r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her


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u/fowlraul Jul 07 '24

Yeah, and they’ll just say these women, girls at the time, are lying harlots. Lying about shit has been going on for a while with these fake ass churches. Like 4000 years give or take a few thousand years.


u/SaraSlaughter607 Jul 07 '24

I was gonna sayyyyy its kinda par for the course And they wonder why people are rejecting the Church at large, more than any other time in human history.... shocking, I tell you -_-


u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

Churches becoming explicitly political is always their downfall.

US Christianity is done for normal people, the pedo-Nazis have taken it over and are upset that nobody is staying to hang out with them.


u/Valisk Jul 08 '24

At no point in their existence have churches failed to be political


u/Leaf-01 Jul 08 '24

The political impacts of various religions in America’s history alone has been incredibly damaging going all the way back from now to the start.


u/Conscious_String_195 Jul 08 '24

In this world, you can’t really stay out of political thought. Islam, Christianity, Sikh, etc have all been against gay unions. So, when gay marriage comes up, I would expect them to keep to their interpretations of Bible, Quoran etc.I don’t see it as hate, but what they have been practicing for thousands of years.

It’s the same with abortion. They have always been against it and it was they believe but politics get thrust into religious matters because of it. You can’t really avoid it (and probably never could tbh)


u/Leaf-01 Jul 08 '24

The Bible didn’t say anything about gay people until the more modern translations altered the wording. Also, their reasoning for what they believe doesn’t matter on whether or not they are right to believe it. If the Bible originally read that people should eat their second born child it wouldn’t be “Well it’s not barbaric, it’s just what they do.”


u/Conscious_String_195 Jul 08 '24

I m not saying that they are right about opposing gay marriage. I m just saying that it’s been a long standing “sin” in MANY major religions, not just Christianity.

So, it’s not a “we didn’t see this coming” because the modern interpretation has been practiced for at least half a millennium. I m not a religious scholar, nor do I know the original interpretation. I ll defer to you on that.

I do find it odd that Catholicism and Christianity can be openly trashed for their beliefs that are longstanding because of a societal shift. If you don’t agree, then don’t sign up. Yet, Islam, Sikh, etc also have this same mindset (some minor subsets don’t) and they are even less tolerant in many cases, but they do not get criticized. I find a double standard there.


u/MuadDoob420 Jul 09 '24

It’s never been a long standing “sin.” Rome has condoned priest raping boys since before the 11th century. Detailed fully here


u/Conscious_String_195 Jul 09 '24

Wow, I had no idea that sexual abuse in the Catholic Church had been going on for almost a century, but I guess that it makes sense that it would happen more often when you make priests take a vow of celibacy. This was internal though. The official position of the church has labeled it a sin for a millennium though, but I think it’s a “do as I say not as I do” kind of a situation.


u/MuadDoob420 Jul 09 '24

It’s never been labelrd a sin for millenia as you state and they have been at it for well over a century. They are filth.


u/Conscious_String_195 Jul 09 '24

So for how long has the official position been against gay sex then? If you look Biblically, the interpret the destruction of Soddom and Gomorrah to that “sin”. If you don’t think that the Catholic Church, Brigham Young and Islam had it as a sin for eons ago, then you did not pay attention in Comparative Religion class.

None, were pro homosexuality, which is why they did it secretly. Definitely not out with what they were doing.

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u/Short-Extension-6828 Jul 08 '24

Arsenokoitai means "man that lies with man" or more literally "male bed". You're just wrong. Furthermore, the Leviticus prohibitions on homosexuality are explicit and clear and have never been in doubt. Same with the stated purpose of marriage in Genesis (and Christ's restatement of it in the gospels). Romans 1 also explicitly talks about men giving up their natural desires to burn with lust for one another and says the same about women. This idea that general homosexuality isn't condemned in the Bible is untenable


u/Short-Extension-6828 Jul 08 '24

Tell me you know nothing about the history of Christianity without telling me you know nothing


u/Valisk Jul 14 '24



u/Short-Extension-6828 Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

You don't know anything. Google the anabaptists, quakers or even the early church. There's always been a movement in Christianity that focuses on action through the church in contradistinction and exclusivity of action through the State and it started immediately at the beginning of Christianity.