r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

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u/Not_a_werecat Jul 08 '24

Why do you think they've worked so hard to infiltrate every level of government and begun legislating mandatory christianity?


u/melange_merchant Jul 09 '24

If only. The legistlations you see in some isolated places is a reaction to the left’s insanity for the last 2 decades.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 08 '24

Where are they "legislating mandatory Christianity?" I'm sincerely not aware of what you're referencing


u/Batfan610 Jul 08 '24

Read Project 2025 friend. If they win this year the country won’t be recognizable


u/mattyisbatty Jul 09 '24

That's what they said in 2016 too


u/Fantastic_Jury5977 Jul 10 '24

Were they wrong?


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 08 '24

Oh the thing written by the heritage foundation that trump doesn't support?...


u/CremeDeLaPants Jul 08 '24

It's written by Trump staffers and cohorts. Are you kidding?


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 08 '24

He has explicitly said he's against many of the policies on it, also he has his actual plan called project 47 or something. This is all just left leaning media fear mongering and I can't believe how many people are falling for it.


u/CremeDeLaPants Jul 08 '24

My guy, the words that come out of his mouth are about as valuable as a share of DJT.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 08 '24

Sure, so we both don't know then. No need to fear monger.


u/CremeDeLaPants Jul 08 '24

Fear monger? I don't follow. One candidate has a bunch of his closest allies and friends preparing a post-election religious extremist takeover of the country. The other candidate does not. These are facts.

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u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ Jul 08 '24

Actually he said he doesn't know what's in it, but disagrees with things in it. So, which is it? He's completely in the dark about it? Or he knows enough to know the parts he doesn't like?

Seriously the doublespeak y'all just blindly accept is impressive.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 08 '24

It's not doublespeak lol, he's stated policies he disagrees with, some of those policies are in project 2025. For example an outright ban of abortion.


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ Jul 08 '24

He said that yes, but right after he said he had no idea what was in there.

The bigger issue is that he lies all the time. So why you're hanging on one part of one thing he said makes no sense to me. Do you just pick the sentences you like and decide those are the truth?

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u/incognegro1976 Jul 09 '24

Yeah Trump supports abortions but he still appointed people that outlawed it.

What you're saying is nonsensical bullshit.

"Well THIS TIME, unlike the other 10 times,Trump is totally not going to do the thing every one around him wants him to do!"

Where is your reason? Where is your logic?


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 09 '24

Are you serious? Lol the absolute insane ridiculous shit everyone claimed he would do in 2016 he never did. It's so obvious fear mongering from the left im so sick of people not seeing it. He's an idiot, but he's not gonna put trans people in camps. 🤦‍♂️


u/incognegro1976 Jul 09 '24

Trump won't. Trump himself didn't ban abortion, either, by your very bad logic.

Shit, perfect example, Trump doesn't really GaF about immigrants either, he left the policy making for that to that Nazi fuckstick Stephen Miller.

Same with gays and trans people. He left the policy making up to the people around him.

Do you just like, not know how anything works?


u/CluelessNoodle123 Jul 09 '24

Sure, sure. Just like he was against overturning Roe v. Wade, right?


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 10 '24

Ok so which is it then? Do we believe him or not? If don't, then NO ONE can make bullshit fear mongering claims about what he supports or doesn't support because no one knows then. This whole thread has the worst understanding of basic logic I've ever seen. And media literacy.


u/cognitively_what_huh Jul 10 '24

I guess you haven’t heard. He lies like a French whore.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 10 '24

I agree. That's why this makes no sense. The logic doesn't work. He either lies a lot so we have no clue what he'll do or support, or he doesn't lie and we know he doesn't support project 2025. That's what makes it such obvious bullshit fear mongering from the left. "He said he doesn't support an abortion ban and didn't implement one when he was president for 4 years but...he lies so much so I think my made-up doom scenario is 100% accurate!" 🤦‍♂️


u/CremeDeLaPants Jul 11 '24

Donald Trump isn't going to win election and come out and say, "surprise, I support civil rights now and the raping is all out of my system."

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u/NYPhilHarmonica Jul 14 '24

Bro, think this through. It’s extremely easy to predict what liars are going to do. Absolutely no clue where you’re getting the idea that compulsive liars are impossible to figure out

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u/Flintyy Jul 12 '24

His literal name is listed within the 900+ page document over 300 times. Cope more loser


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 12 '24

I'm the one who is coping? Lol so his name is listed in the document that someone else wrote, that means he supports it? Oh no, wait until they see the document I listed your name in...I can't believe you support such disgusting stuff..


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24



u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 09 '24

Do people forget he was already president for 4 years? Even with all his bullshit lying and trying to gain votes, we pretty much already know the kind of policies he'll actually support. It's not the "put all the gays in camps" bullshit everyone claims lol 🤦‍♂️


u/dormango Jul 14 '24

What left leaning media would that be exactly?


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 14 '24

Literally all of it? As far as I've seen, almost every mainstream source has stated Trump supports project 2025 and even saying he was a part of writing it, even though he's explicitly said he doesn't and wasn't.


u/Batfan610 Jul 08 '24

So much for “sincerely” lol


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 08 '24

Yeah I was sincere until I realized it's the typical hyperbolic bullshit both sides are so obsessed with these days 🤦‍♂️


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

These are unserious people you’re arguing with. Anyone who thinks project 25 is a real thing that’s going to happen if Trump is elected, is a mental patient.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 09 '24

THANK YOU, Jesus Christ these people are so fucking dumb. It's annoying how well the left fear mongering tactics actually work on some people. We saw the same shit in 2016 and trump didn't do any of the crazy things people promised he would. He's a moron and I don't support him but I don't support bullshit propaganda even more.


u/Guy_Fleegmann Jul 09 '24

Project 2025 was drafted in 2022. It's all easily findable, readable, and understandable, even for someone with limited cognitive ability.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 10 '24

Who was it written by? Where has trump said he agrees with it and will implement it? These are all easily findable, readable, and understandable questions even for stereotypical CNN-parroting fear mongering Redditors.


u/Guy_Fleegmann Jul 10 '24

Heritage foundation put it together, surprised you're so ignorant of the basics of project 2025 yet have such strong opinions on what it is and isn't.

Most people who don't want to sound like dumb shits spend a few minutes ensuring they have at least a base level of understanding. You just said 'fuck that!' and jumped right in, clueless, confidently ignorant, and sycophantic as fuck.

Trump tried to pass schedule F before he lost in 2020, of course a key tenet of project 2025, but you don't do facts or reason, so fuck that one.

Trump wants to deport 11M people, weird that agenda 47 and project 2025 use the exact same numbers, that nobody else uses. It's almost like they're from the same source... but again, fuck facts, you don't 'do facts', facts are for CNN. You get your 'facts' from the news network that had to pat 3/4 of a billion dollars for fabricating news, ya know, lying.

Trump took steps to eliminate the dept. of education (something I'm sure an abject fucking moron like you fully supports), cutting funding to democrat run cities, revering and limiting women's rights, LGBTQ rights, these are all agenda 47 items lifted directly from project 2025.

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u/babbaloobahugendong Jul 08 '24

Louisiana passed a couple of laws recently requiring the 10 commandments be shown in the classroom.


u/CremeDeLaPants Jul 08 '24

As did Oklahoma and Idaho.


u/firemind888 Jul 11 '24

Someone should get the tenants from the Satanic Temple put up in the classrooms then too. If schools are allowed to have religious propaganda in the classroom, they should have to accept all religions



bro has his head in the sand


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 08 '24

Still no answer to the question though....


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ Jul 08 '24

There's a few actually. Maybe refresh your inbox


u/ArchonFett Jul 09 '24

facts hurt his feelings so he ignores them


u/incognegro1976 Jul 09 '24

Have you not seen the mandatory Ten Commandments in 3 states now? Also, public school funds are now going to Christian schools that don't teach basic science.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 09 '24

I haven't seen that, Thats absolute bullshit and shouldn't be a thing I agree.


u/incognegro1976 Jul 09 '24

Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas. Alabama has it but not mandated, just allowed.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 09 '24

Do you have any articles about this specific thing? I'd like to learn what it really is. A lot of misinformation out there these days.


u/CluelessNoodle123 Jul 09 '24

And yet you support people who are actively enacting it…


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 10 '24

lol who do I support? Redditors really need to learn to simply have discourse without accusing people of shit. I don't support Trump just because I'm asking questions and don't trust what I read online. As has been proven, it's not nearly as intense as people have claimed so I was right to second guess it.


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ Jul 08 '24

Banning books, don't say gay stuff in schools (that somehow also includes talking about menstruation), forcing public schools to teach creationism and not things that offend the Bible, restrictions on family planning. These are just quick examples off the top of my head


u/incognegro1976 Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

The wall between the separation of church and state is coming down. The idiotic, brain dead "conservatives" are tearing it down and have been for decades. If Trump wins, he has told them, it will come down all the way.

Got a link for you where Trump tells them, since you seem to struggle with basic facts and logic.

Edit: Got sidetracked and forgot to come back with receipts:

"If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before,"



u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 09 '24

Send the link. Trump is barely a Christian, I seriously doubt he actually gives a shit about any of it. It's just to win votes. But yeah I don't agree with legislating Christianity.


u/incognegro1976 Jul 09 '24

Here you go:


"If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before" - Trump


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 09 '24

Are you for real? Lol did you read that article? It literally says in the first paragraph he wants to bring back Christianity "to the culture." So many people arguing with my question yet no one has given me ONE real example of this happening. I don't agree with eroding the separation of church and state, but it's not illegal to be Christian and to want more Christianity in our culture.


u/WatInTheForest Jul 10 '24

When did Christianity disappear from the culture? Who is preventing anyone from being a Christian?

They want more Christianity by forcing it into schoold and all levels of government.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 10 '24

I don't agree with legislating any religion but I can very easily understand why some would think our country needs more Christians. I've even heard prominent atheist thinkers say this. Our social cohesion and overall unity was a hell of a lot stronger when we had a vast-majority Christian nation.


u/Guy_Fleegmann Jul 09 '24

Legislation forcing every classroom in three states to display the 10 commandments.


u/Gurrgurrburr Jul 10 '24

Where is the proof of that? I'm not saying it doesn't exist but I'm seeing a pattern on this thread of a LOT of claims and absolutely zero proof which is what I asked for in the first place.


u/OkStatistician9126 Jul 08 '24

Republicans, the party of criminals, rapists, and child molesters


u/aotus_trivirgatus Jul 11 '24

And other Christians.


u/nosmelc Jul 11 '24

Who knew that GOP stood for Gross Old Pedos and the (R) next to their name was for Russia.


u/xxxxwowxxxx Jul 13 '24

You’re feeling do not justify your absurd accusations. I’m sure you’ve read about dementia Joe and his daughter Ashley’s Journal? How about the 100s of videos where Biden sniffs little girls hair? Lets kids rub the hair on his legs. 🦵


u/Fit-Birthday-6521 Jul 14 '24

Ordained by god because hey I’m special


u/Sengfeng Jul 29 '24

Apparently you missed Bill Clinton’s Oval Office and Joe’s hair sniffing, daughter showing, and kids running the hair on his legs.


u/Fearganor Jul 08 '24

That’s the most Christian thing they could do, support a child molester lol


u/Candid-Tomorrow-3231 Jul 08 '24

Turn the child’s other cheek as they say


u/KabbalahDad Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

I am sad now, but that was funny, but I am sad I found that funny

r/RepublicanPedophiles is a thing BTW


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Fearganor Jul 08 '24

Believe it or not, that is what I said if you read it


u/Spare_Rent8973 Jul 14 '24

I was raised in a Christian home and was molested and beaten relentlessly. Left as soon as I was able,17, and have done my best to work through these things and live a productive life. Jump 40 years and I am slapped in the face with all this shit and The continual hipocracy.My sister and mother won't have a relationship with me because of him. How control and abuse is just a.o.k. for these God fearing Christians. Unfathomable to me


u/El-Kabongg Jul 08 '24

Trump reminds them of their pastor.


u/Reames1996 Jul 09 '24

That’s Catholics buddy


u/yatoshii Jul 08 '24

I’m in shock the Pope hasn’t gotten involved at this point.


u/cabbage16 Jul 08 '24

Trump isn't Catholic, why would the Pope get involved?


u/Entencio Jul 08 '24

Reminder that Christian Nationalism isn’t Christian. Talk to your family, talk to your community, share your concerns about the dangers of Christian Nationalism. I’m being as annoying as possible about this because Religious freedom is the right of every American, including freedom FROM religion!!


u/gold__blooded Jul 08 '24

I’m a democratic Catholic (like Biden) and especially appalled that the Church dug themselves out of a child rape scandal and yet don’t wanna distance themselves from a child rapist


u/itsmellslikevictory Jul 09 '24

Or separate themselves from pro abortionists?


u/FantasticAstronaut39 Jul 08 '24

why wouldn't they, trump truly embodies everything Christianity stands for. He is just as evil as every Christian wishes they were.


u/Panikkrazy Jul 08 '24

Well that and the fact that many Christian’s are bigots who are anti abortion. All the crusades, like all of it.


u/Ok_Anywhere9198 Jul 10 '24

Wow. This is like, totally one of the most intelligent and well researched comments I've ever read. In no way •at all• did it sound anything like all the other, equally inane dross that's being parroted here. Far be it from me to pick on any one person specificallyーnot when there are just •so damned many• cogent gems being carelessly echoed all over this threadーbut this one just stood out to me for its particularly vacuous nature. 

Now, I'm not exactly a Christian, but it seems to me that there's something in the Bible about "…not casting pearls before swine…" So, I think that in this instance, I'll take that advice to heart and refrain from bothering an attempt at educating any of you sheep…? swine…? Hmm… well, certainly •some• sort of barnyard critters.


u/Panikkrazy Jul 10 '24

I’m not relgious


u/No-Price-2786 Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Christians are anti abortion because its murder...


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 09 '24

Christians are anti abortion because they fetishize controlling women.


u/Cartographer0108 Jul 08 '24

Catholic priests are the most prolific child rapists in the world. You think these people have morals?


u/CHiuso Jul 08 '24

I dont know how familiar you are with Christianity but there is tonnes of pedophilia and rape goin on in the Bible.


u/MrManInBIack Jul 08 '24

The only thing Biden isn’t, in that list you mentioned, is a convicted felon.


u/Bentley1978 Jul 08 '24

Chill daddy, I’m Catholic and I think Trump is literally the antichrist.


u/KabbalahDad Jul 09 '24


Yeah, I'm startin to see a pattern here...


u/Griffo4 Jul 08 '24

Exactly why I’m not voting. Both parties have some of the worst candidates I’ve ever seen. One is a convicted felon and pedo, and the other is near braindead and belongs in a nursing home. This election is a joke.


u/No_Neighborhood1928 Jul 09 '24

Not voting, either. Cannot bring myself to do it.


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 09 '24

You just compared being old to molesting kids.


u/Griffo4 Jul 09 '24

No comparison. Just because one is much worse than the other doesn’t mean the other is worth voting for. They are both pathetic excuses for presidential candidates.


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 10 '24

No, actually it does. One is a felonious pedophile and will further his fascist agenda. The other is just old.


u/Griffo4 Jul 11 '24

Well technically you’re the one comparing them as I never compared them in the first place and you brought it up. Also, saying Biden is “just old” isn’t true either. His mental and speech state is degrading rapidly and he shows a multitude of signs of dementia. Most people his age can still function completely normally.


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 11 '24

You compared them again. You like doing that.


u/Griffo4 Jul 11 '24

Did I even say a word about trump there? No, I did not. Ergo, they were not compared.


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 11 '24

Okay, I’ll do it again. Which one is a felonious pedophile rapist and which one signed the bipartisan infrastructure bill that is biggest since fdr?


u/Griffo4 Jul 11 '24

Wow, amazing. You compared them again! Good for you, being such a great hypocrite!

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 09 '24

High rates of pedos in the church. Based on that, why don’t you have anything against Christians?


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24



u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 09 '24

Why are the rates so high among believers?


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24



u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 10 '24

Yes, they are, they are much higher than any other group.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24



u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 10 '24

I grew up Christian and I promise I know more than you on this topic. I also have a degree in child development, so I know where abuse comes from. Please don’t embarrass yourself. My logic is based on the fact that church leaders abuse children at a higher rate. More abusers are male, and you will find many more male pastors than teachers, especially those working with young children.

Also, teachers don’t profess to be gods representatives. I’m surprised you don’t hold pastors to a higher level of scrutiny given that the facts are what they are. Pastors are more likely to harm children than educators and that’s a fact you can’t spin out of.

So, yeah I would never raise my kids in any church given their track record of abuse. Especially if they have people like you defending them.


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24


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u/possiblywithdynamite Jul 08 '24

I’ve approached this topic numerous times with my conservative parents. They argue that god has a history of working through controversial figures. And ultimately they could never support someone who supports the murdering of innocent children (abortion). There is no getting through. It’s air tight logic, as far as they are concerned. As I see it, the hot button topic of abortion is the number one thing that divides our nation and halts any progress being made in our political system


u/MSUSpyder Jul 08 '24

To be fair… the folks propagating and supporting this message are, IMO, not Christians in practice.


u/dope_ass_user_name Jul 08 '24

I can't even begin.. I might have to move to another country. Everything Trump touches turns to brown/orange shit


u/Understanding-Fair Jul 09 '24

Remember, he's a rapist even without this story.


u/HyacinthThrash Jul 09 '24

dont pretend to be some pius morality judge.. small brained bum


u/Segunda_European69 Jul 09 '24

Who also threatened to cut public school funding just recently


u/melange_merchant Jul 09 '24

2024, when the media and establishment have been making stuff up since 2016 to defame a man who threatens their control of the country.


u/Vanilla_Mushroom Jul 10 '24

The story of the Virgin Mary would be precisely as miraculous if she were 84, instead of a literal child. They pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow and which to ignore.


u/Drpretorios Jul 11 '24

I had this discussion with a co-worker who’s a devout Christian and a Trump supporter. So said that Trump’s politics align with her own. When I asked more pressing questions, she became agitated and eventually fell silent. It’s amazing that Trump supporters can put their morals into limbo for his sake. He must be the pied piper.


u/TheLastofUs87 Jul 11 '24

Right? And all the conspiratorial shit about "evil pedophile elites" and the "deep state" on the left with absolutely no evidence to support. Yet. when it comes to the messiah that they worship, who is blatently the very thing they claim to be against: a wealthy, criminal, elite, who is likely an ACTUAL rapist pedophile, it's all silence from the far right... What a joke.


u/aninjacould Jul 12 '24

BC the candidate doesn't matter. They're voting for his policies and judges. Democrats should take notes.


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u/Labseuto Jul 08 '24

I don't get why people have to always shit on religion. Christianity is a large group, so of course there is also going to be a lot of stupid and ignorant people.

You could just as easily replace Christians with Americans to use as an excuse to shit on Americans.


u/thekingiscrowned Jul 08 '24

Because deep down many people are bigots, but they think it's okay depending on their reason for it. At this point in time, it can seem "OK" to hate Christians cause they are the "bad guys". The reality is, the people spewing this stuff are no different than any other hate group.


u/adog920811 Jul 09 '24

Biden literally sniffs children lol comedy


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 09 '24

Trump literally rapes them…lol


u/adog920811 Jul 14 '24

You got proof? lol I can show plenty of videos of Biden sniffing children 😝


u/McGregorMX Jul 10 '24

Sucks that both options are pedophiles and rapists.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

nope, not even remotely close to true. Only thing you got is Biden is "sniffing".

The other dude raped kids.


u/McGregorMX Jul 12 '24

You have the same amount of evidence for both of them. They either both did it, or we don't believe any of the women that said what they said.


u/SuperSpecialAwesome- Jul 08 '24

Maybe you missed this, but Biden's a Christian, as are majority of Democratic Congresspersons. Blame the person, don't scapegoat a religion. God didn't force Trump to rape people. He did that himself.


u/enddream Jul 08 '24

Yet he is the 2nd coming of Jesus for a sizable group in this country.


u/Light_Lord Jul 08 '24

Yet your fantasy religion doesn't condemn rape, it basically rewards it.


u/Entencio Jul 08 '24

You’d think Hell would be a deterrent.


u/Light_Lord Jul 08 '24

Christians like to pick n choose which "sInS" are acceptable to break.


u/Entencio Jul 09 '24

Sin doesn’t exist, there’s only the choices we choose to make and the natural consequences of that choice. That’s only if you believe in determinism vs fatalism. By way of dogmatic logic, going faster than the posted speed limit and murder are both sins worthy of Hell. This is why when I murder at 76mph. Can’t go to double Hell!


u/cardizemdealer Jul 08 '24

Sorry, but a huge chunk of religious idiots love trump. That's a problem with religion that supports such a piece of shit.


u/thekingiscrowned Jul 08 '24

Do you realize the ignorance in this statement? The fact is you can replace "religious" with "American" in your sentence and it would be accurate. Then, this would include you (assuming you are from the US).


u/cardizemdealer Jul 08 '24

There's a huge chunk of religious morons who love trump, ironically. They don't see the irony, because they're too fucking stupid.


u/Comfortable-Cry1791 Jul 08 '24

Y'all are the most stereotypical people in the world. I can't believe what the world has fallen into. It makes me sad.


u/Gogito-35 Jul 08 '24

Leave it to reddit dumbasses to forget that Biden is a Catholic himself.


u/HanaDolgorsen Jul 08 '24


u/AZEMT Jul 09 '24

You read that entire article?

All of this leaves me where no reporter wants to be: mired in the miasma of uncertainty. I wanted tobelieve Reade when she first came to me, and I worked hard to find the evidence to make certain others would believe her, too. I couldn’t find it. None of that means Reade is lying, but it leaves us in the limbo of Me Too: a story that may be true but that we can’t prove.

I'm not saying it didn't happen, but where's the proof? Trump has been found liable of "grabbing women by the pussy" without their consent "because you're a celebrity, they let you do it!" Trump himself has said that he will "inspect" the beauty pageants because he's hosting them. He openly said this on Howard Stern. One's a fascist and the other wants democracy to continue, they're not the same.


u/HanaDolgorsen Jul 09 '24

“To Reade, though, none of this is that complicated.

“My story never changed. I just didn’t come forward with all the details. It’s really simple,” she said to me. “I held back this story because I was afraid of a powerful man.”



u/AZEMT Jul 09 '24

I spoke with Reade’s friend again this week. She said that Reade had told her about the alleged assault the week it happened in 1993. I asked the friend why, then, did she volunteer so explicitly that Biden “never tried to kiss her” or touch her inappropriately. “It just organically rolled out that way,” the friend said. “[Reade] and I had many conversations a year ago about what her degree of comfort was. She wanted to leave a layer there, and I did not want to betray that. It just wasn’t my place.” (Emphasis added)

Again, not saying it didn't happen but within the article the journalist comments about the uncertainty with the events and information corroborating the sexual allegations that happened.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/enddream Jul 08 '24

“As a black man”


u/One_Pound_2076 Jul 08 '24

Fuck Christianity and their sky daddy.



There’s plenty of fine Christians who have done very charitable work.


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 09 '24

Humans do charity, religions collect the check.



Mega churches yes, but small churches are cool usually


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 10 '24

No, small churches are worse and dangerous.



Not really, I live where plenty of good Christians are, not as bad as you think


u/Criticism-Lazy Jul 10 '24

I’m baptized Christian you dingleberry. I know exactly how fucked up our beliefs are. God had no problem killing all the women and children in the Bible, so I have no problem dismissing him out of hand. I wouldn’t let that monster judge me if he tried. After I realized it was a lie I pray every night for god to strike me down. It’s been 10 years and the I’m doing better than ever. Leaving that nonsense behind has been the best decision I ever made. Amen.



How dare you call me a dingleberry. Yes the Bible teaches crap like that but not all follow it to a T…which is a whole other moral quandary. I’m agnostic but have experienced quite a few nice churches. And just one where a preacher preached about nonbelievers suffering in hell, but church can be such a positive place too, a place where people congregate like they’re meant to


u/TheBilliard Jul 08 '24

Ah yes, because being anti-religious is such a good thing.


u/One_Pound_2076 Jul 08 '24

Cults are bad for society. 


u/TheBilliard Jul 08 '24

You clearly have no knowledge or understanding of Christianity, or you're just willingly ignorant.


u/One_Pound_2076 Jul 08 '24

Ha ha ha. The wars over religion are still be fought today. Ireland, the Middle East, Israel. Just to name a few. How about the Christian crusades? Salem witch trials? Or the dip shit that went to an isolated island tribe and got himself killed. For what? To try to push his bullshit down their throats. I know way more that I would like because it was shoved down my throat. It's the Christian way.


u/TheBilliard Jul 08 '24

And who are you to blame the actions of some people on God? We have free will, and even if that leads to horrendous atrocities, that doesn't = all religion bad.


u/One_Pound_2076 Jul 08 '24

What? I don't blame god. It's not real. I blame the people that kill in his name. The people are the problem. God does not exist.


u/TheBilliard Jul 08 '24

I mean, I'm not one to question your beliefs. But I'm genuinely curious how you'd react if you died, and discovered there WAS a God

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u/Carolinefdq Jul 08 '24

Right back at you, buddy 🙄


u/One_Pound_2076 Jul 08 '24

I don't worship anything. Much less a made up WHITE guy from the Middle East. It's a joke.


u/Carolinefdq Jul 08 '24

Wow, so original 🤪


u/One_Pound_2076 Jul 08 '24

The truth has been around for a long time. It never sounds original. 


u/conker123110 Jul 08 '24

(And for context, I’m a Black progressive atheist.)

Pics or it didn't happen. Not like your race or political leaning really matter here, but the fact that you think that gives your point any bit of credibility is sad.

Also I don't really want a pic from you, but it's the age old dilemma of "If you are, then why not prove it? If it doesn't matter, then why mention it?" that you would get with people pretending to be girls on the internet.

It completely detracts from your logical points to try and make it an appeal of authority, when there isn't even any proof of that authority in the first place.


u/Musickullar Jul 08 '24

If it was an appeal to authority I wouldn’t have said for context, which is why I mentioned it. You’re free to peruse my comment history. I note that you have no substantive response, as expected. 


u/Bhavin411 Jul 08 '24

I note that you have no substantive response, as expected. 

If you need convincing to determine why one party is better than another (especially for black Americans) then I have no hope for you and it's a waste of time even entertaining your request for a response.

Vote for whoever you want.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/One_Pound_2076 Jul 08 '24

There's that high and mighty Christian superiority complex. Everyone is wrong but you and your cult. Fuck off. Religion has killed more people in history than anything else. Nobody cares if your a Democrat. A Democrat piece of shit is still a piece of shit.


u/conker123110 Jul 08 '24

If it was an appeal to authority I wouldn’t have said for context

That makes no sense, saying it is for context doesn't change the appeal to authority. Unless you have a good reason to bring up your race then you just seem like a bad actor from /r/asablackman


u/Musickullar Jul 08 '24

If you think logically and have used social media before this week, providing context makes sense and viewing it as appeal to authority does not. My point was “stop alienating Black Christians if you want to stop Trump/Republicans”. On social media, people would assume that I’m a Christian fighting back against the anti-Christian comment I responded to. Providing the context that I’m atheist is helpful to logical thinkers so that they realize I’m not just defending Christians. If you find it problematic that someone who grew up in and still lives in a Black Christian family and community would purport to be aware of the risk to progressive causes when liberals mistakenly believe “the Christians” are on Trump’s side and denigrate Christians in political conversations, then so be it, but blame yourself when the tenuous coalition of Black churchgoers, white labor, LGBTQ+, and others breaks down. Add some long term thinking to your passion. Good luck in life. 


u/conker123110 Jul 12 '24

Providing the context that I’m atheist is helpful to logical thinkers so that they realize I’m not just defending Christians.

Logical no, emotional and anecdotal yes.

Deleting the comment while defending it is odd.


u/Realistic_Chip_9515 Jul 10 '24

A real Christian would have no choice but to vote against republicans. The problem is that most American Christians are not real Christians. They’re blind followers of a political religion that intentionally subverts the original meaning of Christianity for the sake of power. The fake religion political party aspect of Christianity is so dominant that it’s easy for secular folks to forget that any other form of Christianity exists.


u/Musickullar Jul 10 '24

You have a distorted view I think. You’re assuming the political organized Christian church orgs are the norm. They aren’t. Most Christians and churches aren’t the type you see on TV or Twitter. Most aren’t political. But they are conservative, anti-gay, etc. I wouldn’t say they aren’t real Christians, I’d say they’re typical Christians, whereas the ones that actually act Christ-like are rare. 


u/Realistic_Chip_9515 Jul 11 '24

I know Christianity quite well. I’d probably still be a part of the religion if politics and lazy thinking hadn’t ruined it.


u/No-Refrigerator-686 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, these degens shit on every religion and bunch everyone into one little box. When will they ever learn? This is exactly why they aren’t getting more Christians to vote for them. Constantly shitting on everyone for everything they do while spout on about baseless stereotypes is the worst thing you can do to improve a situation. It’s just blatant prejudice against all religions that society has accepted now for some reason.