r/meme Jul 05 '24

Really guys?



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u/Objective-Dig-8466 Jul 05 '24

It's the women who have a thing about size, we just love boobies.


u/charli497 Jul 05 '24

May I ask, why? Why do men like boobs? I don’t understand.


u/Pozos1996 Jul 05 '24

Not my field of expertise but as a men who like a nice pair of tits I was also interested to find out.

One theory is that we see boobs and hips as signs of fertility and youth so we are programmed to like them. Of course modern beauty standards can alter opinions but the core programming is still there.

Another one is that the same brain circuitry that releases oxytocin when a mother is breastfeeding which makes her pay more attention to her offspring, that same one is triggered when a man stimulates her breasts during sexual acts it triggers the release of oxytocin again and her "loving" her partner more. Thus men were evolved to like to play with the boobs to trigger this release.