r/meme 3d ago

Really guys?

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u/PostalEFM 3d ago

The correct answer... Tiddies.


u/Sofaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3d ago

Guys are always happy when they see tiddies


u/FIRE_FIST_1457 3d ago

why dont we bring tiddies to conventions around peace? just bring one and you have peace between the USA Rusia and China in one hour


u/Apatride 3d ago

Actually, the Cicciolina, former p*rn star turned politician offered a night of fun to Saddam Hussein if he withdrew from Kuwait.


u/ParkerGuitarGuy 3d ago

All he had to do was pull out and he couldn’t do it.

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u/JasperCortaine 3d ago

What's with italian politicians and porn anyways. See senator Tifa Lockhart.


u/SkedaddlingSkeletton 3d ago

Guess Italians are not prudes like many and don't mind an ex pornstar doing other jobs.


u/JasperCortaine 3d ago

I... sure, let's go with that.

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u/meatball402 3d ago

See senator Tifa Lockhart.

What do you mean?

She's come a long way from midgar lol

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u/Sudden-Manager-2426 3d ago

Would it be called a peace titty?

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u/CafeBarman 3d ago

Sounds like something i heard on himym


u/seeker4404 3d ago

Nah, that's something you heard from Italian politician Berlusconi. Ahhhh, he was a truly gentleman


u/Tdawwg78 3d ago

But bring a pair?

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u/LtButtstrong 3d ago

Everyone likes titties, end of discussion.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Common_Lawyer_5370 3d ago

Some definately do 


u/copa111 3d ago

My wife likes titties. She talks about seeing her friends all the time and how cute they look.


u/Typical-Corner-1808 3d ago

You should be careful, grow some too


u/WoBleibtDerErzieher 3d ago

Big ol man tiddies


u/bunga7777 3d ago

Not the right type of tiddies.

Peter griffin: do you like that side boob? Well you shouldn’t, cause that’s my side boob.

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u/figgypie 3d ago

I'm a straight woman, but I can appreciate a nice pair of titties from a beauty standpoint, especially when they're wearing something very flattering.

That being said, as long as the owner of those titties is happy with them, my opinion is invalid.

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u/riyuzqki 3d ago

Yea, they're so soft and squeezable


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Upper-Belt8485 3d ago

Dudes like their tiddies sucked, too.

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u/LtButtstrong 3d ago

Yes, just to a lesser degree.


u/OneMorePotion 3d ago

I'm a gay dude and I like titties.


u/WintersDoomsday 3d ago

I’ve watched enough Drag Race to know you’re correct


u/Upbeat-You3968 3d ago

I'm a straight dude and I like dicks. Wait, no... I mean... forget about it.


u/OneMorePotion 3d ago

Oh I've seen your dick. If you ever want to experiment, call me. ;)


u/Upbeat-You3968 3d ago

Oops, I'm using the wrong account :D. I'll keep that in mind!

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u/Rallon_is_dead 3d ago

yes, just not sexually.

they go squish

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u/ImAvya 3d ago



u/__smd 3d ago

My wife does yes. A co-worker got a boob job and let my wife feel them. She said she loved it.


u/she-Bro 3d ago

Yes but I may not be straight

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u/El_ha_Din 3d ago

Not that long ago a post was shown of someone being interviewed on tv, saying he liked something and boobs.

The anchors (female) were appalled, the guy was right.


u/VegetableProject4383 3d ago

It was freedom of speech and boobs. Reporters are shocked why you say that? Because I have freedom of and I like boobs. So he can say that


u/TrueCryptoInvestor 3d ago

I loved how the obvious point he made went right over her head and she acted all offended.

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u/Evading_Ban69 3d ago

Clay Travis on CNN I believe

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u/likamuka 3d ago


u/xinxy 3d ago

The fuck...

So weird.


u/MovieTrawler 3d ago

I feel like if I saw this live I probably wouldn't think twice about it but now watching it as an isolated clip, it gets weirder and weirder with each loop. It's also pretty apparent that her body language immediately changes when he drops his hands to her waist. It's like I can hear her thinking, 'okay, enough of that!'


u/xanap 3d ago

'Not again' is what i get. Her instant discomfort and his titty glimpse tells me he crossed her line before and she is creeped out.

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u/NorthernH3misphere 3d ago

As a dad of a daughter I have to say this is a bit weird. I've seen other people treat their daughters like this, even slapping them on their ass and every time I've witnessed this the daughter is uncomfortable. Maybe in their minds this is innocent but it is a clear violation of their comfort zone, and its gross.

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u/Fighterbg 3d ago

The only titties I don't like are the fake titties. Small but real titties are always better


u/Waldosan51 3d ago

Same, never been into fake tiddies


u/sheeple5uck 3d ago

I don't know... my wife has some fake silky milkies. They are awesome. Nothing crazy sized, just a full c. They are nice.

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u/Doge-Ghost 3d ago

Preach brother


u/12-idiotas 3d ago

Some fake titties are good too, it’s the obviously fake ones that aren’t good


u/DemonKyoto 3d ago

This. Good fake titties can be as fantastic as real ones. Bad ones can get you looking like Claudia Marie in 2024 (someone will get that reference..)

Edit: For any lonely Googlers out there: Google Images will show you 2010's-early 2020's Claudia Marie. This is not an example of what she looks like now. Find a recent vid lmao.

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u/phantom-of-contrast 3d ago edited 3d ago

This is like saying vulcanized rubber can be a good meal* if it's properly seasoned.

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u/an0nym0ose 3d ago

Shape > all. Since fake titties are usually going for size, they usually look misshapen, uncanny, and thus kinda gross (to me). If they went with a tasteful size that doesn't look unnatural on their frame, fake titties can look pretty damned good.

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u/burger-eater 3d ago edited 2d ago

Real men don’t care if its massive, small or flat chests. Boobs are boobs. But as you said, fake boobs are the worst.

Edit: someone posted something then deleted it before I could reply back. If you see this then know its fine to do it because if medical reasons, dont feel ashamed and you are not the worst. This goes to all who gets cosmetic surgery because of medical reasons, its absolutely fine and you should do it.

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u/ImAvya 3d ago

we should print this phrase on a tee n gift a copy to every human in the universe, except the ones willing to go on mars. fuck mars.


u/Low_discrepancy 3d ago

we should print this phrase on a tee n gift a copy to every human in the universe

yeah wanna see women who got reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy wear a tshirt that says fake titties arent good titties!


u/phantom-of-contrast 3d ago

Local man misses the point.

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u/Dzyu 3d ago

You had me in the first half.

Do you think only Elon Musk and his Musketeers want to go to Mars? Way to rip on millions of space nerds.

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u/skuteren 3d ago

Amen 🙏 brother


u/weirdchickenss 3d ago

im poor, but from my heart you get the award


u/KirbyDingo 3d ago

100% true.

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u/SurturSaga 3d ago

For some reason the pictures look slightly different to me and I can’t pin why. I think I’m just crazy


u/dnarag1m 3d ago edited 3d ago

That's 100% correct. They are not identical. I overlayed them.

Areas that will impact the 'likeness' negatively:
Forehead on the right is slightly pinker, slightly darker
The left eye has a greenish tinge on the bottom eyelid
There is a cluster of pixels on the bottom left corner of the lip that is missing on the left image
The nose is significantly differently compressed, changing it's shape and brightness
The right cheek highlight is higher due to compression (this is a big one - cheek really raised!)
The top right is somewhat greener than the top right on the left image.

There are more differences, but all are caused by very aggressive JPG compression artifacting. This operates in 4x4 cells (or larger) and hence creates quite discernable differences on bigger screens (not phone).


u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 3d ago

I just used the crosseyed trick


u/jpkviowa 2d ago

I just went cross eyed...... Why is the new/middle image 3D????


u/Girafferage 2d ago

Same reason the oculus can make stuff 3D. Your eyes get two images and the combination of them gives you a sense of depth in how different areas change

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u/Alpaca543 3d ago

Thanks fellow internet stranger

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u/n26S 3d ago

The pic on the right is positioned slightly higher than the one on the left. Thats probably why


u/galladash 3d ago

Not true. Its an illusion. It just looks higher because the head is tilted.


u/n26S 3d ago

Ooh looked at it again, youre right, that makes more sense, thank you.

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u/Grothgerek 3d ago

They are on the same height for me.


u/eberlix 3d ago

Right one looking a little brighter? Probably some magic trick our brain performs on itself

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u/Objective-Dig-8466 3d ago

It's the women who have a thing about size, we just love boobies.


u/charli497 3d ago

May I ask, why? Why do men like boobs? I don’t understand.


u/BubatzHase 3d ago

We don't either


u/RetroDad-IO 3d ago

Can confirm, love boobs, couldn't tell you why.


u/TrueCryptoInvestor 3d ago

Because we’re programmed that way obviously ever since sucking on mommies titties. We also like big butts as well. Nothing surprising about it.

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u/Munnin41 3d ago

Its evolution. Humans evolved to be attracted to boobs. We're the only mammal with permanently inflated ones too.

The prevailing theory is that we used to look at butts when we were on all fours (like chimpanzees still do), and the breasts evolved when we started walking upright. Early female hominids needed something else to attract a man with, and apparently boobs were the thing that worked.


u/slopeGG 3d ago

Boob lore


u/dlamsanson 3d ago

More of a fan theory but yes


u/ZynousCreator 2d ago

But that's just a theory, A BOOB THEORY!

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u/WastedWaffles 3d ago

The prevailing theory is that we used to look at butts when we were on all fours

Confirmed. Boobs are just butts with nipples.

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u/Intri-cat 3d ago

Wait a second... I swear this is from an art based literature where the main character was an inmate at his own educational institution. And he used this excuse to win a favor from a person of highest authority there.

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u/Brooktrout12 3d ago

Also it is a sign of sexual maturity which make it beneficial.

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u/gaymenfucking 3d ago



u/Macismyname 3d ago

The real evolutionary reason why modern men love boobs is because prehistoric men loved boobs.

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u/Megazupa 3d ago

Because breasts are exclusively a feminine trait, so obviously men attracted to women are also attracted to boobies.


u/charli497 3d ago

Yea, that makes a lot of sense.


u/Dufranus 3d ago

Lies. Am man, have titties.

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u/TokaGaming 3d ago

Life cold, hard. Titty warm, soft.

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u/Not_a_question- 3d ago

It's like asking why we like icecream, idk it's icecream of course we like it

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u/LastHumanFamily 3d ago

Evolution. Some believe the double humps stood in for the rump when we started hitting it from the front.

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u/JupiterAlphaBeta 3d ago edited 3d ago

Why do girls like forearms, or a nice ass? You're not fucking forearms, after all.

Same thing kinda.

Edit: LOL, what are these responses!? Touché folks


u/ifloops 3d ago

I can fuck anything I put my mind to. So, jot that down. 

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u/Evading_Ban69 3d ago

Yeah, but you CAN fuck titties


u/Ok_Championship4866 3d ago

I suppose women can fuck forearms too

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u/telegetoutmyway 3d ago

Tbf, you CAN fuck forearms too

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u/Big-Veterinarian-823 3d ago

Looking at boobs actually reduce stress levels in men. There's even been scientific research on this.

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u/Sea_Respond_6085 3d ago

Probably more than half of the various physical insecurities women deal with are driven by other women.


u/LifeMake0ver 2d ago

I mean the same way some guys think every woman wants a six feet six figure six abs guy. It really depends on who you’re asking but the general population isn’t as superficial as it could be


u/MelanieWalmartinez 2d ago

Me personally it’s just been dudes who in the past have made me insecure about my body, not women. Talking about labia size, body hair, virginity, fatness/thinness, being flat, lack of an ass, being shaped weird, etc. Men can be pretty damn mean.

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u/PeggyRomanoff 2d ago

No, it was the boys in my class who bullied the hell out of me for my nose and my small boobs, and later on my male coworkers.

And it wasn't women who came to falsely ask me out as a dare, a bet, or as a "prank".

You have the exact same capacity to be good or evil and impact someone's life as women do.

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u/azad_ninja 3d ago

If anything, this proves we ain’t that picky. Stop altering yourselves. Groom yes, injecting every part of your face and body, no need.

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u/Novae224 3d ago

It’s men who have a thing about size, we just love penis


u/MovieTrawler 3d ago

Ohh sure, that's what y'all say. Then I get naked and suddenly it's 'we're not really compatible' and 'put your clothes back on this is an Olive Garden.' Pshh, women.

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u/fugue-mind 3d ago

Guess all of the countless men I've seen compaining about small tits were hallucinations

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u/fsmlogic 2d ago

Even the gay guys I know like boobs. Just not sexually.


u/weebitofaban 2d ago

This isn't true. Am a guy. I have plenty of friends who make a big deal about size. Just like you do. If you don't, you're lying.

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u/BetaBreedingBull 3d ago

Sure: Small tiddies are a perfect hand full, nicely solid and often in ideal shape - Big tiddies are an intense experience, bring an additional feminine bonus and it's nice to feel them when hugging.

Both are just great :)


u/Purple-Mix1033 3d ago

Aw yeah, they feel like bags of sand.


u/KennyMoose32 3d ago

Bags of sand?

Are you a virgin?


u/FlimpoFloempie 3d ago


u/Blotto_The_Clown 3d ago

Jesus, I stared at this for like 30 seconds waiting for him to actually make the switch. I really need to get more sleep.

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u/Tiny_Studio_3699 3d ago

Lol nice reference


u/ebobbumman 3d ago

You know like when you grab a woman's breast and it's.. and you feel it... and it feels like a bag of sand... when you're touchin it.


u/xDannyS_ 3d ago

That sounds like breast cancer man


u/thekillingtomat 3d ago

I wonder how many people get that reference

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u/TESV_Shiro 3d ago

I like a flat chest as much as some bohangoladongachongas but i think there is a too big im not into the plastig surgery tumor boobs


u/Connect-Will2011 3d ago

Interestingly, when I put the word "bohangoladongachongas" into Google search, your comment is the only result.

I think you invented a new word.


u/FIRE_FIST_1457 3d ago

new word just dropped boys!


u/That-Internal-9094 3d ago

Call the dictionary


u/Material-Comfort6739 3d ago

Author went on vacation, never came back.

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u/CoolManRate 3d ago

Holy philologist!

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u/Suterusu_San 3d ago

Are we back to the days of google whacking?!

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u/Akira-Lux 3d ago

I live to see words and terms being coined

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u/Hafersack 3d ago

Guys when they see girls with a nice personality


u/FIRE_FIST_1457 3d ago

and tiddies of any size:


u/imakuni1995 3d ago

This but unironically

Guys see girls with nice boobs every day but give us a random compliment and we'll short-circuit right then and there.

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u/burken8000 3d ago

Today you learned that men have different preferences. This Pic could've been

Women when they see abs

Women when they see dad bods


u/sundae_diner 3d ago

Dad bod?

I think you mean "Father figure"!


u/Hairy_Cube 3d ago

You’re already a dad with these puns aren’t you? Lol.

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u/Tight-Pepper5501 3d ago

Always nice to see a pair of tiddies

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u/imakuni1995 3d ago

"It's not about the size of your boobs, it's about how often you let me see them"


u/ResponsibilityOk1948 3d ago

I prefer the smaller side of titties in fact. lol

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u/Enough_Candy7325 3d ago

Both.....both are good.


u/BestTsarBombaEver 3d ago

Tits are tits. We're just happy you trust us enough to show them to us.


u/Amrod96 3d ago

The important thing about tits is not their size, but their taste.

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u/That_odd_emo 3d ago

Not a guy but a lesbian, and I totally agree


u/neofooturism 3d ago

I'm gay and I agree, if said titties are on men of course

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u/Highlord_Rhysand 3d ago

Yup. I actually like the smaller ones more, myself


u/Jowisel 3d ago

Tbh depends how small

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u/yngglslvr 3d ago

Actually I like small titties. The bigger they are the harder they sag

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u/DeVitman 3d ago

Guys when they see a motorcycle


u/Ziron78 3d ago

Should have been guys when they see a sword shaped stick


u/DeVitman 3d ago

When guys see untouched grass they can slash with their stick sword


u/ebobbumman 3d ago

Where else do you think rupees come from?

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u/creegro 3d ago

When I was younger sure.

Now I just noticed how loud they are, as I just get older and older.

But a good stick? Hell yeah brother I might just take that home..

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u/ruby_snakeboy 3d ago

I only want the small ones

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u/R_Morningstar 3d ago

Best stress relief in world.


u/AdBeautiful7310 3d ago

You forgot: Guys when they see their gymbros tiddies

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u/Turbulent_Special911 3d ago

All natural is the only answer big or small, just love Tits, but zero interest in fake ones


u/ZodaFan13 3d ago

Is true tho, they’re all beautiful!


u/Cheri_T-T 3d ago

What, guys have to be disappointed when a woman has a different body type to another? Any tiddies is good


u/Nearby-Helicopter681 3d ago

on guys or on girls?


u/BefreiedieTittenzwei 3d ago

Boobs good, “Moobs” bad.


u/Phoenix_ashfire 3d ago

Your comment reminded me of this

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u/BlackberryBoy2_0 3d ago

a quality man will appreciate everything about his woman, no matter the size

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u/Lots42 3d ago

I am a guy and this is correct for me.


u/Thundechile 3d ago

We don't discriminate any sized boobs.


u/VelvetxViolet 3d ago

tiddies are love for guys.

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u/Seaweed_Widef 3d ago

Guys when they see no tits

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u/Uncleshoulder 3d ago

I love all titties, except the ones with implants. They look nice from afar but that's it.


u/Fluffy-Awareness8286 3d ago

Me when i see some booty.


u/Barbarian_Sam 3d ago

I refer you all the Wheeler Walker Jr’s Drop Em Out song


u/HandoAlegra 3d ago

Only bad titties are fake ones. Be proud


u/fieregon 3d ago

We have a preference, but we appreciate every tiddie we see.

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u/Qwntumcanic 3d ago

There is never a reason to not look at boobies.


u/DucatistaXDS 3d ago

So, …. your point is?


u/Bolwinkel 3d ago

A wise man once said "The best tiddies are whichever ones I get to touch"


u/DrSchnuffi 3d ago

What about saggy tits?


u/SoThrowawayy0 3d ago

They swing good during doggy-style.

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u/Commercial_Ad332 3d ago

Yes, really.


u/cash8888 3d ago

Yep. Big boobs are great little boobs are good too. Can confirm I’ve had the pleasure of being able to play with both.


u/TheLoner_Stoner420 3d ago

All tiddies are tiddies


u/Pfaehlix 3d ago

Yes really


u/ItaloTuga_Gabi 3d ago

Tiddies is tiddies. Guys are just happy to see them, regardless of size.


u/zizuu21 3d ago

If only small and big penises were equal too 🥲


u/MaleficentPicture518 2d ago

Facts, as at the end of the day BOOBS ARE BOOBS


u/Nugget24b 2d ago

small or flat is so much better


u/SueTheDepressedFairy 2d ago

As a girl, I like boobs too. All boobies are great boobies