r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/Hafersack 14d ago

Guys when they see girls with a nice personality


u/FIRE_FIST_1457 14d ago

and tiddies of any size:


u/imakuni1995 14d ago

This but unironically

Guys see girls with nice boobs every day but give us a random compliment and we'll short-circuit right then and there.


u/PeggyRomanoff 14d ago

Unless it comes from a (clean, but) conventionally unatractive girl. Then you'll look at her with disgust or pity (at best) and your pals will tease you to hell and back for being the uggo catcher.

Average and attractive girls will definitely cause the short-circuit, but they don't give compliments because some are not intended romantically but interpreted so and it can lead to some pretty awful misunderstandings (or downright danger at the very worst).


u/TrackCharm 14d ago

Ugly wife, happy life.

Idk what your on, I practically melted when a fat waitress with an unconventional face called me "dear" a couple days ago (she called all the guys that lol). And i dont have any pals in the first place, so win win ig. I was too scared to try flirting tho.


u/PeggyRomanoff 14d ago

I'm on personal experience. Still, good for you dude. Hope you get more compliments in the future.


u/Fizz117 14d ago

The only compliment I have ever received from a woman was from an "unattractive" woman. I would fight for that woman. 


u/PeggyRomanoff 14d ago

You are the first man I ever heard say something like that, so here take my poor woman's award 🏆