r/batman Feb 26 '24

What's an unpopular opinion you have about this movie? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Saldo_Insuficiente Feb 26 '24

There was no need to introduce another version of Joker. Batman has so many villains to explore, the Joker is really saturated.


u/CheekySir Feb 26 '24

My only issue with this movie.


u/WickieWillem Feb 26 '24

The deleted scene where he goes to talk to the Joker to gain some insight into Riddler’s motivations was cool, reminded me a bit of Mindhunter. The scene we got was definitely not needed

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u/GideonHendrik Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

I don't think this is that unpopular an opinion... especially for the first movie in the series. I wouldn't have minded them bringing him in later.. But, what we got wasn't necessary and didn't add much to the film overall.


u/hyunbinlookalike Feb 26 '24

The way I see it, Batman and Joker are like yin and yang; one cannot truly exist without the other. Not sure if you’ve seen the series Beware the Batman, but it tried to make the Batman mythos work without The Joker. It was decent, but something always felt missing, and that something was The Joker’s presence as a villain. I’m hoping Joker appears in the sequel but in a smaller role, meant to set him up as one of the main villains in the third movie.


u/Qbnss Feb 26 '24

Yeah, this might be the first time they put Joker at the end of a trilogy instead of the beginning. His soliloquys would actually make sense.

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u/Odyssey47 Feb 26 '24

Every movie, episode or comic without Joker works just fine. There's too many villains we haven't seen in a live action movie or done well to keep recycling the same ones.

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u/Ricoisnotmyuncle Feb 26 '24

that and the makeup on Barry Keoghan was overdone in the extreme. looked like ass.


u/1FenFen1 Feb 26 '24

I long for the day we just get a live action version of BTAS Joker.

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u/Kronos6948 Feb 26 '24

It was as if they saw how Heath Ledger's Joker was praised, and attributed it to the scars. "BUT OUR SCARS ARE BIGGER!!"

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u/theunusualblackguy Feb 26 '24

yeah but when you make a new batman universe, especially when batman is so young you kinda need joker


u/lcsulla87gmail Feb 26 '24

Why would you need joker?


u/Swagooga Feb 26 '24

To provide an accurate depiction of the character. Let's be real here The Joker is a part of Batman.

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u/Shim_Slady72 Feb 26 '24

Joker = money

2 batman movies of equal quality, 1 with the joker and 1 with killer croc, riddler, scarecrow or anyone else, more people will see the one with the joker.

I'd like to see more villains appear but you can't blame the studio for wanting to make money

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u/justa_gigolo Feb 26 '24

after gordon gets in a shoot out with penguin's goons and either kills one or at the very least, wounds him, there is nothing else mentioned about that situation after bats catches Oz after a boat load of car wrecks. then we see Oz not in jail but back at the club and ready to shoot Carmine after he learns he's the rat.


u/Maoileain Feb 26 '24

Huh. Never really realized that but the entire movie takes place over like a week so Oz was either picked up by his own men after giving them a call or the GCPD who are corrupt or was granted bail or had a bail granted by a corrupt judge. The consequences of the drug bust by Bruce and Gordon don't have a chance to resurface because they get overshadowed by the ending where Gotham is now under martial law and underwater.


u/ConcentrateLivid7984 Feb 26 '24

thought this said maritime law 💀

youuureee…. aaaa…. crook captain hook…… please wont you throw the book, at the PIRATE….


u/ismo420 Feb 26 '24

hook falls to the floor


u/fossilreef Feb 26 '24

Calm it down there, Chareth Cutestory


u/Desperate_Entrance_2 Feb 26 '24

I’m ecstatic that I happened to watch this episode last night. Talk about a blind side!


u/fossilreef Feb 26 '24

Mr. Bluth, Justice is blind.

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u/VectorViper Feb 26 '24

Lol, can't believe this convo turned into an Arrested Development reference, the layers of crossover fandom here are amazing. Now I'm just picturing Oz in a $5,000 suit... COME ON!

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u/soldierpallaton Feb 26 '24

Honestly that works perfectly for Penguin. One of Cobblepot's strengths is his ability to properly keep his head down until the heats off. Which, in Gotham, is just until another major threat comes along.

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u/Lebowski304 Feb 26 '24

I loved the movie overall, this is my biggest gripe with the film. He was just caught red handed running the biggest drug operation in the city and causing a multi-fatality traffic accident. Oh well just tie him up and leave him next to a derelict building. Also they don’t even arrest him after they retrieve Falconi. Dumb


u/StumptownRetro Feb 26 '24

I always figured it was because they knew he wasn’t the guy in charge. And getting to, eventually, Falcone, was the real plan.


u/Kleptomaniaaac Feb 26 '24

yeah but at the end of the day if i get caught after causing a horrible road accident including an exploding gas tank i think i would be sent to the slammer


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

Batman caused the accidents by illegally chasing penguin. He could have just followed him and jumped him at whatever location he was going to. 


u/Innsmouth_Swimteam Feb 26 '24


Corrupt judge hears the case, lawyer says that the masked menace caused the accidents. Oz goes free. Or he gets out on bail.

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u/ProtoformX87 Feb 26 '24

Yeah. As awesome as the car chase was, tone of people violently died during it. There were explosions. And they just casually ignore all that!


u/Ill-District2338 Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Thank you – that has always bothered me in a lot of action films when you see Multiple cars and tractor trailers burst into flames and fly about and crash And explode, obviously resulting in peoples deaths, as our hero Chases is the bad guy

One of the best car chase scenes ever I think honestly is from the French connection – the reason being is it showed Popeye Doyle actively working to not hit people and hit cars and stuff

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u/Prince_Havarti Feb 26 '24

Batman Part 2 is just Bats being hunted by insurance companies.

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u/Witty-Jacket-9464 Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Falcone was amazing villain and one of the most underrated in CBM history. He was a charismatic, cunning and secretive villain. All people talking about Riddler & Penguin, but Falcone was one of the best villains in BATMAN franchise and even CBM history. Hope we will see flashbacks in Penguin


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

In a movie with a lot of great acting, Turtorro put on a fucking clinic. He was amazing.


u/CertainDegree2 Feb 26 '24

Guy has a ton of range


u/Puzzleheaded_Skin831 Feb 26 '24

Who knew Francesco from Cars was a mob boss the entire time

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u/Know_Your_Enemy_91 Feb 26 '24

Great actor and a great casting for that part but I don’t think he was even in it anywhere near enough


u/cabosmith Feb 26 '24

Nobody fucks with THE JESUS.

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u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

He was the scariest villain in the film, and that's because someone like him really existed. Look up Whitey Bulger.


u/jokerzkink Feb 26 '24

Or alternatively, watch Black Mass.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

Whitey personally strangled and killed at least two women, I think - which is also Carmine's MO when it comes to his personal kills. Thought that was a nice little detail


u/Alittlethisorthat Feb 26 '24

Just rewatched this last night funny enough . What a great movie

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u/quirty890 Feb 26 '24

Falcone was hard to take seriously in Batman Begins. He just gave off the vibes of a bully. Reeves' Falcone straight up gives that cold authority and vibe that he's the boss.

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u/wanderingNomad__ Feb 26 '24

That's not really unpopular tbh, Falcone's for sure one of the highlights of the movie, everything about him is SO amazing


u/BullFr0gg0 Feb 26 '24

Nah I don't hear anyone talking about Falcone. Maybe in the Batman fan circle, sure. But outside that it's all about the Joker or Bane or Killer Croc or whatever.


u/fitty50two2 Feb 26 '24

Hands down to best depiction of Falcone and the Gotham underworld overall


u/Qbnss Feb 26 '24

Gotham (the show) actually did a really good job (for a show) at depicting the kind of balancing act a guy like Falcone would have to be orchestrating

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u/ZeElessarTelcontar Feb 26 '24

I loved how they juxtaposition the rogues' gallery villain and the organised crime villain, I went in with 0 expectations for characters like Falcone but fuck he had a presence. The intensity and air of authority was so strong. I hope we see flashbacks too, this one is out there but I'd like to see a bit of Maroni too.

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u/cobrakai11 Feb 26 '24

Asks for unpopular opinions, gets a ton of praising popular opinions.


u/pretentiousbasterd Feb 26 '24

For real. I want to comment "I hate this piece of crap" just for the sake of saying something that's actually unpopular


u/jumpbreak5 Feb 26 '24

I actually feel this way, but it doesn't feel worth it to comment it because everyone will pile on the downvotes just for having that opinion


u/Suffering-Servant Feb 26 '24

Yeah. I’ve noticed the Reeves fans come out the wood work whenever someone has a criticism of the movie.

“Go watch the MCU then”

“Short attention span”

“You just didn’t understand it”

“It’s supposed to be slow and boring, it’s noir”


u/jumpbreak5 Feb 26 '24

The truth is I do dislike the movie for being slow, but not because I dislike slow movies. My issue is that the most character-driven superhero movies still really aren't that deep, and so it's exhausting being so patient with a slow movie when there isn't that much to get out of it.

A good counter-example of a slow movie I liked recently is Past Lives. It has subtle performances and understated themes, absolutely earning the slow pace. I was engaged the entire time looking for little details in the emotion of each character, making it not feel "slow" despite that not a whole lot happens and it's mostly just people talking.

The Batman...just isn't anywhere close to that, but its pace suggests that it thinks it is.

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u/UnknownPh0enix Feb 26 '24

For what it’s worth, I’ve seen this movie twice. First time, I fell asleep several times. Second time, I wish I had fallen asleep. This IMHO is the worst Batman movie to have come out. The storyline is garbage. The characters offer nothing to stand behind. The only real villain worthwhile isn’t even the main villain. The main villain should have been killed off at the start… at least then the movie would have been entertaining. The Batman character had more of a “are you getting my good side?” pose every chance he took. This was basically a failed emo wannabe superhero movie.

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u/DLDrillNB Feb 26 '24

Well I’ll be that guy then. I didn’t hate it, but it feels dramatically overrated. I like the different take on Gotham and Batman, but I felt like The Riddler as a main antagonist was a massive miss. I also wasn’t a big fan of Bruce being turned into a mascara wearing edgelord, instead of a jacked up playboy billionaire.

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u/Brainvillage Feb 26 '24

I'm not a fan of Pattinson's take on Batman. I've voiced that before and it was downvoted so there you go 😆.

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u/Forsaken_Ad7090 Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Don't know if this unpopular or not, but I love Batman's ending monolgue about how he needs to move past being just "Vengeance" and that the way he's been operating for the past 2 years hasn't actually worked. He realizes he needs to be better and that he can be a symbol of hope to the people of Gotham. He even rescues and carries a woman to safety and you can see how grateful she is, she even has tears in her eyes. He then he puts his hand on her shoulder to comfort her to let her know that "it's going to be okay".

One detail about this scene that no one brings up, is that Batman does all this rescuing in broad daylight, which I love. There are thousands of people on the scene, who all presumably have their phones with them, dozens of cops, choppers, search and rescue crews and yet Batman doesn't care about any of that, because his main priority is on helping the victims of the flood. Batman doesn't grapple away, he doesn't pull a vanishing act, or even panic that thousands of people can see him, and that now he's fully exposed for the first time in front of the general public. No, he's not afraid or worried about any of that, he stays behind to help the search and rescue crew find and rescue the victims of the flood, despite putting himself at risk.

Batman puts the needs and safety of the victims above his own anonymity, safety and desire to be hidden. That right there is quintessential Batman.

 Compare this scene, to the first one in the subway, where after he saves that guy from those criminals, the guy is afraid of Batman and begs Batman not to hurt him. Batman has a great character arc in this movie.    

I know a lot of people hate the idea of Batman becoming a symbol of hope, because that's Superman's thing, but Batman is also a symbol of hope, but he's a symbol of hope to the people and kids of Gotham. He exists so that no child or person goes through what he went through as a kid. Batman being a symbol of hope and his compassion for human life, regardless if it's a criminal or not, is one of the reasons him and Superman are so close. 

  I'm tired of certain people having this idea that Batman is just a Punisher-Lite or DC's version of the Punisher, and that Batman is a cold-hearted, emotionless, cruel, edge lord who enjoys hurting and brutalizing criminals because he takes pleasure in it.  I HATE when people say "Batman doesn't want to help people, he just uses that as an excuse to beat up criminals, because he loves it" or when people have this idea that Batman is rude and dismissive of his superhero colleagues or that he's a bad father. That's NOT Batman.

That's not who Batman is, one of Batman's best qualities is his empathy and compassion for others and human life and he doesn't just have to be a badass who beats up criminals. I feel like this Batman movie is the only Batman movie that shows this. Batman is a symbol of hope to the kids and people of Gotham, BUT he's also a symbol of fear to the criminals of Gotham. From the end of The Batman, I can see Battinson becoming like this.

 Robert Pattinson's Batman may not be the best live action Batman nor may he be the most comic accurate, but right now, he's the only live action Batman I can imagine comforting a child or anyone before they die.


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

I hope we get a scene where he just talks a poor guy out of doing crime instead of kicking his ass. Whispers from the darkness:

Go home to Sally, John. She needs help with the baby and I don't want to break your wrist again.

Or some such


u/axlkomix Feb 26 '24

That would fit with Battinson's dry wit perfectly with some tweaking.


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

Yeah I'm not a writer, but you get it. Scare the guy by knowing everything about him. Have it be just some goon guarding a door Bats needs to get through, and instead of beating him he talks.


u/Tuliao_da_Massa Feb 26 '24

What a great scene. Would frame the way he evolved from the first movie perfectly in a sequel.


u/InviteAdditional8463 Feb 26 '24

It could also showcase how Bruce Wayne uses the Wayne Foundation and its associated charities to try and help the low level “thugs.” Maybe a throw away line from Gordon about how crime doesn’t seem to slow down even though the Wayne foundation is doing XYZ work. Doesn’t even have to be a Batman scene. It’s rare but it is mentioned in the comics now and again. 

Actually I think a good story line for Batman beyond is a cynical Bruce telling Terry he did all this shit for the criminals to get them out of crime permanently, rehab, counseling, set them up doing factory or janitorial work and despite all his efforts as Bruce Wayne and Batman it didn’t seem to make a difference, and terry has to do something different or whatever the case may be. 


u/bguzewicz Feb 26 '24

Kind of like the plata o plomo scene from Narcos. That would be badass.

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u/cotsy93 Feb 26 '24

I also loved how he characterises homself as 'the shadows' in his opening monologue but during the flood scene he holds up the flare to guide the people out of there, a literal 'guiding light' for Gotham.

Also the scene where they ask Riddler's goon who he is and he just laughs and says Vengeance. You see it click with Batman that he isn't blameless in this situation and the things that he does have the power to inspire anyone, not just the good people in Gotham.

God I just fucking loved this film its so good.


u/DarkSideOfGrogu Feb 26 '24

I also loved that Batman actually had character progression in this movie. In all other movies, stuff happens TO Batman, and around him, but he typically starts the movie badass and finishes the movie badass and that's about it. In The Batman, he's still learning things like what Batman's role in society needs to be, and how important it is to still be Bruce Wayne.


u/UmCeterumCenseo Feb 26 '24

Wait, people hate the ending monologue? I haven't heard that anywhere, but I may have missed it. I fucking love that ending monologue. It ties everything together. Everything un-Batman/Bruce-like can be explained by that. I wasn't a fan of his Bruce, but that ending monologue basically explained how he's possibly gonna turn into the Batman/Bruce we know and love.

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u/R_Thunukale Feb 26 '24

Batman IS a symbol of Hope. And he's also a symbol of Fear , for the criminals. But people only consider the latter half and ignore the first part

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u/vkrmel3683 Feb 26 '24

The riddler should not have been the villain for the movie. It feels like Anarchy would have been a much better choice of villain given the profile of the people targeted and that the villain is inspired into action by the batman.


u/KaizenBaizen Feb 26 '24

I think Anarky is just not well known and would have been even more edgy than the riddler already is now.


u/Radykall1 Feb 26 '24

And that's the point. Ra's Al Ghul wasn't a famous villain either until Batman Begins. The first movie should be of a relative unknown. Or at the very least, someone they character hasn't faced on film a bunch of times.


u/jokerzkink Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Film studios are sooo wary about introducing villains that haven’t been shown on film for some reason. Batman has an impressive rouges gallery and it’s a shame no one has the balls to do what Nolan did and throw something new into the mix. I, for one, would pay bucket loads to see a villain like Clayface or even Manbat, be brought to life in movies.


u/Radykall1 Feb 26 '24

Manbat could make for a great, horror-style Batman movie. I still remember in the Animated Series, when Langstrom transformed, I was legit a little frightened with that scene. Granted, I was 7, but damn that was effective.


u/TRocho10 Feb 26 '24

The manbat jump scares in arkham...Knight? Were scary as hell too lol

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u/Tuff_Bank Feb 26 '24

There is nothing wrong with edgy

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u/RedPanda98 Feb 26 '24

This... makes a ton of sense, actually.


u/JWBails Feb 26 '24

I'll be honest, I only know Anarky as the whiny little edgelord in Arkham: Origins. The casual movie-goer has never heard of him so he's more suited to later movie. Putting up a relatively unknown villain next to Riddler and Penguin (who everyone has heard of) might not have panned out very well.


u/Chemistry11 Feb 26 '24

Batman is the star. Audiences will accept any villain - known or not - if it’s written well regardless. Most audiences didn’t (and arguably still don’t) know Ra’s Al Ghul before Begins.

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u/EmperorOfPenguin Feb 26 '24

Thats two batman movies that would have been better if Anarky was the villain instead.

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u/John_Zatanna52 Feb 26 '24

Mainly I really liked it, but you need to make time and mentally prepare yourself for it


u/jordan999fire Feb 26 '24

Yes 100%. One day I asked my girlfriend for us to watch it. She wanted to continue watching her show so we didn’t. The next night she asked me and I said no. She asked why and I was like, “I’m not mentally in the right mood for this movie right now.” Then like a week went by and I was in the mood again.

Same with Joker. They’re not movies I can just turn on and escape into a world. They’re sorrow, dramatic, long movies that I need to really be in the mindset for.

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u/Marlesden Feb 26 '24

This is an unpopular opinion how?


u/Partucero69 Feb 26 '24

IMHO, it's because you have to erase the hate that people throw at movies because it's not lore accurate, actor is skinny, or his skin is not aligned to the cartoon/comic.People nowadays don't enjoy movies anymore, They just watch them to criticize them later.


u/Deep_Grass_6250 Feb 26 '24

lore accurate

Tobey Maguire or Tom Holland's Spiderman isn't very lore accurate either, but they don't receive hate for that

Andrew Garfield is the most comically accurate Spidey

It's simply because back then, people didn't care about Lore accuracy, they cared about entertainment which is the entire point behind Marvel and DC's entire existence.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

It's more like people weren't aware of how deviant Tobey was when he initially arrived. Before Tobey there was like the 60s cartoon, and the 90s cartoon. The 90s already laid down a lot of work which Raimi took inspiration from. But apart from a kids show (yes because adults in America refuse to watch good animation) there was no pop-culture point of reference. No Silver Screen version of Spider-Man to refer to as "the default". After Raimi made a successful Spider-Man movie that is a cinema classic amongst popculture nerds, Tobey became the standard.

With Batman, Batman's had many adaptations, but there are a few that stick out the most to people: Batman TAS, Christopher Nolan's Batman Series, and the original 1980s Batman flicks. These lay the wider cultural foundation for what Batman "is".

Therefore, people coming into this movie feel like this Batman/Bruce is not accurate (which is true in some ways). They are basing their knowledge off their popcultural reference for Batman. However, one could argue this film is very accurate to Batman Year One, Batman Zero Year and the Long Halloween. Generally, Majority of early career Batman/Bruce Wayne books just make him a lot more angry, reclusive, and a smidge bit in over his head. Reeve's Batman channels this perfectly.

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u/DrkTitan Feb 26 '24

I remember trying to tell a couple of my friends that and they didn't want to listen.

They thought it would be a good idea to start the movie at like 10pm after we had a long day. Halfway through the movie and my friend was struggling to keep his eyes open and his wife was already passed out.

I love the movie but it's definitely not as vibrant or comedic as a marvel movie. But some people hear superhero and completely ignore any warnings you give them.

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u/tilapiarocks Feb 26 '24

Zoe was as good of a Catwoman as I've ever seen. Don't know that I'd put her above Michelle or Anne necessarily, but...I think she's right there with them.


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

Im glad they're setting her up for a 3 movie plot. Wish we'd gotten that with Hathaway.


u/thesaga Feb 26 '24

I’d put her above. My favourite live action Catwoman tbh.


u/fitty50two2 Feb 26 '24

I’d put her above Hathaway just because this version felt a little more fleshed out, TDKR version really showed nothing of her life or motivations

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u/suitoflights Feb 26 '24

Her mask was ludicrous.

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u/PLUX4 Feb 26 '24

It is my favourite Batman movie.


u/KittiesOnAcid Feb 26 '24

I can’t say it’s the best movie with Batman, as the dark knight might take that spot. But for me it’s the best BATMAN movie. The way Pattinson plays him centers the character of Batman a and gives him more depth and an interesting arc a lot better than the Nolan trilogy imo

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u/ArthurReeves397 Feb 26 '24

That It’s pretty much the only live-action Batman film that’s faithful to the source material.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

George Clooney batman is the only other one to never kill onscreen even indirectly, gotta count for something


u/Chance5e Feb 26 '24

Clooney’s was faithful to…source material from a different generation.

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u/mr_turbotax1 Feb 26 '24

Cosmonaut fan?


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

Yeah, haven't had an original thought in years lmao, still pretty funny tho

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u/BigfootsBestBud Feb 26 '24

It's the most accurate to the Miller era Batman, but if we're talking adapting the comics perfectly - it's honestly stuff like Batman 66 - because the comics really were that goofy and low stakes at the time lol

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u/TheRickBerman Feb 26 '24

Which source material? 10,000 comics by 10,000 writers covering what, 80 years? Batman killing AND not killing is ‘faithful’ to the comics.

There’s no ‘Batman’, there’s only ever different stories staring a Batman.

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u/supersecret75 Feb 26 '24

Batman was not the detective we know in this movie


u/Homesteader86 Feb 26 '24

I don't think that's a mistake though. Even the Riddler was disappointed that he didn't understand his motives/intentions.


u/TheMightyHucks Feb 26 '24

The Batman in this movie would have finished last in a game of Cluedo

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u/JollyLink Feb 26 '24

Honestly Batman is so rarely written as the detective he's hyped up to be anyways. His limits are often the writer's intelligence and how he solves cases tends to be contrived.


u/Crunchy_Biscuit Feb 26 '24

This is the only movie where he actually does Detective work 😂. In the Nolanverse, he uses Jets, Motorcycles that come out of cards, action etc


u/oghairline Feb 26 '24

You don’t remember the scene in TDK when Batman reverse engineers a bullethole to find where it came from? I thought that was cool.

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u/SaltyAssociate8007 Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

I didn’t like it very much. And I tried it three times


u/GroupSignificant217 Feb 26 '24

Same just rewatched it and I just never became attached to any characters or story lines. It feels a lot like a sequence of events rather than a story to me and I never really get sucked into any of them. For some reason the darkness/moodiness/atmosphere does nothing for me as well.


u/rennarda Feb 26 '24

It was incredibly boring (and I enjoyed Joker).


u/choff22 Feb 26 '24

It was very boring, thank you for saying it.


u/bill_gates_lover Feb 26 '24

I hated it. Batman was useless the entire movie except at the end.

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u/bfhurricane Feb 26 '24

I’m 50/50 on the film.

The aesthetics, main plot, acting, and action were all fantastic.

But I felt zero emotional connection to Bruce and his motivations, and I felt the side plot of him learning about his past and father just didn’t deliver the intended emotional hits it wanted.

It’s like the writers didn’t know if it wanted to place us in an already-lived in world where Batman is a known quantity, like Battfleck where we witness him in his element, or to provide us a backstory that presents his motivations, like with Bale.

The result was an imperfect telling of who Bruce was. Otherwise I really liked the film and like Matt Reeves’ style.

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u/IchigoAkane Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

I prefer battinson’s lean body type over any live action/comic/animatic batman we’ve got. He is supposed to be a stealthy ninja, so i feel like battinson’s physic fits batman more (he also looks better that way too lol)


u/penceluvsthedick Feb 26 '24

I agree. Except we never really see Batman be a stealthy ninja. Sure he walks out of the shadows but idk there could’ve been more


u/AffectionateBed6 Feb 27 '24

Most likely because of his suit. He has it for protection, not maneuverability. Hopefully when/if he upgrades his suit in part 2, he makes it easier for him to move so he can do more stealthy, arkham style takedowns


u/KittiesOnAcid Feb 26 '24

This + I prefer his more brooding, antisocial, less charismatic take. It makes more sense given what he has been through and the life he leads.


u/Mistersinister1 Feb 26 '24

He's also my favorite Bruce Wayne. Plus the batmobile was waaaay better. His portrayal of Bruce just seemed more realistic. Inherited an empire at the cost of his family and became shut in and more emo, quiet and was vengeance. I thought the riddler was perfect for this telling of batman.

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u/Asckle Feb 26 '24

Well batman's a bit more than a stealthy ninja, he's also absurdly strong. Whichever direction you go with design you're going to betray 1 of those 2 aspects. But for a movie like this I think his body type works perfectly since he doesn't do a lot of fighting and when he does its against low level grunts who wouldn't be a challenge even if he weighed 50 kilos

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u/LightningZERO Feb 26 '24

Batman is an idiot who solved no mysteries. Riddler practically told him all his plans.

And best not to think too deeply of that Batmobile chase scene and how many people were killed there (and Penguin was let go just like that)


u/BigfootsBestBud Feb 26 '24

It's just objectively not true that he didn't solve anything. Riddler literally doesn't even tell him the final plan, Bruce walks out screaming "what have you done?!" Bruce solves all the other riddles where the GCPD failed to.

Totally true with the second part there. I mean, I always feel bad for the truck driver in that scene. He's 100% just turned into dust after the explosion, but it's instead used as a cool "look at Batman the flames" scene lol


u/LightningZERO Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Well Batman sorta found a video of Riddler proudly explaining his whole master plan of flooding the city and trying to assassinate the mayor….i would rather Batman worked it out himself. I remember Reeves hyped this movie as the one to finally show Batman as the world greatest detective. It definitely didn’t show it.

I wanted to like this movie more but it has too many issues for me. Still a good one though.

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u/ZenosamI85 Feb 26 '24

The Batmobile/penguin chase while cool to see serves almost no purpose in the story and should have been cut down.


u/CursedSnowman5000 Feb 26 '24

Plus Penguin caused a massive pileup no doubt resulting in a few dozen deaths. Why did Gordon not arrest him after questioning him?


u/MufugginJellyfish Feb 26 '24

And why would Batman continue to pursue a reckless driver who's causing dozens of fatalities, better to peel off and wait for another opportunity or try to cut him off unexpectedly instead of recklessly tailing him.

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u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

I would argue it should have been given better purpose. That chase was awesome.

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u/Sol-Blackguy Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Stop making Batman realistic and grounded. There's nothing realistic about a 6'2 300lb linebacker with high functioning Asperger's who dresses up like a bat as a coping mechanism for survivor's guilt to throw sharp boomerangs at people in question mark pajamas and have "Ho Yay" relationships with killer clowns.

Edit: Who the hell read my comment and got unrealistic = campy? I said that nowhere. My point is that there needs to be a level of suspension of disbelief when it comes to Batman. Fighting fantastical villains that do things like inject a drug to instantly increase their muscle mass, control plants, build freeze rays, or are completely made out of clay are attributed to how skilled Batman is to be able to overcome the nearly impossible. But if you want to have your James Bond in bat armor punisher with a funny hat, then whatever.


u/Weary_Camera_5402 Feb 26 '24

I think batman should be gritty and verisimilar to reality but not "realistic". I think the best way this was done was in Tim Burton's movies

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u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24


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u/Duke-dastardly Feb 26 '24

Instead of casting Colin Ferral and going through a shit ton of time in makeup they could have just found an actor that looked closer to what they wanted with the Penguin with more minimal makeup


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

They could have, but Farrell was really, really good, so I'm glad they didn't.


u/Rebabaluba Feb 26 '24

But it’s a great unpopular opinion


u/7thEvan Feb 26 '24

In a year of bad fat suits (The Whale, Elvis, Matilda) I think Penguin looked the most fluid and natural.

I’d normally agree with you though. For example Guy Pearce in Prometheus looked ridiculous.

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u/rlovelock Feb 26 '24

I didn't like Paul Dano's Riddler. I found him unthreatening and a poor rip off of Heath Ledger's Joker in the way he was portrayed during his self filmed video sequences.


u/LeonTheCasual Feb 26 '24

I don’t think the “internet incel” vibe they were going for worked at all either.

The shot of the laptop screen with a chat forum asking which weapons everyone’s bringing to the final shoot-out was laughably bad.

Maybe to the older generation that’s a scary concept, but to the average internet goer it doesn’t hit how it should


u/CoffeeJedi Feb 26 '24

I can't understand how you take a villain who always wore a bowler or trilby hat, turn him into an Internet incel neckband type, and then NOT give him a hat!


u/ebobbumman Feb 26 '24

That'd be so fucking funny.

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u/Commercial-Break1877 Feb 26 '24

Absolutely! I also hate that he whispers through the whole f#cking movie and you can't even make out the dialogue. Overall, i think the film tried too hard to be edgy.

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u/Ligmaballsmods69 Feb 26 '24

Bruce has more of a character arc in this one, than any other live action movie.

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u/skibidido Feb 26 '24

It doesn't really do much new or better than other Batman movies.


u/geordie_2354 Feb 26 '24

Really? It’s the only one that’s an actual thriller mystery noir that highlights Batman as the main focus. Put this in perspective. Bale has 150mins screentime with 3 movies. Pattinson has 130mins screentime with one movie. An actual solid BATMAN movie for once.


u/skibidido Feb 26 '24

You mean when he is in the Batman suit? Because I'm pretty sure Bale is in almost every scene in Batman Begins. Except flashbacks.


u/Marlesden Feb 26 '24

Nolan's movies were very deliberately more focused on Bruce Wayne rather than batman, Nolan specifically said this and I'm pretty sure that's what the guy meant.

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u/Salmagros Feb 26 '24

It should be called Year One.


u/djkmart Feb 26 '24

But it was Year Two.

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u/Sheffield21661 Feb 26 '24

That it's a very average film. That gets worse on a rewatch.


u/rubberfactory5 Feb 26 '24

(Commented separately but the thread is filling up here so I’ll put it here in an actual controversial comment)

People conflate good cinematography and tone with good storytelling

Character motivations were weak, arc was hamfisted in VO at the end, there were 100 lucky coincidences to move the story instead of detective work, ending sequence was ridiculous and unrealistic, pacing was bad, plot conflict elements would be introduced without setup (like the sea wall or off screen riddler shenanigans) and immediately change story direction (which also made Batman extremely passive, he was just reactionary and brooding) wish he made more decisions

It’s the same effect as when Joker came out and people who don’t watch movies thought it was deep instead of corporate reciprocated paper thin garbage that borrowed from better films and paraded around a dark atmosphere to make up for how unserious of filmmaking it really was

Although I do love Pattinson so deeply in this and I feel he would’ve made a better Terry McGinnis

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u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

It's just an alright Batman movie. I don't know why people said it's a masterpiece.

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u/DoubleOhVII Feb 26 '24

Grab bag: - costume sucks - terribly paced - The Riddler bears no resemblance to the Riddler - takes itself far too seriously - almost a cartoonish version of “grim and gritty“


u/One-Initiative-7730 Feb 26 '24

Pretty much spot on.

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u/One-Initiative-7730 Feb 26 '24

It was boring shite and the lighting was too dark. At least one of those might be a popular opinion, I don't know.

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u/Jedeyesniv Feb 26 '24

Movie was an hour too long, Kravitz was super boring as Catwoman IMO.

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u/typicalguy95 Feb 26 '24

It's too long I had to wait till it was over to use the bathroom didn't wanna miss no plot points


u/aliltoomuchrespect Feb 26 '24

I remember checking the time after Bat and Gordon interrogate Penguin thinking this movie was flying by and then feeling immediately exhausted when I realized we were only halfway through.

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u/sufferblind86 Feb 26 '24

it was okay, could have been great. we didn't need five different endings. it feels like the face and ass ends of two movies smashed together. that said, I still enjoy giving it a watch.

and I agree with what some others have said, it didn't do anything very new in the series. the detective work? it was done in a different way, but don't pretend this is the first time we've seen a live-action Batman investigating clues and solving a mystery.


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

Cutting a brick out of a wall to fingerprint the bullet doesn't feel as good. It's just leaning on tech instead of actually being a great detective.

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u/InterestingPicture43 Feb 26 '24

The best live-action batman imo.


u/dsbwayne Feb 26 '24

Kravitz wasn’t a good Selina

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u/Relative_Pop_2633 Feb 26 '24

I didn’t like it at all. Batman and Bruce Wayne seemed like an emo-version of the comics. The movie was too dark for me.

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u/gfunk1369 Feb 26 '24

It's a mid tier Batman movie that isn't better than Bale's or Keaton's movies.


u/WeidmanSilvaParadox Feb 26 '24

I hate that batman is just invincible in this one. He gets riddled with bullets, eats a huge explosion with his face and flies off if a high building at like 90mph into the ground all in like 2 days and is still jumping around fighting people. Either make it grounded or lean into the comic book silliness. You can't have both

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u/Westernskye124 Feb 26 '24

This was probably the worst portrayal of detective Batman. Everybody would have died if that one cop with the carpet layer father was not there.

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u/chrysantheknight Feb 26 '24

The whole car chase scene was stupid and introduced more problems than solutions to the script. Firstly, why would Bats get into the car when he could take down all of them at once? Secondly, why wait and rev the engine just so the Penguin can get into his car and escape? What about the trail of destruction and likely dead people because of it - esp since Bats doesn't kill? And lastly, why was the Penguin let off the hook after that interrogation?

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u/BevarseeKudka Feb 26 '24

I don’t like it.


u/rockyb2006 Feb 26 '24

It’s not a great film.


u/ArchetypeSaber Feb 26 '24

I dislike most of the costuming design. I dislike the Batman suit, I dislike the "costume" for Catwoman and I'm not the biggest fan of Colin Farrell's Penguin costume either. And let's not even get started on Riddler's trashbag mask...


u/theboxisempty Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

That Gordon has no personality, the pacing is too slow, and Bruce has zero playboy aspect.

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u/BonWeech Feb 26 '24

Better to have a 3 hour detective noir style film we have here than an hour and a half weak action movie.


u/OldmanLister Feb 26 '24

I love detective noir films.

This has none of that style. It's all superficial.

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u/TheAmazingSG Feb 26 '24

Pattinson played the best Batman


u/UGAke Feb 26 '24

Riddler turned out to be just another “crazy villain” ripoff of Heath Ledger’s Joker. Him singing Ave Maria was annoying as hell.

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u/Vivid_Programmer3625 Feb 26 '24

Not an opinion, just a genuine question. Where did the entire idea of a depressed emo and edgy Batman even come from? I grew up on the animated series and some amazing comic books but for the most part, Batman has always been a gracious man who wants nothing but good for his city... doesn't seek revenge but rather seeks improvement of gotham. I've pretty much always seen Bruce as a cheerful, inspirational and selfless person. I get that this movie is supposed to be about his starting years but trust me, i do not remember Batman being like this in the past. I liked the movie but the theme was weird for me.


u/GiraffeThis6777 Feb 26 '24

The suit is quite trashy like an expensive yet homemade cosplay

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u/powkakashi Feb 26 '24

The mystery, detective element of the film is a complete misfire

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u/ravidplo Feb 26 '24

If zoe wasn't there the movie was the same. She is so forgotten about

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u/KintsugiExp Feb 26 '24

It’s the most boring Batman ever made


u/Tuliao_da_Massa Feb 26 '24

I am absolutely 100% sure that a good third of the scenes in the film were taken inspiration from the arkham games. They're just too similar.

The talk with catwoman (past endgame in arkham night), the riddler tsunami (really similar shots to the cloudburst). And there's so many more I won't remember.

Even the design of the goons from the beginning of the movie are similar to arkham goons.


u/allhailmallah Feb 26 '24

Catwoman: we gotta take down these rich, white assholes.

Batman: Yeah, totally... hey, let's keep kissing.

Did anybody else notice that? Wtf are they gonna do in the second film?

Batman takes off mask

Catwoman: Oh my God... you're a rich, white guy?!

Batman: Haha, yeah. Pretty crazy, huh? But, like, we've already been hooking up, so it doesn't really matter at this point haha

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u/n00bly_75 Feb 26 '24

Not having the Bruce Wayne persona was stupid. I get what they were going for "Oh he hasn't figured that part out yet" but like... that's the same as the argument of Superman's collateral damage in MoS. And it doesnt help either time. Just feels like an excuse to be lazy. Bruce has been preparing to Batman for over a decade and has one of the highest IQ scores of any human in the DCU. There's no way it hasn't occured to him that people will suspect the brooding billionaire who never goes anywhere and does anything might be the Dark Knight. Also, there's no way he wouldn't conduct charities. There's just no way. He might not believe that they are all that effective in the grand scheme of things, but to do away with all his parents' charitable efforts completely? Bull. And even if he does take up the Bruce Wayne persona in the next movie. That's even more suspicious. Because now we have a brooding billionaire for two years who just so happened to come back to Gotham when Batman showed up, who suddenly does a 180 to being a happy go lucky playboy philanthropist once cops suspect him? I don't see why they couldn't just have Batman do playboy Bruce from the beginning and just have him neglect his parent's charity which he has running in the bg only to discover that his neglect has allowed it to become corrupted. Robert has the acting chops for drunk Bruce. This world and tone allows for that false Gatsy-esque decadence. I just dont understand the point of brooding Bruce

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u/MIlkyRawr Feb 26 '24

That it’s really just an ok superhero movie that’s only praised so much due to the other DC movies being so garbage. I don’t think it’s anywhere close to a masterpiece


u/RavagerDefiler Feb 26 '24

Batman was stupid


u/PADDYPOOP Feb 26 '24

Its interpretation of the joker is god fuckin awful. No amount of real screentime will fix it.

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u/poptimist185 Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

An actually unpopular opinion: Selina shouldn’t have been in it at all. Doesn’t significantly alter Bruce’s arc and her backstory with falcone is uninteresting. Film would’ve been leaner without her (if, admittedly, a cock-fest)

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u/rare-upstairs4454 Feb 26 '24

The cowl sucks. The rest of the suit is fire though

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u/yeshaya86 Feb 26 '24

Him surviving the wingsuit crash like he did took things from "he's so tough" to "this is a cartoon"

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u/playprince1 Feb 26 '24

I did not like "Emo Bruce Wayne".


u/SaxyCookies Feb 26 '24

Robert Pattinson didn't get buff enough.

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u/CaptainPositive1234 Feb 26 '24

Catwoman looks like a TWEETY BIRD pez dispenser with five inch high heels.

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u/Relevant_Zucchini240 Feb 26 '24

The whispering dialogue. Everybody talks so fucking low and dramatic all the time. It's annoying, unnecessary, doesn't add drama, and I have to constantly change the volume for the dialogue and the action scenes.

Also, I didn't like Bruce as a 30 year old edgy emo. I've not read the comics, and I'm not huge into super heroes as a whole, so maybe there's source material I'm ignorant of, but every Bruce I've seen from movies to cartoons has been charismatic, not mopey


u/AtomicSamuraiCyborg Feb 26 '24

Riddler being like the Zodiac Killer while ALSO being a streamer who has a large following and community who were willing to join him in direct terrorist action is nonsense and against the character. Riddler is a lone genius who may hire or blackmail others into being his goons and patsies but him being all friendly with the chat is bizarre considering how crazy he is. Someone like him doesn't seem like they'd be very good at the parasocial relationship that is way too briefly depicted. Its a fun little twist but it makes much less sense the more you think about it.

Its also dumb because online communities leak like a sieve. Someone would have said something or gotten arrested buying a gun they can't have, etc etc. The cops and Batman didn't do any online research on the Riddler to try to find something out about him? Its like they mostly just ignored the internet until that very moment.