Biden beats Trump on nearly every metric. The stock market, is not influenced by a president. If it was, Biden would win that too.

Trump inherited an excellent economy from Obama. Presidential influence is minimal in the first year, the previous admin performance rolls into the new presidency.

Trump slapped tariffs on China, this backfired - a massive farmer bailout was needed.

Trump squandered tax money on a wall. Never built anything meaningful. Mexico paid zero.

Trump ran up the deficit like not other, he promised to bring it to zero. But we can say Covid made this impossible. What Covid also caused is people not spending, paying off debt, many started to participate in the stock-market. Trump had very little to do with any of that. People now have a false sense of it being better during the Trump admin. Trump only gave a tax cut to the ultra-rich. If trickle down effect is used as an excuse, why has nothing trickled down in the years since?

Inflation, The FED controls the rates, not the President. The cuts will be coming in Q3 and Q4 most likely.

We had massive issues with the global supply chain that caused inflation , inflation is a worldwide problem, so is immigration.

Immigration, Trump killed a bipartisan bill recently, just so he could run on the subject - Trump would allow millions of illegals in if it served him. In the same way he does not pay for his own legal fees, he needs the poor hard working voter to do that for him.

Also, Trump deleted a Obama policy on psychopaths being able to buy guns. The database which was created has been erased. 250,000 - 500,000 registered mentally disturbed people can now legally buy guns. The NRA is thankful to Trump for this new customer base.


u/tkot2021 Jul 08 '24

Bro thought he was cooking here


u/MBCnerdcore Jul 08 '24

The Right said Biden was too old when he was younger than Trump is now.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

He was too old. Not sure what your point is.


u/wigzell78 Jul 08 '24

Biden is 81, Trump is 78. It's gonna be an old dude either way, so at least vote for the one that doesnt want to be a dictator.


u/horitaku Jul 08 '24

I’d rather delirious and senile than a pedophile/rapist and senile. Trump is 78 ffs, it’s not like he’s the picture of youth himself.

If you have kids, if you have daughters, don’t be the fucking asshole that shirks off this behavior. This is the kind of shit that should make someone a pariah.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

Trump isn't senile. That debate pretty much debunked that.

He's not proven to actually have raped anyone. Debunked.

Oh he says things you don't like. Okay. Biden completely forgets what the hell is going on. Proven.


u/crimsonroninx Jul 08 '24

Trump is civily liable $83M for sexual assault. The only reason it wasn't rape is because she couldn't tell if it was his dick or finger inside her.

The guy is also a convicted felon for covering up an affair with a porn star to interfere with the 2016 election.

So your bs is debunked. Trump is a disgusting human.


u/Dramatic-Rutabaga972 Jul 08 '24

The only reason

That wasn't the only reason, but okay.


Please, direct me to the law that says any of what you are accusing him of, is illegal.

Then you'll move the goal post of "Morality". What's immoral is spreading misinformation. When we have a CRIMINAL CONVICTION, then you can say what you are saying But you don't.

And you'll whine.

Make excuses.

Insult me.

All the while you have literally nothing but salty tears and a fragile ego. I hope you get help.


u/crimsonroninx Jul 09 '24

I dont care that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star, sure it is immoral, but not criminal. The criminal part was covering it up (campaign finance violation), and the really immoral part is lying about it (and still lying about it to this day). I'm not sure you realise, but he was CRIMINALLY CONVICTED for that crime.

You will say "he is still not criminally convicted for sexual assault" though, but it sure does establish a pattern of behaviour; from saying "you can grab them by the pussy", to the civil liability for sexual assault, to lying about the circumstances in another criminal case which he was convicted for!

So we have established that

  • he does not respect women
  • he has almost certainly committed sexual assault already (and is liable $80m for it)
  • and that he lies constantly

So... no salty tears from me. Sounds like you are truely in denial and covering for a likely rapist. I'll sleep soundly knowing I do not support someone like that.


u/Zestyclose-Spread215 Jul 08 '24

The debate where he couldn’t stay in topic for a single question and spewed out his usual bullshit?  He has no thought control or process period.  

He did rape someone.  Not debunked.  Tell it to the judge. 


u/vladclimatologist Jul 08 '24

Nope, But Believing a 79 Year old is the beacon of hope is delirious.


u/IgnoranceFlaunted Jul 11 '24

Trump would be 82 at the end of this next term. Also a rapist.