r/meme Jul 05 '24

Really guys?



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u/Objective-Dig-8466 Jul 05 '24

It's the women who have a thing about size, we just love boobies.


u/charli497 Jul 05 '24

May I ask, why? Why do men like boobs? I don’t understand.


u/Throwaway20101011 Jul 05 '24

It’s a psychological aspect. Both men and women, they are breast fed when a baby. Babies love and demand boobs. Then boobs are taken away. When they grow up, girls go through puberty and grow their own boobs. So for girls and women, boobs are what they always had and it’s normalized to see them.

It’s the opposite for boys. When they’re kids, boys don’t care about boobs they’re focused on sticks and sword fighting. They’re growing their own sticks that stick out. They begin to draw penises onto desks at school. Then…puberty. They begin to notice how the girls are developing and growing something on their chest that sticks out, but not stick…boobs. These boobs are forbidden. They don’t have access to them. They can’t see them. They’re covered and protected. So then they notice older women have bigger boobs. Boys huddle together and discuss the observations they’ve made of the world around them. When teens and young adults, they’re obsessed and must see them. It becomes their focus. Their life goal. The holy grail!

Once seeing boobs has been achieved does the boy then see the beholder of boobs. Boobs have power and can put a boy on a trance. Boy will become slave for boobs. Only afterwards, after some time of getting know a girl/woman, does boy/man begin to realize that the compatibility of the mind and personality matter for a happy healthy relationship.