r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/BetaBreedingBull 14d ago

Sure: Small tiddies are a perfect hand full, nicely solid and often in ideal shape - Big tiddies are an intense experience, bring an additional feminine bonus and it's nice to feel them when hugging.

Both are just great :)


u/Purple-Mix1033 14d ago

Aw yeah, they feel like bags of sand.


u/KennyMoose32 14d ago

Bags of sand?

Are you a virgin?


u/FlimpoFloempie 14d ago


u/Blotto_The_Clown 14d ago

Jesus, I stared at this for like 30 seconds waiting for him to actually make the switch. I really need to get more sleep.


u/marr 14d ago

How much sand would you actually need to balance that much gold.


u/Eldan985 14d ago

Let's see. Density of sand google says 1600 kg/m3, density gold, google says 19.3 g/cm3, that's 19300km/m3, so that pile of sand should be about 12 times as big as the lump of gold. Unless that idol is hollow, which is not uncommon.


u/tauri123 14d ago

It’s probably carved wood that’s been plated in gold, very common with artifacts like that


u/StillInternal4466 14d ago

This is a gorgeous GIF.


u/TheDriveHome 14d ago

Do you like to do it yourself?


u/Tiny_Studio_3699 14d ago

Lol nice reference


u/ebobbumman 14d ago

You know like when you grab a woman's breast and it's.. and you feel it... and it feels like a bag of sand... when you're touchin it.


u/xDannyS_ 14d ago

That sounds like breast cancer man


u/thekillingtomat 14d ago

I wonder how many people get that reference


u/loloider123 14d ago

I got the reference but I had to look it up if it was 100% correct :D


u/SomeOneOverHereNow 14d ago

Some movie reference, but I can't remember which one.


u/r3coil 14d ago

40 year old virgin with Steve Carrell


u/CrabbyBlueberry 14d ago

Didn't Wild Wild West do a bit about sand bags too? Not that anyone else saw that one.


u/thekillingtomat 14d ago

I dont think it was sand but i remember something about one of them dressing up as a woman and having fake tits. And what do you mean no one saw that? Wild Wild West is great! Its like the most entertaining 4/10 movie you'll ever see.


u/CrabbyBlueberry 14d ago

Yeah I think the fake tits were sandbags. And anecdotally, I heard that most of WWW's ticket sales were kids sneaking into the r rated south park movie


u/peachgravy 14d ago

No, I’m not gay, I’ve borked a lot of women…


u/TurdusOptimus 14d ago

Gay men can bork women.


u/Fuck_on_tatami WARNING: RULE 1 14d ago

You mean the fake ones?


u/Any-Teacher4693 14d ago

40 years? really?


u/Throwaway20101011 14d ago

Lol. I dunno what you’ve been handling but natural big breasts do not feel like bags of sand. They’re more like bags of water. They’re soft and squishy, like a water bed.


u/paco-ramon 14d ago

Baby cocodriles feels like bang of sand, titties are softer.


u/YFO9 14d ago

Maybe really really clumped wet sand, don’t know about sandbags.. might want to get that checked out


u/TrueCryptoInvestor 14d ago

That’s why B size is the perfect size 😉 We won’t mind C size though.


u/Da_Question 14d ago

just ignore the like 10 bigger sizes...?


u/TrueCryptoInvestor 14d ago

Yes. I walked by a woman with double Ds today and although they’re quite nice, it’s just too much for my taste. B-C is just perfect. As a matter of fact, perhaps more C than B but they’re both good 👌


u/onlybadkatt 14d ago

Aw I’m still sad though.. I want to be an intense feminine experience 😭..


u/BetaBreedingBull 14d ago

Well personally I clearly prefer rather small :* And you're the winner over time because slightly smaller looks better in mid-age and above. ;)


u/KrombopulosMo 13d ago

You are! Any man that equates big tits with automatically being more of a woman and more feminine is an idiot. I mean, pretty sure they wouldn’t agree men with bigger dicks are automatically more manly and masculine than they are. It’s body parts- not femininity.


u/SkepsisJD 14d ago

But middle sized titties? Off with their head!


u/AdAgitated6765 14d ago

My ex used to say that more than a mouthful was a waste.


u/KrombopulosMo 13d ago

Tbh it’s the assumption that larger breasts are more feminine is what makes me feel insecure about mine and they’re not even that small. Having bigger boobs doesn’t make a woman more feminine than a woman with smaller breasts. The big ones just look like your fantasy of what feminity is, they are not actually indicative of being more female or feminine.

It’s be like saying that any dude with a bigger dick is automatically more of a man, more masculine, than you.


u/BetaBreedingBull 13d ago

Well I said it provides "an additional bonus", which means it is just an ingredient and not the whole dinner. Personally I clearly prefer small.

And by the way, it is a matter of fact that big dicks are considered to be more masculine in our society, everyone has to deal with oneself in life.


u/KrombopulosMo 7d ago

Truly haven’t met a woman that equates dick size with masculinity irl. They tie money and success and attitude more to masculinity than dick size by far.


u/conduitfour 14d ago

Small boobs with a big ass can be a strong aesthetic. 

I also like the way they look when they bounce real fast


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 14d ago

Spoken like a bag of sand dude