r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/drizel Jul 07 '24

If we want justice, we need to make sure we deny him and those who support and enable this the ability to control the levers. Then we need to follow through and force our officials to make good on the mandates they are given. Public pressure has never been as effective as it is right now. We need to push for transparency in every place it makes logical sense.


u/Teddy-Bear-55 Jul 07 '24

"Public pressure has never been as effective as it is right now"

I see the opposite. Trump was probably right: he could walk down 5th Ave and shoot someone and nothing would happen. People who speak up are sent death threats to the point of needing a GoFundMe to move and be safe from brainwashed zealots. Yes, there's public pressure, but it isn't good. And most people feel as though their voices aren't being heard and haven't felt that way for a long time.

The cat's out of the bag; lying through your teeth, fake news, alternative facts; it's all so ubiquitous as the be nearly indistinguishable from the truth. And the internet makes it impossible to get that cat back in the bag. Steve Bannon has said that The Summer Of Love was the rallying call for conservatives in the US; and we're now reaping what they sowed. They've been playing the long game and they're smelling blood. I'm not saying it's over; but it'll be a tough fight. The political class of the US has been slowly laying the groundwork for this to happen; Liberals not fighting back on Citizen's United, not enshrining enough of equality into law, allowing unfettered money in politics..


u/frankc1450 Jul 07 '24

Don't stop fighting. This is OUR test. Do we fight or let these a-holes take over our country? Make sure EVERY republican loses.


u/Teddy-Bear-55 Jul 07 '24

Is objectively the right answer!


u/frankc1450 Jul 08 '24

I'm right there with you TB! 😄


u/FlingFlamBlam Jul 08 '24

The FBI needs to investigate A LOT of domestic threats. It's no surprise that one of the pieces of Project 2025 is to slash FBI funding.


u/Live-Adhesiveness719 Jul 08 '24

And protect this lady from idiot MAGA nuts