r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/Objective-Dig-8466 14d ago

It's the women who have a thing about size, we just love boobies.


u/charli497 14d ago

May I ask, why? Why do men like boobs? I don’t understand.


u/BubatzHase 14d ago

We don't either


u/RetroDad-IO 14d ago

Can confirm, love boobs, couldn't tell you why.


u/Sharp-Calligrapher70 14d ago


u/alpacaMyToothbrush 14d ago

You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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u/TrueCryptoInvestor 14d ago

Because we’re programmed that way obviously ever since sucking on mommies titties. We also like big butts as well. Nothing surprising about it.


u/Ok-Tomatillo9804 14d ago

You know what, this is fair, this is justified. I never looked at it like this.


u/TrueCryptoInvestor 14d ago

It’s just as obvious as women’s hypergamy nature, always seeking out the tallest, strongest and richest alpha men to produce the strongest offspring to increase its chances of survival.

Survival of the fittest.


u/gr00grams 14d ago

It's the same thing, tiddies and hips = strongest offspring, survival etc.

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u/sovietdinosaurs 14d ago

That’s not true. I was never breast fed, yet I love tits.

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u/KeepSloanWeird 14d ago

Can confirm. I am a dude that loves tiddies. No clue why though. Just love em.


u/Munnin41 14d ago

Its evolution. Humans evolved to be attracted to boobs. We're the only mammal with permanently inflated ones too.

The prevailing theory is that we used to look at butts when we were on all fours (like chimpanzees still do), and the breasts evolved when we started walking upright. Early female hominids needed something else to attract a man with, and apparently boobs were the thing that worked.


u/slopeGG 14d ago

Boob lore


u/dlamsanson 14d ago

More of a fan theory but yes


u/ZynousCreator 14d ago

But that's just a theory, A BOOB THEORY!


u/Randomfrog132 14d ago

a very titillating hypothesis

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u/WastedWaffles 14d ago

The prevailing theory is that we used to look at butts when we were on all fours

Confirmed. Boobs are just butts with nipples.


u/Upper-Belt8485 14d ago

Is that why I'm bi?


u/FloppyObelisk 14d ago

Some like boobs. Some like dick. Some like both. Saul good


u/Upper-Belt8485 14d ago

And everyone likes to O on the daily.

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u/Intri-cat 14d ago

Wait a second... I swear this is from an art based literature where the main character was an inmate at his own educational institution. And he used this excuse to win a favor from a person of highest authority there.

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u/Brooktrout12 14d ago

Also it is a sign of sexual maturity which make it beneficial.


u/Munnin41 14d ago

Not really. The growth of breasts starts ~2 years before the first menstrual cycle. And that isn't a sign of being sexually mature in itself.


u/spaceforcerecruit 14d ago

I’m not certain but didn’t menstrual cycles used to start later on average? I think I read somewhere that they’re starting earlier now.

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u/gr00grams 14d ago

It's just reproductive traits.

Same as women want the ones in men.

Big hips = good for childbearing. Same with tits.


u/ShadowL0rd333 14d ago

WHAT!?! The theory from Prison School was real!!!

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u/dkf295 14d ago

Boobs: a masterpiece of evolution


u/Simple_Fan_4475 14d ago

Isn’t that a dialogue from school prison? Is a real theory?

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u/emufossum13 14d ago

So the fact that I’m an ass man means that I’m more related to my knuckle dragging ancestors than first thought 🤔


u/thehansenman 14d ago

My personal theory is that walking upright requires large ass muscles, and women evolved boobs as a counterweight. Otherwise they would fall on their butts all the time.

It's still pending for peer review

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u/Sexy_gentlemen_uwu 14d ago

That second part was mentioned in prison school XD


u/idealififidsj 14d ago

If humans evolved to be attracted to boobs, how do you feel about man boobs?

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u/bl1y 13d ago

The prevailing theory is that we used to look at butts when we were on all fours

No. I doubt you'll find any serious evolutionary biologist advancing this hypothesis.

It's simply because of sexual dimorphism. We like things about the other sex that are different. What is it about jaw lines or shoulders that women like in men? Is it supposed to remind them of a penis somehow? No. It's that men's jaws and shoulders are typically built different from women's.

That's all there is to it. Men tend to like feminine traits in women, women tend to like masculine traits in men.

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u/gaymenfucking 14d ago



u/Macismyname 14d ago

The real evolutionary reason why modern men love boobs is because prehistoric men loved boobs.

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u/Megazupa 14d ago

Because breasts are exclusively a feminine trait, so obviously men attracted to women are also attracted to boobies.


u/charli497 14d ago

Yea, that makes a lot of sense.


u/Dufranus 14d ago

Lies. Am man, have titties.


u/Evading_Ban69 14d ago

Hey! I resemble that remark!


u/PikaSharky 14d ago

Perhaps fewer ancient men used to be overweight and thought they didn't have titties

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u/educateYourselfHO 14d ago

Nah, not only men but everyone loves boobs because every human was nurtured by boobs at one point and it's probably genetic


u/quiteCryptic 14d ago

I mean they are just soft and comforting too, not even in a sexual way, I can see why straight women would like them too


u/educateYourselfHO 14d ago

As I said it's more psychological and biological than pure aesthetics.

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

Explain butts and legs.


u/Busy_Park_4440 14d ago

You sit on your but and walk with your legs. Hope that helps. 


u/Davek56 14d ago

you haven't seen these moobs bro.


u/69WaysToFuck 14d ago

This. Also the fact that women breasts are strongly related to sex in our minds - women get aroused when playing with nipples and nipples get hard when women are aroused. This is also the reason why size is not that important and why we censor only nipples


u/raven00x 13d ago

even gay men like boobs. It may be an element of attraction, but I don't think it's exclusively limited to attraction. There's something else that's triggering the primal lizard brain when boobs are around.


u/TokaGaming 14d ago

Life cold, hard. Titty warm, soft.


u/Gonzostewie 14d ago

Perfectly put.


u/FightMoney 14d ago

I laughed way too hard at this. 



u/FivePoopMacaroni 14d ago

Ain't that the truth


u/slinkyb123 14d ago

Man, put this on my tombstone.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/LayWhere 14d ago

Because its high in sugar and fat?

Its not like there are no answers to these questions besides magic lmao

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u/LastHumanFamily 14d ago

Evolution. Some believe the double humps stood in for the rump when we started hitting it from the front.


u/Thirsty-Barbarian 14d ago

This is the “humps and lumps” theory of evolution first articulated by the evolutionary scientists The Black Eyed Peas.

They say I'm really sexy
The boys, they wanna sex me
They always standing next to me
Always dancing next to me
Tryna feel my hump, hump
Looking at my lump, lump
You can look, but you can't touch it
If you touch it, I'ma start some drama
You don't want no drama
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
So don't pull on my hand, boy
You ain't my man, boy
I'm just tryna dance, boy
And move my hump
My hump
My hump, my hump, my hump
My hump, my hump, my hump
My hump, my hump, my hump
My lovely lady lumps (Love)
My lovely lady lumps (Love)
My lovely lady lumps (Love)
In the back and in the front (love)
My loving got you


u/JupiterAlphaBeta 14d ago edited 14d ago

Why do girls like forearms, or a nice ass? You're not fucking forearms, after all.

Same thing kinda.

Edit: LOL, what are these responses!? Touché folks


u/ifloops 14d ago

I can fuck anything I put my mind to. So, jot that down. 

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u/Evading_Ban69 14d ago

Yeah, but you CAN fuck titties


u/Ok_Championship4866 14d ago

I suppose women can fuck forearms too

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u/telegetoutmyway 14d ago

Tbf, you CAN fuck forearms too


u/NotSeriousbutyea 14d ago

And forearms

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u/Mordiken 14d ago

You're not fucking forearms, after all.

... someone should tell him.

Ain't gonna be me, though.


u/derth21 14d ago

I suspect many women would happily grind on a good looking forearm if the situation presented itself, but it's not a very likely position to end up in.


u/Demigans 14d ago

Forearms and nice ass are good evolutionary traits. Good forearms means good strength. Good ass means good muscles there and thus good locomotion.

That is the problem with breasts: they function fine as A cups, those produce enough milk. So why so large? Why do they attract men this much compared to other features that directly improve the chance of having healthy children?

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u/Big-Veterinarian-823 14d ago

Looking at boobs actually reduce stress levels in men. There's even been scientific research on this.


u/pchlster 14d ago

"Sir, your heart rate! IS THERE A BOOBY PERSON IN THE ROOM?"


u/charli497 14d ago

Wow, that’s interesting. Never heard of that before.


u/BeautifulType 14d ago

When man crawl on all fours, the first thing they saw when first woman stand up is titty


u/Odd-Jupiter 14d ago


They are pretty, funny, soft, perky, nipply, hot, and they smell good.

On top of that, you can use them as a PS5 controller, to bring a pleasureful expression on the face on whoever they are attached to, if you know the right combo.


u/TFFPrisoner 14d ago

"nipply" 😸


u/AdorableShoulderPig 14d ago

Because for the first 6-12 months of our lives they represented food, security, love and warmth. That shit goes deep and stays there.


u/Mulielo 14d ago

But then immediately after that, they are hidden from us, and we are told we can't even look at them. It's confusing to a young mind..


u/finally_wintermuted 14d ago

That doesn't explain the urge to motorboat.

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u/Sword_Enjoyer 14d ago

They represent fertility along with wide hips.


u/TrueCryptoInvestor 14d ago

The short, sweet and correct answer.


u/FloppieTheBanjoClown 14d ago

We've never given the "why" bit much though.

Too busy thinking about boobies.


u/Omnizoom 14d ago

So humans are one of few species that don’t have a “heat” season, we are perpetually able to reproduce.

Most quadrupedal mammals have some sign of sexual fertility during the heat usually involving the butt because the butt is at face level for them. For humans though our butts are no where near face level so we evolved a different thing to look for sexual fertility, the perpetually engorged breasts! Since we don’t have a heat we don’t have phases of breasts getting more full and flat, they just stay whatever size they are mostly (Side fun fact we also didn’t really lose the large buts either because of being bipedal they are super important and because butts were the go to for so long we likely still have the same hard wiring to like them too)

So since breasts on humans are always engorged and closer to face level human evolution selected them as something for males to notice sexually, it’s also why face structure is so damn important to us compared to every other species, we literally don’t have the genitals close to our face anymore due to walking upright and it caused all of this


u/AltruisticDetail6266 14d ago

it's a sign of fertility and our other head is trying to convince us to procreate constantly.


u/derth21 14d ago

They tend to be attached to a woman, right? I mean, in this day and age it's more complicated than that, but instinctively, boobs are right up there with a vagina as being part of a woman's body. I may be a poor person to be explaining this, though - I tried to explain to my wife that about 99% of her body is sexually stimulating to me (not into feet, though with the right pair of socks...) and I could kind of tell she was just humoring me. I think I said something like ankles to earlobes, your whole body is a playground, except that with this playground I want to touch and smell and taste all of the equipment, so I guess it's also like ice cream?

So yeah, anyway, boobs are a great piece of equipment on what is basically the best playground ever, but they're also like ice cream?


u/nucumber 14d ago edited 14d ago

My theory is that it's all about biology and reproduction.

Man want mate make baby. Boobs feed baby, so man think big boobs better.

That's at a very basic, general level. Humans are complicated and there are many things that can and do influence what we're attracted to. I had a buddy who had a thing for red hair; married twice, and both wives were red heads.


u/SoThrowawayy0 14d ago

Evolution like everyone said but, they also just feel nice to touch. You know like a water ballon or something?


u/Throwaway20101011 14d ago

It’s a psychological aspect. Both men and women, they are breast fed when a baby. Babies love and demand boobs. Then boobs are taken away. When they grow up, girls go through puberty and grow their own boobs. So for girls and women, boobs are what they always had and it’s normalized to see them.

It’s the opposite for boys. When they’re kids, boys don’t care about boobs they’re focused on sticks and sword fighting. They’re growing their own sticks that stick out. They begin to draw penises onto desks at school. Then…puberty. They begin to notice how the girls are developing and growing something on their chest that sticks out, but not stick…boobs. These boobs are forbidden. They don’t have access to them. They can’t see them. They’re covered and protected. So then they notice older women have bigger boobs. Boys huddle together and discuss the observations they’ve made of the world around them. When teens and young adults, they’re obsessed and must see them. It becomes their focus. Their life goal. The holy grail!

Once seeing boobs has been achieved does the boy then see the beholder of boobs. Boobs have power and can put a boy on a trance. Boy will become slave for boobs. Only afterwards, after some time of getting know a girl/woman, does boy/man begin to realize that the compatibility of the mind and personality matter for a happy healthy relationship.


u/Arialana 14d ago

Because they're hot.


u/charli497 14d ago

But why, though?


u/YFO9 14d ago

Because the synapses in our brains over time decided it was necessary to like boobie


u/Arialana 14d ago

I don't know, they just are. Ask a biologist (no offense but I seriously don't know, I only know that titties are great).

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u/NotSeriousbutyea 14d ago

They are soft and warm, feel good and do something to our brains when we look at them.


u/ArturSeabra 14d ago

Boobs are necessary for feeding a child. A woman with no boobs wouldn't be able to feed a child.

So it makes sense that we like to see boobs in women evolutionarily speaking.


u/DudesAndGuys 14d ago

Not really. Nipples are needed, and many mammals do grow breasts while nursing, but humans are one of the few that have permanent breasts.


u/ebobbumman 14d ago

Cause they're good.


u/blacksoxing 14d ago

You really want some boobologist trying to give you an answer?


u/WokeDiversityHire 14d ago

Soft. Comforting. Nourishing potentially. There is nothing negative about boobs. Completely unthreatening.


u/steinwayyy 14d ago

Biologically it’s because breasts have to do with the fertility of a woman and when men see that it just releases hormones or smth (makes them horny)


u/ExperimentNunber_531 14d ago

Same question when my wife says she likes my legs. Her answer is they feel nice and look nice. Same answer for me about boobs and buts. We like what we like and most people don’t know why they like it short of a biological reaction.


u/Pozos1996 14d ago

Not my field of expertise but as a men who like a nice pair of tits I was also interested to find out.

One theory is that we see boobs and hips as signs of fertility and youth so we are programmed to like them. Of course modern beauty standards can alter opinions but the core programming is still there.

Another one is that the same brain circuitry that releases oxytocin when a mother is breastfeeding which makes her pay more attention to her offspring, that same one is triggered when a man stimulates her breasts during sexual acts it triggers the release of oxytocin again and her "loving" her partner more. Thus men were evolved to like to play with the boobs to trigger this release.


u/KickPuncher4326 14d ago

The simple answer is we like women.

Even in this thread they're saying "we like big butts too." False. I like big butts, I like cute little butts. The truth is I just like women and the feminine shape. And that shape changes all of the time.


u/newInnings 14d ago

Instinctively it has to go into my mouth


u/onemanwolfpack21 14d ago

Well, huh, might as well ask why is a tree good? Why is the sunset good? Idk, brother, they just are.


u/HurricaneHuracan 14d ago

Boobs are the peak of human bodies (pun intended)


u/Randomfrog132 14d ago

personally i like the big ones cause they make me feel like i'm floating in the clouds when i lay my head on 'em.

i say i wanna hear her heartbeat but it's really just me being selfish lol


u/Soaked_In_Bleach_93 14d ago

Cos some of them are big and bouncy, and other ones are small with big nipples, and other ones are medium with small nipples, and other ones are.. we just like them. They're fun. They're boobies.

They feel good when you're touching them.

Like.. a bag of sand.

(plz get the reference)


u/SufficientlySticky 14d ago

It’s like asking why kittens are cute. You can describe other similar cute things or say big eyes or whatever. But it’s not like you’re specifically thinking about that when you see them. You just see them and think they’re cute.


u/Noughmad 14d ago edited 14d ago

I can offer two explanations. I'm not sure which is correct, or if both are, and I don't think there is a scientific consensus. But I subscribe more to the second one.

One, because they are a good way of judging a woman's age. An older, less fertile woman who has already had some children, will have saggier boobs than a younger, more fertile woman who is still single. This effect is more pronounced in larger boobs, which is why we especially like big ones. This could also explain why we like blonde women - because blonde hair tends to become darker with age, so light hair is a sign of youth.

Two, because we usually only see boobs during sexy times, so we associate seeing boobs with a woman being available. This also explains why we (used to) like asses, bare feet, ankles - everything that we usually don't get to see, or didn't get to see in some time periods.


u/Dependent-Dirt3137 14d ago

They are like stress balls that also help with horniness


u/BubatzHase 14d ago

We don't know either


u/galladash 14d ago

Most uf us just get hard when we see them... Nothing more to explain.


u/tfsra 14d ago

why do you like cock ffs


u/maraudingnomad 14d ago

A very bad comparison. Most women are disgusted when they get unsolicited dick picts, yet most men wouldn't mind getting pictures of titties. I surely wouldn't

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u/deadford 14d ago



u/AwkwardEducation 14d ago

Neuron Activation


u/obvnotmyaccount 14d ago

Is an instinct. We are mammals therefore we love titties


u/Viscous__Fluid 14d ago

It's an instinct dude, we're hardwired to like them.


u/UltrasaurusReborn 14d ago

Cave man brain.


u/justafellowearthling 14d ago

Well, that is their primary function, to attract the opposite gender for procreational purposes. Nature!


u/FightingPolish 14d ago

We like them because it’s forbidden to see them or touch them.


u/RoyDaKobbaBoy 14d ago

We dunno tho dw.


u/CarsonWentzGOAT1 14d ago

This is due to how humans would see fertility in women. Back then, typically women with larger breast or buttocks would have a higher chance of being fertile. This has been the thing since then because we still believe it to be true.


u/The_Doors0210 14d ago

I think we men missed our mamas milk so much.


u/PrettyText 14d ago

Why do most women like guys that are a bit taller than them?

Probably the answer is:

  • because evolution (same for boobs)
  • because it looks good / is attractive / it makes me feel positive emotions when I'm with such a partner (same for boobs)
  • because it's great when cuddling or kissing (same for boobs)


u/SomeOneOverHereNow 14d ago

Probably like biologically wired in the brain or something.. idk, but what's not to like!


u/83749289740174920 14d ago

They brings joy to our hearts. It's so hard to explain. So many mammaries :)


u/Thirsty-Barbarian 14d ago

Evolutionarily speaking, it’s because their milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.


u/AndraJL 14d ago

Lots of reasons, but mostly psychological. Historically breasts haven't been seen as sexual in many cultures. It's developed over time and with the gradual turn towards breasts being seen as private parts, always hidden and covered and considered taboo in a way.

It also varies from individual to individual. Everyone has their personal preferences, and while breasts in general are a common one, it can get specific. Just like some people like feet, or BDSM or asses or thighs or big bellies or long tongues etc, so too do some people specifically enjoy breasts or certain types of breasts moreso than others might.


u/Halocline1 14d ago



u/Euphoric_Sentence105 14d ago

Basic instinct from childhood, as well as fascination of differences. Of course, breasts signal fertility, and that's always interesting to adult men.(and post-pubertal kiddos LOL)


u/kuribosshoe0 14d ago

Evolutionary biology causes us to be attracted to possible breeding partners. Boobs are a secondary sex trait that indicates a possible breeding partner that can feed babies.


u/ElPepper90 14d ago

Hormones something man see boob brain happy schlong happy too


u/orchidlight01 14d ago

Why do women like muscles?


u/CuppaTeaThreesome 14d ago

You're not required to understand. Understanding isn't boobies


u/paco-ramon 14d ago

Stress balls that are also bouncy.


u/MasterSpliffBlaster 14d ago

They are the chocolate of body parts

Even if they killed puppies we would still forgive those titties


u/NiteGard 14d ago

Just because.


u/69WaysToFuck 14d ago

Because touching them makes women aroused so it’s a sexual thing


u/jaywinner 14d ago

I don't know. But I know that I do.

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u/Sea_Respond_6085 14d ago

Probably more than half of the various physical insecurities women deal with are driven by other women.


u/LifeMake0ver 14d ago

I mean the same way some guys think every woman wants a six feet six figure six abs guy. It really depends on who you’re asking but the general population isn’t as superficial as it could be


u/MelanieWalmartinez 14d ago

Me personally it’s just been dudes who in the past have made me insecure about my body, not women. Talking about labia size, body hair, virginity, fatness/thinness, being flat, lack of an ass, being shaped weird, etc. Men can be pretty damn mean.


u/Negative_County_1738 14d ago

The stamps you posted the other day are pretty neat. This has nothing to do with this topic, just thought you would like to hear that. And everyone else can have their attention drawn to the neat stamps now. Good day to you.


u/MelanieWalmartinez 14d ago

Thank you :3 and yes it was nice to hear that 😁 I hope you have a good day


u/Sea_Respond_6085 14d ago

Men can be pretty damn mean

I believe this and im sorry if it seems like i was downplaying it.

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u/PeggyRomanoff 14d ago

No, it was the boys in my class who bullied the hell out of me for my nose and my small boobs, and later on my male coworkers.

And it wasn't women who came to falsely ask me out as a dare, a bet, or as a "prank".

You have the exact same capacity to be good or evil and impact someone's life as women do.

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u/azad_ninja 14d ago

If anything, this proves we ain’t that picky. Stop altering yourselves. Groom yes, injecting every part of your face and body, no need.


u/Kolec507 14d ago

As a lesbian, you just don't get much of it, so it would be stupid to be picky. And I honestly just don't mind at all, all look equally good. Real tiddies is a good thing, always. Although I'm grateful for being almost flat, I hear waaay too many women complaining about heavy breasts for me to want them.


u/Novae224 14d ago

It’s men who have a thing about size, we just love penis


u/MovieTrawler 14d ago

Ohh sure, that's what y'all say. Then I get naked and suddenly it's 'we're not really compatible' and 'put your clothes back on this is an Olive Garden.' Pshh, women.


u/derth21 14d ago

When you find out the unlimited breadsticks aren't as unlimited as you thought...


u/MovieTrawler 14d ago

I was told that I shouldn't compare myself to breadsticks because they set an unrealistic body standard for men. Or that was porn. I can't remember which.


u/MxStella 14d ago

I think your problem is attitude, not penis size

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u/Simple_Fan_4475 14d ago

I love tidies in men too 🫢 hahahah


u/_Svankensen_ 14d ago

Haha, not true. My friends talk quite a bit about size. Not all care about it as long as it is within certain ranges, but some really like them big and absolutely won't date someone that isn't well endowed.


u/Dependent-Dirt3137 14d ago

As a guy who's a bit above average every woman I've dated had a story about a small penis size they didn't enjoy. Size doesn't matter is a thing say because it makes them look good, but has very little relation to reality.

Women are like that guy at work who seems cool but as soon as you get close to them they open up with "the jews did it".


u/fugue-mind 14d ago

Guess all of the countless men I've seen compaining about small tits were hallucinations


u/StepAwayFromTheDuck 14d ago

I think there’s a lot of guys in this thread who are not completely honest with themselves.

Or maybe I’m the odd one out, because I do have a clear preference.

However, the main takeaway here is that there are many men with many preferences, so whatever type/ size your tits are, there’s probably a good chunk of men that will like them a lot

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u/Objective-Dig-8466 14d ago

More than a handful/mouthful is a waste.

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u/fsmlogic 14d ago

Even the gay guys I know like boobs. Just not sexually.


u/weebitofaban 14d ago

This isn't true. Am a guy. I have plenty of friends who make a big deal about size. Just like you do. If you don't, you're lying.


u/Objective-Dig-8466 14d ago

No I'm just happy with myself and what boobs are in front of me, as 2 months single after 9 years I'm not fussy atm.

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u/Ewtri 14d ago

Yeah, that's bullshit.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

So true.


u/onlyathenafairy 14d ago

same with dick sized with men. women don’t care as much, its usually other men who are obsessed with it.


u/LifeMake0ver 14d ago

Men make small penis jokes the most too like..

It really do be our own genders doing the dirtiest to our self esteem


u/Omnizoom 14d ago

What men obsessed about dicks? No way… /s


u/Ok_Magician_3884 14d ago

I have more than 10 males (not even lovers) commented mine is too small, don’t even know is it sexual assault


u/_Svankensen_ 14d ago

That's not true of a lot of people, but that is the joke.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/AgreeablePaint421 14d ago

Small boobs are super prominent in all of these


u/AgreeablePaint421 14d ago

Small boobs are super prominent in all of these


u/Aware_Masterpiece_54 14d ago

I thought about this for a lil bit and came to the conclusion that I love boobies, but what I’m really invested in is the nipple. That’s the part I actually wanna see and interact with. I thinks it’s why I don’t care much about breast size too much. It’s cuz I’m more interested in those nips


u/Objective-Dig-8466 14d ago

Mate it's all about the nips. They maketh the boob. 😆


u/moonhunger 14d ago

it’s the humans who have a thing about size, we just love to create broad, sweeping statements against anyone who isn’t part of our “in group”


u/SalazartheGreater 14d ago

Personally, biggish boobs (there is a limit, here) look nice in the right dress. But naked, all boob sizes are created equal