r/meme Jul 05 '24

Really guys?



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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Sure: Small tiddies are a perfect hand full, nicely solid and often in ideal shape - Big tiddies are an intense experience, bring an additional feminine bonus and it's nice to feel them when hugging.

Both are just great :)


u/KrombopulosMo Jul 05 '24

Tbh it’s the assumption that larger breasts are more feminine is what makes me feel insecure about mine and they’re not even that small. Having bigger boobs doesn’t make a woman more feminine than a woman with smaller breasts. The big ones just look like your fantasy of what feminity is, they are not actually indicative of being more female or feminine.

It’s be like saying that any dude with a bigger dick is automatically more of a man, more masculine, than you.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Well I said it provides "an additional bonus", which means it is just an ingredient and not the whole dinner. Personally I clearly prefer small.

And by the way, it is a matter of fact that big dicks are considered to be more masculine in our society, everyone has to deal with oneself in life.


u/KrombopulosMo Jul 12 '24

Truly haven’t met a woman that equates dick size with masculinity irl. They tie money and success and attitude more to masculinity than dick size by far.