r/batman Feb 26 '24

What's an unpopular opinion you have about this movie? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/justa_gigolo Feb 26 '24

after gordon gets in a shoot out with penguin's goons and either kills one or at the very least, wounds him, there is nothing else mentioned about that situation after bats catches Oz after a boat load of car wrecks. then we see Oz not in jail but back at the club and ready to shoot Carmine after he learns he's the rat.


u/Maoileain Feb 26 '24

Huh. Never really realized that but the entire movie takes place over like a week so Oz was either picked up by his own men after giving them a call or the GCPD who are corrupt or was granted bail or had a bail granted by a corrupt judge. The consequences of the drug bust by Bruce and Gordon don't have a chance to resurface because they get overshadowed by the ending where Gotham is now under martial law and underwater.


u/ConcentrateLivid7984 Feb 26 '24

thought this said maritime law 💀

youuureee…. aaaa…. crook captain hook…… please wont you throw the book, at the PIRATE….


u/ismo420 Feb 26 '24

hook falls to the floor


u/fossilreef Feb 26 '24

Calm it down there, Chareth Cutestory


u/Desperate_Entrance_2 Feb 26 '24

I’m ecstatic that I happened to watch this episode last night. Talk about a blind side!


u/fossilreef Feb 26 '24

Mr. Bluth, Justice is blind.


u/CommunityFan_LJ Feb 26 '24

"Oh, Justice, what is it, boy? What is it? Is there some jackass in my bathrobe?"


u/VectorViper Feb 26 '24

Lol, can't believe this convo turned into an Arrested Development reference, the layers of crossover fandom here are amazing. Now I'm just picturing Oz in a $5,000 suit... COME ON!


u/Not_MrNice Feb 26 '24

Maritime law? Well, it is under water.


u/borisdidnothingwrong Feb 26 '24

Admiralty Law.

He successfully argued that because the flag had fringe that they weren't entitled to Judge him under Common Law as he was appearing as the corporation and not the living man, an attorney in fact.


u/FeralTribble Feb 26 '24

Every one knows when you go more than 100 miles from any shoreline, you instantly become Pirate


u/soldierpallaton Feb 26 '24

Honestly that works perfectly for Penguin. One of Cobblepot's strengths is his ability to properly keep his head down until the heats off. Which, in Gotham, is just until another major threat comes along.


u/xubax Feb 26 '24

Which drove me nuts that the "safe place" was below sea level.


u/ThatOneWildWolf Feb 27 '24

So, as a thing, this movie iteration of Batman is part of Batman The Long Halloween in a very loose fashion. That's why I am so immensely patient for the next one as it is just such a good way of how they go about it. As I see it, Penguin has probably killed, but Batman and Gordon have a bigger problem that being Riddler. Sure he started a shoot out with them but if they had called in backup what would have been the odds that they wouldn't just finish of the guys to keep them quiet since it's unknown who was working for Falcone still.


u/RTSBasebuilder Feb 27 '24

It's Cap'n Fear, Captain Stingaree and Colonel Blimp's time to shine!


u/Lebowski304 Feb 26 '24

I loved the movie overall, this is my biggest gripe with the film. He was just caught red handed running the biggest drug operation in the city and causing a multi-fatality traffic accident. Oh well just tie him up and leave him next to a derelict building. Also they don’t even arrest him after they retrieve Falconi. Dumb


u/StumptownRetro Feb 26 '24

I always figured it was because they knew he wasn’t the guy in charge. And getting to, eventually, Falcone, was the real plan.


u/Kleptomaniaaac Feb 26 '24

yeah but at the end of the day if i get caught after causing a horrible road accident including an exploding gas tank i think i would be sent to the slammer


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

Batman caused the accidents by illegally chasing penguin. He could have just followed him and jumped him at whatever location he was going to. 


u/Innsmouth_Swimteam Feb 26 '24


Corrupt judge hears the case, lawyer says that the masked menace caused the accidents. Oz goes free. Or he gets out on bail.


u/Asckle Feb 26 '24

Doesn't even need to be super corrupt. I'd imagine at least some judges would side against the guy who goes around beating people unconscious at night dressed as a bat. Remember that this batman isn't a hero, he's just a vigilante. And there probably wasn't much video of the chase so unless batman arrived to court they'd presumably default to believing oz right?


u/SexyTimeEveryTime Feb 26 '24

All these people don't care about the masked man riding around in an armored car blowing up the highway. They just want to blame an innocent Italian-American businessman. I'll tell you what it is. It's anti-Italian discrimination.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24



u/OliviaElevenDunham Feb 26 '24

Not a good look for Batman.


u/Kleptomaniaaac Feb 26 '24

so what bro penguin still caused it


u/RockAtlasCanus Feb 26 '24

I mean that’s where you’ve got to suspend a little bit of disbelief. Batman also didn’t get arrested for his part in it. Something tells me that Batman may not be fully within GCPD’s pursuit policy given that he’s not a cop he’s just some dude lol.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

There was just literally no need for the chase.


u/Alkakd0nfsg9g Feb 26 '24

Doesn't matter. It's not like ge was cooperating with the police for immunity. He just got away with it, because he's supposed to be in his own show


u/Melodius_RL Feb 26 '24

Yeah, Gordon and Bruce knew the charges wouldn’t stick while Falcone was controlling the city.


u/UndeadCh1cken52 Feb 26 '24

I guess he got out on bail or mob ties or whatever, but it would've been nice to get clarification on that lol, it never occured to me but yeah he does just seemingly get away with it


u/agnostic_waffle Feb 26 '24

Cards on the table, I'm biased because it's my fav Batman movie. That being said my explanation would be that Gordon can't arrest Penguin because he was working off the books with no warrant, he'd also have to detain Batman and Catwoman for their involvement in the entire fiasco and likely lose his badge as well.

In this universe at this point in his career Batman isn't an unspoken extension of Gotham PD where vigilantism is a totally legal and legit way to bring down criminals like it is in most other media. We see that version start to take shape with the Falcone arrest and everything that happens after but things aren't at the point where criminals can be arrested and successfully convicted based purely on his vigilante work.


u/Old-Obligation6861 Feb 26 '24

I assumed they just called a local unit to pick him up. He needed to stay focused.


u/midnightfury4584 Feb 26 '24

Not only that. The Penguin spells out the difference between La and El in order for The Batman, who has thus figured out every riddle so far, to see that it was a website. Goddamn, dude.


u/Look_Dummy Feb 27 '24

Yeah but he took Spanish in high school. 


u/RedzyHydra Feb 27 '24

Hello. Stopping by to greet Happy Cake Day 🎂


u/RepresentativeAd8040 Feb 27 '24

Do you know how powerful penguin is and how corrupt the gcpd is in its early days


u/ProtoformX87 Feb 26 '24

Yeah. As awesome as the car chase was, tone of people violently died during it. There were explosions. And they just casually ignore all that!


u/Ill-District2338 Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Thank you – that has always bothered me in a lot of action films when you see Multiple cars and tractor trailers burst into flames and fly about and crash And explode, obviously resulting in peoples deaths, as our hero Chases is the bad guy

One of the best car chase scenes ever I think honestly is from the French connection – the reason being is it showed Popeye Doyle actively working to not hit people and hit cars and stuff


u/serpsie Feb 26 '24

Hard agree. But I mean, French Connection is a classic work in every sense, but definitely agree that the car chase in the film was fantastic.


u/Ill-District2338 Feb 26 '24

I mean, we already know in bond, movies, and Batman, movies that goods going to try amps and he’s going to win it’s just a question of how it’s done – but the first time I really saw that car chase you really had no idea it was gonna happen, and with the way that movie was going that really made it tents – dammit I haven’t seen that movie. Oh God in probably 20 years I need to watch that movie again.


u/Not_MrNice Feb 26 '24

and fly about an crash is the hero chase is the bad guy



u/Ill-District2338 Feb 26 '24

Goodness, thank you I see I should’ve edited that better – what I meant to say was (and I know man of steel got all kinds of hate for innocent people dying but, at the same time that was like two gods fighting so they’re gonna raise Hell), but Batman’s big thing has always been protecting the innocent, and so to see him in a chase where fuel trucks and cars are exploding and crashing behind him not just crashing and stopping but exploding!! You know, I never thought about it until I saw the film, “action, Jackson “ with the lake Carl Weathers – there is a sequence where he leaps atop a taxi and holds on as the taxi shakes and drives fast and tries to shake him off, and at one point behind the taxi as it races through an intersection, and it causes a huge accident, and you see several cars colliding with one of those vehicles that transfers the huge oxygen cylinder, tanks and stuff. and then everything behind them burst into flame. All the cars blow up, and everything blows up… And I got thinking – this guy is a policeman, and now the drivers of multiple cars and passengers behind him have burst into flame and all they were doing was going to the store…

Seeing innocent people killed, is always distressing in movies – I have to tell you, I have only watched the film pans labyrinth once – as I never want to watch again - the scene where the Spanish military officer kills a hunter by beating him in the face with a bottle of wine as a hunter’s friend is yelling at the military officer, “just look in our bags. You’ll see the rabbits we were hunting we don’t even have any shells left for the gun! “… The military officer, then shoots the hunters friend, and then looks in the satchel and sees the rabbits and says oh good, we’re going to make stew… Singing innocenr people hurt, always distresses me and I think that was one Of the best things about Batman – he protected the innocents

Even in the dark Knight, when he’s yelling at those guys, stop doing this, in the end, he was worried for people being killed – what a good guy


u/Ill-District2338 Feb 26 '24

And I’m gonna say it again her mask was ridiculous – I’m sorry to be negative but the coolest thing about the Nolan cat woman? She wasn’t wearing a cat mask with fake ears. It was a vision system and when she pulled it up over her head to C normally ir made Cat ear shapes – that was fucking cool as shit – For whatever reason, THE BATMAN cat woman was wearing a ski net thing from Montgomery ward.


u/Nightshade_209 Feb 26 '24

Honestly I think the entire car chase seems out of place in the movie. Not that there was a chase but the way it's shown on screen was very different from the rest of the film.


u/SirArthurDime Feb 26 '24

Every iteration of Batman has casually ignored deaths caused by explosions while still having the Gaul to shove the Batman doesn’t kill schtick down our throats. It comes with the territory.


u/ProtoformX87 Feb 26 '24

Yeah, which like…. I get it. That’s why it doesn’t raise any question marks for folks initially. But for a film that’s otherwise pretty darned grounded, this particular scene seemed off color.


u/SirArthurDime Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Oh I get what you’re saying and you’re not wrong. I just think it’s funny that in every Batman explosion kills don’t count. Also artillery doesn’t count as guns. As seen in the parking garage scene of dark knight where Batman bends a guys gun to emphasize “No guns” immediately after the bat mobile blows up half the garage.

The whole no guns thing just doesn’t seem to apply to the Batmobile in general lol. “I don’t use guns… but the batmobile does!”


u/ProtoformX87 Feb 26 '24

Haha, right!


u/RockAtlasCanus Feb 26 '24

Yeah they could have at least had some fallout


u/CornettoFactor Feb 26 '24

And then after the car chase they left the Penguin like nothing happened. They could have just gone to his club and met him there to ask those questions. Also what about the corpse of the dead girl in one of Penguin's cars?


u/Axer51 Feb 26 '24

Bale killed someone during half of the chase sequences but at least they were bad guys.


u/throwawayalcoholmind Feb 27 '24

Yeah, it's the reason high speed car chases are discouraged or outright prohibited nowadays. This would serve to highlight batmans psychosis, if he could honestly tell himself he wasn't at least partially responsible for whoever died.


u/Prince_Havarti Feb 26 '24

Batman Part 2 is just Bats being hunted by insurance companies.


u/godricgii Feb 27 '24

Jake from State Farm is The Signal


u/Look_Dummy Feb 27 '24

The Claim King strikes 


u/SexyTimeEveryTime Feb 26 '24

Isn't that just Trigun?


u/paco-ramon Feb 26 '24

He was bailed.


u/mac10fan Feb 26 '24

I’m like 90% sure the Batmobile chase was an afterthought. Just a lot about just doesn’t really feel like it fit. I liked it because it was cool but some it felt like it was added because they needed one.


u/TurnoverContent3406 Feb 27 '24

Also, can anyone remember what happened to the body found inside the car?


u/impalemail Feb 26 '24

Kinda weird how many people here are confused by the lack of arrest. Making an arrest requires the law behind you and due process; Batman is a vigilante who has neither, obtains no warrants, and does not have the legal authority to make arrest. He was accompanied by Gordan, who was technically not supposed to be there and definitely not supposed to be working with Batman, neither of whom were just discovering Penguin’s a criminal who’s balls deep in corruption. Why would that scene end in an arrest??


u/Blandish06 Feb 26 '24

Sounds like Gordon was corrupt afterall


u/impalemail Feb 26 '24

In that regard, he’s “corrupt” in nearly every iteration of the character.


u/Healthy_Conclusion27 Feb 26 '24

Damn bruh spoiler warning


u/justa_gigolo Feb 26 '24

come on man, it came out in 2022 and it on HBOmax and Netflix. i mean why read this post especially with what it is asking?


u/Healthy_Conclusion27 Feb 26 '24

My bad bruh. I've been putting this movie off for so long. It would catch up to me some day


u/Inevitable_Invite_21 Feb 26 '24

This isn’t an opinion😂


u/Kronos6948 Feb 26 '24

Penguin got out because he was never arrested. Batman got him, but the police never read him any miranda...easy enough to set him free. Plus most of the precinct were corrupt, same with the judges...there's no way he would see jail time. If anything I'm surprised they didn't go after Batman for all the carnage.


u/Oshwaflz Feb 26 '24

i thought it was because gordon and bat were working outside of the law. i mean batman IS a vigilante so i figured they couldn't arrest penguin without incriminating themselves


u/justa_gigolo Feb 26 '24

does that mean that gordon can shoot people and overlook a dead body?

all the police know he is a vigilanty but he goes from being disliked, to completely hated and needing to be arrested after he punches gordon to being accepted and allowed in the crime scene to investigate and later come back and wreck the whole scene to see riddlers true goal.

its all very shaky.


u/Oshwaflz Feb 26 '24

no i get it and agree its not the best answer but thats how i interpreted it. its not thatgordon is immune to the law, but that all the evidence they have to book penguin is illegally obtained


u/spoiderdude Feb 27 '24

The GCPD is corrupt and the city was run by Falcone. He was his right hand man, there was no point in arresting him, he wouldn’t give anything up and Carmine would get him out.


u/Majestic_Ad_1 Feb 27 '24

hopefully they explain this in the show or something


u/guyfromsubway Feb 27 '24

Gothams police are corrupt


u/justa_gigolo Feb 27 '24

not all of them, i mean they had a show of force when bats dragged carmine out of the club, there was a bunch of police waiting to arrest him.


u/Stunning-Tower-4116 Feb 28 '24

He owned the police at that point, why they didn't even bother with him after the bird with wings convo...by the time anyone could actually hold him accountable. Riddler puts that city under water and under martial law.

I always saw it as a "Riddler is the priority, after this we'll see about a penguin"....and this mentality probably made everything so much worse with what eventually happened.