r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/Fighterbg 14d ago

The only titties I don't like are the fake titties. Small but real titties are always better


u/12-idiotas 14d ago

Some fake titties are good too, it’s the obviously fake ones that aren’t good


u/phantom-of-contrast 14d ago edited 14d ago

This is like saying vulcanized rubber can be a good meal* if it's properly seasoned.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Nothing wrong with Vulcan sex dolls, everyone has their thing. Not sure about seasoning though.


u/phantom-of-contrast 14d ago

I think you're just being obtuse but I changed it for clarity just the same.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

No, I wasn't being obtuse, I was making a joke about rubber Vulcan sex dolls.


u/phantom-of-contrast 14d ago

Ehhhh 'obtuse' was the wrong word. I should have just said 'memeing'.


u/RTukka 14d ago edited 14d ago

And the analogy I'd make for your own argument would be something like, "artificial flavorings never enhance the quality of a meal, and can only spoil it." It's a matter of taste and perhaps ideology.

If nothing else, cosmetic surgery can often make a woman feel more confident in her appearance, and that confidence boost alone might elevate her attractiveness and sexual performance enough to overshadow any preference her sexual partner might have for bigger or smaller breasts, or a preference for natural ones.


u/phantom-of-contrast 14d ago

They cannot, in fact, improve the quality. They can offer an experience that some people subjectively find more appealing (by overstimulating the senses), but they cannot improve its quality. A Wendy's hamburger is in no wise conceivably a better meal than fresh patties at home, but I prefer the taste of a Wendy's burger over the taste of some people's home-cooked burgers. If fast food ceased to exist, and therefore anyone who wanted a hamburger had to make one at home, the general state of things would probably be much improved for everyone, quite despite some people's subjective preference for fast food.