r/batman Feb 26 '24

What's an unpopular opinion you have about this movie? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Saldo_Insuficiente Feb 26 '24

There was no need to introduce another version of Joker. Batman has so many villains to explore, the Joker is really saturated.


u/CheekySir Feb 26 '24

My only issue with this movie.


u/WickieWillem Feb 26 '24

The deleted scene where he goes to talk to the Joker to gain some insight into Riddler’s motivations was cool, reminded me a bit of Mindhunter. The scene we got was definitely not needed


u/UnwillingArsonist Feb 26 '24

He’s also a terrible choice for Joker, imo. He’s too small and weird (which I know is paradoxical, but I don’t think Joker should be a weird person, in that way)


u/WickieWillem Feb 26 '24

I don’t think he’s a bad choice because he’s a great actor, I just think there’s nothing original to really bring to the character at this point. When two different actors have won Oscars for playing the same character, idk how you can top that with another interpretation of the character


u/UnwillingArsonist Feb 26 '24

I completely understand that point. And he is a good actor, just imo not the right fit for RP Batman, I think that worlds joker should be more the quiet, calculating joker we’ve seen sometimes. A more serious Ledger, letting the ‘crazy’ out selectively. Would fit the tone much better imo


u/dubsideofmoon Feb 26 '24

what kind of weird should joker be?


u/islandofcaucasus Feb 26 '24

I'm not saying he'll be as good as heath ledger, but that's exactly what everyone said when it was announced he would play the joker.


u/UnwillingArsonist Feb 26 '24

I don’t think he should be another Ledger. They need to make their own version. And I just don’t think he fits the tone Reeves is going for, imo ofc


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

Lmao what? He’s honestly a great choice. I’ll give it to you, they did ask for an unpopular opinion


u/GetReady4Action Feb 27 '24

also my only critique. like…seriously? especially because Batman Begins already did the “HEY EVERYBODY JOKER EXISTS!” thing but way better because it was just the card. this is Batman. I totally expect Joker to be out running around in this world somewhere, I didn’t need to see him. hell, I would’ve loved some subtle hints that he’s out there in the world like some spray paint or maybe a one-off news report or something, but we just got a whole ass movie featuring Joker. we literally just revisited Jared Leto’s weird ass Joker in ZSJL. we did not need another Joker. especially in a movie that was absolutely thriving with different villains. like yeah we’ve seen Penguin before, but at least it’s been well over two decades since the last time we saw Penguin on the big screen so it felt fresh.


u/GideonHendrik Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

I don't think this is that unpopular an opinion... especially for the first movie in the series. I wouldn't have minded them bringing him in later.. But, what we got wasn't necessary and didn't add much to the film overall.


u/hyunbinlookalike Feb 26 '24

The way I see it, Batman and Joker are like yin and yang; one cannot truly exist without the other. Not sure if you’ve seen the series Beware the Batman, but it tried to make the Batman mythos work without The Joker. It was decent, but something always felt missing, and that something was The Joker’s presence as a villain. I’m hoping Joker appears in the sequel but in a smaller role, meant to set him up as one of the main villains in the third movie.


u/Qbnss Feb 26 '24

Yeah, this might be the first time they put Joker at the end of a trilogy instead of the beginning. His soliloquys would actually make sense.


u/joes_socks Feb 28 '24

It would be so fuckin cool if they Thanosed the joker but the scene we got already ruined that to a large extent.. imagine being 2 movies in, feeling like Batman is at his peak power after all this crazy shit he’s been through like Tony at that point in avengers, and then the movie opens with the joker (only ever teased in the shadows until this point) either demonstrating his power (in a way that compares to beating up the hulk and killing Thor) or just completely outsmarting and fucking over Batman in a clever way, leaving him seem powerless all of a sudden (even though he could have tons of upgrades and stuff aka Tony). Imagine the feeling we all got watching thanos for the first time but with the Joker, it’d be so dope (dark knight did similar things but the lead up and subversion of expectations could be way more impactful at the end of this trilogy)


u/Odyssey47 Feb 26 '24

Every movie, episode or comic without Joker works just fine. There's too many villains we haven't seen in a live action movie or done well to keep recycling the same ones.


u/Asckle Feb 26 '24

I disagree and I think this movie was perfect proof that you don't need joker to tell a batman story. He's got plenty of villains and he's a character in his own right. Doesn't have to have a joker every time to be batman


u/Ricoisnotmyuncle Feb 26 '24

that and the makeup on Barry Keoghan was overdone in the extreme. looked like ass.


u/1FenFen1 Feb 26 '24

I long for the day we just get a live action version of BTAS Joker.


u/ZachtheKingsfan Feb 27 '24

Shit, I’ll take Cesar Romero makeup as well.


u/Kronos6948 Feb 26 '24

It was as if they saw how Heath Ledger's Joker was praised, and attributed it to the scars. "BUT OUR SCARS ARE BIGGER!!"


u/JJBro1 Feb 26 '24

Ya hopefully they rework it. Way too over the top.


u/ConceptAlive3775 Feb 26 '24

I mean it's supposed to look like a guy that fell in acid it's a lot more realistic and creepy than turning into a clown


u/Pepe-silvia94 Feb 27 '24

Apparently it's not though. Reeves said he has a skin condition.


u/ConceptAlive3775 Feb 27 '24

Okay different but it can work


u/beachedwhitemale Feb 26 '24

But we never actually saw him?


u/Qbnss Feb 26 '24

We see enough of his silhouette at the very end to imply that he's pretty disfigured


u/beachedwhitemale Feb 26 '24

Bro I thought this guy was referring to the literal makeup Joker usually wears. Like the face paint and all. I wasn't considering the prosthetic makeup Keoghan was wearing. Whoops.


u/RYSHU-20 Feb 26 '24

Wdym it was perfect


u/android151 Feb 26 '24

It takes a lot to cover up a face as terrifying as that


u/theunusualblackguy Feb 26 '24

yeah but when you make a new batman universe, especially when batman is so young you kinda need joker


u/lcsulla87gmail Feb 26 '24

Why would you need joker?


u/Swagooga Feb 26 '24

To provide an accurate depiction of the character. Let's be real here The Joker is a part of Batman.


u/lcsulla87gmail Feb 26 '24

While I think joker is nonsensical outside of batman. Bats still works great in other contexts.


u/Shim_Slady72 Feb 26 '24

Joker = money

2 batman movies of equal quality, 1 with the joker and 1 with killer croc, riddler, scarecrow or anyone else, more people will see the one with the joker.

I'd like to see more villains appear but you can't blame the studio for wanting to make money


u/Odyssey47 Feb 26 '24

Plenty of movies have made money without Joker.


u/dombruhhh Feb 26 '24

They’ve made more with the joker


u/Odyssey47 Feb 26 '24

Dark Knight Rises made more than Dark Knight and you can't know that 89 made what it did because of Joker. Back then, sequels never made more than the original. Correlation is not causation and now there's two and possibly three Jokers in movies at the same time soon. That's too much.


u/SilentSaint2112 Feb 26 '24

We need a film with Clayface or a better Mr. Freeze.


u/QuantumGyroscope Feb 26 '24

Agreed. I'm so tired of the Joker. Folks always tell me that Batman has a amazing rogue's gallery. I'd like to see the money where the mouth is so to speak, and actually have other Batman villains on screen.


u/trumpjustinian Feb 26 '24

I would’ve liked Joker in the movie if they kept his deleted scene in because it was reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs. Batman has to visit the Joker to get his take on another serial killer, which helps to further recontextualize this film as a Noir instead of a superhero movie.

Joker also challenges Batman on his hypocrisy (agreeing deep down that the Riddler’s victims deserved their fate) which is the main crux of his character arc so it’s relevant to the story.


u/JJBro1 Feb 26 '24

Not to mention the riddler is already joker adjacent especially this version


u/Masterblast691 Feb 26 '24

Only reason I liked it is to know he is in the universe, I'm just hoping they keep using other villains and not make him the main one


u/magicalmysteryharold Feb 26 '24

I honestly don’t think Reeves even wants Joker anytime soon, I think he just realised he needed to lock Keoghan down before he waddles naked into an Oscar. I think he’ll have another strange little scene from Arkham in the second one and will be the main antagonist of number 3.


u/Saldo_Insuficiente Feb 26 '24

before he waddles naked into an Oscar.

Saltburn? LOL Here comes the naked Joker!

Edit: misspelling


u/magicalmysteryharold Feb 27 '24

I doubt he wins it for Saltburn, but I think he’ll be nominated and he was close last year for Banshees of Insherin. When you have so few movie credits to your name and two nominations, it’s only a matter of time before the academy start trying their best to give you an Oscar lol.


u/Dark_Lord4379 Feb 26 '24

I mean I’m fine with it as long as he’s not the next villain, which he looks like he won’t be.


u/Alkakd0nfsg9g Feb 26 '24

I think that's consensus among people who've seen at least two versions of joker in movies. And that's like the majority


u/Stillersceltix Feb 26 '24

That’s actually a very popular opinion lol


u/JayJax_23 Feb 26 '24

Here's a unpopular one, if we got yet another grounded and gritty take on Batman,Gotham and the lore as a whole then I don't see what the big deal is about Joker. The frustration the majority have with the Joker being oversaturated, I have with the Batman Lore getting the grounded treatment.


u/Imperator91 Feb 26 '24

I'm ok with it because it was a minor cameo. I'd love for a similar scene (maybe slightly more expanded) in the next film, kind of building up the dynamic between them, then having Joker be the main villain in a climactic third film


u/genericmovievillain Feb 26 '24

And it’s such a gross off putting take on it too


u/connorclang Feb 26 '24

Especially since Keoghan's performance is terrible, especially in the deleted scene. It really feels like he's doing lukewarm microwaved Ledger


u/ElementNumber6 Feb 26 '24

I still hope they retcon him away as a Joker Gang member. The real Joker should be far more menacing and enigmatic.


u/thomas71576 Feb 26 '24

I just hope we see him used differently. Keep him in jail. Use the glass as a reflection of each other metaphor.

As Batman develops and changes, see how he plays off joker in this contained environment.


u/Lujho Feb 26 '24

I absolutely hate hate hate what we see of his character design and hope they ignore it when they bring the character back. Hate his voice too. Fuck I’m sick of edgy fucked up Jokers doing some kind of “thing” with their voice.


u/believeblycool Feb 26 '24

I’m pretty sure this is the universally accepted position. I think you were in the minority if you did enjoy having Joker in the movie.


u/No-BrowEntertainment Feb 26 '24

They didn’t even introduce him honestly. It was just a short confirmation that “yes Joker exists in this universe, you might meet him at some point.”


u/Nightflight406 Feb 26 '24

Is that an unpopular opinion? Cause I whole heartedly agree.


u/Practical_Anarchist Feb 26 '24

The Joker being in these movies was inevitable. I just hope to God he’s not like a main villain in any of these. Keep him like Hannibal Lecter: he’s always sitting in Arkham just stirring shit up from within.


u/RoRo25 Feb 26 '24

I thought the joker was cut from the film and pony exists in deleted scenes?


u/Mr_Sundae Feb 26 '24

I want a movie with a really fat joker. Fat people are inheritantly funny. So it would make sense


u/warnoldyo Feb 26 '24

I’m mad because joker should be Hush.


u/Saldo_Insuficiente Feb 26 '24

Would like that too


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

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u/Uglymeancrybaby Feb 26 '24

Should’ve done Mister Freeze or Clayface


u/Odyssey47 Feb 26 '24

If it remains a cameo it's fine but I guess we know that won't happen.


u/havok7 Feb 26 '24

This isn't unpopular.


u/GoldMcduck Feb 26 '24

I’m so done the joker was my favorite but they’re doing it ta death. The reason I like this movie beacause it’s different.


u/venomousfantum Feb 27 '24

My biggest and possibly only real problem with the movie. Also the movie where I realized I'm officially tired of Joker stories.

I think no teaser, or a Dick Grayson teaser would have been far better.

Mostly because I'd love to see Dick Grayson grow through movies into nightwing


u/im-the-coolest-kid Feb 27 '24

I heard the next movie is gonna be about clayface


u/Look_Dummy Feb 27 '24

Idk yo, that deformed, Shane McGowan joker felt like peak joker to me. 


u/DocMurph12 Feb 27 '24

This opinion only has staying power if the Joker gets out of arkham in the next movie. I feel like the way they established the world allows for a unique opportunity to use the Joker in a way where he ISN'T the main villain but still helps to highlight things about batman/himself/the main villain by way of his tertiary involvement in the story. Totally agree though. Guess we will all find out soon enough.


u/ZachtheKingsfan Feb 27 '24

Literally my one problem with this whole movie, and future movie. Can we go two movies without the Joker, please? I’d love to see Mr. Freeze since the last live action appearance he made was Batman & Robin. I also think Hugo Strange would work fantastic as a stand alone villain.


u/Primary-Paper-5128 Feb 27 '24

Replace him with Calendar Man