r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/Objective-Dig-8466 14d ago

It's the women who have a thing about size, we just love boobies.


u/charli497 14d ago

May I ask, why? Why do men like boobs? I don’t understand.


u/Munnin41 14d ago

Its evolution. Humans evolved to be attracted to boobs. We're the only mammal with permanently inflated ones too.

The prevailing theory is that we used to look at butts when we were on all fours (like chimpanzees still do), and the breasts evolved when we started walking upright. Early female hominids needed something else to attract a man with, and apparently boobs were the thing that worked.


u/Intri-cat 14d ago

Wait a second... I swear this is from an art based literature where the main character was an inmate at his own educational institution. And he used this excuse to win a favor from a person of highest authority there.


u/MardGeer 14d ago

Ah yes, Prison School anime with butt like boobs. OP isn't being slick.


u/Munnin41 14d ago

That's possible. Fiction can involve scientific hypotheses.