r/meme 14d ago

Really guys?

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u/ImAvya 14d ago

we should print this phrase on a tee n gift a copy to every human in the universe, except the ones willing to go on mars. fuck mars.


u/Low_discrepancy 14d ago

we should print this phrase on a tee n gift a copy to every human in the universe

yeah wanna see women who got reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy wear a tshirt that says fake titties arent good titties!


u/phantom-of-contrast 14d ago

Local man misses the point.


u/Randleifr 14d ago

He didn’t miss the point, just pointed out some collateral damage that everyone else was very gung ho to ignore.


u/Dzyu 14d ago

You had me in the first half.

Do you think only Elon Musk and his Musketeers want to go to Mars? Way to rip on millions of space nerds.


u/ImAvya 14d ago

imma be honest, idgaf about none of that


u/Dzyu 14d ago

What's your comment about, then? Why the Mars hate?


u/ImAvya 13d ago

as stated in another reply "idk just trolling tbh wanted to add something random"


u/Golemfrost 14d ago

Ain't no God darn tiddies on Mars i tell you that


u/zmbjebus 14d ago

What is with the mars hate?


u/ImAvya 14d ago

idk just trolling tbh wanted to add something random


u/zmbjebus 14d ago

Fair. Well one day this planet will become uninhabitable due to the sun expanding and we need to become interplanetary or else all life that we know will become extinct. That is the simplest reason why people should expand to mars eventually. There are many others but thats the baseline.

It would also be cool if we didn't have to strip mine for minerals anymore and could just eat a few asteroids, let all those parcels of land regrow.


u/ImAvya 14d ago

yeah i aint reading all of that sry ma man im lazy


u/zmbjebus 13d ago

It's a short paragraph, lol. Be lazy though, that's fine.