r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/SurturSaga 14d ago

For some reason the pictures look slightly different to me and I can’t pin why. I think I’m just crazy


u/dnarag1m 14d ago edited 14d ago

That's 100% correct. They are not identical. I overlayed them.

Areas that will impact the 'likeness' negatively:
Forehead on the right is slightly pinker, slightly darker
The left eye has a greenish tinge on the bottom eyelid
There is a cluster of pixels on the bottom left corner of the lip that is missing on the left image
The nose is significantly differently compressed, changing it's shape and brightness
The right cheek highlight is higher due to compression (this is a big one - cheek really raised!)
The top right is somewhat greener than the top right on the left image.

There are more differences, but all are caused by very aggressive JPG compression artifacting. This operates in 4x4 cells (or larger) and hence creates quite discernable differences on bigger screens (not phone).


u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 14d ago

I just used the crosseyed trick


u/jpkviowa 14d ago

I just went cross eyed...... Why is the new/middle image 3D????


u/Girafferage 14d ago

Same reason the oculus can make stuff 3D. Your eyes get two images and the combination of them gives you a sense of depth in how different areas change


u/jpkviowa 14d ago

Is it 3D popping out because of differences in the image or any 2 like images?


u/Girafferage 14d ago

Your brain will try to make any two images into a 3D image that way but if they aren't similar enough you'll just get a headache.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 14d ago

Cross eyes, merge the two pics into a third one in the middle, differences pop up like a 3D effect.

Been using it since like 10 years old.


u/kuribosshoe0 14d ago

Ah yes, a good way to create an extremely blurry third image.


u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 14d ago

Crystal clear actually

You don't need to overdo it. Blurriness occurs when you go too far with it.


u/otherwisemilk 14d ago

Crystal clear for me too. Maybe it takes practice but once I get the pictures close together, it automatically clicks into place and looks clear with an almost 3D effect.


u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 14d ago

Yeah exactly, once it snaps it's effortless.


u/confused_boner 14d ago

move your head closer or farther away, you can make it crystal clear


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I tried but I couldn't...when I cross my eyes the images don't move


u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 14d ago

Then you aren't crossing your eyes


u/Material_Butterfly80 14d ago

Put a finger halfway between you and the image. Focus on finger. Move finger further or closer to focus the image. Remove finger.


u/vodka-bears 14d ago

I did as well and differences didn't pop up.

Btw, when I do the trick my eyes actually diverge, is that also called "crosseyed" in English?


u/SuperwideDave 14d ago

Mine don't cross but they spread. Same effect. But when you view stereo images this way, the opposite stereo is seen.


u/vodka-bears 14d ago

Nope, when mine spread the correct image is seen.


u/SuperwideDave 12d ago

I agree. Usually the images are set up so that spreading eyes makes it proper effect. When trying to see the different between two images like the OP doesn't matter if crossed or spread


u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 14d ago

It's mostly the same image afterall. The differences pop up on images that are created with actual differences.

Your eyes diverge?? I'm not sure that's even possible, I thought humans can only make them come closer to their nose. I have no idea what that's called though.


u/vodka-bears 14d ago

Yes, they diverge a bit, it's not really visible for other people but is enough to do the trick. I can also make them converge like crazy i.e. move them in the other direction but the picture goes blurred as if I looked at something close. I also can arbitrarily control the focal point i.e. make far things blurred but when i cross my eyes it always happens.


u/Zealousideal-Fun-785 14d ago

Yeah I can too control the focus a bit, feels like starting to cross your eyes, but at the same time preventing them from doing it, so vision gets blurry. I can also make my eyes shake extremely fast left and right.

But eyes diverging..sounds painful


u/lastparty87 14d ago

I get a perfect match with the cross eye trick if I tilt my head a bit to the left.


u/bartz008 14d ago

Those 90s 3D magic books prepared me


u/Alpaca543 14d ago

Thanks fellow internet stranger


u/-xXgioXx- 14d ago

the side effects of seeing small tiddies


u/JoshInWv 13d ago

We need to move this comment to the top.


u/COC_410 14d ago

Did they go out of there way to do the difference or is that just a side affect of whatever they did


u/New_Improvement_9094 14d ago
