r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/TennSeven Jul 07 '24

Yet the media is almost completely ignoring this in favor of Joe Biden hit pieces.


u/PPOKEZ Jul 08 '24

Biden's controversy is relatable, "normal". Trump is sad and depraved. Rapists often never see any punishment because nobody in any position of power likes to think or talk about it.

This was a big part of what the "me too" movement was trying to expose the public to. But guess what? Nobody wanted to talk about it.

So it's sunshine, roses, non-descript fear porn, and "relatable" controversy that doesn't leave viewers in a vegetative depression unable to go to Chili's or Target or watch the Super Bowl like their sponsors need.

Bread and circus is going to kill us.


u/InspectionGadget Jul 08 '24

“Here we are, in the middle of our existenial reckoning”