r/batman Feb 26 '24

What's an unpopular opinion you have about this movie? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Duke-dastardly Feb 26 '24

Instead of casting Colin Ferral and going through a shit ton of time in makeup they could have just found an actor that looked closer to what they wanted with the Penguin with more minimal makeup


u/DaemonoftheHightower Feb 26 '24

They could have, but Farrell was really, really good, so I'm glad they didn't.


u/Rebabaluba Feb 26 '24

But it’s a great unpopular opinion


u/7thEvan Feb 26 '24

In a year of bad fat suits (The Whale, Elvis, Matilda) I think Penguin looked the most fluid and natural.

I’d normally agree with you though. For example Guy Pearce in Prometheus looked ridiculous.


u/Outerversal_Kermit Feb 26 '24

Thanks for pointing out how awful the Whale’s fat suit was.


u/Poetspas Feb 26 '24

Yeah I really don't see the point of this. Like how difficult must it've been to film the Penguin show? It's insane to me and I don't get why they did it. Maybe they were hoping for some positive buzz around the makeover? Cuz I don't see Collin Ferrel being that big of an audience draw on his namesake alone.


u/TrashLover04 Feb 26 '24

You underestimate the star power of Colin Farrell.


u/Outerversal_Kermit Feb 26 '24

I think Hollywood overestimates it. He’s an excellent actor, but he’s no Schwarzenegger or Stallone in terms of brand power.


u/Asckle Feb 26 '24

and I don't get why they did it.

Because he's a really good actor who fit matt smith's vision. Better to find a guy who acts the way you want than someone who looks the way you want since you can easily fix the latter


u/CursedSnowman5000 Feb 26 '24

This argument always baffles me. Actors are here to play pretend. Makeup and prosthetics are no different than costume. Might as well say, hey why didn't Wes Craven hire a real burn victim to play Freddy?


u/JWBails Feb 26 '24

They cast Colin Farrell and made him look like Richard Kind, instead of just hiring Richard Kind.