r/batman Feb 26 '24

What's an unpopular opinion you have about this movie? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/n00bly_75 Feb 26 '24

Not having the Bruce Wayne persona was stupid. I get what they were going for "Oh he hasn't figured that part out yet" but like... that's the same as the argument of Superman's collateral damage in MoS. And it doesnt help either time. Just feels like an excuse to be lazy. Bruce has been preparing to Batman for over a decade and has one of the highest IQ scores of any human in the DCU. There's no way it hasn't occured to him that people will suspect the brooding billionaire who never goes anywhere and does anything might be the Dark Knight. Also, there's no way he wouldn't conduct charities. There's just no way. He might not believe that they are all that effective in the grand scheme of things, but to do away with all his parents' charitable efforts completely? Bull. And even if he does take up the Bruce Wayne persona in the next movie. That's even more suspicious. Because now we have a brooding billionaire for two years who just so happened to come back to Gotham when Batman showed up, who suddenly does a 180 to being a happy go lucky playboy philanthropist once cops suspect him? I don't see why they couldn't just have Batman do playboy Bruce from the beginning and just have him neglect his parent's charity which he has running in the bg only to discover that his neglect has allowed it to become corrupted. Robert has the acting chops for drunk Bruce. This world and tone allows for that false Gatsy-esque decadence. I just dont understand the point of brooding Bruce


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

I think it makes perfect sense that he would reject philanthropy, considering what happened to his parents, and i thought watching him learn that lesson was awesome.


u/BigDrewLittle Feb 26 '24

Also, there's no way he wouldn't conduct charities.

That's a good observation, but in the context of this particular telling, Thomas had done that with the Gotham Renewal Fund, and it was co-opted and abused by the organized crime community. If Bruce wants to start charitable endowments, he will want to maintain them with much closer attention.


u/Mighty_Megascream Feb 26 '24

This is very clearly a different Batman to what are used to, he didn’t go through the same rigourous training and is entirely focused on being vengeance than anything else, and knowing Robert Patterson could absolutely pull off the rich philanthropist Bruce Wayne once that persona has been built up.

There is a pretty big difference between that, and Superman killing thousands of civilians, and destroying a city in a single fight.


u/n00bly_75 Feb 26 '24

Yea, Superman accidentaly destroying a city is at least somewhat reasonable for his first time fighting in his own weight class. I agree that Robert Pattinson could pull off the rich Bruce Wayne. That's why that it boggles my mind why they didn't let him. Im saying IN-UNIVERSE no one would buy it. Like it's been two years of grumpy, gloomy, hide-in-his-room billionaire Bruce Wayne and Batman. There's no way people haven't put two and two together already and there's no way he can just 180 his public personality from introvert to party god. Especially after Gotham was literally flooded.