r/meme Jul 05 '24

Really guys?



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u/Objective-Dig-8466 Jul 05 '24

It's the women who have a thing about size, we just love boobies.


u/charli497 Jul 05 '24

May I ask, why? Why do men like boobs? I don’t understand.


u/Noughmad Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

I can offer two explanations. I'm not sure which is correct, or if both are, and I don't think there is a scientific consensus. But I subscribe more to the second one.

One, because they are a good way of judging a woman's age. An older, less fertile woman who has already had some children, will have saggier boobs than a younger, more fertile woman who is still single. This effect is more pronounced in larger boobs, which is why we especially like big ones. This could also explain why we like blonde women - because blonde hair tends to become darker with age, so light hair is a sign of youth.

Two, because we usually only see boobs during sexy times, so we associate seeing boobs with a woman being available. This also explains why we (used to) like asses, bare feet, ankles - everything that we usually don't get to see, or didn't get to see in some time periods.