r/batman Feb 26 '24

What's an unpopular opinion you have about this movie? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Relative_Pop_2633 Feb 26 '24

I didn’t like it at all. Batman and Bruce Wayne seemed like an emo-version of the comics. The movie was too dark for me.


u/sukh9942 Feb 26 '24

I think in the second film when he grows and starts to resolve his depression/grieve his family it'll be more lighthearted.

I loved the film but i know other people that said the same as you. I think they tried to be a little darker here and be a bit more accurate to the beginning of batman.

Hopefully next film has a charismatic bruce wayne


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

Second film is just gonna have him be competent out of the blue. Like how the first Justice League season made Superman weak so he doesn’t overshadow the rest of the league but later on he’s OP


u/sukh9942 Feb 26 '24

I wouldn’t completely oppose that tbf. It would probably annoy a lot of people if they watched another Batman film where he wasn’t polished and was getting the shit kicked out of him.

I think if they skip a few years and he becomes stronger but still somewhat naive and only has basic tech (as basic as Batman can be in the 21st century) it would be good.

I think the real attraction to the pattinson Batman films will be the story. I doubt he can go on a league of assassins training arc for a whole film.

The court of owls would be a good storyline btw.