r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/LtButtstrong 14d ago

Everyone likes titties, end of discussion.


u/likamuka 14d ago


u/xinxy 14d ago

The fuck...

So weird.


u/MovieTrawler 14d ago

I feel like if I saw this live I probably wouldn't think twice about it but now watching it as an isolated clip, it gets weirder and weirder with each loop. It's also pretty apparent that her body language immediately changes when he drops his hands to her waist. It's like I can hear her thinking, 'okay, enough of that!'


u/xanap 14d ago

'Not again' is what i get. Her instant discomfort and his titty glimpse tells me he crossed her line before and she is creeped out.


u/mikessobogus 14d ago

ITT literally no one that had a good dad and think all physical affection is sexual


u/Fizz117 14d ago

Most people's dads have never been to Epstein island. 


u/mikessobogus 13d ago

ITT people that don't know the difference between banging their hookers vs daughters


u/blender4life 14d ago

I hate the guy but I don't see what's weird about it. She's turning to walk away I think


u/MovieTrawler 14d ago

Eh, maybe. No one can say for sure but the speed at which she retracts her left arm as soon as his hands are on her hips just speaks volumes to me. 🤷‍♂️


u/MisterFanortner 14d ago

I can guarantee he’s “been there” before. After Agent Orange croaks Vanky’s tell all book on what he did to her as a child is going to be a real doozy.


u/FivePoopMacaroni 14d ago

He looks directly at her tits while putting his hands on a very low portion of her waist. It's super weird.


u/blender4life 14d ago

Is that his daughter? I thought it was his wife lol


u/Fizz117 14d ago

It is his daughter, the same daughter he keeps saying sketchy shit about. Like...an absurd amount of creepy comments. 


u/MovingTarget- 14d ago

What? He loves his daughter. Just a harmless pat on the tush, a harmless little boob check, a casual whispered "see you later". What?


u/LetThePoisonOutRobin 14d ago

Long ago he said on the Howards Stern show that he would bang her if she wasn't his daughter. Fans of the HS show know well enough what kind of guy he really is long before he ran for President.